97-1051Council File � , f �-.. , � , �. P, f r, �1�,t � .� _, , Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION Green Sheet 'l�IT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � q�i • �05, � 2A819 (B) � 1 Wf�REAS, The CYty �the Ciry of Saint Paul, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrarive Code did hold a public hearing on ovember 13, 1996, in the City Council Chambers For the purpose of esrablishing the levei of st�et and alley maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul and the amount of service charges to be levied against benefited property; and WI�REAS, The Department of Public Works did perform the 1947 street and alley mainrenance services in a manner as sei farth and approved by the Ciry Council and described in the report of the Department of Public Works; and WI�REAS, Pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, the Department of Public Works has submitted to the Deparnnent of Finance and Management 5ervices a report showing the total cost of street maintenance to be $16,470,981, a copy of such report has heretofore been delivered to the City Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, T'hat the City shail pay $7,714,981 of the cost of streets and alley maintenance by using Municipal State Aid ($1,479,928), Trunk Highway Aid ($225,020) County Aid ($856,661), Miscellaneous Receipts ($635,571), ('seneral Fund ($3,443,243), Transfers In ($617,032), Fund Balance ($457,526j; and be it further Page 1 of 2 Page 2 ot2 (B contd.) q�-ios� RESOLVED, That $8,756,000 shall be assessed against benefited property according to the following rates: Ciass I Downtown Streets Class II Oudying Commercial and Arterial Su�eets Commercial ProP�Y Residential Property Class III All Residential Streets Commercial ProPertY Residential Property Class IV All Oiled and Paved Alleys Commercial Properry Residential Property Class V Class VI Unimproved Streets Couunercial ProPertY Residendal Property Unimproved Alleys Commercial Property Residentiai Property and be it fiuther $3.53 per assessable foot $2.43 per assessable foot $1.10 per assessable foot $1.7b per assessable foot $1.10 per assessable foot $0.86 per assessable foot $0.57 per assessable foot $�.66 per assessable foot $0.44 ger assessable foot $0.34 per assessable foot $0.23 per assessabie foot RESOLVF,D, That a Public Heazing shall be held in the Council Chambers of the Ciry of Saint Paul at 4:30 P.M. on the 8th day of October 1997, for the purpose of adopting service charges against all benefited properties to be collected in the same manner as other real properry taxes in 1998, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish norice of this Hearing pursuant to Minnesota Statute Chapter 429, and the Depazlment of Finance is hereby dire�tett to mail notices in accordance with said Chapter 429. ,,...:�..__ SEP - 6 1997 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date ��z£ r c�— � r� By: By: d.- � � L ��/ Public Works sy: ��� �'�` Form Approved by City Attorney ay: �� l� (/ a,.+�v+� � tGJ -�'R't Adopted by Council: Date l� 4�_ �..� �i r, DFpASYMENT/OFFICFJWUNCIL DAlEN11TU17ED GREEN SHEET r,o. �gi9 "'—' PUBLIC WORKS August 15, 1997 ti�A� wrtww,� ca�rncraEasonactan� 2 oEVarr�rrrar+ECr s cmcouNC� or GARY L. ERICHSON • ' 266-6229 N"u�ieee"a ron [�a cm nrrow�r �' •'� cma.Ewc MUSTBEONCOUNCtl_AGENDABY(DA7k� ROUTING Og�pGE7p�qECTOR 7 FW.6MGT.SEKYICES 10. AUGUST 27. 1997 °� Dunroaroanss Ci En i�eer TOTALlOFSIGIN7UNEPAGEB 1 fqJP/LLLlACA710NSFORSIGWINPEI �ASSOCIATE ❑7 DEPT.ACCIXIMANT y� ACTION NEIXIES7ED Set daze of Public Heazing for ratification of 1997 Street/Alley Maintenance Service Chazge to be assessed against benefited properry. Attachmerrts: (A) Notice of Public Heating ; arid, (B) Counal Resolution t�CaeuEN0A710taS:Mnae (Ww Hryee (R) PERSONAL S CONTHACTS YUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNWGCOAiMISS10N ^ CNB.SEfiVICECOA1MlSSqN 1. Ha51Fli5 EY S NO wOtR8dutldBfaCOflVeC[fIXihisdeP2f4n�ent? ae cqAY�rrEE 2. Has tliis persorvfum erer been a tlry empbyee? — — YES NO _ S7AFf , 3. Daes ihis person/fifm possess a Skili tqt narmalty po55essed by afly Curten[ dry employee? D�SiRICTCOUNCR YES NO SUPFORTS WHipl COUNCIL 08.IECTNE4 �„ all yas ansv/ers on sePUaa shwt and ritaeh to groen ahaa[ INRIATIN6 PqOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPOHNNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, NNIEpE, WHY): ThiS will ratify the 1997 Program. +���;�;:� :_`.�•,W�•� �� M ��'J �a � ° EJ.�i� �! ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: See Above DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVm: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT MPROVED: 6 F� 'V✓ _ TOTALAMWMOFTFIANSACTIONS �7=$16,470,981; '98=$15,043,759 f�ST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIACLEONE) YE3 NO Fu�owcsouacE Assessments, General Fund. Aids ACRVITY NUlABER 42310 through 42375 FINANCIAL INFOFMATION: (EXPUNJ) GLE/Iz a'� -1n s � (A) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Heazing will be held on the SEh day of OcEober 1997 at 4:30 P.M. in the Saint Paul City Council Chaxnbers, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service of street maintenance performed in the Ciiy of Saint Paul in 1997 and to ratify the mst of such service to be charged against benefited property in acmrdance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service has been performed and the estimated msts as proposed by the Deparmnent of Public Works are as follows: CLASS I- DOWNTOWN OR LOOP STREETS �• ... Class I service has been performed on all downtown streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east. �i' . � The downtown streets have been swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. AIl routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, has been performed on an as-needed basis. �. �. • � Aii Class I service will be assessed at a rate of 3. 3 per assessable foot. CLASS II - OUTLYING COMMERCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS �• . . Ciass II service has been performed on all outlying commercial and azterial streets in the City. These are the ma}or arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian fraffic and, in most cases, have business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue, and others. All of these Class II sireets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Depariment of Public Works, 900 City Hall Annex. Page 1 af 4 9�-losl (A mntd.) 1997 Level of Service: The Class II streefs have been swept or cleaned approximately 13 times per season. All roufine maintenance, including pa#ching and repairing of street surfaces, has been done on an as-needed basis. Assessment: Under Class II service there are iwo assessment rates, one commercial and one residentiai. The mmmercial property rate is .43 per assessable foot and the residential property rate is 110 per assessable foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS ��. ..• Ciass III service has been perforxned on all resideniial sfireets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. 1997 Level of Service: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and interxnediate streets, have received a thorough cleaning in the spring which included sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work has been done on an as-needed basis. New policy effective August 1997 regazding the remaining total of 142 miles. This new policy will call for 28 miles of these existing oiled streets to be sealcoated in 1997. Street Maintenance will then sealcoat these oiled streets on a five year cycle until the oIled street is scheduled to be paved as part of the Residential Street Paving Program. The street will then be added to our ten year cycle sealcoat list. Approximately 35 miles of existing paved streets received a chip sealcoat. In the fall leaves will be picked up from these streets. Assessment• Under Class III service there aze two assessment rafes. The commerciai property rate is 1.76 per assessable foof and the residential property rate is 1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Descri�iion• Class IV service has been perforxned on all oiled, paved and intermediate type aileys within the City. Page 2 of 4 9 � . sos � (A contd.) 1997 I.evel of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys have been swept during the season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair of the alley surface, has been performed on an as-needed basis. New policy effective August 1997 regarding the remaining total of 910 oiled alleys. This new policy will call for the 300 euisting oiled alleys to be sealcoated each yeaz in 1997,1998, and 1999. Street Maintenance will then sealmat all oiled alleys in a 5 yeaz cycle. Assessment: Under Class IV service, there aze two assessment rates. The mmmercial property rate is �,.$f per assessabie foot and the residential property sate is .57 per assessable foot. CLASS V AND VI - UNIMPROVED STREBTS AND ALLEYS �- . . Class V and Class VI service has been performed on unimproved sireets and alleys. By unimproved, we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work on them to reduce any hazazds or potential hazards. 1997 Level of Services: The maintenan�e and repair of these streets and alleys has consisted of patching, minor blading, piacing o€ crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to make #hem passable and reduce hazazds. Assessment• Under Class V and Class VI service there are two assessment rates for each class. The commercial property rate is .66 per assessable foot and the residential properry rate is �.44 per assessable foot on unimproved streets. The commercial property rate is � per assessable foot and the residential properry rate is 23 per assessabie foot on unimproved alleys. Page 3 of 4 q1-ins) (A contd.) 1997 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE ndin Summer $10,523,580 Bridge 1,191,135 Right of Way 986,568 Safety Secvices iQ4,644 Winter 3,665,054 Financin¢ Assessments Aids I General Fund Transfer In $8,492,198 $1,573,856 0 0 0 1,153>135 38,000 0 1A7,995 134,000 75,844 568,729 55,807 0 534 48,303 0 336,189 3,328,865 0 TOTAL $16,470,981 $8,756,000 $3,197,180 $3,443,2A3 $61'7,032 (1) Municipal State Aid - $1,479,928 Trunk Highway Aid - 225,020 County Aid - 856,661 Miscellaneous Receipts - 635571 $3,197,180 Poinis of Information Fund Balance $457,526 0 0 � $457,52b Residential properiy on corner lots will only be assessed for the normal assessment for the front of the lot. Resideniial properties on oudying commercial and arterial streets will be assessed at the residenfial rate .10 per front foot), commercial propesties on residential streets would be assessed at 1.76 per front foot. Churches and church property would be assessed at the residential rate. The assessment will be included on your property tax statement in 1997. QUEST'IONS: If you have questions about street/alley maintenance, please call 292-6600 — for questions about your assessment, call 266-8857 and refer to your property I.D.#. Page 4 of 4 \ i�'�� � a;=� a.N.. � ���� �� ����N N N N N N N N N t� '";�^� � .-� .--i .--i .--i .r .r .r .--� .--� ��o o c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c � M � coo..�nooao.-..- � �; �� N N N cV N N N M M M c�'i M tY1 M M M � ?MHxi O O O C C C C O O O C C O G C O C ;5v;t U � � �£ O >^' A 7.-� .-� �O �D oo M t� oo C� .-+ O M��� V� :'��`,.�2�� (!? 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P, f r, �1�,t � .� _, , Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION Green Sheet 'l�IT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � q�i • �05, � 2A819 (B) � 1 Wf�REAS, The CYty �the Ciry of Saint Paul, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrarive Code did hold a public hearing on ovember 13, 1996, in the City Council Chambers For the purpose of esrablishing the levei of st�et and alley maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul and the amount of service charges to be levied against benefited property; and WI�REAS, The Department of Public Works did perform the 1947 street and alley mainrenance services in a manner as sei farth and approved by the Ciry Council and described in the report of the Department of Public Works; and WI�REAS, Pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, the Department of Public Works has submitted to the Deparnnent of Finance and Management 5ervices a report showing the total cost of street maintenance to be $16,470,981, a copy of such report has heretofore been delivered to the City Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, T'hat the City shail pay $7,714,981 of the cost of streets and alley maintenance by using Municipal State Aid ($1,479,928), Trunk Highway Aid ($225,020) County Aid ($856,661), Miscellaneous Receipts ($635,571), ('seneral Fund ($3,443,243), Transfers In ($617,032), Fund Balance ($457,526j; and be it further Page 1 of 2 Page 2 ot2 (B contd.) q�-ios� RESOLVED, That $8,756,000 shall be assessed against benefited property according to the following rates: Ciass I Downtown Streets Class II Oudying Commercial and Arterial Su�eets Commercial ProP�Y Residential Property Class III All Residential Streets Commercial ProPertY Residential Property Class IV All Oiled and Paved Alleys Commercial Properry Residential Property Class V Class VI Unimproved Streets Couunercial ProPertY Residendal Property Unimproved Alleys Commercial Property Residentiai Property and be it fiuther $3.53 per assessable foot $2.43 per assessable foot $1.10 per assessable foot $1.7b per assessable foot $1.10 per assessable foot $0.86 per assessable foot $0.57 per assessable foot $�.66 per assessable foot $0.44 ger assessable foot $0.34 per assessable foot $0.23 per assessabie foot RESOLVF,D, That a Public Heazing shall be held in the Council Chambers of the Ciry of Saint Paul at 4:30 P.M. on the 8th day of October 1997, for the purpose of adopting service charges against all benefited properties to be collected in the same manner as other real properry taxes in 1998, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish norice of this Hearing pursuant to Minnesota Statute Chapter 429, and the Depazlment of Finance is hereby dire�tett to mail notices in accordance with said Chapter 429. ,,...:�..__ SEP - 6 1997 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date ��z£ r c�— � r� By: By: d.- � � L ��/ Public Works sy: ��� �'�` Form Approved by City Attorney ay: �� l� (/ a,.+�v+� � tGJ -�'R't Adopted by Council: Date l� 4�_ �..� �i r, DFpASYMENT/OFFICFJWUNCIL DAlEN11TU17ED GREEN SHEET r,o. �gi9 "'—' PUBLIC WORKS August 15, 1997 ti�A� wrtww,� ca�rncraEasonactan� 2 oEVarr�rrrar+ECr s cmcouNC� or GARY L. ERICHSON • ' 266-6229 N"u�ieee"a ron [�a cm nrrow�r �' •'� cma.Ewc MUSTBEONCOUNCtl_AGENDABY(DA7k� ROUTING Og�pGE7p�qECTOR 7 FW.6MGT.SEKYICES 10. AUGUST 27. 1997 °� Dunroaroanss Ci En i�eer TOTALlOFSIGIN7UNEPAGEB 1 fqJP/LLLlACA710NSFORSIGWINPEI �ASSOCIATE ❑7 DEPT.ACCIXIMANT y� ACTION NEIXIES7ED Set daze of Public Heazing for ratification of 1997 Street/Alley Maintenance Service Chazge to be assessed against benefited properry. Attachmerrts: (A) Notice of Public Heating ; arid, (B) Counal Resolution t�CaeuEN0A710taS:Mnae (Ww Hryee (R) PERSONAL S CONTHACTS YUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNWGCOAiMISS10N ^ CNB.SEfiVICECOA1MlSSqN 1. Ha51Fli5 EY S NO wOtR8dutldBfaCOflVeC[fIXihisdeP2f4n�ent? ae cqAY�rrEE 2. Has tliis persorvfum erer been a tlry empbyee? — — YES NO _ S7AFf , 3. Daes ihis person/fifm possess a Skili tqt narmalty po55essed by afly Curten[ dry employee? D�SiRICTCOUNCR YES NO SUPFORTS WHipl COUNCIL 08.IECTNE4 �„ all yas ansv/ers on sePUaa shwt and ritaeh to groen ahaa[ INRIATIN6 PqOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPOHNNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, NNIEpE, WHY): ThiS will ratify the 1997 Program. +���;�;:� :_`.�•,W�•� �� M ��'J �a � ° EJ.�i� �! ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: See Above DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVm: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT MPROVED: 6 F� 'V✓ _ TOTALAMWMOFTFIANSACTIONS �7=$16,470,981; '98=$15,043,759 f�ST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIACLEONE) YE3 NO Fu�owcsouacE Assessments, General Fund. Aids ACRVITY NUlABER 42310 through 42375 FINANCIAL INFOFMATION: (EXPUNJ) GLE/Iz a'� -1n s � (A) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Heazing will be held on the SEh day of OcEober 1997 at 4:30 P.M. in the Saint Paul City Council Chaxnbers, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service of street maintenance performed in the Ciiy of Saint Paul in 1997 and to ratify the mst of such service to be charged against benefited property in acmrdance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service has been performed and the estimated msts as proposed by the Deparmnent of Public Works are as follows: CLASS I- DOWNTOWN OR LOOP STREETS �• ... Class I service has been performed on all downtown streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east. �i' . � The downtown streets have been swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. AIl routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, has been performed on an as-needed basis. �. �. • � Aii Class I service will be assessed at a rate of 3. 3 per assessable foot. CLASS II - OUTLYING COMMERCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS �• . . Ciass II service has been performed on all outlying commercial and azterial streets in the City. These are the ma}or arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian fraffic and, in most cases, have business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue, and others. All of these Class II sireets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Depariment of Public Works, 900 City Hall Annex. Page 1 af 4 9�-losl (A mntd.) 1997 Level of Service: The Class II streefs have been swept or cleaned approximately 13 times per season. All roufine maintenance, including pa#ching and repairing of street surfaces, has been done on an as-needed basis. Assessment: Under Class II service there are iwo assessment rates, one commercial and one residentiai. The mmmercial property rate is .43 per assessable foot and the residential property rate is 110 per assessable foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS ��. ..• Ciass III service has been perforxned on all resideniial sfireets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. 1997 Level of Service: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and interxnediate streets, have received a thorough cleaning in the spring which included sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work has been done on an as-needed basis. New policy effective August 1997 regazding the remaining total of 142 miles. This new policy will call for 28 miles of these existing oiled streets to be sealcoated in 1997. Street Maintenance will then sealcoat these oiled streets on a five year cycle until the oIled street is scheduled to be paved as part of the Residential Street Paving Program. The street will then be added to our ten year cycle sealcoat list. Approximately 35 miles of existing paved streets received a chip sealcoat. In the fall leaves will be picked up from these streets. Assessment• Under Class III service there aze two assessment rafes. The commerciai property rate is 1.76 per assessable foof and the residential property rate is 1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Descri�iion• Class IV service has been perforxned on all oiled, paved and intermediate type aileys within the City. Page 2 of 4 9 � . sos � (A contd.) 1997 I.evel of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys have been swept during the season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair of the alley surface, has been performed on an as-needed basis. New policy effective August 1997 regarding the remaining total of 910 oiled alleys. This new policy will call for the 300 euisting oiled alleys to be sealcoated each yeaz in 1997,1998, and 1999. Street Maintenance will then sealmat all oiled alleys in a 5 yeaz cycle. Assessment: Under Class IV service, there aze two assessment rates. The mmmercial property rate is �,.$f per assessabie foot and the residential property sate is .57 per assessable foot. CLASS V AND VI - UNIMPROVED STREBTS AND ALLEYS �- . . Class V and Class VI service has been performed on unimproved sireets and alleys. By unimproved, we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work on them to reduce any hazazds or potential hazards. 1997 Level of Services: The maintenan�e and repair of these streets and alleys has consisted of patching, minor blading, piacing o€ crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to make #hem passable and reduce hazazds. Assessment• Under Class V and Class VI service there are two assessment rates for each class. The commercial property rate is .66 per assessable foot and the residential properry rate is �.44 per assessable foot on unimproved streets. The commercial property rate is � per assessable foot and the residential properry rate is 23 per assessabie foot on unimproved alleys. Page 3 of 4 q1-ins) (A contd.) 1997 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE ndin Summer $10,523,580 Bridge 1,191,135 Right of Way 986,568 Safety Secvices iQ4,644 Winter 3,665,054 Financin¢ Assessments Aids I General Fund Transfer In $8,492,198 $1,573,856 0 0 0 1,153>135 38,000 0 1A7,995 134,000 75,844 568,729 55,807 0 534 48,303 0 336,189 3,328,865 0 TOTAL $16,470,981 $8,756,000 $3,197,180 $3,443,2A3 $61'7,032 (1) Municipal State Aid - $1,479,928 Trunk Highway Aid - 225,020 County Aid - 856,661 Miscellaneous Receipts - 635571 $3,197,180 Poinis of Information Fund Balance $457,526 0 0 � $457,52b Residential properiy on corner lots will only be assessed for the normal assessment for the front of the lot. Resideniial properties on oudying commercial and arterial streets will be assessed at the residenfial rate .10 per front foot), commercial propesties on residential streets would be assessed at 1.76 per front foot. Churches and church property would be assessed at the residential rate. The assessment will be included on your property tax statement in 1997. QUEST'IONS: If you have questions about street/alley maintenance, please call 292-6600 — for questions about your assessment, call 266-8857 and refer to your property I.D.#. Page 4 of 4 \ i�'�� � a;=� a.N.. � ���� �� ����N N N N N N N N N t� '";�^� � .-� .--i .--i .--i .r .r .r .--� .--� ��o o c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c � M � coo..�nooao.-..- � �; �� N N N cV N N N M M M c�'i M tY1 M M M � ?MHxi O O O C C C C O O O C C O G C O C ;5v;t U � � �£ O >^' A 7.-� .-� �O �D oo M t� oo C� .-+ O M��� V� :'��`,.�2�� (!? N M M N N N M M M M C�� V �„� _; Q� � C C C C C O O O C O C C O C O C C � O� � ;':.. :'� l� O O N O�D f O� r+ O N���O �9 �C � :. : � 7 � � V N h v1 v1 �O �D �O �O �D �O ', ;%?� 0 C C O O O O O O O C O O O O O O �i "'z U � <�" A o .-, O V V�O V� CC O� .� M N�O h l� l� t� l� � Y`.,'•c;;VT M�' � M M M�O d C V� iA V1 V1 �A h���A H ��';� � O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O x E.�y � r�-' �--� .--� �--� V7 � M � h O O� �O �O �O �O �O Q �> :� �o �n �n �n � c� c� r oo r� o0 00 00 00 00 �, ; d d d d d o d d d d o d o ddo �W�, Z ��� �;??u P O op t� v� tr� p� N N d h� O o0 O O O O O (S� y'� �!? h l� l'� �O �O �O 00 O� O� O� O O O•r .-r .-r .� .� "�'� "� � O O O O O O O O O � � � � �-+ �-+ � � � � G�7 ^�� �c�nr, �{ o.•r�o�n�a.m�o�o�o�o�o V] �:: ;,�." l� N N� O.r cn �f N vl �O V7 l� l� l� [� t� l� C/1 ' E O C.-i .-i .r e-i .-� r'-i ti ri ri .-i rr ti�r .� .r .r ��"�0 U vr Q� �%a r W ` ' �'' V `^"u'nR z ��stP O op l� v� v� Q� N N<t l�- '-+ 00 O O O O O s3;'%! v� v� l� t� �O �O �D oo O� O� O� O S O•r •--� •• ,� •-• � � ': � � O O C C O O O O O � � �--� � � � �-+ ^� z E•y ^�" �� N N O N�+ M h e1' M�--� O� M M M M M z ?..� ��• p l� l� �� V� 00 O O.� N N M� et �t �t d py %2,^�O � .-• .�-� .� .-� 'r ri c�l cV N tV (V fV (V t`1 (`l (V (V Q " e' F '�:m F ;. W ��'� Q � ,� � w ooroo.-�cnvy.-��-+v �-.t�cncnmmcn `" V] ' ' � � ,�" � �A �t r• � N �O O� O .r N N <t v1 �!1 v1 � N h''��"2:0 � fV (V fV (V N(V (V M M M M K7 K1 M M M M O �3,.,�c��� V f� a ;�±�.` � � �� "` .-+ N M �{ �n �O l� 00 Q. O .--� N M 7 �n �D (� �'` 00 W �O G� W �O a0 c0 00 6� O� O� O� C� 6� Q� O� °O Q� O� Q+ O� C+ Q� O� O� O� Q. Q� O� O� O� O� O� C� �' rr ..r e-y .-� .-y ..+ .-i .--i .--� �--i �--i �--i .ti .-r .�r .--� •--� . � �(� - �b5 � ��z � �� A O.-. .-w M M M P1 c+1 M u�`r� v� N N N N N N N N N � G ;;; :� � O O O O O O O P � i:� O.r .r M 7�� 7 7 M M M M M M M M M � �� O O� O C C C C O C O � �F�: O :K��S � '-I � � � � � E �u;;P O M ;v.� (!? M V 7 d' 0 � � O O O O O O O O � � �..:� � � � ` '. �', � �O � b � � � � � � '>;ec O O C C C O O C O O ';y;t`r U 64 Q 'v ette<: E.y „xa s Q ^' M N �O l� h l� l� l� � >>.�N � V1 V� h�� VY V7 h f.y � � O O O O O O O O x w a.. E. 9�. 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P, f r, �1�,t � .� _, , Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION Green Sheet 'l�IT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � q�i • �05, � 2A819 (B) � 1 Wf�REAS, The CYty �the Ciry of Saint Paul, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrarive Code did hold a public hearing on ovember 13, 1996, in the City Council Chambers For the purpose of esrablishing the levei of st�et and alley maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul and the amount of service charges to be levied against benefited property; and WI�REAS, The Department of Public Works did perform the 1947 street and alley mainrenance services in a manner as sei farth and approved by the Ciry Council and described in the report of the Department of Public Works; and WI�REAS, Pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, the Department of Public Works has submitted to the Deparnnent of Finance and Management 5ervices a report showing the total cost of street maintenance to be $16,470,981, a copy of such report has heretofore been delivered to the City Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, T'hat the City shail pay $7,714,981 of the cost of streets and alley maintenance by using Municipal State Aid ($1,479,928), Trunk Highway Aid ($225,020) County Aid ($856,661), Miscellaneous Receipts ($635,571), ('seneral Fund ($3,443,243), Transfers In ($617,032), Fund Balance ($457,526j; and be it further Page 1 of 2 Page 2 ot2 (B contd.) q�-ios� RESOLVED, That $8,756,000 shall be assessed against benefited property according to the following rates: Ciass I Downtown Streets Class II Oudying Commercial and Arterial Su�eets Commercial ProP�Y Residential Property Class III All Residential Streets Commercial ProPertY Residential Property Class IV All Oiled and Paved Alleys Commercial Properry Residential Property Class V Class VI Unimproved Streets Couunercial ProPertY Residendal Property Unimproved Alleys Commercial Property Residentiai Property and be it fiuther $3.53 per assessable foot $2.43 per assessable foot $1.10 per assessable foot $1.7b per assessable foot $1.10 per assessable foot $0.86 per assessable foot $0.57 per assessable foot $�.66 per assessable foot $0.44 ger assessable foot $0.34 per assessable foot $0.23 per assessabie foot RESOLVF,D, That a Public Heazing shall be held in the Council Chambers of the Ciry of Saint Paul at 4:30 P.M. on the 8th day of October 1997, for the purpose of adopting service charges against all benefited properties to be collected in the same manner as other real properry taxes in 1998, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish norice of this Hearing pursuant to Minnesota Statute Chapter 429, and the Depazlment of Finance is hereby dire�tett to mail notices in accordance with said Chapter 429. ,,...:�..__ SEP - 6 1997 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date ��z£ r c�— � r� By: By: d.- � � L ��/ Public Works sy: ��� �'�` Form Approved by City Attorney ay: �� l� (/ a,.+�v+� � tGJ -�'R't Adopted by Council: Date l� 4�_ �..� �i r, DFpASYMENT/OFFICFJWUNCIL DAlEN11TU17ED GREEN SHEET r,o. �gi9 "'—' PUBLIC WORKS August 15, 1997 ti�A� wrtww,� ca�rncraEasonactan� 2 oEVarr�rrrar+ECr s cmcouNC� or GARY L. ERICHSON • ' 266-6229 N"u�ieee"a ron [�a cm nrrow�r �' •'� cma.Ewc MUSTBEONCOUNCtl_AGENDABY(DA7k� ROUTING Og�pGE7p�qECTOR 7 FW.6MGT.SEKYICES 10. AUGUST 27. 1997 °� Dunroaroanss Ci En i�eer TOTALlOFSIGIN7UNEPAGEB 1 fqJP/LLLlACA710NSFORSIGWINPEI �ASSOCIATE ❑7 DEPT.ACCIXIMANT y� ACTION NEIXIES7ED Set daze of Public Heazing for ratification of 1997 Street/Alley Maintenance Service Chazge to be assessed against benefited properry. Attachmerrts: (A) Notice of Public Heating ; arid, (B) Counal Resolution t�CaeuEN0A710taS:Mnae (Ww Hryee (R) PERSONAL S CONTHACTS YUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNWGCOAiMISS10N ^ CNB.SEfiVICECOA1MlSSqN 1. Ha51Fli5 EY S NO wOtR8dutldBfaCOflVeC[fIXihisdeP2f4n�ent? ae cqAY�rrEE 2. Has tliis persorvfum erer been a tlry empbyee? — — YES NO _ S7AFf , 3. Daes ihis person/fifm possess a Skili tqt narmalty po55essed by afly Curten[ dry employee? D�SiRICTCOUNCR YES NO SUPFORTS WHipl COUNCIL 08.IECTNE4 �„ all yas ansv/ers on sePUaa shwt and ritaeh to groen ahaa[ INRIATIN6 PqOBLEM, ISSUE.OPPOHNNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, NNIEpE, WHY): ThiS will ratify the 1997 Program. +���;�;:� :_`.�•,W�•� �� M ��'J �a � ° EJ.�i� �! ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: See Above DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVm: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT MPROVED: 6 F� 'V✓ _ TOTALAMWMOFTFIANSACTIONS �7=$16,470,981; '98=$15,043,759 f�ST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIACLEONE) YE3 NO Fu�owcsouacE Assessments, General Fund. Aids ACRVITY NUlABER 42310 through 42375 FINANCIAL INFOFMATION: (EXPUNJ) GLE/Iz a'� -1n s � (A) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a Public Heazing will be held on the SEh day of OcEober 1997 at 4:30 P.M. in the Saint Paul City Council Chaxnbers, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service of street maintenance performed in the Ciiy of Saint Paul in 1997 and to ratify the mst of such service to be charged against benefited property in acmrdance with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service has been performed and the estimated msts as proposed by the Deparmnent of Public Works are as follows: CLASS I- DOWNTOWN OR LOOP STREETS �• ... Class I service has been performed on all downtown streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard on the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east. �i' . � The downtown streets have been swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. AIl routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, has been performed on an as-needed basis. �. �. • � Aii Class I service will be assessed at a rate of 3. 3 per assessable foot. CLASS II - OUTLYING COMMERCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS �• . . Ciass II service has been performed on all outlying commercial and azterial streets in the City. These are the ma}or arteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian fraffic and, in most cases, have business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical examples would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh Street, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue, and others. All of these Class II sireets are accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Depariment of Public Works, 900 City Hall Annex. Page 1 af 4 9�-losl (A mntd.) 1997 Level of Service: The Class II streefs have been swept or cleaned approximately 13 times per season. All roufine maintenance, including pa#ching and repairing of street surfaces, has been done on an as-needed basis. Assessment: Under Class II service there are iwo assessment rates, one commercial and one residentiai. The mmmercial property rate is .43 per assessable foot and the residential property rate is 110 per assessable foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTIAL STREETS ��. ..• Ciass III service has been perforxned on all resideniial sfireets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate type streets. 1997 Level of Service: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and interxnediate streets, have received a thorough cleaning in the spring which included sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work has been done on an as-needed basis. New policy effective August 1997 regazding the remaining total of 142 miles. This new policy will call for 28 miles of these existing oiled streets to be sealcoated in 1997. Street Maintenance will then sealcoat these oiled streets on a five year cycle until the oIled street is scheduled to be paved as part of the Residential Street Paving Program. The street will then be added to our ten year cycle sealcoat list. Approximately 35 miles of existing paved streets received a chip sealcoat. In the fall leaves will be picked up from these streets. Assessment• Under Class III service there aze two assessment rafes. The commerciai property rate is 1.76 per assessable foof and the residential property rate is 1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Descri�iion• Class IV service has been perforxned on all oiled, paved and intermediate type aileys within the City. Page 2 of 4 9 � . sos � (A contd.) 1997 I.evel of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys have been swept during the season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repair of the alley surface, has been performed on an as-needed basis. New policy effective August 1997 regarding the remaining total of 910 oiled alleys. This new policy will call for the 300 euisting oiled alleys to be sealcoated each yeaz in 1997,1998, and 1999. Street Maintenance will then sealmat all oiled alleys in a 5 yeaz cycle. Assessment: Under Class IV service, there aze two assessment rates. The mmmercial property rate is �,.$f per assessabie foot and the residential property sate is .57 per assessable foot. CLASS V AND VI - UNIMPROVED STREBTS AND ALLEYS �- . . Class V and Class VI service has been performed on unimproved sireets and alleys. By unimproved, we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are platted City rights-of-way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because they are City rights-of-way, the City has the responsibility to perform minimal repairs and maintenance work on them to reduce any hazazds or potential hazards. 1997 Level of Services: The maintenan�e and repair of these streets and alleys has consisted of patching, minor blading, piacing o€ crushed rock and other stabilized material in order to make #hem passable and reduce hazazds. Assessment• Under Class V and Class VI service there are two assessment rates for each class. The commercial property rate is .66 per assessable foot and the residential properry rate is �.44 per assessable foot on unimproved streets. The commercial property rate is � per assessable foot and the residential properry rate is 23 per assessabie foot on unimproved alleys. Page 3 of 4 q1-ins) (A contd.) 1997 PROPOSED EXPENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE ndin Summer $10,523,580 Bridge 1,191,135 Right of Way 986,568 Safety Secvices iQ4,644 Winter 3,665,054 Financin¢ Assessments Aids I General Fund Transfer In $8,492,198 $1,573,856 0 0 0 1,153>135 38,000 0 1A7,995 134,000 75,844 568,729 55,807 0 534 48,303 0 336,189 3,328,865 0 TOTAL $16,470,981 $8,756,000 $3,197,180 $3,443,2A3 $61'7,032 (1) Municipal State Aid - $1,479,928 Trunk Highway Aid - 225,020 County Aid - 856,661 Miscellaneous Receipts - 635571 $3,197,180 Poinis of Information Fund Balance $457,526 0 0 � $457,52b Residential properiy on corner lots will only be assessed for the normal assessment for the front of the lot. Resideniial properties on oudying commercial and arterial streets will be assessed at the residenfial rate .10 per front foot), commercial propesties on residential streets would be assessed at 1.76 per front foot. Churches and church property would be assessed at the residential rate. The assessment will be included on your property tax statement in 1997. QUEST'IONS: If you have questions about street/alley maintenance, please call 292-6600 — for questions about your assessment, call 266-8857 and refer to your property I.D.#. Page 4 of 4 \ i�'�� � a;=� a.N.. � ���� �� ����N N N N N N N N N t� '";�^� � .-� .--i .--i .--i .r .r .r .--� .--� ��o o c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c � M � coo..�nooao.-..- � �; �� N N N cV N N N M M M c�'i M tY1 M M M � ?MHxi O O O C C C C O O O C C O G C O C ;5v;t U � � �£ O >^' A 7.-� .-� �O �D oo M t� oo C� .-+ O M��� V� :'��`,.�2�� (!? 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