97-1084��� ���� -�- .� � r '`, . _. . . _ . . ; Presented ���� - a J3 j�7 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � s Council File # Green Sheet # �irt -� 1 �£S y 32594 �� Referted To: Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the qsh balances wdhin various funds of the City exceed short tertn needs, and currently are i�vested by the Financiaf z Service Office, Treasury Section, to yield approximaty 6% in 19967, and 3 a WHEREAS, the City or HRA have initlatives that cannot be financed under current City or State bonding or borrowing authority or laws, and s s WHEREAS, the City has the authority to borrow between funds, and has established an Internal Service Fund to wntrol antl moniter � the transactions between funds, and 8 e WHEREAS, the Ciry will assign the Chief Accountant and City Treasurer as advisory council to review and advise the City on transactions �o for the use of cash float between funds so as to maiMain iMegrety of the City cash with the minimum risk for the City, and n �z WNEREAS, the HRA wants to raise sufficient financing for the Downtown & 7th Place Tau incremeni district 1993 debt refinancing and has ia offered both Gity and HRA assets and associated revenue streams for sale to accomplish that financing, and ia is WHEREAS, an independent analysis has confirmed that the City can prwide the financing at a Iower cost then the proposed transaction, and is n WHERFAS, there will be secure assets with sufficient revenoe streams dedicated to the intemal Service Fund to suppod repayment of �a principal, witfi interest, to the funds advancing the use of cash, now is zo THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Councii approves the use of the Irrtemal Service Fund to do intertund hansactions of cash within n the city funds as allowed by law, and zz zs BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all loans created by the Internaf Service Fund must be approved by City Council Resolution the proposaf 2a herein set forth in this Resolution are approved, a�d zs zs 6E IT FURTHER RESOIVED, that all loa�s pay interest floating with the City treasury portfolio investment rete, but not to exceed 6.5%, and 2� zs BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Chief Accountant and the City Treasurer will adjust the cash float to "cash rich" funds aflowed by law, to zs v s ci sadi ns and s ur@ that intere t i paid and properly cr dit d, ow � �� ��t ��a�.��, t�at aJl� interna� �orrowing and of repayment be re and ratea ior inves men aua i v v an imoaz ia ai' n��au inanc a ins i u io�n a�n fha� si � ntrctrurtt, tne ���ayor, pursuant to sec. tOAL[la oi tne c�ry cha er, recommen s e o o mg c ange� o e 199 u ge . 32 33 Current Amended aa Butlget Change Budget as FINANCING PLAN: Internai Borrowing Fund ss Gl 070 10300 6928 Advance from Other Funds 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 a� GL 070 10300 6XXX loan repayments 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 ae AII OYher Fund Financing 0 0 0 3s 0 30,590,000 30 590 000 ao ai SPENDING PLAN: Intemal Borrowing Fund az GL 070 10300 0599 Acquisistion of Loans Receivable 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 as GL 070 10300 0545 Contribution to HRA (Dwnhvn TfF) 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 aa AII Other Fund Spending 0 Q 0 as 0 30 590 000 30 590 000 as a� FINANCING PLAN: aa GL 001 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others 0 4,295,000 4,295,000 as All Other Funtl Financing 151,575,227 0 151,575,227 so " 151,575227 4295000 155,870,227 ei sz SPENDING PLAN: sa GL 001 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others 0 4,295,000 4,295,000 5a AIIOtherFundSpending 151,575,227 0 151,575,227 5s 151,575,227 4,295,OOD 155870227 n council File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To: Green Sheet # Committee: Date � l 32594 i z z a 5 6 7 a 9 io ti 12 73 in 15 ts tt is te zo 21 22 23 24 zs 2s 27 2e 29 � ai 32 33 3A 35 36 37 � 39 40 at az � � as as a7 4s as � 57 52 53 � CONTINUATION : FINANCING PLAN: GL 802 00000 6922 Repayment ofAdvance to Others Afl Other Fund Financing SPENDING PIAN: GL 802 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others All Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 930 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others All Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 930 00000 0535 Recoverable Ativance from Others All Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 2fi0 OQ000 6922 Repayme�t of Advance to Others AIt Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 260 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others All Other Funtl Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 24� �0�00 6922 Repayment of Advance to Othere AII Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 240 00000 0535 Recoverable Ativance from Others AI1 Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 245 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others All Other Fu�d Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 245 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance From Others All Other Fund Spending 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 5Q�,000 500,000 0 500,000 4,QOQ,000 0 4,000,�00 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 4,�00,000 0 4.000 000 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 25a,000 D 250,000 250,000 0 250.000 250,OD0 0 25D 000 250,000 0 250,000 500,000 0 500 0�0 500,000 0 500,000 4,0�0,00� 0 4,000,�00 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 4,000,�00 0 4 000 000 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 250,�00 0 250 000 250,000 0 250,000 250,ODD 0 250,000 250,000 0 250 060 Council File # � � — � ��� Green Sheet# 32594 Presented By: Referred Ta: Committee: Date z FINANqNG PLAN: a GL 130 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others 0 a Alt Other Fund Financing 50 s 50 s s iu 71 72 13 ia 15 16 n 18 19 zo a� zz 23 2a 25 20 SPENDING PLAN: GL 130 Q000� �535 Recoverable Advance from Others AII Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 165 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others All Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 165 00000 0535 Recoverabfe Advance from Others Ail Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 436 00000 6922 Repayment of Adva�ce to Others All Other Fund Financing 0 50 —� 0 5� 50 0 50 50 0 50 5� z� SPENDING PLAN: 2a GL 436 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others 0 zs All Other Fund Spending 50 30 $Q 3t 40 4i RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. az 1,000,000 0 1,000,�0� 1,��0,000 0 t,000,D00 1,000,000 50 t, 0�,050 1,00�,�00 50 1,000,050 500,OD0 Q 500,000 �� ��� 1 �� ��� 5�0,0�0 0 5D0,000 �� ��� � �� 1�1 Requested by Department of: Adoption / C�ertified by Council Secretary: BY� 11 \..� �1 . �r Approved 6y Mayor. Date �� t�1 T BY: � l. � V � �- RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SD0,000 50 5 0,05 500,000 50 500,0 0 500,�Q0 50 500,05D 500,ODD 50 6� O5� Financial Services O ice - Tr sury � By: Shirley Davi Approval Recommended by Budget Diredor: � B �.Yr— 1 L.is-c..�S� Form Ap ed by Cit Attorne : B y � �� Approved by Mayor f ubmission to Council: By: �/ � ^5a(mPamBUdyetoirce(n:44���vesoWtian ��musnnm.wKa) oufaro� Adopted by Council: Date 99 �'3 � °'�—_ 5 OEPARTF@NC(OFf1CPfWONCLL OATEIMMtPD �'.P� � I O �xnNCm.r,sERVICES C Tre 0&13-97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32594 � WM'.1C(PF]LSON&PHONE � DEPARITffN'1'D➢tEC1Y)R � GTR'WUNCrt. ShirleyDavis, 266-8839 t �s am"rronrmr _ � cmc�.ouc ANSTHEONWlINC6.AG9mA8YNA OS FYIANCITLSEAV[CES➢@. O F41�tOtF.ACC1'G. O MAYOA(�RASSiSI'AMJ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATfJRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'NRE) ONAEQUESIID Establish Fund and financwg far intemal borrowing PF[DAAffsOA]IONS:A4pmve(A)orl4jea(R) I PERSONALSERVICECON7'RACfSMUSfANSWERTAEFOLLOWINGQUESITONS: e�.ntmma�O�o-masSWtv clw.satnCewamasvota 1.HattSispa2odficmeverwodced�mderacontactforthisdepaztment? cm co�w.m'rv� YES NO _ n _ s'� _ 2.Hasthispc�soNS=meverbernaciTyemployee? Drsce[amaei _ YFS NO sUeeox'rs wtnCxmmvm,oa�ECtrv�'r 3. Does this persodSlm possess a slall not noemallypossessed by avy avrtent ciry cmployee� YFS NO (L'xPlain a119a avawexsou xpnrah5httt end altaeh M grceu s4eeL) NRTIA'ffIJGPROSLEM1I,ISSUE.OPPORNN(h'M�,�4�m,M1� ,WhY) The Cash baiances from several funds of the city can be used For iutemal bonowing. Under the right c'acwnstances Yhis approach cau save substaatial interest and bonowing charges. T(ils resolution establishes tUat Internal Service Fund -"IN'iBRNAL BORROWING FIJND", wiLl use cash balances from selecfed funds of the City, to make ]oans to other City or HRA funds that qualify as "bankable" and have a revenue stream that wi11 repay ffie funds over a specified schedule. AUVANTAGFSIFAPPROVED The city will have an altemative source of financing for self-Snanced initiatives that have the advantage of keeping costs low. The ciry can lend itself money, using cash float from one or more funds to finance pmjects, but only those projects having real xevenues to repay that loan. D6ADVqNTpGPSIFAPPAOVEO. Financing may be approved For initiarives that have limited potenfial to repay obligafions. IDSAiI VANTAGES OF NOS APPItOVID' The Ciry must continually tum to the outside finaneial community, and pay taxable interest rates for projects it has the wherewithall to finance itself. rorncnniomrrovrwwswrnox 515295000.00 wsrmeve�+oesoncsrfin�cmcceom� ves rvo ammmcsouRCe Miscelianeous ncn�rrr�o�en GL - 070 -10300 - xXbc FAIANCiAt PTOItMAItON. (EXPLApJ) Saimo-aui6uegelottrce(n:41����sWUtions�cnMCasMIm.Y(Ka) oataroi I� �1�— �� __ m 3 �t x�� m,� e m m � m o � � H� ['1 c7 � 0 m Q M� C1 O p O x 0 O! h O 0 R 0 t� N t� y [O O� CV n Oi 0 N � V N[�! A T N � m ~ W P'�� b 0 a ^� 0 0 f0 �O p h r O m P O 0 0 r w ' ' � m mmoo o`�im m ' �� a a� e� a m�. F� c�i LL � 0 O l� � p qp v0 �`�j]. � N e N O p� N N W N m1n'I �a C C Pe° mQ tG�ri� � � m a a m c a W V ' w m a m � m w m� �'� m. m`�n a om d N d Oi m O N n n V' N 10 L C �S � W 0 0� n P A 0 0 W �LL P � � f N W O w t��1 w W n m O a N O'1 N 0 l0 N tp 3 c ' m! N i= o' m o o' n n LL _ _ Q 0 � @ '� , W N d b N � N N C� n O p� e '1 Ci . N tn oi ai Vy nnovo`o`o �? C V Y Vi Yl b N<< P P lV P ULL �� �Pwrvo n`� n` O N O Ca ua N 0 0 m � w O M V� b N� N ��- � 9 h 0 � n w n a) I_ m � C � a Cj N N N< N LL N N N N N N N N 4V N p N m oJ N V N M N I`� � w O� J�9 _ _ _ _�n n a m . n d N 'p C �(�O m N o V N F ti M N m y �y N N N N a c a�V N N N N � � � � � O � m �� m t0 m � n 0 � f9 OI � t m n O h m N m N� y fp O N b 4O a c ' nn� ' N ei� ° c q �y m b N N N Y 0 � O m m p � 0� y 0 O N� 0 A N � I� N __ LL ' m O�O � O p 0� m W � ry� na oom ` ` LL .- � � rreioi � O q� O N` m � 0 O N m m N � b m N 0 � � �O W t0 a� ry w` � x a ''` a`a m m d � � � � � � � � N %[� N o O e N N M1 N f) Y m I� N Q y N � m m n N 0 Oi W Y� p ° v�i � m� o m m w n a LL � � N <!�'1 �<< ah n F N N t� a�� .�oh _ .^°? rc Oi t� 0 N � � �11 ' E��Nmw.°'n°m.`°n ° w m Nti. F m i �� p � p ro � ma �? n o mo mN LL a a dduidd6m 'v a �°on°v�ame�im°w �v�i'aw o - - °- - `= `O � e�a mw�e�r=o$M 1L N ��� � N N � N d � 3 �F �.-N[�Vig(DrOJO�� � f0 o ° y 'm `nmm n n�{.•� -m m n < N f0 _ _ _ _ � N � h _ _ _ F N O O m m 0 h O N W O P N b� b 0 O [ � O� t� < M m ! V i Y� � 0 iD ��O O N @ p!^[V C t0 � N vl d 9 n� m � A m O W S n N n� � P b N 0 O� M< ___ ' F Y F N � N o m u�i " n a` a n" ' Y( � N N(� O] Cl Cf OI C�[i �tl h et b<< H � P 0 N N v �N � �� V � N m F( � N m e N<� A� N 41 N N� O a, N�� ° a en.o mm mn m wa�a` m N � O<� M a� m��� �� ry m M tV m w� O C1 � 0 n 0 C1 m 0 a 0 0�� n� F m O O 0 N A O 0 � r N [O O� N O O fO M � p h p m� m� m O�i o M1 t0 � 9 O�� m O O rv.�n`aa"v"'m�va` m ` $ nao� o• � � 0 N y N � d t'1 O � Q e r� N N W d CE N W� 0 �_ m< P W 0< � t^i � t�V O O� N O � O n rn daaddd<mr.Nw� .nrici e vn.�i �N�W��m�e�_ � �������� "'° � v° ` m o h 0 0"' m m m^� " N N N N N��� N N N N C�1 N N N N N� � m � m � r `m �X ° m� a r m ° o �'n o� °O1 om °a �'P`�omaro�ri.ti � 0 a b< � O 1� t? O 1�O b � t0 N � �� �� � N� N N f � �- �- � W Or C) N V l7 W N� N O m h � W m�� �� N W P O CE N N �� m O n � m O N m W N N m N N d b y l7 < a0 H h h h b�p W N m h N N h C P O O P O � N 9 0 O A h ay n M o 0� r y O S� 1� �O N 1� T� m N< � N n� N O m O N f y 1� n �� 1 n N O 0 t") 0 �4 p T N b � O �^ < l0 � f- �- �- �- '- N lV N (V nl � �- �- �- '- '- �- N � N h� N� N� r N O� � W� A m � �� O W O� `D � n N N n � � h!� N N O 0 0 m d� Ci T 0� h 1� W N I q + � y � j � t0 N N N O q N O �. � � � � �� � �� ��- N N N N N N N �N d N� N d W m O f � r d N<� u n mmNV�n�a m.- nou�000m � m ti m �� V ry O N ti N � � N ' r o m"an v�i " o m u m o m a a �mmr �Mmmrnomm :a vi dvia m� vi n� �o '�inic �n °a mm�o �- �� .-�.-� woioi ".�eiei m �.• « Xj Q O� T� n m m h N t+ O W � mo wm r `.iwo+a o m M1 � F� a a a�i �v,.n vi eiavci O F � � N N m CI m N O ariaiwan�af � �� mm� mn o d°' a`a,.°� m w m o m'n m r m N y A pi m � h O NI � t0 H� M O 0 O 0 M N O N f0 l� N m � W �< �e-NCIVNtOI+mOf��� � m m 'n ° n � f �� y m (y o m � � � R N � � P � ��'J � �Nf7VN+�1� �I 4 �d 9�l - �ogy (.- � re- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all internal borrowing and pledges of repayment be reviewed and rated for investment quality by an unpartial Saint Paul financial institution and that informafion be provided City Council for consideration in its decision, and ��� ���� -�- .� � r '`, . _. . . _ . . ; Presented ���� - a J3 j�7 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � s Council File # Green Sheet # �irt -� 1 �£S y 32594 �� Referted To: Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the qsh balances wdhin various funds of the City exceed short tertn needs, and currently are i�vested by the Financiaf z Service Office, Treasury Section, to yield approximaty 6% in 19967, and 3 a WHEREAS, the City or HRA have initlatives that cannot be financed under current City or State bonding or borrowing authority or laws, and s s WHEREAS, the City has the authority to borrow between funds, and has established an Internal Service Fund to wntrol antl moniter � the transactions between funds, and 8 e WHEREAS, the Ciry will assign the Chief Accountant and City Treasurer as advisory council to review and advise the City on transactions �o for the use of cash float between funds so as to maiMain iMegrety of the City cash with the minimum risk for the City, and n �z WNEREAS, the HRA wants to raise sufficient financing for the Downtown & 7th Place Tau incremeni district 1993 debt refinancing and has ia offered both Gity and HRA assets and associated revenue streams for sale to accomplish that financing, and ia is WHEREAS, an independent analysis has confirmed that the City can prwide the financing at a Iower cost then the proposed transaction, and is n WHERFAS, there will be secure assets with sufficient revenoe streams dedicated to the intemal Service Fund to suppod repayment of �a principal, witfi interest, to the funds advancing the use of cash, now is zo THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Councii approves the use of the Irrtemal Service Fund to do intertund hansactions of cash within n the city funds as allowed by law, and zz zs BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all loans created by the Internaf Service Fund must be approved by City Council Resolution the proposaf 2a herein set forth in this Resolution are approved, a�d zs zs 6E IT FURTHER RESOIVED, that all loa�s pay interest floating with the City treasury portfolio investment rete, but not to exceed 6.5%, and 2� zs BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Chief Accountant and the City Treasurer will adjust the cash float to "cash rich" funds aflowed by law, to zs v s ci sadi ns and s ur@ that intere t i paid and properly cr dit d, ow � �� ��t ��a�.��, t�at aJl� interna� �orrowing and of repayment be re and ratea ior inves men aua i v v an imoaz ia ai' n��au inanc a ins i u io�n a�n fha� si � ntrctrurtt, tne ���ayor, pursuant to sec. tOAL[la oi tne c�ry cha er, recommen s e o o mg c ange� o e 199 u ge . 32 33 Current Amended aa Butlget Change Budget as FINANCING PLAN: Internai Borrowing Fund ss Gl 070 10300 6928 Advance from Other Funds 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 a� GL 070 10300 6XXX loan repayments 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 ae AII OYher Fund Financing 0 0 0 3s 0 30,590,000 30 590 000 ao ai SPENDING PLAN: Intemal Borrowing Fund az GL 070 10300 0599 Acquisistion of Loans Receivable 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 as GL 070 10300 0545 Contribution to HRA (Dwnhvn TfF) 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 aa AII Other Fund Spending 0 Q 0 as 0 30 590 000 30 590 000 as a� FINANCING PLAN: aa GL 001 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others 0 4,295,000 4,295,000 as All Other Funtl Financing 151,575,227 0 151,575,227 so " 151,575227 4295000 155,870,227 ei sz SPENDING PLAN: sa GL 001 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others 0 4,295,000 4,295,000 5a AIIOtherFundSpending 151,575,227 0 151,575,227 5s 151,575,227 4,295,OOD 155870227 n council File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To: Green Sheet # Committee: Date � l 32594 i z z a 5 6 7 a 9 io ti 12 73 in 15 ts tt is te zo 21 22 23 24 zs 2s 27 2e 29 � ai 32 33 3A 35 36 37 � 39 40 at az � � as as a7 4s as � 57 52 53 � CONTINUATION : FINANCING PLAN: GL 802 00000 6922 Repayment ofAdvance to Others Afl Other Fund Financing SPENDING PIAN: GL 802 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others All Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 930 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others All Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 930 00000 0535 Recoverable Ativance from Others All Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 2fi0 OQ000 6922 Repayme�t of Advance to Others AIt Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 260 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others All Other Funtl Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 24� �0�00 6922 Repayment of Advance to Othere AII Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 240 00000 0535 Recoverable Ativance from Others AI1 Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 245 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others All Other Fu�d Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 245 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance From Others All Other Fund Spending 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 5Q�,000 500,000 0 500,000 4,QOQ,000 0 4,000,�00 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 4,�00,000 0 4.000 000 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 25a,000 D 250,000 250,000 0 250.000 250,OD0 0 25D 000 250,000 0 250,000 500,000 0 500 0�0 500,000 0 500,000 4,0�0,00� 0 4,000,�00 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 4,000,�00 0 4 000 000 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 250,�00 0 250 000 250,000 0 250,000 250,ODD 0 250,000 250,000 0 250 060 Council File # � � — � ��� Green Sheet# 32594 Presented By: Referred Ta: Committee: Date z FINANqNG PLAN: a GL 130 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others 0 a Alt Other Fund Financing 50 s 50 s s iu 71 72 13 ia 15 16 n 18 19 zo a� zz 23 2a 25 20 SPENDING PLAN: GL 130 Q000� �535 Recoverable Advance from Others AII Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 165 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others All Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 165 00000 0535 Recoverabfe Advance from Others Ail Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 436 00000 6922 Repayment of Adva�ce to Others All Other Fund Financing 0 50 —� 0 5� 50 0 50 50 0 50 5� z� SPENDING PLAN: 2a GL 436 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others 0 zs All Other Fund Spending 50 30 $Q 3t 40 4i RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. az 1,000,000 0 1,000,�0� 1,��0,000 0 t,000,D00 1,000,000 50 t, 0�,050 1,00�,�00 50 1,000,050 500,OD0 Q 500,000 �� ��� 1 �� ��� 5�0,0�0 0 5D0,000 �� ��� � �� 1�1 Requested by Department of: Adoption / C�ertified by Council Secretary: BY� 11 \..� �1 . �r Approved 6y Mayor. Date �� t�1 T BY: � l. � V � �- RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SD0,000 50 5 0,05 500,000 50 500,0 0 500,�Q0 50 500,05D 500,ODD 50 6� O5� Financial Services O ice - Tr sury � By: Shirley Davi Approval Recommended by Budget Diredor: � B �.Yr— 1 L.is-c..�S� Form Ap ed by Cit Attorne : B y � �� Approved by Mayor f ubmission to Council: By: �/ � ^5a(mPamBUdyetoirce(n:44���vesoWtian ��musnnm.wKa) oufaro� Adopted by Council: Date 99 �'3 � °'�—_ 5 OEPARTF@NC(OFf1CPfWONCLL OATEIMMtPD �'.P� � I O �xnNCm.r,sERVICES C Tre 0&13-97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32594 � WM'.1C(PF]LSON&PHONE � DEPARITffN'1'D➢tEC1Y)R � GTR'WUNCrt. ShirleyDavis, 266-8839 t �s am"rronrmr _ � cmc�.ouc ANSTHEONWlINC6.AG9mA8YNA OS FYIANCITLSEAV[CES➢@. O F41�tOtF.ACC1'G. O MAYOA(�RASSiSI'AMJ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATfJRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'NRE) ONAEQUESIID Establish Fund and financwg far intemal borrowing PF[DAAffsOA]IONS:A4pmve(A)orl4jea(R) I PERSONALSERVICECON7'RACfSMUSfANSWERTAEFOLLOWINGQUESITONS: e�.ntmma�O�o-masSWtv clw.satnCewamasvota 1.HattSispa2odficmeverwodced�mderacontactforthisdepaztment? cm co�w.m'rv� YES NO _ n _ s'� _ 2.Hasthispc�soNS=meverbernaciTyemployee? Drsce[amaei _ YFS NO sUeeox'rs wtnCxmmvm,oa�ECtrv�'r 3. Does this persodSlm possess a slall not noemallypossessed by avy avrtent ciry cmployee� YFS NO (L'xPlain a119a avawexsou xpnrah5httt end altaeh M grceu s4eeL) NRTIA'ffIJGPROSLEM1I,ISSUE.OPPORNN(h'M�,�4�m,M1� ,WhY) The Cash baiances from several funds of the city can be used For iutemal bonowing. Under the right c'acwnstances Yhis approach cau save substaatial interest and bonowing charges. T(ils resolution establishes tUat Internal Service Fund -"IN'iBRNAL BORROWING FIJND", wiLl use cash balances from selecfed funds of the City, to make ]oans to other City or HRA funds that qualify as "bankable" and have a revenue stream that wi11 repay ffie funds over a specified schedule. AUVANTAGFSIFAPPROVED The city will have an altemative source of financing for self-Snanced initiatives that have the advantage of keeping costs low. The ciry can lend itself money, using cash float from one or more funds to finance pmjects, but only those projects having real xevenues to repay that loan. D6ADVqNTpGPSIFAPPAOVEO. Financing may be approved For initiarives that have limited potenfial to repay obligafions. IDSAiI VANTAGES OF NOS APPItOVID' The Ciry must continually tum to the outside finaneial community, and pay taxable interest rates for projects it has the wherewithall to finance itself. rorncnniomrrovrwwswrnox 515295000.00 wsrmeve�+oesoncsrfin�cmcceom� ves rvo ammmcsouRCe Miscelianeous ncn�rrr�o�en GL - 070 -10300 - xXbc FAIANCiAt PTOItMAItON. (EXPLApJ) Saimo-aui6uegelottrce(n:41����sWUtions�cnMCasMIm.Y(Ka) oataroi I� �1�— �� __ m 3 �t x�� m,� e m m � m o � � H� ['1 c7 � 0 m Q M� C1 O p O x 0 O! h O 0 R 0 t� N t� y [O O� CV n Oi 0 N � V N[�! A T N � m ~ W P'�� b 0 a ^� 0 0 f0 �O p h r O m P O 0 0 r w ' ' � m mmoo o`�im m ' �� a a� e� a m�. F� c�i LL � 0 O l� � p qp v0 �`�j]. � N e N O p� N N W N m1n'I �a C C Pe° mQ tG�ri� � � m a a m c a W V ' w m a m � m w m� �'� m. m`�n a om d N d Oi m O N n n V' N 10 L C �S � W 0 0� n P A 0 0 W �LL P � � f N W O w t��1 w W n m O a N O'1 N 0 l0 N tp 3 c ' m! N i= o' m o o' n n LL _ _ Q 0 � @ '� , W N d b N � N N C� n O p� e '1 Ci . N tn oi ai Vy nnovo`o`o �? C V Y Vi Yl b N<< P P lV P ULL �� �Pwrvo n`� n` O N O Ca ua N 0 0 m � w O M V� b N� N ��- � 9 h 0 � n w n a) I_ m � C � a Cj N N N< N LL N N N N N N N N 4V N p N m oJ N V N M N I`� � w O� J�9 _ _ _ _�n n a m . n d N 'p C �(�O m N o V N F ti M N m y �y N N N N a c a�V N N N N � � � � � O � m �� m t0 m � n 0 � f9 OI � t m n O h m N m N� y fp O N b 4O a c ' nn� ' N ei� ° c q �y m b N N N Y 0 � O m m p � 0� y 0 O N� 0 A N � I� N __ LL ' m O�O � O p 0� m W � ry� na oom ` ` LL .- � � rreioi � O q� O N` m � 0 O N m m N � b m N 0 � � �O W t0 a� ry w` � x a ''` a`a m m d � � � � � � � � N %[� N o O e N N M1 N f) Y m I� N Q y N � m m n N 0 Oi W Y� p ° v�i � m� o m m w n a LL � � N <!�'1 �<< ah n F N N t� a�� .�oh _ .^°? rc Oi t� 0 N � � �11 ' E��Nmw.°'n°m.`°n ° w m Nti. F m i �� p � p ro � ma �? n o mo mN LL a a dduidd6m 'v a �°on°v�ame�im°w �v�i'aw o - - °- - `= `O � e�a mw�e�r=o$M 1L N ��� � N N � N d � 3 �F �.-N[�Vig(DrOJO�� � f0 o ° y 'm `nmm n n�{.•� -m m n < N f0 _ _ _ _ � N � h _ _ _ F N O O m m 0 h O N W O P N b� b 0 O [ � O� t� < M m ! V i Y� � 0 iD ��O O N @ p!^[V C t0 � N vl d 9 n� m � A m O W S n N n� � P b N 0 O� M< ___ ' F Y F N � N o m u�i " n a` a n" ' Y( � N N(� O] Cl Cf OI C�[i �tl h et b<< H � P 0 N N v �N � �� V � N m F( � N m e N<� A� N 41 N N� O a, N�� ° a en.o mm mn m wa�a` m N � O<� M a� m��� �� ry m M tV m w� O C1 � 0 n 0 C1 m 0 a 0 0�� n� F m O O 0 N A O 0 � r N [O O� N O O fO M � p h p m� m� m O�i o M1 t0 � 9 O�� m O O rv.�n`aa"v"'m�va` m ` $ nao� o• � � 0 N y N � d t'1 O � Q e r� N N W d CE N W� 0 �_ m< P W 0< � t^i � t�V O O� N O � O n rn daaddd<mr.Nw� .nrici e vn.�i �N�W��m�e�_ � �������� "'° � v° ` m o h 0 0"' m m m^� " N N N N N��� N N N N C�1 N N N N N� � m � m � r `m �X ° m� a r m ° o �'n o� °O1 om °a �'P`�omaro�ri.ti � 0 a b< � O 1� t? O 1�O b � t0 N � �� �� � N� N N f � �- �- � W Or C) N V l7 W N� N O m h � W m�� �� N W P O CE N N �� m O n � m O N m W N N m N N d b y l7 < a0 H h h h b�p W N m h N N h C P O O P O � N 9 0 O A h ay n M o 0� r y O S� 1� �O N 1� T� m N< � N n� N O m O N f y 1� n �� 1 n N O 0 t") 0 �4 p T N b � O �^ < l0 � f- �- �- �- '- N lV N (V nl � �- �- �- '- '- �- N � N h� N� N� r N O� � W� A m � �� O W O� `D � n N N n � � h!� N N O 0 0 m d� Ci T 0� h 1� W N I q + � y � j � t0 N N N O q N O �. � � � � �� � �� ��- N N N N N N N �N d N� N d W m O f � r d N<� u n mmNV�n�a m.- nou�000m � m ti m �� V ry O N ti N � � N ' r o m"an v�i " o m u m o m a a �mmr �Mmmrnomm :a vi dvia m� vi n� �o '�inic �n °a mm�o �- �� .-�.-� woioi ".�eiei m �.• « Xj Q O� T� n m m h N t+ O W � mo wm r `.iwo+a o m M1 � F� a a a�i �v,.n vi eiavci O F � � N N m CI m N O ariaiwan�af � �� mm� mn o d°' a`a,.°� m w m o m'n m r m N y A pi m � h O NI � t0 H� M O 0 O 0 M N O N f0 l� N m � W �< �e-NCIVNtOI+mOf��� � m m 'n ° n � f �� y m (y o m � � � R N � � P � ��'J � �Nf7VN+�1� �I 4 �d 9�l - �ogy (.- � re- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all internal borrowing and pledges of repayment be reviewed and rated for investment quality by an unpartial Saint Paul financial institution and that informafion be provided City Council for consideration in its decision, and ��� ���� -�- .� � r '`, . _. . . _ . . ; Presented ���� - a J3 j�7 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � s Council File # Green Sheet # �irt -� 1 �£S y 32594 �� Referted To: Committee: Date i WHEREAS, the qsh balances wdhin various funds of the City exceed short tertn needs, and currently are i�vested by the Financiaf z Service Office, Treasury Section, to yield approximaty 6% in 19967, and 3 a WHEREAS, the City or HRA have initlatives that cannot be financed under current City or State bonding or borrowing authority or laws, and s s WHEREAS, the City has the authority to borrow between funds, and has established an Internal Service Fund to wntrol antl moniter � the transactions between funds, and 8 e WHEREAS, the Ciry will assign the Chief Accountant and City Treasurer as advisory council to review and advise the City on transactions �o for the use of cash float between funds so as to maiMain iMegrety of the City cash with the minimum risk for the City, and n �z WNEREAS, the HRA wants to raise sufficient financing for the Downtown & 7th Place Tau incremeni district 1993 debt refinancing and has ia offered both Gity and HRA assets and associated revenue streams for sale to accomplish that financing, and ia is WHEREAS, an independent analysis has confirmed that the City can prwide the financing at a Iower cost then the proposed transaction, and is n WHERFAS, there will be secure assets with sufficient revenoe streams dedicated to the intemal Service Fund to suppod repayment of �a principal, witfi interest, to the funds advancing the use of cash, now is zo THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Councii approves the use of the Irrtemal Service Fund to do intertund hansactions of cash within n the city funds as allowed by law, and zz zs BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all loans created by the Internaf Service Fund must be approved by City Council Resolution the proposaf 2a herein set forth in this Resolution are approved, a�d zs zs 6E IT FURTHER RESOIVED, that all loa�s pay interest floating with the City treasury portfolio investment rete, but not to exceed 6.5%, and 2� zs BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Chief Accountant and the City Treasurer will adjust the cash float to "cash rich" funds aflowed by law, to zs v s ci sadi ns and s ur@ that intere t i paid and properly cr dit d, ow � �� ��t ��a�.��, t�at aJl� interna� �orrowing and of repayment be re and ratea ior inves men aua i v v an imoaz ia ai' n��au inanc a ins i u io�n a�n fha� si � ntrctrurtt, tne ���ayor, pursuant to sec. tOAL[la oi tne c�ry cha er, recommen s e o o mg c ange� o e 199 u ge . 32 33 Current Amended aa Butlget Change Budget as FINANCING PLAN: Internai Borrowing Fund ss Gl 070 10300 6928 Advance from Other Funds 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 a� GL 070 10300 6XXX loan repayments 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 ae AII OYher Fund Financing 0 0 0 3s 0 30,590,000 30 590 000 ao ai SPENDING PLAN: Intemal Borrowing Fund az GL 070 10300 0599 Acquisistion of Loans Receivable 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 as GL 070 10300 0545 Contribution to HRA (Dwnhvn TfF) 0 15,295,000 15,295,000 aa AII Other Fund Spending 0 Q 0 as 0 30 590 000 30 590 000 as a� FINANCING PLAN: aa GL 001 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others 0 4,295,000 4,295,000 as All Other Funtl Financing 151,575,227 0 151,575,227 so " 151,575227 4295000 155,870,227 ei sz SPENDING PLAN: sa GL 001 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others 0 4,295,000 4,295,000 5a AIIOtherFundSpending 151,575,227 0 151,575,227 5s 151,575,227 4,295,OOD 155870227 n council File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To: Green Sheet # Committee: Date � l 32594 i z z a 5 6 7 a 9 io ti 12 73 in 15 ts tt is te zo 21 22 23 24 zs 2s 27 2e 29 � ai 32 33 3A 35 36 37 � 39 40 at az � � as as a7 4s as � 57 52 53 � CONTINUATION : FINANCING PLAN: GL 802 00000 6922 Repayment ofAdvance to Others Afl Other Fund Financing SPENDING PIAN: GL 802 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others All Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 930 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others All Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 930 00000 0535 Recoverable Ativance from Others All Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 2fi0 OQ000 6922 Repayme�t of Advance to Others AIt Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 260 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others All Other Funtl Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 24� �0�00 6922 Repayment of Advance to Othere AII Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 240 00000 0535 Recoverable Ativance from Others AI1 Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 245 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others All Other Fu�d Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 245 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance From Others All Other Fund Spending 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 0 5Q�,000 500,000 0 500,000 4,QOQ,000 0 4,000,�00 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 4,�00,000 0 4.000 000 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 25a,000 D 250,000 250,000 0 250.000 250,OD0 0 25D 000 250,000 0 250,000 500,000 0 500 0�0 500,000 0 500,000 4,0�0,00� 0 4,000,�00 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 4,000,�00 0 4 000 000 4,000,000 0 4,000,000 250,�00 0 250 000 250,000 0 250,000 250,ODD 0 250,000 250,000 0 250 060 Council File # � � — � ��� Green Sheet# 32594 Presented By: Referred Ta: Committee: Date z FINANqNG PLAN: a GL 130 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others 0 a Alt Other Fund Financing 50 s 50 s s iu 71 72 13 ia 15 16 n 18 19 zo a� zz 23 2a 25 20 SPENDING PLAN: GL 130 Q000� �535 Recoverable Advance from Others AII Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 165 00000 6922 Repayment of Advance to Others All Other Fund Financing SPENDING PLAN: GL 165 00000 0535 Recoverabfe Advance from Others Ail Other Fund Spending FINANCING PLAN: GL 436 00000 6922 Repayment of Adva�ce to Others All Other Fund Financing 0 50 —� 0 5� 50 0 50 50 0 50 5� z� SPENDING PLAN: 2a GL 436 00000 0535 Recoverable Advance from Others 0 zs All Other Fund Spending 50 30 $Q 3t 40 4i RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1997 budget. az 1,000,000 0 1,000,�0� 1,��0,000 0 t,000,D00 1,000,000 50 t, 0�,050 1,00�,�00 50 1,000,050 500,OD0 Q 500,000 �� ��� 1 �� ��� 5�0,0�0 0 5D0,000 �� ��� � �� 1�1 Requested by Department of: Adoption / C�ertified by Council Secretary: BY� 11 \..� �1 . �r Approved 6y Mayor. Date �� t�1 T BY: � l. � V � �- RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SD0,000 50 5 0,05 500,000 50 500,0 0 500,�Q0 50 500,05D 500,ODD 50 6� O5� Financial Services O ice - Tr sury � By: Shirley Davi Approval Recommended by Budget Diredor: � B �.Yr— 1 L.is-c..�S� Form Ap ed by Cit Attorne : B y � �� Approved by Mayor f ubmission to Council: By: �/ � ^5a(mPamBUdyetoirce(n:44���vesoWtian ��musnnm.wKa) oufaro� Adopted by Council: Date 99 �'3 � °'�—_ 5 OEPARTF@NC(OFf1CPfWONCLL OATEIMMtPD �'.P� � I O �xnNCm.r,sERVICES C Tre 0&13-97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32594 � WM'.1C(PF]LSON&PHONE � DEPARITffN'1'D➢tEC1Y)R � GTR'WUNCrt. ShirleyDavis, 266-8839 t �s am"rronrmr _ � cmc�.ouc ANSTHEONWlINC6.AG9mA8YNA OS FYIANCITLSEAV[CES➢@. O F41�tOtF.ACC1'G. O MAYOA(�RASSiSI'AMJ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATfJRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'NRE) ONAEQUESIID Establish Fund and financwg far intemal borrowing PF[DAAffsOA]IONS:A4pmve(A)orl4jea(R) I PERSONALSERVICECON7'RACfSMUSfANSWERTAEFOLLOWINGQUESITONS: e�.ntmma�O�o-masSWtv clw.satnCewamasvota 1.HattSispa2odficmeverwodced�mderacontactforthisdepaztment? cm co�w.m'rv� YES NO _ n _ s'� _ 2.Hasthispc�soNS=meverbernaciTyemployee? Drsce[amaei _ YFS NO sUeeox'rs wtnCxmmvm,oa�ECtrv�'r 3. Does this persodSlm possess a slall not noemallypossessed by avy avrtent ciry cmployee� YFS NO (L'xPlain a119a avawexsou xpnrah5httt end altaeh M grceu s4eeL) NRTIA'ffIJGPROSLEM1I,ISSUE.OPPORNN(h'M�,�4�m,M1� ,WhY) The Cash baiances from several funds of the city can be used For iutemal bonowing. Under the right c'acwnstances Yhis approach cau save substaatial interest and bonowing charges. T(ils resolution establishes tUat Internal Service Fund -"IN'iBRNAL BORROWING FIJND", wiLl use cash balances from selecfed funds of the City, to make ]oans to other City or HRA funds that qualify as "bankable" and have a revenue stream that wi11 repay ffie funds over a specified schedule. AUVANTAGFSIFAPPROVED The city will have an altemative source of financing for self-Snanced initiatives that have the advantage of keeping costs low. The ciry can lend itself money, using cash float from one or more funds to finance pmjects, but only those projects having real xevenues to repay that loan. D6ADVqNTpGPSIFAPPAOVEO. Financing may be approved For initiarives that have limited potenfial to repay obligafions. IDSAiI VANTAGES OF NOS APPItOVID' The Ciry must continually tum to the outside finaneial community, and pay taxable interest rates for projects it has the wherewithall to finance itself. rorncnniomrrovrwwswrnox 515295000.00 wsrmeve�+oesoncsrfin�cmcceom� ves rvo ammmcsouRCe Miscelianeous ncn�rrr�o�en GL - 070 -10300 - xXbc FAIANCiAt PTOItMAItON. (EXPLApJ) Saimo-aui6uegelottrce(n:41����sWUtions�cnMCasMIm.Y(Ka) oataroi I� �1�— �� __ m 3 �t x�� m,� e m m � m o � � H� ['1 c7 � 0 m Q M� C1 O p O x 0 O! h O 0 R 0 t� N t� y [O O� CV n Oi 0 N � V N[�! A T N � m ~ W P'�� b 0 a ^� 0 0 f0 �O p h r O m P O 0 0 r w ' ' � m mmoo o`�im m ' �� a a� e� a m�. F� c�i LL � 0 O l� � p qp v0 �`�j]. � N e N O p� N N W N m1n'I �a C C Pe° mQ tG�ri� � � m a a m c a W V ' w m a m � m w m� �'� m. m`�n a om d N d Oi m O N n n V' N 10 L C �S � W 0 0� n P A 0 0 W �LL P � � f N W O w t��1 w W n m O a N O'1 N 0 l0 N tp 3 c ' m! N i= o' m o o' n n LL _ _ Q 0 � @ '� , W N d b N � N N C� n O p� e '1 Ci . N tn oi ai Vy nnovo`o`o �? C V Y Vi Yl b N<< P P lV P ULL �� �Pwrvo n`� n` O N O Ca ua N 0 0 m � w O M V� b N� N ��- � 9 h 0 � n w n a) I_ m � C � a Cj N N N< N LL N N N N N N N N 4V N p N m oJ N V N M N I`� � w O� J�9 _ _ _ _�n n a m . n d N 'p C �(�O m N o V N F ti M N m y �y N N N N a c a�V N N N N � � � � � O � m �� m t0 m � n 0 � f9 OI � t m n O h m N m N� y fp O N b 4O a c ' nn� ' N ei� ° c q �y m b N N N Y 0 � O m m p � 0� y 0 O N� 0 A N � I� N __ LL ' m O�O � O p 0� m W � ry� na oom ` ` LL .- � � rreioi � O q� O N` m � 0 O N m m N � b m N 0 � � �O W t0 a� ry w` � x a ''` a`a m m d � � � � � � � � N %[� N o O e N N M1 N f) Y m I� N Q y N � m m n N 0 Oi W Y� p ° v�i � m� o m m w n a LL � � N <!�'1 �<< ah n F N N t� a�� .�oh _ .^°? rc Oi t� 0 N � � �11 ' E��Nmw.°'n°m.`°n ° w m Nti. F m i �� p � p ro � ma �? n o mo mN LL a a dduidd6m 'v a �°on°v�ame�im°w �v�i'aw o - - °- - `= `O � e�a mw�e�r=o$M 1L N ��� � N N � N d � 3 �F �.-N[�Vig(DrOJO�� � f0 o ° y 'm `nmm n n�{.•� -m m n < N f0 _ _ _ _ � N � h _ _ _ F N O O m m 0 h O N W O P N b� b 0 O [ � O� t� < M m ! 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