97-1047N00381j1(58Rp 8yyy�yltldEAVJ�V{{SN37fVSH3Sl1\H �J101aepnBl�edw!eSA9Paedad •�8 :�[auno� o; uo�ss� qng �o o�CeW /Cq panaddy :�Cg uoj ��8 :�o;aand;e6pn8 �Cq papuawwo�aa �eno�ddy v LY �� : � 8 sa�iniag �ei�uew�;o ao�p :;o;uaw�edaa �tq pa;sanbab — �°V" �.—� :� -� Sf � z� a;ea :�o/Cepy �Cq pano�ddy ��8 :tie;a��ag �i�uno� /Cq Pa3i�a� uo�;doPy a3ea :�i�uno� /(q pa;doptl •;a6pnq L66L ay; o; sa6ueya asay; sanoadde �isuno� ,C7i� ay� 3eN7 a3AlOS321 ll 38 '32lOd3213H1 MON tzz`osa`�s� o OSZ�OZL'6SL p 946'OZ OOS'96 ZEO`60L l�`J4f�9 3WV (005`9L) 3 N � czzbss'is� OSZ'OZL'6SL S46`b Z£S�SA i�ng rN3a�� 6uipuadg �e�ol 6uipuadg iaya0 Iltl ';o�d�ayap-saaj 6LZ0 �o;oa�ip �saamosaa uewnH 5SL00 pun j �COUa6ui;uo� wa; •dx3 8bS0 an�asaa;ua6u��uo� �e�aua� 09060 P��dl�aua� L00 �Ntlld'JNION3dS ;a6pn8 L66L ayl o� sa6ueyo 6uw�o��o; ay; spuawwoaa.i �o,(eyy ay; �Stl3213HM a�qe�iene saoue e pue [;a6png L66L ayl ui uogpudo�dde �o; I q pa�aqwnauaun aie a�aya �eya �iyao saop'�a�ey� �Gi� ay;;o b'LO'OL uoi;aag o�;uensind °�o%eyy ay; •Stl3213HM pue f;aiy� anj ay� �o uoi;en�pna ue o; sweyad ley� ue�d ��on� aya;o �ed;e� �uawa�dwi o; pataa�as aq p�x�;ue��nsuoa p'SV3213HM pue tEVL-L6 dD;uawa�dwi o; ue�d Wom e �iauno� o� pasodo�d sey uoiae�ls�uiwpe ay�'SV3LI3HM pue :uoi�n�osa� aya ui paui�;no suo�;q�adxa uanas uo paseq �;a�y� a�! j se �a��nj uuy;o luaWywodde ay� pano�dtle `�66L'S 4�eW uo �ipuno� �i� �Pe `£4L-L6 dD uogn�osaa 'Stl3a3HM a;ea :aa�iwwo� bl ez zz �Z OZ 6L 8G L4 9L SL v� �� z� LG OE :ol pa��a;aa �/\\; [_l�Z.�# 3aayg uaa�� L ��, ^ � # al!d 1[�uno� F/lOS3NNIW :�CB pa}uasa�d f�%F#�������5 DEPARTMEMI/OFPICPJCOUNCIL DATEIMIIATED �� � iOl sua 06/06/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32597 � CONTAGTPERSON&PHONE �1 DEPqRTMEIYiDWECCOR -a 5� CRYCOUNCII. Joe Reid, 266-8553 N �M� Foa 3❑ cm A � (J ❑ rns c�.txtc MtI5T6EONC0UNC6AGENDABY(OA'1'� R a �� �2 BUOGEI'DINECfOR �V a6 F1N &MGT.SE1tVIC6SDIR June 11 � 1997 ❑4 MAYtlR(DRASSL4TAN'n�_ � 'TOTAL # OF SIGNA"PiJRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'T1.JRE) ACIIONRF{UESISp ' Apprmal of a budget resoYution to implement CF-97-143, regarding the performance of Tim Fuller as Fire Chief. nECOnmmunAnoNS: Apy� (a) orx y:a l2) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'CMCIS MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOR'ING QUESTIONS: r5ar�wccoumussroN _crvasmmceconv.nssrox I.Iiastluspersonlfirmevuwoikedunde=acontrac[forthisdeparlment? cm CoHUm�rEe YES NO }� sTaFt' _ 2. Has this personlfixm ever bcen a city employee? n�crCOUni YES NO survox'tS wHIC[icptmrn oslecme7 3. Does this persodfwl possess a sidll not normally possessed by any current ciTy employee? YES NO (Explain aIl yes answers on separate 5heet and akfaCh to green shee4) AllTTAIIIJGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[IM1Y (Nho, WIwS Whcq Where, Why) When the City Council approved the appointment of Tan Fuller as Fire Chief, on March 5, 1999, it did so based on seven �pectations outlined in CF-97-143. The administration subsequently prepazed a work plan to implement the resoluflon. This resolution will provide budget approval to hire an independent consultant, as the City Council requested, with lmowledge and expertise to assist the administration in completing the work plan. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: SaYisfactory 'vnplementation of Counoil File 97-143. DISADVANTAOESffAPPROVEp. � ( �� + � y 469i973� i���i�sll V�iiir Consultant costs add to 1997 expenditures. % ��� �� ���/ �� _ __.._.._a..--=–�— DISADVANTAGES ff NdfAPPROVID. Complete unplementation of Council Fite 97-143 will be more difficult. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC]iON 'IBSDO COST/itEVENOEBtIDGEt'ED(CIRCLEON� O NO F,�rromcsoim General Contingen� wcnmrr�u�e 00155 Human Resources Director FWANCW.IIVFORMA'ffON: (EXPLAllJ) H:IUSERStBUDGET723DR TA4RESOLUT10NS1GS32597 �� N00381j1(58Rp 8yyy�yltldEAVJ�V{{SN37fVSH3Sl1\H �J101aepnBl�edw!eSA9Paedad •�8 :�[auno� o; uo�ss� qng �o o�CeW /Cq panaddy :�Cg uoj ��8 :�o;aand;e6pn8 �Cq papuawwo�aa �eno�ddy v LY �� : � 8 sa�iniag �ei�uew�;o ao�p :;o;uaw�edaa �tq pa;sanbab — �°V" �.—� :� -� Sf � z� a;ea :�o/Cepy �Cq pano�ddy ��8 :tie;a��ag �i�uno� /Cq Pa3i�a� uo�;doPy a3ea :�i�uno� /(q pa;doptl •;a6pnq L66L ay; o; sa6ueya asay; sanoadde �isuno� ,C7i� ay� 3eN7 a3AlOS321 ll 38 '32lOd3213H1 MON tzz`osa`�s� o OSZ�OZL'6SL p 946'OZ OOS'96 ZEO`60L l�`J4f�9 3WV (005`9L) 3 N � czzbss'is� OSZ'OZL'6SL S46`b Z£S�SA i�ng rN3a�� 6uipuadg �e�ol 6uipuadg iaya0 Iltl ';o�d�ayap-saaj 6LZ0 �o;oa�ip �saamosaa uewnH 5SL00 pun j �COUa6ui;uo� wa; •dx3 8bS0 an�asaa;ua6u��uo� �e�aua� 09060 P��dl�aua� L00 �Ntlld'JNION3dS ;a6pn8 L66L ayl o� sa6ueyo 6uw�o��o; ay; spuawwoaa.i �o,(eyy ay; �Stl3213HM a�qe�iene saoue e pue [;a6png L66L ayl ui uogpudo�dde �o; I q pa�aqwnauaun aie a�aya �eya �iyao saop'�a�ey� �Gi� ay;;o b'LO'OL uoi;aag o�;uensind °�o%eyy ay; •Stl3213HM pue f;aiy� anj ay� �o uoi;en�pna ue o; sweyad ley� ue�d ��on� aya;o �ed;e� �uawa�dwi o; pataa�as aq p�x�;ue��nsuoa p'SV3213HM pue tEVL-L6 dD;uawa�dwi o; ue�d Wom e �iauno� o� pasodo�d sey uoiae�ls�uiwpe ay�'SV3LI3HM pue :uoi�n�osa� aya ui paui�;no suo�;q�adxa uanas uo paseq �;a�y� a�! j se �a��nj uuy;o luaWywodde ay� pano�dtle `�66L'S 4�eW uo �ipuno� �i� �Pe `£4L-L6 dD uogn�osaa 'Stl3a3HM a;ea :aa�iwwo� bl ez zz �Z OZ 6L 8G L4 9L SL v� �� z� LG OE :ol pa��a;aa �/\\; [_l�Z.�# 3aayg uaa�� L ��, ^ � # al!d 1[�uno� F/lOS3NNIW :�CB pa}uasa�d f�%F#�������5 DEPARTMEMI/OFPICPJCOUNCIL DATEIMIIATED �� � iOl sua 06/06/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32597 � CONTAGTPERSON&PHONE �1 DEPqRTMEIYiDWECCOR -a 5� CRYCOUNCII. Joe Reid, 266-8553 N �M� Foa 3❑ cm A � (J ❑ rns c�.txtc MtI5T6EONC0UNC6AGENDABY(OA'1'� R a �� �2 BUOGEI'DINECfOR �V a6 F1N &MGT.SE1tVIC6SDIR June 11 � 1997 ❑4 MAYtlR(DRASSL4TAN'n�_ � 'TOTAL # OF SIGNA"PiJRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'T1.JRE) ACIIONRF{UESISp ' Apprmal of a budget resoYution to implement CF-97-143, regarding the performance of Tim Fuller as Fire Chief. nECOnmmunAnoNS: Apy� (a) orx y:a l2) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'CMCIS MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOR'ING QUESTIONS: r5ar�wccoumussroN _crvasmmceconv.nssrox I.Iiastluspersonlfirmevuwoikedunde=acontrac[forthisdeparlment? cm CoHUm�rEe YES NO }� sTaFt' _ 2. Has this personlfixm ever bcen a city employee? n�crCOUni YES NO survox'tS wHIC[icptmrn oslecme7 3. Does this persodfwl possess a sidll not normally possessed by any current ciTy employee? YES NO (Explain aIl yes answers on separate 5heet and akfaCh to green shee4) AllTTAIIIJGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[IM1Y (Nho, WIwS Whcq Where, Why) When the City Council approved the appointment of Tan Fuller as Fire Chief, on March 5, 1999, it did so based on seven �pectations outlined in CF-97-143. The administration subsequently prepazed a work plan to implement the resoluflon. This resolution will provide budget approval to hire an independent consultant, as the City Council requested, with lmowledge and expertise to assist the administration in completing the work plan. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: SaYisfactory 'vnplementation of Counoil File 97-143. DISADVANTAOESffAPPROVEp. � ( �� + � y 469i973� i���i�sll V�iiir Consultant costs add to 1997 expenditures. % ��� �� ���/ �� _ __.._.._a..--=–�— DISADVANTAGES ff NdfAPPROVID. Complete unplementation of Council Fite 97-143 will be more difficult. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC]iON 'IBSDO COST/itEVENOEBtIDGEt'ED(CIRCLEON� O NO F,�rromcsoim General Contingen� wcnmrr�u�e 00155 Human Resources Director FWANCW.IIVFORMA'ffON: (EXPLAllJ) H:IUSERStBUDGET723DR TA4RESOLUT10NS1GS32597 �� N00381j1(58Rp 8yyy�yltldEAVJ�V{{SN37fVSH3Sl1\H �J101aepnBl�edw!eSA9Paedad •�8 :�[auno� o; uo�ss� qng �o o�CeW /Cq panaddy :�Cg uoj ��8 :�o;aand;e6pn8 �Cq papuawwo�aa �eno�ddy v LY �� : � 8 sa�iniag �ei�uew�;o ao�p :;o;uaw�edaa �tq pa;sanbab — �°V" �.—� :� -� Sf � z� a;ea :�o/Cepy �Cq pano�ddy ��8 :tie;a��ag �i�uno� /Cq Pa3i�a� uo�;doPy a3ea :�i�uno� /(q pa;doptl •;a6pnq L66L ay; o; sa6ueya asay; sanoadde �isuno� ,C7i� ay� 3eN7 a3AlOS321 ll 38 '32lOd3213H1 MON tzz`osa`�s� o OSZ�OZL'6SL p 946'OZ OOS'96 ZEO`60L l�`J4f�9 3WV (005`9L) 3 N � czzbss'is� OSZ'OZL'6SL S46`b Z£S�SA i�ng rN3a�� 6uipuadg �e�ol 6uipuadg iaya0 Iltl ';o�d�ayap-saaj 6LZ0 �o;oa�ip �saamosaa uewnH 5SL00 pun j �COUa6ui;uo� wa; •dx3 8bS0 an�asaa;ua6u��uo� �e�aua� 09060 P��dl�aua� L00 �Ntlld'JNION3dS ;a6pn8 L66L ayl o� sa6ueyo 6uw�o��o; ay; spuawwoaa.i �o,(eyy ay; �Stl3213HM a�qe�iene saoue e pue [;a6png L66L ayl ui uogpudo�dde �o; I q pa�aqwnauaun aie a�aya �eya �iyao saop'�a�ey� �Gi� ay;;o b'LO'OL uoi;aag o�;uensind °�o%eyy ay; •Stl3213HM pue f;aiy� anj ay� �o uoi;en�pna ue o; sweyad ley� ue�d ��on� aya;o �ed;e� �uawa�dwi o; pataa�as aq p�x�;ue��nsuoa p'SV3213HM pue tEVL-L6 dD;uawa�dwi o; ue�d Wom e �iauno� o� pasodo�d sey uoiae�ls�uiwpe ay�'SV3LI3HM pue :uoi�n�osa� aya ui paui�;no suo�;q�adxa uanas uo paseq �;a�y� a�! j se �a��nj uuy;o luaWywodde ay� pano�dtle `�66L'S 4�eW uo �ipuno� �i� �Pe `£4L-L6 dD uogn�osaa 'Stl3a3HM a;ea :aa�iwwo� bl ez zz �Z OZ 6L 8G L4 9L SL v� �� z� LG OE :ol pa��a;aa �/\\; [_l�Z.�# 3aayg uaa�� L ��, ^ � # al!d 1[�uno� F/lOS3NNIW :�CB pa}uasa�d f�%F#�������5 DEPARTMEMI/OFPICPJCOUNCIL DATEIMIIATED �� � iOl sua 06/06/97 GREEN SHEET NO. 32597 � CONTAGTPERSON&PHONE �1 DEPqRTMEIYiDWECCOR -a 5� CRYCOUNCII. Joe Reid, 266-8553 N �M� Foa 3❑ cm A � (J ❑ rns c�.txtc MtI5T6EONC0UNC6AGENDABY(OA'1'� R a �� �2 BUOGEI'DINECfOR �V a6 F1N &MGT.SE1tVIC6SDIR June 11 � 1997 ❑4 MAYtlR(DRASSL4TAN'n�_ � 'TOTAL # OF SIGNA"PiJRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'T1.JRE) ACIIONRF{UESISp ' Apprmal of a budget resoYution to implement CF-97-143, regarding the performance of Tim Fuller as Fire Chief. nECOnmmunAnoNS: Apy� (a) orx y:a l2) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'CMCIS MiJST ANSWER THE FOLLOR'ING QUESTIONS: r5ar�wccoumussroN _crvasmmceconv.nssrox I.Iiastluspersonlfirmevuwoikedunde=acontrac[forthisdeparlment? cm CoHUm�rEe YES NO }� sTaFt' _ 2. Has this personlfixm ever bcen a city employee? n�crCOUni YES NO survox'tS wHIC[icptmrn oslecme7 3. Does this persodfwl possess a sidll not normally possessed by any current ciTy employee? YES NO (Explain aIl yes answers on separate 5heet and akfaCh to green shee4) AllTTAIIIJGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[IM1Y (Nho, WIwS Whcq Where, Why) When the City Council approved the appointment of Tan Fuller as Fire Chief, on March 5, 1999, it did so based on seven �pectations outlined in CF-97-143. The administration subsequently prepazed a work plan to implement the resoluflon. This resolution will provide budget approval to hire an independent consultant, as the City Council requested, with lmowledge and expertise to assist the administration in completing the work plan. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: SaYisfactory 'vnplementation of Counoil File 97-143. DISADVANTAOESffAPPROVEp. � ( �� + � y 469i973� i���i�sll V�iiir Consultant costs add to 1997 expenditures. % ��� �� ���/ �� _ __.._.._a..--=–�— DISADVANTAGES ff NdfAPPROVID. Complete unplementation of Council Fite 97-143 will be more difficult. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC]iON 'IBSDO COST/itEVENOEBtIDGEt'ED(CIRCLEON� O NO F,�rromcsoim General Contingen� wcnmrr�u�e 00155 Human Resources Director FWANCW.IIVFORMA'ffON: (EXPLAllJ) H:IUSERStBUDGET723DR TA4RESOLUT10NS1GS32597 ��