97-1091council File # �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ���� � �, � �-�. , E r � �'i .. , .f/1._ Presented By � Referred To 3� Committee= Date 1 2 3 1. The maximum number of vehicles for sale sha11 not exceed (75) seventy- five. 2. At least (7) seven off street parking spaces shall be provided £or customers and employees. Four of these spaces must be located nearest the building located at the back of the lot. Signs must be gosted on building indicating area reserved for customer parking. One of the spaces nearest the door to the building must be designated for handicapped vehicles (see plan for specifications). 3. IZepair of the vehicles is not permitted. 4. The vinyl slatted fence along the southeast property line must be maintained in good condition to screen auto use from adjacent residence. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea N� Absent 7 B a� � 8 Bostran � g Harris 10 Meaa� � 11 Morton 12 T un� 13 Co z� ns — � 14 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date �,,.,.� 3���� 17 �� 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 20 21 By: ��----�� � ,- � a.n 22 // 23 Approved by Mayor: Date `t �(`��"-' 24 / 25 / 26 By: Ls 27 RESOLVED: That application (ID #11486) for a Second Hand DealerMotor Vehicle License by St. Paul Auto Sales Inc. DBA Car Credit Company (George Brosheazs, President) at 605 Como Avenue be and the same is hereby approvedwith the following conditions: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �''�^'�d� Office of License Insnections and Environmental Protection By: C�� � �� � Form Approved by City Attorney By :� �-- ��c � i l, Cs-/� �� C Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �t'l- to91 DEPMTIAEN7#FlCE/GOUNCII DATE INITIATED 3 7 9 6 7 LIEP Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE �DEPAFTMENTOIflECTOfl �CITYCOUNqL Christine Rozek 266-9108 A���N �CRYATfOBNEY �CITYCLERK NUNBEAFOR MUSTBE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ORDEfl AIpyOR(OFASSISTANI] For hearin : � ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: St. Paul Auto Sales Inc. DBA Car Credit Company requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License located at 605 Como Avenue (ID 11486), RECOMMENDATiONS: npprova (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIYIL SERYfGE CAMMI$$IQN �� Ha5 this per5on/firm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTqICT CoURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE'+ VES NO Explain all yes answers on se4arate sheet antl flttach W green ahcet INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIN (Who. What, When, Where, Why): �.in� y r „ � ' � fsY� r°'GR✓ �uN 17 ��s7 w -�-� �; ������ � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: `�PR ,N f M'� 1 k;?�pi,e � {� �'W.�... % l:. . d � . " 2 4r:�I �;�� � � DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVEO. _ ----_ __ �.. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' TO7AL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfdG SOUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCiALINFORNiATION:(EXPLAIN) � 1 �( 5� t--� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION /�1 • • L t'��'��e� ' l: _ ••••1 1 1 T}pe of License(s) being applied for: 9'1-10�1 CITY OF SAINT PALJL o�a �ru�, u�v� ana Em'vom,«rtal Protectian Iso sc Pne Sc s�me 300 L'aqPut�Mw�esoL SSIOt � (613) 7b690➢0 fu I612) 766913� s 317v Q D S S S Company Name: S��N � �f L 41 T� Corporation Putnmhip/SolcPrvprictorship If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: _ Doing Business As: /`ar ��: �cQ �-F C��.�.�oK�. s��,�s Aaaress: _ � DS__ �`�..� � A.-� , Strea Addrer Betweea what cross strceu is the business located? Are the premises now� occupied7 '�ES What Type of Business? Mail To Address: _ �iU� L � e- so-ac AaaR.. BusinessPhone: �(�� 4R6 n,n� ss�o'� Ciry cny Sutc Zip Which side of tha street? Appficant Infacmation: / � NamcandTiile: Gm°��c �cQW.,iv� �nS/tetirs �C �';cs��tn.f F'ust ?.7idd (Maiden) Lut ?ide Home Address: _ 1 3 V �� n ei ./��c o .. ¢ .. � f a y .� lr�o.� � /1�1� J�S G � � StreetAddreu Ciry Suu Zip Date of Buth: �S - / 3 - 6� Place of Birth: ST �i4�� N✓l,� Home Phonr. ��� �� y S� - d-� � y Have �uu e'.:i bcc:: c.::� �� a; uf m:, folun;, crunc, u: . ic::..:v„ ui W�} cit} urui,iance ou�ct tnut tta..ici 'i n� .:.. x Date oT arrest: Where? Charge: Com�cticm: _ —. --- - Srntencr• _. . �_.. _ ._. List tbe nama and residrnces of threc persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Citia Metro Area, aot related to the applicant or finsacially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the appticanfs cheracta: , NAME � ADDRESS PHONE .;�� � 1 �1h4✓� List licenses w'hich y�ou currently hold formerly held, or may have an interest in: _ /vlk.% /���r�er lJ:��1' �-iCt�•-.C'e Have any of the above named liccnses wer been revoked? 1'P$ � tf'LC S Ma s„ti z;p 7 ' c/`//5' � s� � � . � NO ISyos, list the dates sad reasons for rwocavon: 2/1 S/97 Are you going to operate this business personal]y? �, YES NO If not, who will operate it? /� T] � io (� ,� � � ! � Fint Nme \tiddle ]nitiil (�Saidrn) Lut Dam of Birth Home Add�ra: Smet \amc Ciry. State Zip � Are yw gomg to hace a managa or assistant ia ttris business7 _� YES please complete the following information: // L )�.4N� � (Sras�:«>S :�imG IIIM11� City Please list your employment history for the previoas five (5) }�eu period: Business/Em�1 ��ment Address K�'q� �r�� L— c�0 }° ✓�-.. s�,u E ��`� 5 rreef- <<- R� List ell other officen of the corporation: OFFICFR TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAIv1E (Office Held) ADDRESS �,� �� � E �,, PHOIv'E PHONE BIRTH �u-'�.c �r.����s �r p�s;�t�.,� `723� �..� u �lc��c yss-�59� �as-zc�3� 8-�3-E2 � If business is s partnership, ptease include the foltowing informatioa for each partna (use addidonai pages if necessary): FitrtV�me ?.Siddlelaitial (:�Lidm) Lut DueofSirtk Homc Ad�nr. Svxt S:�me City Sw.e Zip Phone Numbet F'va 2:ame !yiddle Snitiai (tiLidcn) t,,st Data of Birth HoeePA�: Strcct\ame Ciry SWe Zip phone;vumbct MINNESOTA TAX IDE2.TIFICATIO23 NUMBER - Pursuant to the I,aws of Mi:usesota, ] 984, Chapter 502, Atticle 8, Section 2(270.72) (1'ex Clears.z::; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro�7de to the State of Minnesota Comnussioner ofRevrnue, the Minnesota business ta� iden1ification number and the social securiry number of eaqh li�ense applican� Uader the tvfinnesota Govemmwt Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we ere required to advisc you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deay the issuance or renewat of your license in the evrnt you owe Minnesota saIes, employer's withholding or motor vehicIe excise tares; - Upoa receiving this information, the llcensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Departmrnt of I2c��rnue. Fiowever, uada the Federal Exchange of Informatioa Agrxmeat, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Intemal Revenue Savice. M'u�esota Tmc Idwaficatiaa Nimmbers (Sales & Use Tax Nianber) may be obtained from t!x State of Minaesota, Business Records Depertment, � 10 Riva Park Plaza (612-296-6181). • � � � Social Security Number: ,� 7 �"� 2- �� 9 � Minnesota Tax Idrntifica6on Number: z U(° � $ _ If a Minnesota Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box NO ff the manager is not the same u the operator, � � � G Dste of Hinb o/ 2/18r97 CEkTffICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby certify that I, or my company, am in crnnpliance Wmh the u•orkers' compensavon insurance coverage requiremenu of Minnesota Statute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I also undernand that pro��sion of false infonnatian in this certification constitutes s�cient grounds for ad�•erse action against all licenses held, including recocation and suspension of said ]icenses. G�� _ l� ct t l Name of Insurance Company: Policy Number: Coverage fr to I have no emplo}�ees covered under workers' compensation insurance �(INITIALS) ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUB;�IITTED WILI. RESULT Ilv DE\TAL OF THIS APPLICATION 1 hereby state that I have answered all of tbe preceding questions, and that the informaUOn contained berein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief: I hereby state further that I have received no money or other consideration, by w•ay of loan, gift, contribution, or otheiuise, other thazt already disclosed in the applicauan w�hich I hereaith subrnitted I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other cit} officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. � e We pill accept pa�ment by cash, check (made payable ta Cit� of Saint Pau� or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFPAYINCBYCR£DITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWlNGINFORt1ATION: �MuterCazd �Visa �XPIItATION DATE: � � � � \arre o£ CarA�older ACCOUNT NUMBER: I�TiTiTi ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ �I Titi7�Iil�l of Cazd Holdertreauired for all Date ""Note: If ihis application is FoodJLiquor reieted, please contact a City of Saint Paul Heafth Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9739a, to review plens. If any substandal ohanges to s�ucture aze andcipated, piease contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-9007 to anply for building pamiu. If there are azry changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoiring Ynspector at 266-9008. Atl applicarions require the totlowing documents. Ptease attach these documents w6en submitting your application: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). � T'he following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): � - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be statea such as I"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placcznent of all pectinent features of the interior of the ticensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, pulang, rest Yooms, ek. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of ihe licensed faciliry, indicate both the current area and the proposed expausion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownership of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTfIONAL INFORMATION. PLEA$E SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> 2/18/97 council File # �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ���� � �, � �-�. , E r � �'i .. , .f/1._ Presented By � Referred To 3� Committee= Date 1 2 3 1. The maximum number of vehicles for sale sha11 not exceed (75) seventy- five. 2. At least (7) seven off street parking spaces shall be provided £or customers and employees. Four of these spaces must be located nearest the building located at the back of the lot. Signs must be gosted on building indicating area reserved for customer parking. One of the spaces nearest the door to the building must be designated for handicapped vehicles (see plan for specifications). 3. IZepair of the vehicles is not permitted. 4. The vinyl slatted fence along the southeast property line must be maintained in good condition to screen auto use from adjacent residence. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea N� Absent 7 B a� � 8 Bostran � g Harris 10 Meaa� � 11 Morton 12 T un� 13 Co z� ns — � 14 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date �,,.,.� 3���� 17 �� 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 20 21 By: ��----�� � ,- � a.n 22 // 23 Approved by Mayor: Date `t �(`��"-' 24 / 25 / 26 By: Ls 27 RESOLVED: That application (ID #11486) for a Second Hand DealerMotor Vehicle License by St. Paul Auto Sales Inc. DBA Car Credit Company (George Brosheazs, President) at 605 Como Avenue be and the same is hereby approvedwith the following conditions: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �''�^'�d� Office of License Insnections and Environmental Protection By: C�� � �� � Form Approved by City Attorney By :� �-- ��c � i l, Cs-/� �� C Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �t'l- to91 DEPMTIAEN7#FlCE/GOUNCII DATE INITIATED 3 7 9 6 7 LIEP Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE �DEPAFTMENTOIflECTOfl �CITYCOUNqL Christine Rozek 266-9108 A���N �CRYATfOBNEY �CITYCLERK NUNBEAFOR MUSTBE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ORDEfl AIpyOR(OFASSISTANI] For hearin : � ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: St. Paul Auto Sales Inc. DBA Car Credit Company requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License located at 605 Como Avenue (ID 11486), RECOMMENDATiONS: npprova (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIYIL SERYfGE CAMMI$$IQN �� Ha5 this per5on/firm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTqICT CoURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE'+ VES NO Explain all yes answers on se4arate sheet antl flttach W green ahcet INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIN (Who. What, When, Where, Why): �.in� y r „ � ' � fsY� r°'GR✓ �uN 17 ��s7 w -�-� �; ������ � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: `�PR ,N f M'� 1 k;?�pi,e � {� �'W.�... % l:. . d � . " 2 4r:�I �;�� � � DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVEO. _ ----_ __ �.. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' TO7AL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfdG SOUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCiALINFORNiATION:(EXPLAIN) � 1 �( 5� t--� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION /�1 • • L t'��'��e� ' l: _ ••••1 1 1 T}pe of License(s) being applied for: 9'1-10�1 CITY OF SAINT PALJL o�a �ru�, u�v� ana Em'vom,«rtal Protectian Iso sc Pne Sc s�me 300 L'aqPut�Mw�esoL SSIOt � (613) 7b690➢0 fu I612) 766913� s 317v Q D S S S Company Name: S��N � �f L 41 T� Corporation Putnmhip/SolcPrvprictorship If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: _ Doing Business As: /`ar ��: �cQ �-F C��.�.�oK�. s��,�s Aaaress: _ � DS__ �`�..� � A.-� , Strea Addrer Betweea what cross strceu is the business located? Are the premises now� occupied7 '�ES What Type of Business? Mail To Address: _ �iU� L � e- so-ac AaaR.. BusinessPhone: �(�� 4R6 n,n� ss�o'� Ciry cny Sutc Zip Which side of tha street? Appficant Infacmation: / � NamcandTiile: Gm°��c �cQW.,iv� �nS/tetirs �C �';cs��tn.f F'ust ?.7idd (Maiden) Lut ?ide Home Address: _ 1 3 V �� n ei ./��c o .. ¢ .. � f a y .� lr�o.� � /1�1� J�S G � � StreetAddreu Ciry Suu Zip Date of Buth: �S - / 3 - 6� Place of Birth: ST �i4�� N✓l,� Home Phonr. ��� �� y S� - d-� � y Have �uu e'.:i bcc:: c.::� �� a; uf m:, folun;, crunc, u: . ic::..:v„ ui W�} cit} urui,iance ou�ct tnut tta..ici 'i n� .:.. x Date oT arrest: Where? Charge: Com�cticm: _ —. --- - Srntencr• _. . �_.. _ ._. List tbe nama and residrnces of threc persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Citia Metro Area, aot related to the applicant or finsacially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the appticanfs cheracta: , NAME � ADDRESS PHONE .;�� � 1 �1h4✓� List licenses w'hich y�ou currently hold formerly held, or may have an interest in: _ /vlk.% /���r�er lJ:��1' �-iCt�•-.C'e Have any of the above named liccnses wer been revoked? 1'P$ � tf'LC S Ma s„ti z;p 7 ' c/`//5' � s� � � . � NO ISyos, list the dates sad reasons for rwocavon: 2/1 S/97 Are you going to operate this business personal]y? �, YES NO If not, who will operate it? /� T] � io (� ,� � � ! � Fint Nme \tiddle ]nitiil (�Saidrn) Lut Dam of Birth Home Add�ra: Smet \amc Ciry. State Zip � Are yw gomg to hace a managa or assistant ia ttris business7 _� YES please complete the following information: // L )�.4N� � (Sras�:«>S :�imG IIIM11� City Please list your employment history for the previoas five (5) }�eu period: Business/Em�1 ��ment Address K�'q� �r�� L— c�0 }° ✓�-.. s�,u E ��`� 5 rreef- <<- R� List ell other officen of the corporation: OFFICFR TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAIv1E (Office Held) ADDRESS �,� �� � E �,, PHOIv'E PHONE BIRTH �u-'�.c �r.����s �r p�s;�t�.,� `723� �..� u �lc��c yss-�59� �as-zc�3� 8-�3-E2 � If business is s partnership, ptease include the foltowing informatioa for each partna (use addidonai pages if necessary): FitrtV�me ?.Siddlelaitial (:�Lidm) Lut DueofSirtk Homc Ad�nr. Svxt S:�me City Sw.e Zip Phone Numbet F'va 2:ame !yiddle Snitiai (tiLidcn) t,,st Data of Birth HoeePA�: Strcct\ame Ciry SWe Zip phone;vumbct MINNESOTA TAX IDE2.TIFICATIO23 NUMBER - Pursuant to the I,aws of Mi:usesota, ] 984, Chapter 502, Atticle 8, Section 2(270.72) (1'ex Clears.z::; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro�7de to the State of Minnesota Comnussioner ofRevrnue, the Minnesota business ta� iden1ification number and the social securiry number of eaqh li�ense applican� Uader the tvfinnesota Govemmwt Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we ere required to advisc you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deay the issuance or renewat of your license in the evrnt you owe Minnesota saIes, employer's withholding or motor vehicIe excise tares; - Upoa receiving this information, the llcensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Departmrnt of I2c��rnue. Fiowever, uada the Federal Exchange of Informatioa Agrxmeat, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Intemal Revenue Savice. M'u�esota Tmc Idwaficatiaa Nimmbers (Sales & Use Tax Nianber) may be obtained from t!x State of Minaesota, Business Records Depertment, � 10 Riva Park Plaza (612-296-6181). • � � � Social Security Number: ,� 7 �"� 2- �� 9 � Minnesota Tax Idrntifica6on Number: z U(° � $ _ If a Minnesota Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box NO ff the manager is not the same u the operator, � � � G Dste of Hinb o/ 2/18r97 CEkTffICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby certify that I, or my company, am in crnnpliance Wmh the u•orkers' compensavon insurance coverage requiremenu of Minnesota Statute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I also undernand that pro��sion of false infonnatian in this certification constitutes s�cient grounds for ad�•erse action against all licenses held, including recocation and suspension of said ]icenses. G�� _ l� ct t l Name of Insurance Company: Policy Number: Coverage fr to I have no emplo}�ees covered under workers' compensation insurance �(INITIALS) ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUB;�IITTED WILI. RESULT Ilv DE\TAL OF THIS APPLICATION 1 hereby state that I have answered all of tbe preceding questions, and that the informaUOn contained berein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief: I hereby state further that I have received no money or other consideration, by w•ay of loan, gift, contribution, or otheiuise, other thazt already disclosed in the applicauan w�hich I hereaith subrnitted I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other cit} officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. � e We pill accept pa�ment by cash, check (made payable ta Cit� of Saint Pau� or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFPAYINCBYCR£DITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWlNGINFORt1ATION: �MuterCazd �Visa �XPIItATION DATE: � � � � \arre o£ CarA�older ACCOUNT NUMBER: I�TiTiTi ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ �I Titi7�Iil�l of Cazd Holdertreauired for all Date ""Note: If ihis application is FoodJLiquor reieted, please contact a City of Saint Paul Heafth Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9739a, to review plens. If any substandal ohanges to s�ucture aze andcipated, piease contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-9007 to anply for building pamiu. If there are azry changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoiring Ynspector at 266-9008. Atl applicarions require the totlowing documents. Ptease attach these documents w6en submitting your application: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). � T'he following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): � - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be statea such as I"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placcznent of all pectinent features of the interior of the ticensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, pulang, rest Yooms, ek. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of ihe licensed faciliry, indicate both the current area and the proposed expausion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownership of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTfIONAL INFORMATION. PLEA$E SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> 2/18/97 council File # �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # ���� � �, � �-�. , E r � �'i .. , .f/1._ Presented By � Referred To 3� Committee= Date 1 2 3 1. The maximum number of vehicles for sale sha11 not exceed (75) seventy- five. 2. At least (7) seven off street parking spaces shall be provided £or customers and employees. Four of these spaces must be located nearest the building located at the back of the lot. Signs must be gosted on building indicating area reserved for customer parking. One of the spaces nearest the door to the building must be designated for handicapped vehicles (see plan for specifications). 3. IZepair of the vehicles is not permitted. 4. The vinyl slatted fence along the southeast property line must be maintained in good condition to screen auto use from adjacent residence. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yea N� Absent 7 B a� � 8 Bostran � g Harris 10 Meaa� � 11 Morton 12 T un� 13 Co z� ns — � 14 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date �,,.,.� 3���� 17 �� 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 20 21 By: ��----�� � ,- � a.n 22 // 23 Approved by Mayor: Date `t �(`��"-' 24 / 25 / 26 By: Ls 27 RESOLVED: That application (ID #11486) for a Second Hand DealerMotor Vehicle License by St. Paul Auto Sales Inc. DBA Car Credit Company (George Brosheazs, President) at 605 Como Avenue be and the same is hereby approvedwith the following conditions: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �''�^'�d� Office of License Insnections and Environmental Protection By: C�� � �� � Form Approved by City Attorney By :� �-- ��c � i l, Cs-/� �� C Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �t'l- to91 DEPMTIAEN7#FlCE/GOUNCII DATE INITIATED 3 7 9 6 7 LIEP Licensin GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE �DEPAFTMENTOIflECTOfl �CITYCOUNqL Christine Rozek 266-9108 A���N �CRYATfOBNEY �CITYCLERK NUNBEAFOR MUSTBE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ORDEfl AIpyOR(OFASSISTANI] For hearin : � ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: St. Paul Auto Sales Inc. DBA Car Credit Company requests Council approval of its application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License located at 605 Como Avenue (ID 11486), RECOMMENDATiONS: npprova (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIYIL SERYfGE CAMMI$$IQN �� Ha5 this per5on/firm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this personHirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTqICT CoURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE'+ VES NO Explain all yes answers on se4arate sheet antl flttach W green ahcet INITIATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIN (Who. What, When, Where, Why): �.in� y r „ � ' � fsY� r°'GR✓ �uN 17 ��s7 w -�-� �; ������ � ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: `�PR ,N f M'� 1 k;?�pi,e � {� �'W.�... % l:. . d � . " 2 4r:�I �;�� � � DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVEO. _ ----_ __ �.. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' TO7AL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfdG SOUHCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCiALINFORNiATION:(EXPLAIN) � 1 �( 5� t--� CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION /�1 • • L t'��'��e� ' l: _ ••••1 1 1 T}pe of License(s) being applied for: 9'1-10�1 CITY OF SAINT PALJL o�a �ru�, u�v� ana Em'vom,«rtal Protectian Iso sc Pne Sc s�me 300 L'aqPut�Mw�esoL SSIOt � (613) 7b690➢0 fu I612) 766913� s 317v Q D S S S Company Name: S��N � �f L 41 T� Corporation Putnmhip/SolcPrvprictorship If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: _ Doing Business As: /`ar ��: �cQ �-F C��.�.�oK�. s��,�s Aaaress: _ � DS__ �`�..� � A.-� , Strea Addrer Betweea what cross strceu is the business located? Are the premises now� occupied7 '�ES What Type of Business? Mail To Address: _ �iU� L � e- so-ac AaaR.. BusinessPhone: �(�� 4R6 n,n� ss�o'� Ciry cny Sutc Zip Which side of tha street? Appficant Infacmation: / � NamcandTiile: Gm°��c �cQW.,iv� �nS/tetirs �C �';cs��tn.f F'ust ?.7idd (Maiden) Lut ?ide Home Address: _ 1 3 V �� n ei ./��c o .. ¢ .. � f a y .� lr�o.� � /1�1� J�S G � � StreetAddreu Ciry Suu Zip Date of Buth: �S - / 3 - 6� Place of Birth: ST �i4�� N✓l,� Home Phonr. ��� �� y S� - d-� � y Have �uu e'.:i bcc:: c.::� �� a; uf m:, folun;, crunc, u: . ic::..:v„ ui W�} cit} urui,iance ou�ct tnut tta..ici 'i n� .:.. x Date oT arrest: Where? Charge: Com�cticm: _ —. --- - Srntencr• _. . �_.. _ ._. List tbe nama and residrnces of threc persons of good moral character, living within the Twin Citia Metro Area, aot related to the applicant or finsacially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the appticanfs cheracta: , NAME � ADDRESS PHONE .;�� � 1 �1h4✓� List licenses w'hich y�ou currently hold formerly held, or may have an interest in: _ /vlk.% /���r�er lJ:��1' �-iCt�•-.C'e Have any of the above named liccnses wer been revoked? 1'P$ � tf'LC S Ma s„ti z;p 7 ' c/`//5' � s� � � . � NO ISyos, list the dates sad reasons for rwocavon: 2/1 S/97 Are you going to operate this business personal]y? �, YES NO If not, who will operate it? /� T] � io (� ,� � � ! � Fint Nme \tiddle ]nitiil (�Saidrn) Lut Dam of Birth Home Add�ra: Smet \amc Ciry. State Zip � Are yw gomg to hace a managa or assistant ia ttris business7 _� YES please complete the following information: // L )�.4N� � (Sras�:«>S :�imG IIIM11� City Please list your employment history for the previoas five (5) }�eu period: Business/Em�1 ��ment Address K�'q� �r�� L— c�0 }° ✓�-.. s�,u E ��`� 5 rreef- <<- R� List ell other officen of the corporation: OFFICFR TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAIv1E (Office Held) ADDRESS �,� �� � E �,, PHOIv'E PHONE BIRTH �u-'�.c �r.����s �r p�s;�t�.,� `723� �..� u �lc��c yss-�59� �as-zc�3� 8-�3-E2 � If business is s partnership, ptease include the foltowing informatioa for each partna (use addidonai pages if necessary): FitrtV�me ?.Siddlelaitial (:�Lidm) Lut DueofSirtk Homc Ad�nr. Svxt S:�me City Sw.e Zip Phone Numbet F'va 2:ame !yiddle Snitiai (tiLidcn) t,,st Data of Birth HoeePA�: Strcct\ame Ciry SWe Zip phone;vumbct MINNESOTA TAX IDE2.TIFICATIO23 NUMBER - Pursuant to the I,aws of Mi:usesota, ] 984, Chapter 502, Atticle 8, Section 2(270.72) (1'ex Clears.z::; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to pro�7de to the State of Minnesota Comnussioner ofRevrnue, the Minnesota business ta� iden1ification number and the social securiry number of eaqh li�ense applican� Uader the tvfinnesota Govemmwt Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we ere required to advisc you of the following regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This infoimation may be used to deay the issuance or renewat of your license in the evrnt you owe Minnesota saIes, employer's withholding or motor vehicIe excise tares; - Upoa receiving this information, the llcensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Departmrnt of I2c��rnue. Fiowever, uada the Federal Exchange of Informatioa Agrxmeat, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Intemal Revenue Savice. M'u�esota Tmc Idwaficatiaa Nimmbers (Sales & Use Tax Nianber) may be obtained from t!x State of Minaesota, Business Records Depertment, � 10 Riva Park Plaza (612-296-6181). • � � � Social Security Number: ,� 7 �"� 2- �� 9 � Minnesota Tax Idrntifica6on Number: z U(° � $ _ If a Minnesota Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box NO ff the manager is not the same u the operator, � � � G Dste of Hinb o/ 2/18r97 CEkTffICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 176.182 I hereby certify that I, or my company, am in crnnpliance Wmh the u•orkers' compensavon insurance coverage requiremenu of Minnesota Statute 176.182, subdi�ision 2. I also undernand that pro��sion of false infonnatian in this certification constitutes s�cient grounds for ad�•erse action against all licenses held, including recocation and suspension of said ]icenses. G�� _ l� ct t l Name of Insurance Company: Policy Number: Coverage fr to I have no emplo}�ees covered under workers' compensation insurance �(INITIALS) ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUB;�IITTED WILI. RESULT Ilv DE\TAL OF THIS APPLICATION 1 hereby state that I have answered all of tbe preceding questions, and that the informaUOn contained berein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief: I hereby state further that I have received no money or other consideration, by w•ay of loan, gift, contribution, or otheiuise, other thazt already disclosed in the applicauan w�hich I hereaith subrnitted I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other cit} officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. � e We pill accept pa�ment by cash, check (made payable ta Cit� of Saint Pau� or credit card (M/C or Visa). IFPAYINCBYCR£DITCARDPLEASECOMPLETETHEFOLLOWlNGINFORt1ATION: �MuterCazd �Visa �XPIItATION DATE: � � � � \arre o£ CarA�older ACCOUNT NUMBER: I�TiTiTi ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ �I Titi7�Iil�l of Cazd Holdertreauired for all Date ""Note: If ihis application is FoodJLiquor reieted, please contact a City of Saint Paul Heafth Inspector, Steve Olson (266-9739a, to review plens. If any substandal ohanges to s�ucture aze andcipated, piease contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Plan Exazniner at 266-9007 to anply for building pamiu. If there are azry changes to the parking lot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paul Zoiring Ynspector at 266-9008. Atl applicarions require the totlowing documents. Ptease attach these documents w6en submitting your application: 1. A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). � T'he following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x 1 I" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): � - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be statea such as I"= 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Placcznent of all pectinent features of the interior of the ticensed facility such as seating azeas, kitchens, offices, repair azea, pulang, rest Yooms, ek. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of ihe licensed faciliry, indicate both the current area and the proposed expausion. 2. A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownership of the properry. SPECIFIC LICENSE APPLICATIONS REQUIRE ADDTfIONAL INFORMATION. PLEA$E SEE REVERSE FOR DETAILS >>>> 2/18/97