97-1064Council File # � L � 10 ��, Ordinance # Green Sheet # G �f i 2 3 (�`}; �`, r ``� `� �� - Presented By _ Referred To LUTION OF T UL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date 30 RESOLVED: That application (ID #25729) for a Restaurant-B, On Sale Malt, and Wine On Sale License by D'Amico Catering Inc. DBA D'Amico & Sons (Richard D'Amico, President at 975 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas_ Navs Absen` 7 Blakev g/ 8 Bostrom 9 Harris 10 Meaard �� 11 Morton � 12 Thune � 13 CoZlins ✓' 14 r� Q Q 15 16 Adopted by Council: Date �� ��q 17 � 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 20 21 By: 22 23 Apps 24 25 26 By: 27 O£fice of Liaense. Insoections and Environmental Protection By: l�i/�AM-�-� � ��"° V � - � — � Form Approved by City Attorney � �i By: � a�.l-,�-�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: No 5030a DEPMiMENLOFRCE/CWNCI� DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE q �� �� LIEP f Licensing INITIAUDATE INITIAVOATE GONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR O GTY COUNCIL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ASSIGN OCITYATTORNEV �CINCLERK NIIMBER FOR MUST BE ON CqUNCII AGENDA BY (DATEn� pOUTING � BUDGET DIFECTOR � FIN. 8 MGi SERVICES DIR. r'OL hearin : � �` 1 Q� ORDER ❑MAYOR(ORASS�STANT) � TOTAL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: D'Amico Cateiing Inc. DBA D'Amico & Sons requests Council approval of its application for a Restaurant-B, On Sale Malt (stxong beer}, and Wine On Sa1e License located at 975 Grand Avenue (ID �I25729). RECOMMENDATIONS� Approve (A) or Re�ett (R� pEpSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE fOILOWiNG �UESTtONS: _ P�ANNING fAMMI55�ON _ GIVII SERNCE CAbNAt$SION �� Has this personNirm ever worketl under a contract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMbtITTEE _ YES NO _ SiAFF 2� Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRiCT COURT — 3. Does this Dersonlfirm possess a skilf noi nrnmai{ y possessed by arcg curreM city employee4 SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTVE? YES NO Explain ali yes answers on separate aheet end ettech to green aheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why�' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: OISA�VANTAGES IF APPft�VEO: �iil�1C� , . 4 . �C�i �F°si1�' �r,r � 7 - Jvi... 'u f� ���/ DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE�' 70TAL AMOVNT OF TRANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BU�GETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE AC7lVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORFiATION: (E%PLAIN) Greensneet# so3o� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: �19197 /��' ( OGY In 7racke(? app�n aecewed / App'n Processed License ID # z5729 License Type: Restaurant-B On Sale Malt (stron¢ beer� , and W;nP Oc, COmpany Name: D'Amico Caterin2 Inc. DBA: D'Amico & Sons Sale Business Addresss: 975 Grand Avenue Business Phone: 374-1776 Contaet NameiAddress �chard D' Amico, 2035 Kenwood Pkwy Home Pho e: nneapolis, 55405 �,�� ���/,� ���Qf�e Date to Council Research: �� �/ �} Public Heasing Date: 8 2 Labels Ordered: 7 � 1 7�! � Notice Sent to Appilcant: � District Council #: .��� .-,l_n l., C17�i�` � Notice Sent to �� Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments � Ciry Attomey �'�Pj ��- a•� • Environmental Heaith �- • I �3 • � • � • - �'ti-11�L. i t`1�� 3z�J 17, Fire �-. • f 8 •�j�-- �. � . License Site P�an Received: Lease Received: Police `� • t �-, • `�� O• � . Zoning �-•tg' Q.F . CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION Fli �.��3� ' � � � 1 • ' 1 1 ' �' PLEASE I'YPE OR PRINT IN INK CITY OF SAINT PAUL off« ort�«�, �.,ya,;� ana Env'umm,rntal rrota.tion 3S0 Sc Pac Sl Swh 300 /O I�) A6aPULaGmesar SSto2 4 (61�3669090 6c(61n3669126 TypeofLicense(s)beingappliedfor Wine on Sale w/ Strong Beer � � �W' c:.� S s azss CompanyNazne: _ D'Amico Caterinq Inc. Cospomtiw! Partnerst�ip / Sole Proprieconliip If business is incorporated, �ve date of incoiporation: 2�24� 92 DoingBusinessAs: D'Amico & Sons BusinessPhone: 374-1776 BusinessAddress: 97 rand Avenue Saint PAul, MN 55105 s� aaam. Gry sum z;p 'Behucenwhatcrossstceeuisthebusinesslocated7 ChdtSWOPth W�chsideofthestreet7 No1"th 'Are the premises now occupied7 Nn What Type ofBusiness7 Mai1 To Aadress: 211 North Fi rst Street Mpl s, MN 554�1 sa+xc nddrw c;Ty steie Zip Applicant InS'ortnation: Richard Paul (M+�dcn) Mpls, D'Amico President Name and Title: Firrt Home Address: NLddle 2035 Kenwood Parkway MN Lut 7itle 55405 si.on ada�. ctry sw� Zsp DateofBirth: 4I7/49 PlaceofBirth: Cleveland, Ohio HomePhone: 374-9091 Have you ever been com�cted of any felony, criwe or violation of any city ordinance other than tra�c? YES NO X x Date of azrest: Chazge: � Conviction: Sentence: I.ist the �uu��w wni �eaiucss� vi [Iuce Yc�sva, �i �cwu uw� al chuacter, I1V121g W 1uAUi ll1C TW lll C1L1C� MGll V HtCH� lltJl ICl'dlGlt W ItIC riyylll:Fllll or Snancially interested in the premises or business, who may be refecred to as to the applicanYs chazacter: 13AME ADDRESS PHONE Robert Weinstine 3000 Dain Bosworth Plaza Mpls, MN 55402 347-0700 Joel Puckett TCF Tower Suite 800 121 South 8th Street Mpls, MN 55402 373-1414 John Waters 704 HAverhill Road Eagan, MN 55123 List licwses which you currently hold, fonnerlZ held, or may have an interest in: � Sport Italia, Inc., D'Amico Cucina, Inc. Campiello, Inc, D Amico Catering, Inc. Have any of ihe above named licenses ever been revoked7 YES Xx NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: 2A 8/97 Where7 Are you going to operaze this business personally? � YES ld0 If no� Nho will operate it? .,t►�Q� �E7"� � � ; G .ota;nn� L °o` Home Addros: SUcct \mme City State Zip Yhane Nim6c Ate you going to ha�e a maz�aga or assistant in this business? xXX X 1'ES I30 1f the manager is not the same as tfie operator, please wmplete the following information: ��,yt1n Marie Cowie 7/1Oj67 F'vst N�me Middle Ivsstin( .(Ninidrn) Lasl Dete of Birth 5748 Washburn Avenue South Mpls, MN 55410 929-7068 xome.aaaR,,: sirax�,m� c@y svm zip rn000�um�t« Please list your employment his[ory for the previous five (5) yeu period: Business/Emolovmrnt d ess D'Amico & Partners 211 North First Street Mpls List all other oflicers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE MN BUSINESS PHONE DATE OF BA2TH see attached If business is a pazmership include the following infocmation fot each parmer (use additional pages if necessary): Fitrt Name Middle Inilia! (Meiden) LaR D�e of Birtb Homt Addrcv: 54eet ?:emc City SGie Zip Phone �SUm6cr F'vat Nzme NtidAc Initid (Nuidrn) S.art Dase of S'vt6 Home Add�ess: Str«t 2�eme City Sws Zip Phone N«bcc MIIQNESOTA TAX IDENRFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, ] 984, Chapter >02, Article 8, Section 2(270.72) (fax Clearattce; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federai Privacy Act of 1974, we are requited to advise you of the following regazding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identi5cation Numba: -?his information may be used to deny the issuance or renewai of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, ecnployer s withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving this informarion, the licensing suthoriry will supply it oniy to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of lnformation Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Intecaal Revenue Service. Mumcwta Tax IdentiScalioa N�bas (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained frmn the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Par1c Plaza (672-296-fi181). SocialSecuriryNumber: 296-48-6904 MinnesotaTaxIdentiScationNvmber: 1571720 _ If a yfinnesota I'a�: Ideats5cationNumba is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by placing an"X" in ihe box. 2/I8/97 55401