D00478City of Saint Paul OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER • BUDGET REVISION Current Budget � 268,995 29,248 7,397 852,850 27,261 560,000 10,000 8,900 541,251 33,792 5,119 29,865 4,510,414 6,885,092 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Libraries to amend the 1994 budget of the General fund, the DirectoY of the Department of Finance and Managemant Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: General Fund-Division of Libraries 03400-0111 03400-0222 03400-0369 Q3401-0111 03401-0221 03401-0381 03402-0229 03402-0369 03404-0111 03404-0229 03404-0277 03404-0377 All others Fu11 Time Permanent Telephone -Monthly Charges Other - Office Supplies Fu11 Time Permanent Postage Books, Periodicals Other - Communications Other - Office Supplies Full Time Permanent Other Communications Other - Equipment Repair District Heating Prepared by: Activity Manager ��a' .�o L1��sJ o -- uested by: Department Director � Chanee ( 2,744) 2,795 1,749 307 3,906 3,154 (2,221) ( 688) (4,202) (4,706) (3,825) 6,475 -0- -�- No: � � `T� Date: �-� 1�'I✓ Amended Budget 266,251 32,043 9,146 853,157 31,167 563,154 7,779 8,212 537,049 29,086 1,294 36,340 4,510,414 6,885,092 �� App ed by: Mayor Date � ^ � � ~� � �oo�n8 w i.. � n n r e DEPARTMENT/OPFICE/CWNdL �A7EINITIATED IV- L O�J, 0 �ibraries �� u! �}� `� 2/6/45 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INffIAVDATE NT DIREGTOR a O CITY COUNCiI Susan Cantu 292-6390 "�' cmrnrroawer crrrc�aK NUYBEqFOF a ST BE ON CAUNqL AGENDA HY (DA7E) p01RiNG � BUDGEf DiRECfOA Q Fl $ MGT. SEflVICES DIH. ��Ep O MAYOii (OR ASSISTANTj � - �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N RE�UESTED: . Approval of Administrative Order amending the 1994 budget of �he Library's General Fund RECAMMENDA710NS: App�ove (A) or Rejeq (H} PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACiS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Has this perSONfirm ever Worked Under a cOntfaCt fof Nis department? _ CBCOMM�TfEE YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this pereonRirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ oisTRiCi CoUar _ 3. Does this peroon/firm possess a skill not normally possessad by any arrent city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet anA attach to green sheet INITIATING PqOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When, Where, Why). Adjustments are needed to cover negative balances in several major object codes and activities. VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: There wiil be sufficient funds in the major object codes in the Library's General Fund activities R�C�IVED DISADVANTA6ES IFAPPROVED 7 1995 None RECE1VEf3 �a�:�e, 0; ffCE , FEB 15 9995 GTY CLERK DISAOVANTAGESIFNaTAPPROYEO. The Library will show negative balances at the major object levels. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ — O— COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdGSOUHCE Library General Fund ncrrvirrNUraaea� 03400-03404 FINANGIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � I { I ����