97-106e�• o� t. P! 4 r i : ' 'iS PAUL, Presented By Referred To Council File # �� ` U � Green Sheet # �U3� _ \ Committee: Date T3 RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Merlin Richardson d(b!a Mike's Downtown Standazd (License ID No. 88537), located at 542 Robert Street North in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violarion of the sale of tobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine sha11 be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty (30) days of the adoprion of this resolufion by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in ttus matter aze based upon the facts contained in the Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the compliance report, and such azguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date� �_C ��Q � l Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �_�—,_ (V�1 � �_ - Approved by Mayor: Date 2/Z. � gy: � l/L- B : � �n,��, }� �a�hi Form Approved by City Att�y By: (/C/IQ,ennttiL_�LJ `-' d-�irv� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: G'l—�a�2 �itt�a� DEPAFlTMENTAFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATEO � v v •• Office of LIEP va2r4� GREEN SHEE CONiAGT PERSON & PHONE MITIAIJDATE INffIAL/DATE � DEPARTMENi DIflECiOR O C1TY CAUNCiI Christine Rozek, 266-9108 N Y FOR � CRYATTORNEY � CRY CI.ERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENOA BY (DAT� q0Ui1NG � BUDGET DIRECfOR � FlN. $ MGT. SERVICES Olq. Feb 5 199'7 Public heaiin o"oEp O�qVOR (OR ASSISTANn � 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Concerning adverse action against licenses held by Merlin Richardson, DBA Mike's Downtown Standard, located at 542 Robert Sueet North. (LTncontested) RECOMMENDAiIONS: npprove (n) or qeject (R) pERSONAI SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER TNE FOLIOWING OUESTfONS: _ PLANNINCa CAMMISSION ._ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Hes this per5on/fifln ever workBd under a COnV2Ct tof this tlePartmen[? _ CIB CoMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO � DIS7aICiCOURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall sessetl y pos by any curreM city employeel SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain nll yes answers on separate shaet antl attacfi to green Sheet WITIATING PROBLEb1, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wtw, What, WM1en, Whe[e, NTy): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: �.e^��"�'� �� �µ� �`��� � M's,frr�,> a DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� w ' ��{y"� 1 � � F' , � n�n...-^t' .... ...��_..,. v �. i � �SiL�v.:_:_.. '.ca.�.t '.iYJ �r-1!� � � ���7 ' '5s�+S sa2 DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: ���:Y�Si fiD� Q 7 �. 9 d ������-'`�� C TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIiBG SOURCE ACTIViTY NUMBER iINANCIAL INFORHiATION. (E%PLAIN) OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY ATTORNEY Timorhy B Mars, Gry Atrorney �`�`�� , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Drvision Norm Cakman, Mayar 400 Ciry Ha71 Telephone; 61? 266-8710 l5 Wut Ke7logg Blvd Facsnnile: 6l2 298-5619 Sa'vn Paul, M'mnesam 55102 January 15, 1997 � r �::� �,�,,:�,,�;� �+ „ NOTZCS OF COIINCIL HEARING � t�; -� �,�n� :✓ Merlin Richardson Mike`s Downtown Standard 542 Robert Street North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: Cigarette license held by Merlin Richardson d/b/a Mike's Downton Standard for the premises located at 542 Robert Street North Avenue in St. Paul License ID No. 88537 Our Fi1e Number: G96-�636 Dear Mr. Richardson: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 5, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the-facts contained in the report concerning Che unlawful sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ���� �� � � i v �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Organizer, Capitol River Council/Dist. #17, 445 Minnesota St., Suite 524, St. Paul, MN 55101 c-�� �o� UNCONTESTED LiCENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Merlin Richardson d/b/a Mike's Downton Standard Address: 542 Robert Street North Council Hearing Date: February 5, 1997 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date: November 19, 1996 Place: Licensed Premises Presumptive Penafiy: $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ciient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter of licensee or attorney agreeing not to contest the facts 3. Notice of Violation 4. License information 5. Compliance Report 6. City Attorney License Adverse Action Summary �� �cx� Mike's ,���. ,� ,��� �� � � � ��� .�o c > - ��• �-G� i.5 ��. o ���,..---R. � . �i�u-� , Tir, . � J' I G2. C ' (i%il�> .' �� vyc�.�J ��r°-�-G-�� u 4-- °`� � G(.Z7 !� � 1�,�1 ��.� �- �-� �/� x��<` G-u,�' L-����_E--. �-��_- :�� ' � , l � ��-z./��c-�F.,,_ c�,,,� l���� �/ .C�1r„r f��Lo h.��- % ��.�� .�v�- ��J � ,-y�� � -e_� �� —' � � �v <� i���� - - - - 1 a-� %�' �.��; °-f �� z=��� �-�-� , � ��z-r�� .� .c�� i7-w��� ��� e �-n� �J h�-2� �/ /� -Z�R�.-�� �—rt� �,-�/ �L d�L-�/ � � t�72�L-�21 Q- � X_��i�L.�a--+<e_t�l �U � �� �L�t��� ---.1J � / - ..c-v� �`-�/ G Ct �.�-� � y �' / � . � � _ k,>�" `E�"'�` `ffi>. �, �.r y "'s�'' ': �� � F:ag_� DrG 2� ;g�:� /�� � �� _ ���-���/ '' S `' . �I� �� .' = �. �h�� -�J .�=�t-�c„�r- �. FA " . e . � r ._- s:_,= _-: : � �l� ��. �Ssioi Mike Richardson's Downtown Amoco • 542 tiorth Robert St. • St. Paul, MN 55101 .(612) 221-0026 'fimoco Dea1Pr Since 1954" �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL A'orm Coknwn, Mayot December 12, 1996 OFFICF � THE CITY AI"I'ORNEY Trmothy E ...ars, c;ry Alforney _"" ��1 „ `Y Civi! Division 400 City Hall Telephrnte: 611166-87I0 IS Wut KeAogg Blvd Faamrik,- 671798-5619 Samt Pwl, M"omesom 55102 NOTICS OF VIOLATION Merlin Richardson Mike's Downtown Standard 542 Robert Street North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: Cigarette license held by Merlin Richardson d/b/a Mike's Downtown Standard for the premises located at 542 Robert Street North in St. Paul License ID No.: 88537 Dear Mr. Richardson: The Director of the O£fice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against your cigarette license held at the above-named premises. This recommendation is based on the following: Oa November 19, 1996, you or another employee sold cigarettes to a minor under the age of 18 yeara ia the licensed premises. This is an offense under Minn. Stat. �609.685 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07. If you do not dispute the above facts, and send me a letter to that effect within 5 days, the case will be set before the City Council. You will have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council as to the proper penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing wi11 be set before ari Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross- examine the other's witnesses. The Council will ultimately decided the case. If this is your choice, please advise my legal essistant, Peter Pangborn, within 5 days, and we wi11 take the necessary steps to set up that ALJ hearing. t= can be reached at 266-8710. Pag� 1 �� �� If you have any questions, you may contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, �/����,� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attcrney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, I,IEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Organizer, Capitol River Council/Dist. #17, 445 Minnesota St., Suite 524, St. Paul, MN 55101 Page 2 ��'c STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICS BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) JOP.NNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 13, 1996, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Merlin Richardson Mike's Downtown Standard 542 Robert Street No. St. Paul, MN. 55101 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of December, 1996. / /,/� i'/ � - � Notary Pub ic • *aaaoc�a � RITA A.4_ EC^" � NOTRRYFL_:;G-t. - � RANScY CGt,., (Y . �+�Y Cwnm. ExPires Jan. ut, 'eOGJ ! � l� LiC ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ................. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 88537 AC RICHARDSON, MERLIN 542 ROBERT ST N 55101 MIKES'S DOWNTOWN STAN7)ARD GAS STATION AUTO REPAIR GARAGE RESTAURAPIT (A) - ZERO-12 SEATS CIGARETTE 03/31/97 INSPECTOR CHANGE PROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 6/21/93 RNWL LIC MAILED 1/1/93 PER BOB - ADD'L GAS PUMP LICENSE ELIMINATED 5693626 06/O1/94 221-0026 Press 'C' to continue, 'P' to print, or 'R' to redisplay... Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° ROITTE: �7 �. 1. �• 2. � . 3. � 4. --2 � 5. CIGARETTE PREDqSE CHECKS L�ISPECTOR KRIS SCH�'EII�iI.ER CROWN STERLING SUITES HOTEL 175 IOTH ST_ E. SUITE SHOPPE 1�5 lOTH ST. E. MII�' S DOWI�'TOWN STAI`TDARD 542 ROBERT ST. N. . �� -}�'�:. � 's 429 ROBERT ST. N. J & L TOBACCO . ���' ' ' �� � � ;{�,�;� 425 ROBERT ST. N. #290 C`� �'�'``—" '�- -� � 6. THE OLD FLAME 1�1 � ' , � �00 ROBERT ST. N. c�c� c�:� ��'�-�-'� ��----�`^- C � �, '`7�— 8. , �. 9. � 10. , .r� I�NriEDY PHARMACY t �ROBERT ST. N. � 3'� �%�cb � � �- PAT' S SMOKE SHOP 55 STH ST. E. (LOEB� TOP HAT LOUNCsE 134 STH ST. E. " NBII,EE - ST. MAR�'G�� I01 STH ST. B. #221 FIRST HERITAGE 332 MINNESOTA ST: �t�191�� � � . � S �.o�-z�- . �Z \U� R'EEK:. , „�� i�1«t a � � � � �r TOHACCO COMPL7ANCE CHECK FOFiAA �n� �� nr"� NAME OF COMpLIANCE CF�CF�R E� f.� NAMEANDADDRESS OF LiCBdSED YFNDOFt WAS THETOBACCO — SELF SERVE? SP.LE WAS MADE YES � NAME OF CLERK; � DESCR1Pi10N: CHECK ABOHtEp: YES ADDfiIONAL CONMENTS: TAX i. D. NUMBEft �� �v� # NAMEOFOFFlCER � �� ' � -�„ �- � - z�_ n."� T m -� • .�_�� S� _ ASSI55TE�?_� MACHTIE? N0: BRAND: i ru' ,�.. �r n-, t�+ . SIX: M F: � � �.(�S e�• o� t. P! 4 r i : ' 'iS PAUL, Presented By Referred To Council File # �� ` U � Green Sheet # �U3� _ \ Committee: Date T3 RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Merlin Richardson d(b!a Mike's Downtown Standazd (License ID No. 88537), located at 542 Robert Street North in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violarion of the sale of tobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine sha11 be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty (30) days of the adoprion of this resolufion by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in ttus matter aze based upon the facts contained in the Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the compliance report, and such azguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date� �_C ��Q � l Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �_�—,_ (V�1 � �_ - Approved by Mayor: Date 2/Z. � gy: � l/L- B : � �n,��, }� �a�hi Form Approved by City Att�y By: (/C/IQ,ennttiL_�LJ `-' d-�irv� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: G'l—�a�2 �itt�a� DEPAFlTMENTAFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATEO � v v •• Office of LIEP va2r4� GREEN SHEE CONiAGT PERSON & PHONE MITIAIJDATE INffIAL/DATE � DEPARTMENi DIflECiOR O C1TY CAUNCiI Christine Rozek, 266-9108 N Y FOR � CRYATTORNEY � CRY CI.ERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENOA BY (DAT� q0Ui1NG � BUDGET DIRECfOR � FlN. $ MGT. SERVICES Olq. Feb 5 199'7 Public heaiin o"oEp O�qVOR (OR ASSISTANn � 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Concerning adverse action against licenses held by Merlin Richardson, DBA Mike's Downtown Standard, located at 542 Robert Sueet North. (LTncontested) RECOMMENDAiIONS: npprove (n) or qeject (R) pERSONAI SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER TNE FOLIOWING OUESTfONS: _ PLANNINCa CAMMISSION ._ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Hes this per5on/fifln ever workBd under a COnV2Ct tof this tlePartmen[? _ CIB CoMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO � DIS7aICiCOURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall sessetl y pos by any curreM city employeel SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain nll yes answers on separate shaet antl attacfi to green Sheet WITIATING PROBLEb1, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wtw, What, WM1en, Whe[e, NTy): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: �.e^��"�'� �� �µ� �`��� � M's,frr�,> a DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� w ' ��{y"� 1 � � F' , � n�n...-^t' .... ...��_..,. v �. i � �SiL�v.:_:_.. '.ca.�.t '.iYJ �r-1!� � � ���7 ' '5s�+S sa2 DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: ���:Y�Si fiD� Q 7 �. 9 d ������-'`�� C TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIiBG SOURCE ACTIViTY NUMBER iINANCIAL INFORHiATION. (E%PLAIN) OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY ATTORNEY Timorhy B Mars, Gry Atrorney �`�`�� , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Drvision Norm Cakman, Mayar 400 Ciry Ha71 Telephone; 61? 266-8710 l5 Wut Ke7logg Blvd Facsnnile: 6l2 298-5619 Sa'vn Paul, M'mnesam 55102 January 15, 1997 � r �::� �,�,,:�,,�;� �+ „ NOTZCS OF COIINCIL HEARING � t�; -� �,�n� :✓ Merlin Richardson Mike`s Downtown Standard 542 Robert Street North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: Cigarette license held by Merlin Richardson d/b/a Mike's Downton Standard for the premises located at 542 Robert Street North Avenue in St. Paul License ID No. 88537 Our Fi1e Number: G96-�636 Dear Mr. Richardson: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 5, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the-facts contained in the report concerning Che unlawful sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ���� �� � � i v �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Organizer, Capitol River Council/Dist. #17, 445 Minnesota St., Suite 524, St. Paul, MN 55101 c-�� �o� UNCONTESTED LiCENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Merlin Richardson d/b/a Mike's Downton Standard Address: 542 Robert Street North Council Hearing Date: February 5, 1997 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date: November 19, 1996 Place: Licensed Premises Presumptive Penafiy: $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ciient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter of licensee or attorney agreeing not to contest the facts 3. Notice of Violation 4. License information 5. Compliance Report 6. City Attorney License Adverse Action Summary �� �cx� Mike's ,���. ,� ,��� �� � � � ��� .�o c > - ��• �-G� i.5 ��. o ���,..---R. � . �i�u-� , Tir, . � J' I G2. C ' (i%il�> .' �� vyc�.�J ��r°-�-G-�� u 4-- °`� � G(.Z7 !� � 1�,�1 ��.� �- �-� �/� x��<` G-u,�' L-����_E--. �-��_- :�� ' � , l � ��-z./��c-�F.,,_ c�,,,� l���� �/ .C�1r„r f��Lo h.��- % ��.�� .�v�- ��J � ,-y�� � -e_� �� —' � � �v <� i���� - - - - 1 a-� %�' �.��; °-f �� z=��� �-�-� , � ��z-r�� .� .c�� i7-w��� ��� e �-n� �J h�-2� �/ /� -Z�R�.-�� �—rt� �,-�/ �L d�L-�/ � � t�72�L-�21 Q- � X_��i�L.�a--+<e_t�l �U � �� �L�t��� ---.1J � / - ..c-v� �`-�/ G Ct �.�-� � y �' / � . � � _ k,>�" `E�"'�` `ffi>. �, �.r y "'s�'' ': �� � F:ag_� DrG 2� ;g�:� /�� � �� _ ���-���/ '' S `' . �I� �� .' = �. �h�� -�J .�=�t-�c„�r- �. FA " . e . � r ._- s:_,= _-: : � �l� ��. �Ssioi Mike Richardson's Downtown Amoco • 542 tiorth Robert St. • St. Paul, MN 55101 .(612) 221-0026 'fimoco Dea1Pr Since 1954" �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL A'orm Coknwn, Mayot December 12, 1996 OFFICF � THE CITY AI"I'ORNEY Trmothy E ...ars, c;ry Alforney _"" ��1 „ `Y Civi! Division 400 City Hall Telephrnte: 611166-87I0 IS Wut KeAogg Blvd Faamrik,- 671798-5619 Samt Pwl, M"omesom 55102 NOTICS OF VIOLATION Merlin Richardson Mike's Downtown Standard 542 Robert Street North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: Cigarette license held by Merlin Richardson d/b/a Mike's Downtown Standard for the premises located at 542 Robert Street North in St. Paul License ID No.: 88537 Dear Mr. Richardson: The Director of the O£fice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against your cigarette license held at the above-named premises. This recommendation is based on the following: Oa November 19, 1996, you or another employee sold cigarettes to a minor under the age of 18 yeara ia the licensed premises. This is an offense under Minn. Stat. �609.685 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07. If you do not dispute the above facts, and send me a letter to that effect within 5 days, the case will be set before the City Council. You will have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council as to the proper penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing wi11 be set before ari Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross- examine the other's witnesses. The Council will ultimately decided the case. If this is your choice, please advise my legal essistant, Peter Pangborn, within 5 days, and we wi11 take the necessary steps to set up that ALJ hearing. t= can be reached at 266-8710. Pag� 1 �� �� If you have any questions, you may contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, �/����,� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attcrney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, I,IEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Organizer, Capitol River Council/Dist. #17, 445 Minnesota St., Suite 524, St. Paul, MN 55101 Page 2 ��'c STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICS BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) JOP.NNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 13, 1996, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Merlin Richardson Mike's Downtown Standard 542 Robert Street No. St. Paul, MN. 55101 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of December, 1996. / /,/� i'/ � - � Notary Pub ic • *aaaoc�a � RITA A.4_ EC^" � NOTRRYFL_:;G-t. - � RANScY CGt,., (Y . �+�Y Cwnm. ExPires Jan. ut, 'eOGJ ! � l� LiC ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ................. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 88537 AC RICHARDSON, MERLIN 542 ROBERT ST N 55101 MIKES'S DOWNTOWN STAN7)ARD GAS STATION AUTO REPAIR GARAGE RESTAURAPIT (A) - ZERO-12 SEATS CIGARETTE 03/31/97 INSPECTOR CHANGE PROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 6/21/93 RNWL LIC MAILED 1/1/93 PER BOB - ADD'L GAS PUMP LICENSE ELIMINATED 5693626 06/O1/94 221-0026 Press 'C' to continue, 'P' to print, or 'R' to redisplay... Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° ROITTE: �7 �. 1. �• 2. � . 3. � 4. --2 � 5. CIGARETTE PREDqSE CHECKS L�ISPECTOR KRIS SCH�'EII�iI.ER CROWN STERLING SUITES HOTEL 175 IOTH ST_ E. SUITE SHOPPE 1�5 lOTH ST. E. MII�' S DOWI�'TOWN STAI`TDARD 542 ROBERT ST. N. . �� -}�'�:. � 's 429 ROBERT ST. N. J & L TOBACCO . ���' ' ' �� � � ;{�,�;� 425 ROBERT ST. N. #290 C`� �'�'``—" '�- -� � 6. THE OLD FLAME 1�1 � ' , � �00 ROBERT ST. N. c�c� c�:� ��'�-�-'� ��----�`^- C � �, '`7�— 8. , �. 9. � 10. , .r� I�NriEDY PHARMACY t �ROBERT ST. N. � 3'� �%�cb � � �- PAT' S SMOKE SHOP 55 STH ST. E. (LOEB� TOP HAT LOUNCsE 134 STH ST. E. " NBII,EE - ST. MAR�'G�� I01 STH ST. B. #221 FIRST HERITAGE 332 MINNESOTA ST: �t�191�� � � . � S �.o�-z�- . �Z \U� R'EEK:. , „�� i�1«t a � � � � �r TOHACCO COMPL7ANCE CHECK FOFiAA �n� �� nr"� NAME OF COMpLIANCE CF�CF�R E� f.� NAMEANDADDRESS OF LiCBdSED YFNDOFt WAS THETOBACCO — SELF SERVE? SP.LE WAS MADE YES � NAME OF CLERK; � DESCR1Pi10N: CHECK ABOHtEp: YES ADDfiIONAL CONMENTS: TAX i. D. NUMBEft �� �v� # NAMEOFOFFlCER � �� ' � -�„ �- � - z�_ n."� T m -� • .�_�� S� _ ASSI55TE�?_� MACHTIE? N0: BRAND: i ru' ,�.. �r n-, t�+ . SIX: M F: � � �.(�S e�• o� t. P! 4 r i : ' 'iS PAUL, Presented By Referred To Council File # �� ` U � Green Sheet # �U3� _ \ Committee: Date T3 RESOLVED, that the Licensee, Merlin Richardson d(b!a Mike's Downtown Standazd (License ID No. 88537), located at 542 Robert Street North in Saint Paul is hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200.00 for the violarion of the sale of tobacco or tobacco products to a minor. Said fine sha11 be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty (30) days of the adoprion of this resolufion by the Council and signature by the Mayor. This resolution and the action of the Council in ttus matter aze based upon the facts contained in the Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, the compliance report, and such azguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public hearing. The facts were not contested by the licensee. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date� �_C ��Q � l Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �_�—,_ (V�1 � �_ - Approved by Mayor: Date 2/Z. � gy: � l/L- B : � �n,��, }� �a�hi Form Approved by City Att�y By: (/C/IQ,ennttiL_�LJ `-' d-�irv� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: G'l—�a�2 �itt�a� DEPAFlTMENTAFFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATEO � v v •• Office of LIEP va2r4� GREEN SHEE CONiAGT PERSON & PHONE MITIAIJDATE INffIAL/DATE � DEPARTMENi DIflECiOR O C1TY CAUNCiI Christine Rozek, 266-9108 N Y FOR � CRYATTORNEY � CRY CI.ERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AGENOA BY (DAT� q0Ui1NG � BUDGET DIRECfOR � FlN. $ MGT. SERVICES Olq. Feb 5 199'7 Public heaiin o"oEp O�qVOR (OR ASSISTANn � 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Concerning adverse action against licenses held by Merlin Richardson, DBA Mike's Downtown Standard, located at 542 Robert Sueet North. (LTncontested) RECOMMENDAiIONS: npprove (n) or qeject (R) pERSONAI SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER TNE FOLIOWING OUESTfONS: _ PLANNINCa CAMMISSION ._ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Hes this per5on/fifln ever workBd under a COnV2Ct tof this tlePartmen[? _ CIB CoMMITfEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO � DIS7aICiCOURT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall sessetl y pos by any curreM city employeel SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain nll yes answers on separate shaet antl attacfi to green Sheet WITIATING PROBLEb1, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Wtw, What, WM1en, Whe[e, NTy): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: �.e^��"�'� �� �µ� �`��� � M's,frr�,> a DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� w ' ��{y"� 1 � � F' , � n�n...-^t' .... ...��_..,. v �. i � �SiL�v.:_:_.. '.ca.�.t '.iYJ �r-1!� � � ���7 ' '5s�+S sa2 DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: ���:Y�Si fiD� Q 7 �. 9 d ������-'`�� C TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIiBG SOURCE ACTIViTY NUMBER iINANCIAL INFORHiATION. (E%PLAIN) OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY ATTORNEY Timorhy B Mars, Gry Atrorney �`�`�� , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civil Drvision Norm Cakman, Mayar 400 Ciry Ha71 Telephone; 61? 266-8710 l5 Wut Ke7logg Blvd Facsnnile: 6l2 298-5619 Sa'vn Paul, M'mnesam 55102 January 15, 1997 � r �::� �,�,,:�,,�;� �+ „ NOTZCS OF COIINCIL HEARING � t�; -� �,�n� :✓ Merlin Richardson Mike`s Downtown Standard 542 Robert Street North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: Cigarette license held by Merlin Richardson d/b/a Mike's Downton Standard for the premises located at 542 Robert Street North Avenue in St. Paul License ID No. 88537 Our Fi1e Number: G96-�636 Dear Mr. Richardson: Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, February 5, 1997 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the-facts contained in the report concerning Che unlawful sale of cigarettes have not been disputed. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a$200.00 fine. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ���� �� � � i v �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Organizer, Capitol River Council/Dist. #17, 445 Minnesota St., Suite 524, St. Paul, MN 55101 c-�� �o� UNCONTESTED LiCENSE HEARING Licensee Name: Merlin Richardson d/b/a Mike's Downton Standard Address: 542 Robert Street North Council Hearing Date: February 5, 1997 Violation: Sale of Cigarettes to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 609.685 St. Paul Legislative Code § 324.07 Date: November 19, 1996 Place: Licensed Premises Presumptive Penafiy: $200.00 Fine Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of ciient, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: $200.00 fine (first offense) Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter of licensee or attorney agreeing not to contest the facts 3. Notice of Violation 4. License information 5. Compliance Report 6. City Attorney License Adverse Action Summary �� �cx� Mike's ,���. ,� ,��� �� � � � ��� .�o c > - ��• �-G� i.5 ��. o ���,..---R. � . �i�u-� , Tir, . � J' I G2. C ' (i%il�> .' �� vyc�.�J ��r°-�-G-�� u 4-- °`� � G(.Z7 !� � 1�,�1 ��.� �- �-� �/� x��<` G-u,�' L-����_E--. �-��_- :�� ' � , l � ��-z./��c-�F.,,_ c�,,,� l���� �/ .C�1r„r f��Lo h.��- % ��.�� .�v�- ��J � ,-y�� � -e_� �� —' � � �v <� i���� - - - - 1 a-� %�' �.��; °-f �� z=��� �-�-� , � ��z-r�� .� .c�� i7-w��� ��� e �-n� �J h�-2� �/ /� -Z�R�.-�� �—rt� �,-�/ �L d�L-�/ � � t�72�L-�21 Q- � X_��i�L.�a--+<e_t�l �U � �� �L�t��� ---.1J � / - ..c-v� �`-�/ G Ct �.�-� � y �' / � . � � _ k,>�" `E�"'�` `ffi>. �, �.r y "'s�'' ': �� � F:ag_� DrG 2� ;g�:� /�� � �� _ ���-���/ '' S `' . �I� �� .' = �. �h�� -�J .�=�t-�c„�r- �. FA " . e . � r ._- s:_,= _-: : � �l� ��. �Ssioi Mike Richardson's Downtown Amoco • 542 tiorth Robert St. • St. Paul, MN 55101 .(612) 221-0026 'fimoco Dea1Pr Since 1954" �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL A'orm Coknwn, Mayot December 12, 1996 OFFICF � THE CITY AI"I'ORNEY Trmothy E ...ars, c;ry Alforney _"" ��1 „ `Y Civi! Division 400 City Hall Telephrnte: 611166-87I0 IS Wut KeAogg Blvd Faamrik,- 671798-5619 Samt Pwl, M"omesom 55102 NOTICS OF VIOLATION Merlin Richardson Mike's Downtown Standard 542 Robert Street North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: Cigarette license held by Merlin Richardson d/b/a Mike's Downtown Standard for the premises located at 542 Robert Street North in St. Paul License ID No.: 88537 Dear Mr. Richardson: The Director of the O£fice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection will recommend that adverse action be taken against your cigarette license held at the above-named premises. This recommendation is based on the following: Oa November 19, 1996, you or another employee sold cigarettes to a minor under the age of 18 yeara ia the licensed premises. This is an offense under Minn. Stat. �609.685 and Saint Paul Legislative Code §324.07. If you do not dispute the above facts, and send me a letter to that effect within 5 days, the case will be set before the City Council. You will have a chance to appear and make a statement before the Council as to the proper penalty, if any, to be imposed. If you do dispute the above facts, a hearing wi11 be set before ari Administrative Law Judge. At that hearing both you and the City will be able to appear and present witnesses, evidence and cross- examine the other's witnesses. The Council will ultimately decided the case. If this is your choice, please advise my legal essistant, Peter Pangborn, within 5 days, and we wi11 take the necessary steps to set up that ALJ hearing. t= can be reached at 266-8710. Pag� 1 �� �� If you have any questions, you may contact me at 266-8710. Sincerely, �/����,� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attcrney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, I,IEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Mary Nelson, Community Organizer, Capitol River Council/Dist. #17, 445 Minnesota St., Suite 524, St. Paul, MN 55101 Page 2 ��'c STATE OF MINNESOTA ) Ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICS BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) JOP.NNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on December 13, 1996, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Merlin Richardson Mike's Downtown Standard 542 Robert Street No. St. Paul, MN. 55101 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of December, 1996. / /,/� i'/ � - � Notary Pub ic • *aaaoc�a � RITA A.4_ EC^" � NOTRRYFL_:;G-t. - � RANScY CGt,., (Y . �+�Y Cwnm. ExPires Jan. ut, 'eOGJ ! � l� LiC ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name............ Address .................. Zip...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ................. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 88537 AC RICHARDSON, MERLIN 542 ROBERT ST N 55101 MIKES'S DOWNTOWN STAN7)ARD GAS STATION AUTO REPAIR GARAGE RESTAURAPIT (A) - ZERO-12 SEATS CIGARETTE 03/31/97 INSPECTOR CHANGE PROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 6/21/93 RNWL LIC MAILED 1/1/93 PER BOB - ADD'L GAS PUMP LICENSE ELIMINATED 5693626 06/O1/94 221-0026 Press 'C' to continue, 'P' to print, or 'R' to redisplay... Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° ROITTE: �7 �. 1. �• 2. � . 3. � 4. --2 � 5. CIGARETTE PREDqSE CHECKS L�ISPECTOR KRIS SCH�'EII�iI.ER CROWN STERLING SUITES HOTEL 175 IOTH ST_ E. SUITE SHOPPE 1�5 lOTH ST. E. MII�' S DOWI�'TOWN STAI`TDARD 542 ROBERT ST. N. . �� -}�'�:. � 's 429 ROBERT ST. N. J & L TOBACCO . ���' ' ' �� � � ;{�,�;� 425 ROBERT ST. N. #290 C`� �'�'``—" '�- -� � 6. THE OLD FLAME 1�1 � ' , � �00 ROBERT ST. N. c�c� c�:� ��'�-�-'� ��----�`^- C � �, '`7�— 8. , �. 9. � 10. , .r� I�NriEDY PHARMACY t �ROBERT ST. N. � 3'� �%�cb � � �- PAT' S SMOKE SHOP 55 STH ST. E. (LOEB� TOP HAT LOUNCsE 134 STH ST. E. " NBII,EE - ST. MAR�'G�� I01 STH ST. B. #221 FIRST HERITAGE 332 MINNESOTA ST: �t�191�� � � . � S �.o�-z�- . �Z \U� R'EEK:. , „�� i�1«t a � � � � �r TOHACCO COMPL7ANCE CHECK FOFiAA �n� �� nr"� NAME OF COMpLIANCE CF�CF�R E� f.� NAMEANDADDRESS OF LiCBdSED YFNDOFt WAS THETOBACCO — SELF SERVE? SP.LE WAS MADE YES � NAME OF CLERK; � DESCR1Pi10N: CHECK ABOHtEp: YES ADDfiIONAL CONMENTS: TAX i. D. NUMBEft �� �v� # NAMEOFOFFlCER � �� ' � -�„ �- � - z�_ n."� T m -� • .�_�� S� _ ASSI55TE�?_� MACHTIE? N0: BRAND: i ru' ,�.. �r n-, t�+ . SIX: M F: � � �.(�S