D00476CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TE� MAYOR ADMIINISTRATIVE aRDER • ADMITTISTRATIVE OItDER, No: �Vla'l �I() Date: �� t`1' � That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with The College of St. Catherine, Lund and Lange Florists, The Anderson Company, Skeffington's, Total Music, as well as selected entertainers, and pay all costs for services provided to the Division of Pazks and Recreation in connecflon with the St. Paul Winter Carnival Jr. and Sr. Royalty Coronations, Teen Dance, Senior Swing and Judging Parties. These costs are not to exceed $ I5,000.00 and would be paid for through user fees and sponsor donations. �nding code: 23190, 23191, 2 310 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM C ' r/ rJ�( � Assistant City Atto ey Date n Deparunent Head Administtative AssistaM to Mayor Parks & Recreation Vince T07AL # OF SIGNASUHE PAGES �G4-G � 5� �GREEN SHEET � DEPARTMEM OIRECiOR F00 � CfiYATTORNEY � BUDGEf DIRECfOR . O MAVOR (OR ASSISTANT) (CL{P ALL LOCAT10riS FOR SIGNATl1RE) Approval of Administrative Qrder tA� a _ CIB COMMfTTEE _ _ _ S7AfP _ _ _ DISTPICTCOURT _ _ SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNpL O&IECIIVE? CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION [�OOy� N_ 31076 INffiAVDATE CT' COUNCIL CRY CLERK FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 7. Has this perso�rpi ever worked under a contrac[ for this tlepartment? � YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO E:plain all yea answers on aeparete sheet antl attaeh to green shcet INITATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (WM1O, Wliat, When, WPere, Why): The Division of Parks and Recreation is responsible for m3ny activites during tt�e St. Paul Winter Carnival. Participants arni spectators wi11 enjoy the Jr. & Sr. Royalty Coronations, the Teen Dance, the Senior Swing, Sr. Day at Landmark atxi the Judging Parties. DISAOVANTAGES IF RPPflOVEO'. None RECEfVE� FEB 141995 CITY GLERIE These events wi11 not be held. � �'�� � 3 1995 v��`� �e �! ��a1�� AMOUNT OF TAANSAC710N S riOt t0 2XC22CI. y�l� � OOO.00 COST/PEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE user fees dTld registrations ACTNITYNUMBER 23190 and 23191, 23102 FMANCIAL INFOFMATION. (EXPLAIN) ��