97-1012y � Council File # �'l � t�� .� /"1 (�le�e� ' �`1 Green Sheet # � O RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Re£erred To � � Committee: Date WHEREAS, Chapter 243 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regulate the subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City council that full compliance with Chapter 293 would constitute an unreasonable hardship on an applicant, other persons ar on the community; and WHEREAS, Schwietz Saloon, 956 Payne Avenue, represented by Jeff T. Matthews, President, who has been designated as one of two responsible parties on the application, has applied for a variance to allow live music in a tent adjacent to the licensed premises on September 11, 12 and 13, 1997, which dates are in conjunction with Payne-Arcade Harvest Festival; and WHEREAS, applicant wishes to present live music until 1230 am. on those three dates; and WHEREAS, the ordinance provides an exemprion far certain festivals which permits sound levels up to 90 dBA until 10:00 p.m., but would then require the noise levels to drop after 10:00 p.m.; and WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present the live music; and WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has reviewed the applica6on and has made recommendations regazding condifions for the variance; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to Schwietz Saloon, subject to the following conditions: 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 10:00 p.m. to-�:96�r.in- I� ea=Fk�y, �g��-��-���'��€r�x 1b:99-g,�xi,-to-12;49 g.7n-rnreacira€-{�ie-tt�p�snEee3Srde� on Thursday, Septembex September 12, 1997 and Saturdav. Sentember 13. 1997. ; �1(� a, m 11, 1997, Friday, 2) During the variance granted herein, a11 electronically powered equipment used in conjunction with the event shall not exceed 43 90 dBA as measured at the closer of the sound mix or at a distance o��feet from the front of the stage.- from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. and not — exceed 85 dba from 12:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 12:30 a.m. 3) The applicant all provide personnel and equipment who shall provide con ' ous sound level monitoring between 10:00 p.m. and on September 11, 1947a�-bet�vaec.�-i-0:A9��t.- -a���-(�g.m.-cm September 12 & 13, 1997, to ensure compliance with Condifion #2. 12•30 a.m. 4) All electronically powered equipmettt, PA systems, louds�akers or similar devices shall be turned off no later than �Y.&�p.-tn-on September 11, 1997-an��k�ef-t�--1�-A9-p:a�-c� September 12 & 13, 1997. �j7-�0i2- FURTF�R RESOLVED, that any violation of the condifions set forth above during the September 11 or 12, 1997 dates will result in revocation of the grant of the variance for the September 12 and/or 13, 1997, dates in addition to any criminai citations which might issue. Requested by Department of: By �.. � � � �.,_..�,� � ��oved by Mayor: Date C�\Z�'��' �l�- , � BY� ��>�,-�-`�"""", �- �-az�Ls Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc�\����j� d�k������i�. " By: � C Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � �� 5U281 �� DEWVR7MENTqFFICE/COONCIL DATE INITIATEO � � — �� � OFFICE OF LIEP JULY 24 ,�99� G REEN S H E E CONTACT PERSON 8 PMONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAVOATE � DEPARTMENT D�RECTOR � CIN COUNC�L PETER KISHEL 266-9133 ASSICN � GIN qTTpRNEY � GTY CIERK MUST BE ON CqUNCiI AGENDA BY (DATE) NUNBER FOR � BUDGE7 DIRECTOfl O FIN. 8 MGi. $ERVICES �IR. NOUTiNG AUGUST 13, 19g7 OPOER AYOR(ORASSIST = � T07A1 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IOCAT40NS FOR SIGNATURE} ACTION iiEQUESTED: Resolution granting Schwietz Saloon,a sound level variance from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 293.09. RECOMMENDATIONS: AOpmve (A1 or Rejec[ (R) pEqSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINC+ OUESTIONS: _ PL4NNWG COMb11SSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrect for this departmentt _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry empioyee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ Dis'fAiG7COURr _ 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill rrot normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CWNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain alI yes answers on seperate sheet and enaeh to green aheet INITfATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who, Whffi. Wnen. Where. Why): Schwietz Saloon, represented by Jeff T. Matthews, President, has requested a sound 1eve1 variance to a11ow live music in a tent adjacent to the licensed premises, in conjunction with the Payne Arcade Aarvest Festival, at 956 Payne Avenue. The concerts are scheduled from 8:30 p.m, to 12:30 a.m. on Thursday, September 11, Friday, September 12 and Saturday, September 13, 1997. ADY0.N�AGESIF APPROVED: Will place conditions that wi11 limit the sound level impact in surrounding residential areas. DISAWANTAGES IF APPPOVED' Persons living near 956 Payne Avenue will be able to hear the music from the concerts. Will require staff time to monitor the events. DISADNANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The sound level impact in surrounding residential areas could be greater with no conditions. Applicant may not be able to present the concerts without exceeding the sound level limitations contained in 293.09. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 J� S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE 320-33350 ACTIV{TY NUMBER �1�41 FINANdAL INFOR6fATION (EXPLAIN) For monitoring overtime. CITY OF SAIPVT PAUL Norm Co[em¢n, Mayor July 23 1997 TO: FROM: OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND �^ _ ENVIlLONMENTALPROTECTION � �� Ro6ertKessler, Director � � � IAWRY PROFESSIONAL Telephone: 6I2-266-9090 BUII.IJIIJG Facsrm:le: 612-2669099 Smte 300 612-2669124 350 St Peter Street SamtPaul,Minnesota 55102-I510 Nancy Anderson, Council Investigation & Research Room 310, City Hall Peter Kishel Office of Lic e, spections and Environmental Protection SUB7ECT: Sound I.evel Variance Schwietz Saloon, 956 Payne Avenue Attached is a sound level variance applicafion from Jeff Matthews and Maureen Mariano of Schwietz Saloon for three concerts to be held at 956 Payne Avenue. The dates aze September 11, 12 and 13, 1997, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Nouce sent to property owners within 200 feet of 956 Payne Avenue. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for August 13, 1997. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9133. PTKlko Attachments c: file s a + �E 9,�, V�F� JJ .� �ti�l/ Sa1NT PAUL � AAl1A CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor July 23, 1997 Deaz St. Paul Property Owner: OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTI0I�S AND I EIVVIROh'�NTAL PROTECTION � RobertKeseler, D�rector �/ � � l y (/i i IAWRYPROFESSIONAL Telephone:6l2-2669090 BUIIDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099 Suite 300 612-2669724 350 St Peter Street SmrstPaul Minmesota 55102-I510 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING This is to inform you of an application to request a variance from the sound level limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislauve Code). A public heazing before the Ciry Council on this vaziance request will be held on: Date: August 13, 1997 Time: 430 p.m. Locadon: 3rd F1oor, City Hall Council Chaznbers WitLin C�fteen (1� davs of the ma'1� date on this nokce written coatments or obiections mav be filed with the Ciry of St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecaon 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Description of Vaziance: Noise Source: Schwietz Saloon, represented by Jeff T. Matt6ews, President, has applied for a vaziance to allow live music in a tent adjacent to the licensed premises on September 11, 12 and 13, 1997, in conjuncdon with the Payne-Arcade Harvest Fesdval. The concerts aze scheduled for the hours of 830 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Location: If you have Schwietz Saloon, 956 Payne Avenue please feel free to call me at 266-9133. Yours uly, - Peter T. Kishel G � Safety and Healffi Analyst PTK/ko c: CouncIl Member Daniel Bostrom District Council file -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUN 11:41 CITY OF �T FHUL LIEP Application for Soux�d Levei Variance Cz�y of St. Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter 293 of the St P2a1 Legisiaz;ve Code Z. UP�3IlIZ3Ct07t 02 pCTSOiI SCE�:lll� Y3F22tiCC: _� 2. t�.�t:ess: _ b f��( N� Av �. 3. � G12 2G� 91c4 P.e�i�5 ��.�� wlfTZ SAt-oo�! c� �.t L � G - W i. PA-U C.. SS/ n � "' � Respas?bi �,person:.__.,. e, £� F MF'�`Z'TE��WS Title ar pcsirio«: J � PR£ S t fDf�V? _.� __..-. �� --------- 5. Telephone:_...��° � Z� 7 7 lo _$ b' $ t9 1�Z��7 6. Briefly describe the noise source and equiptuent znvolved: _ M�S I c rQ C. $ A/V A S lY�� N(r /ir�t PL ��_� F,p SevN,� S S -----------�-- 7. A.ddsess or legal description of noisa souree: `�5 � W 'P�`�Nf- i _ �u� Y _ P.M- 3. N'oise source time of operarion: �=3 �-' l Z: 30 !�. M- �� 9. Sriefly desczibe the steps that wzll be taken to m:nimize the noise lev�ls: �"rTAGE T �' .� L��:S'� ------------- — �uN�__ �?�R_._iM�T�./�i _� _��lZ nr�.���� � � TuRfdl,i�t(r �WN �.�;,ut�r'�1P�JT i0. �srielystatereasoafors:;ei;in;variaree: t?,F�t�E (�� I���£� � tN3SA£CZ'1�YV t5 iQ� �vt�.�rv� U�R4�NC�,��V�N '�C�ouG4�_w� Y�R£ i4PPR�V&���'�4t� FoR LIA�o� �.ic — ----- ----�-------------- i fnrs�n�v 1 i. Dates durin� �vhich the variance is requested: �S��T�M �4,R, { L� t2 � 4 3__ _ I qqZ __ � � Signature of re,pansibie person �_� -'T � a���� Ze#urn compieted A,pplicatioi� and ���0.04 fee to: CITY OP SAINT PAUL �NVIRONMEIV'TAT. HEALTH 350 ST. I'�'T'E17 ST1t�ET, #330 SAINT PAZTL, ?VII�I 55102-i5I0 26G-913D " /v1� V 2E.f iV M �✓✓�, f.�N �ffice iJse �nty � ���� ___ ...'_ __.�, _.-..�i�__.W_ MR2t�to SEc.Q� DaFe R�'d. — Re�•iewed �.1`�i'-- Date Pubtic Norice Sent ReFerred to Counci2 q���or�- ��f�i�r'�i'i � �����,iiG➢Pw iv�iSZ v�f1�T1C�' - �iai`�$Si �zStl4di SUl111'rl�iiesi �ii�� i3 oc 14, i�$7 'dir'$ db i �iiS�iiiZ t ��s pa�ii�uiar 6u�tdoC�r everit created a r�.;isaricz for some resident� iri tli� area. We made a niist�k� ancl we Sinc�r�iy apologiz� for any inconvcnier�e to GuT ri�i�i`�ba;s. vJ� exeroise� poor judgnierit in aiiowirig th� mus�� to be played t6o i�ud. Our sound experts that worked the Summ�rt�st �ver�i ack� �owi�uy�� ti �at ai iirres 4he d�ci�ei ��vai excce�zU � 0� �ecibeis. ��c�use wa fiave ro� t�a� corriplairits in tre past i e��Yt�f�� i i�iSc, ii �i�u nbi �C.i^,Ui t� liS tl1�t W8 W8f2 i:i'zaii�ii� ci i'iiii$&�i�c- �is� il'il5 Vda� G'tii filiSiak�. We aiso believe a contributin� factor to th� ndise level uvas �eCause it was ��r�r�'ii surrtm�r we�kerU and ii VJa� fl@C�SSai'y' t0 i'f,'Il`iU'J� tFi� tEi ii fia�7S dilONililC� �{iC iT1U�IC i0 SvU�iC! IOUuei �il�i ii'�Vci i�fih�t. RriOr Appr6v�i ReC@IVe�i �iStii�i 5 aiiu Ciiy Of St. P�Ui ��ipiO'v�l i�1 fv18i"Ci 1��7 fo� Harvest Fzstival �'��i1�iOT5 Of liC�v(iS8 i�7P ii Guar arti outd6t�r tfius�c. UVe f�ur� it necess�ry fdr aciv�nce apprbvat to Secure po�,ular tianis tl��t n�ecl ta Be bo�ke8 rnonths in a�vance t58C�US� bi aVaiial5111ty. W� ai'e i1uW C�7ti�CiUaify b�Uttd to tht�e i�usical b�nus ar�d other f�ciiic�e� ir�iu�irg iOYit, ic�bl�S aiid �rdii'S, S�teiiiiE �T�d �70ft�i3(� b�fS. �°iiStUi'y 6anus ilaVe uev-��7 N{aj7lily ai SCi1ril�vi�' outdo�rs during Harvest Fesiivai untii i�:30 a.rr,. fvr weii �ver 9� y�arS.Tb but knbwledg� rio c6tiipl�ints li�ve b��n Ibdg�d �e��rain� �oi�e ievei. SChVJiB#E Sd10011 iidS uEeii iii8 ui"i�iiiiCiai �atheiiilg �7iaC8 iui tre corrm�rity durirg �iarv��t Festi,r�l for gen�rat�ar�s. We nave work�d hard to c�nt;nue tY�is tr�ditien by pr�vitlin� a safe ar�� fur� ever�t. '�Je �rjoy the strory sup�,art of The Fayne-Arcade Business Nss�c�atio� ^vi�trict � Communify Councif, the Easfside Area Poiice and Comrruniry. Sc7�w4etz �a����a wo�k���y 4c, �c gor,ci neigt�t�ors oefore purchasiry Schwietz Saioon ove� 2 years ago, our piar �ras to be involved in tha comruriiy. 'J'Je were excited aGout the Praian Corridur �iai� and saw thE strong potentiaf for th� Eastside's rejuv�rtati0r�. V'de Cbrrt�ibute t�ur iirre ard mbney t� th� communiTy ir� a var�e�y of ways ��cause ii rnanes goou Gusi��ess �e�'se. ��ur iiiVO�V�i1'i@f5t II� i�liS C6i15f1iUflit"y �'i�vt�aTi GWii iiiE �UCCha�c �i S� �wiEiz Saf�ai� and was ti0t p�'t>nlpi0d by iyis u�' atiy �th�Y CCiritrdv2�`$y.) c��-lo�a- We make donations to �errick Community Food Shelf I vCit�,7iiuuPiiuuu oiuCK i.iU�iS arCl a Va�l�i� Oi �asis�dE ci �arities. We are �cnerous in hosting various ESNu^C, �r'1s1� ailG ria FESiidai cV�iiiS aS VvA{I d� GLiY i II'iai ii;idi SiiNNvPt 'vi nai JCSt F��il'vai. Scrr,�ietz Saioorr are PFiBr� �nembers and tJaureen Wfariano is a F�oA boar� mem�ar and chairs severai cor��rittees. HARVEST FESTIVR� Th� �bility to fl�ve live music untii 1230 �.rn. outd�t,rs �oi riafVESi �v�SuVai IS CiiiiC;dl ib our soi as a �us�nes�. Sch;�;i�tz Saioon is grateful to host aimost 3,000 people �iilili�� tlii$ v�-ii�ili aii� OUi �ai �� tYs� tradition�t gath�r�ng spdt �ai eve�yo��e wi�o y`�ew up in East St. Paui. A vote for aqprovai of this variance request keeps Schv�ieiz Saioor �n busiress and c�r�i�� �ues t� �a u� ��qUe 4radit�on of on� of St. Pa�i's ma�i succ�ssfui neighborhood C�lebrations. IP Schwietz Saioon is not gra� �teu trus variance it wiii �i'z3iZ a i ifi81 iCiai i iai uSilia wi tiCh Carir�bt be over�brtie, and wili dirliiriisti ti1� irrip�Ct tl5�t H�rvest Festival cre�tes foY the cv�rnuniiy. Soici4�r�ns ta mieir�ize r���e ievel W� believ� there have Been na p�st complaints for outdoor nusic Uuring �arvest Festiv�i for tw� re�sors. First, beCfiuse of the cobler we�tFier in fall the tent side fl�ps �r2 needed h�ips ri�inirtiize SOUntI},�nd S2cOncily p�opic iypicaily h�v� t�eir windOw5 Closed during tf�is tirrle of y��t. We feel that St. Paui LIEP's recommendation of 90 decibeis is a fa�� �u�nproimise. Wiih fiiiS Ct;rtiNrGrs ;r�e Gclieve thc i93i i°I�rvest Fes��val shouid riat create any trardship ��r tne � We are willing to work �,vith ti�e rzigi���ri��au an� ihe C�iy u� St r3[ii iG iii�k@ iiiiS eve�it wOrk fot' ev�ryare. We w�nt to res0lve thi� issue to th� satisfaction bf all p�rties invalveti. Thank you tor your time and consi�ier�tion, Schwietz Saloon � ` ��� � � ` � �� / ���.i � t/V � �cy�.�-� F° ,�, , ,• ,•�2/ / � , -,'cC� C ��'/'v � ' C ' � d 2��- �� ---� — ��%� � ���� ! ! ��-� PP+I`hdE-A(�C�►DE A(tEA BUSIIdESS A�SO�CI�T10�J ����� �• P.O. BOX 6934 • SAINT PAUL, MN 55106 .fuly 9, 1997 District #5 Community Council 1014 Payne Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: SCHWIETZ'S SALOON - LIQUOR EXTENSION LICENSE Dear Councilmembers: This is a letter of support for Schwietz's Saloon to have a Liquor Extension License during the weekend of the 1997 Harvest Festival in September. In addition, our Association supports their request to have live music during that weekend (September 11-12-13) untif 1230 APfl. Entertainment at Schwietz's Saloon has been the second largest drawing card for the Festival for the past 30 years--only surpassed by the Grand Parade. The Harvest Festival has been, by far, the largest event on the East Side to bring people to our community. For many businesses, this is their most important time to bring in old customers and attract new ones. Without Schwietz's entertainment, businesses could incur financial hardships. Aiso, the Festival could suffer because there would be fewer people coming to our community. In the past, we have never heard of any complaints against Schwietz's during Harvest Festival weekend. Your consideration of this request is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, / ✓ J � �� (�,� ii�,�,r .,�-�_. �/ G D"avid W. amey r � President, Payne-Arcade Business Association -�. r. d� East Side Neighbnrhood Develnpment Company, Inc. 900 Payne Avenue, Sainf Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone:(612)771-1152 Fax.(612)771-7739 August 4, 1997 City Council of the City of St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Councilmembers: The Executive Committee of the East Side Neighborhood Development Company (ESNDC) met on July 3t, 1997 and approved a resolution supporting the request for a sound level limitation variance by Schweitz Saloon for the Payne Arcade Harvest Festival. The Harvest Festival has been a tradition in our neighborhood ior many years and many area businesses depend on this event for a significant portion of their annual sales. For Schweitz Saloon, the Harvest Festiva{ is the most significant entertainment event of the year a�d the proceeds from this event have a major impact on the financial health of their business. In other words, similar to businesses who depend on the Holiday Season for the bulk of their gross sales, Schweitz Saloon depends on the Harvest Festival for a large percentage of their sales. Finally, it is important to take note that Schweitz Safoon is active in the Payne Arcade Area Business Association and plays a major role in managing a variety of Harvest Festival events. They operate a reputable business, maintain their property weli and are a major participant in commercial revitalization activities in the Payne Arcade Area Business District. We wouid appreciate your support in approving ihis variance. Sinc rely, �--- �/'? _ / ,� v�,-��_ _.-> J � E�tVDC Board President �.;;, - , r=: = (;�; , ;V "_ . �'- : I:.s�S=;.,T R i C T { �. K � � � � -.. � < i'Y,.Y"" ' ' '�;='Ma�`14, 1997 ; _ Y� x �� . .. .. ��T„, ,�� `'x{. �� ; r i :.�;;; : : ,.Y s' •` .� " F 1 V ,, E-�w � .h _ _ 'v : ^ _i�S :. ;._�i :: :f Rris Schweinler � '>'�; ;a_�'". Lowry Professional".Bui] z �r k., : St. Peter Street �,�,1� � t Paul, MN 55102 '�'�'�`� ' Kr i s : a;,;; '; ' �Payne/Phalen Distr.'i ` � ;�.� .on at their February<�2` _ ':C , _�Fy�`� , :' C : b•i•k� .� ianimous approval of �?,!a�; ; _quor for 5chwietz `Sal=o� :;; t , r.� 'approved dates and�timi � `�' '_ 3� ' iday 6/13 8:30pm,a �turday 6/14 8:3�Opm�; iproval also include � �� : �fn to 12:30am �� � ��, ", ,; *;���, : o: G y . 3rvest Festival: � ;;? .; iursday 9/11 8:,3,Ops� ciday 9/12 8:30pm' sturday 9/13 (Bingo�);12s �turday 9/13 , 8:?30pm ,..pproval also includes;=t � �, � �,. �. .�1�'2noon to 12:30am � � �,;° � _ � ' `-AS�in the past, the surr ` `-%-•notified for participati r, . -•r �."'�',� 's � � ncerely, - �� . � '._Arigel Budzius ;President a ^oi$ i \ �. ; � �..' * �F � T ~: Y � ` F � . �r ' , ) �`� � � $',., �vf+'. x.e, , �. ,, . , ., `%?+ � � 5:. i i�i ii � c "� 7 I6��1� ;, . rt L A- N N 1 N G C y0 U '!'halrn' ;.. � n .i' -- - � � �:c;-. a.^ :z ,.. .2i_ Y �: ne,i or c ,; {. \ �, Council took the follo� rd meeting. � nsion(s) for music and ne Avenue a: � ;. ollows: � ;s � � 5. ; + h to allow service :OOpm ?� x � ; :�, to allow service ;from-� `_ ` � � bors and businesses we iment . � i d , J1�� yh 'D74 S �u`� ��_�ota-- � �� .�e�i��t �'es�F�e _,5nms �pz�a! sax�nd �svsFs Quieksa# �►uict 7darmal pfirtcivabl� b�drks�m coovcrsa2ian �aun8 . ._.- fi- - °.K`�� � � � �'� : �•. ': i- �''�: �• ;?-,� - 8 .r �a�tht �raffic t � � y � Council File # �'l � t�� .� /"1 (�le�e� ' �`1 Green Sheet # � O RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Re£erred To � � Committee: Date WHEREAS, Chapter 243 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regulate the subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City council that full compliance with Chapter 293 would constitute an unreasonable hardship on an applicant, other persons ar on the community; and WHEREAS, Schwietz Saloon, 956 Payne Avenue, represented by Jeff T. Matthews, President, who has been designated as one of two responsible parties on the application, has applied for a variance to allow live music in a tent adjacent to the licensed premises on September 11, 12 and 13, 1997, which dates are in conjunction with Payne-Arcade Harvest Festival; and WHEREAS, applicant wishes to present live music until 1230 am. on those three dates; and WHEREAS, the ordinance provides an exemprion far certain festivals which permits sound levels up to 90 dBA until 10:00 p.m., but would then require the noise levels to drop after 10:00 p.m.; and WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present the live music; and WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has reviewed the applica6on and has made recommendations regazding condifions for the variance; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to Schwietz Saloon, subject to the following conditions: 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 10:00 p.m. to-�:96�r.in- I� ea=Fk�y, �g��-��-���'��€r�x 1b:99-g,�xi,-to-12;49 g.7n-rnreacira€-{�ie-tt�p�snEee3Srde� on Thursday, Septembex September 12, 1997 and Saturdav. Sentember 13. 1997. ; �1(� a, m 11, 1997, Friday, 2) During the variance granted herein, a11 electronically powered equipment used in conjunction with the event shall not exceed 43 90 dBA as measured at the closer of the sound mix or at a distance o��feet from the front of the stage.- from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. and not — exceed 85 dba from 12:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 12:30 a.m. 3) The applicant all provide personnel and equipment who shall provide con ' ous sound level monitoring between 10:00 p.m. and on September 11, 1947a�-bet�vaec.�-i-0:A9��t.- -a���-(�g.m.-cm September 12 & 13, 1997, to ensure compliance with Condifion #2. 12•30 a.m. 4) All electronically powered equipmettt, PA systems, louds�akers or similar devices shall be turned off no later than �Y.&�p.-tn-on September 11, 1997-an��k�ef-t�--1�-A9-p:a�-c� September 12 & 13, 1997. �j7-�0i2- FURTF�R RESOLVED, that any violation of the condifions set forth above during the September 11 or 12, 1997 dates will result in revocation of the grant of the variance for the September 12 and/or 13, 1997, dates in addition to any criminai citations which might issue. Requested by Department of: By �.. � � � �.,_..�,� � ��oved by Mayor: Date C�\Z�'��' �l�- , � BY� ��>�,-�-`�"""", �- �-az�Ls Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc�\����j� d�k������i�. " By: � C Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � �� 5U281 �� DEWVR7MENTqFFICE/COONCIL DATE INITIATEO � � — �� � OFFICE OF LIEP JULY 24 ,�99� G REEN S H E E CONTACT PERSON 8 PMONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAVOATE � DEPARTMENT D�RECTOR � CIN COUNC�L PETER KISHEL 266-9133 ASSICN � GIN qTTpRNEY � GTY CIERK MUST BE ON CqUNCiI AGENDA BY (DATE) NUNBER FOR � BUDGE7 DIRECTOfl O FIN. 8 MGi. $ERVICES �IR. NOUTiNG AUGUST 13, 19g7 OPOER AYOR(ORASSIST = � T07A1 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IOCAT40NS FOR SIGNATURE} ACTION iiEQUESTED: Resolution granting Schwietz Saloon,a sound level variance from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 293.09. RECOMMENDATIONS: AOpmve (A1 or Rejec[ (R) pEqSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINC+ OUESTIONS: _ PL4NNWG COMb11SSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrect for this departmentt _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry empioyee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ Dis'fAiG7COURr _ 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill rrot normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CWNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain alI yes answers on seperate sheet and enaeh to green aheet INITfATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who, Whffi. Wnen. Where. Why): Schwietz Saloon, represented by Jeff T. Matthews, President, has requested a sound 1eve1 variance to a11ow live music in a tent adjacent to the licensed premises, in conjunction with the Payne Arcade Aarvest Festival, at 956 Payne Avenue. The concerts are scheduled from 8:30 p.m, to 12:30 a.m. on Thursday, September 11, Friday, September 12 and Saturday, September 13, 1997. ADY0.N�AGESIF APPROVED: Will place conditions that wi11 limit the sound level impact in surrounding residential areas. DISAWANTAGES IF APPPOVED' Persons living near 956 Payne Avenue will be able to hear the music from the concerts. Will require staff time to monitor the events. DISADNANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The sound level impact in surrounding residential areas could be greater with no conditions. Applicant may not be able to present the concerts without exceeding the sound level limitations contained in 293.09. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 J� S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE 320-33350 ACTIV{TY NUMBER �1�41 FINANdAL INFOR6fATION (EXPLAIN) For monitoring overtime. CITY OF SAIPVT PAUL Norm Co[em¢n, Mayor July 23 1997 TO: FROM: OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND �^ _ ENVIlLONMENTALPROTECTION � �� Ro6ertKessler, Director � � � IAWRY PROFESSIONAL Telephone: 6I2-266-9090 BUII.IJIIJG Facsrm:le: 612-2669099 Smte 300 612-2669124 350 St Peter Street SamtPaul,Minnesota 55102-I510 Nancy Anderson, Council Investigation & Research Room 310, City Hall Peter Kishel Office of Lic e, spections and Environmental Protection SUB7ECT: Sound I.evel Variance Schwietz Saloon, 956 Payne Avenue Attached is a sound level variance applicafion from Jeff Matthews and Maureen Mariano of Schwietz Saloon for three concerts to be held at 956 Payne Avenue. The dates aze September 11, 12 and 13, 1997, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Nouce sent to property owners within 200 feet of 956 Payne Avenue. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for August 13, 1997. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9133. PTKlko Attachments c: file s a + �E 9,�, V�F� JJ .� �ti�l/ Sa1NT PAUL � AAl1A CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor July 23, 1997 Deaz St. Paul Property Owner: OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTI0I�S AND I EIVVIROh'�NTAL PROTECTION � RobertKeseler, D�rector �/ � � l y (/i i IAWRYPROFESSIONAL Telephone:6l2-2669090 BUIIDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099 Suite 300 612-2669724 350 St Peter Street SmrstPaul Minmesota 55102-I510 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING This is to inform you of an application to request a variance from the sound level limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislauve Code). A public heazing before the Ciry Council on this vaziance request will be held on: Date: August 13, 1997 Time: 430 p.m. Locadon: 3rd F1oor, City Hall Council Chaznbers WitLin C�fteen (1� davs of the ma'1� date on this nokce written coatments or obiections mav be filed with the Ciry of St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecaon 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Description of Vaziance: Noise Source: Schwietz Saloon, represented by Jeff T. Matt6ews, President, has applied for a vaziance to allow live music in a tent adjacent to the licensed premises on September 11, 12 and 13, 1997, in conjuncdon with the Payne-Arcade Harvest Fesdval. The concerts aze scheduled for the hours of 830 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Location: If you have Schwietz Saloon, 956 Payne Avenue please feel free to call me at 266-9133. Yours uly, - Peter T. Kishel G � Safety and Healffi Analyst PTK/ko c: CouncIl Member Daniel Bostrom District Council file -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUN 11:41 CITY OF �T FHUL LIEP Application for Soux�d Levei Variance Cz�y of St. Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter 293 of the St P2a1 Legisiaz;ve Code Z. UP�3IlIZ3Ct07t 02 pCTSOiI SCE�:lll� Y3F22tiCC: _� 2. t�.�t:ess: _ b f��( N� Av �. 3. � G12 2G� 91c4 P.e�i�5 ��.�� wlfTZ SAt-oo�! c� �.t L � G - W i. PA-U C.. SS/ n � "' � Respas?bi �,person:.__.,. e, £� F MF'�`Z'TE��WS Title ar pcsirio«: J � PR£ S t fDf�V? _.� __..-. �� --------- 5. Telephone:_...��° � Z� 7 7 lo _$ b' $ t9 1�Z��7 6. Briefly describe the noise source and equiptuent znvolved: _ M�S I c rQ C. $ A/V A S lY�� N(r /ir�t PL ��_� F,p SevN,� S S -----------�-- 7. A.ddsess or legal description of noisa souree: `�5 � W 'P�`�Nf- i _ �u� Y _ P.M- 3. N'oise source time of operarion: �=3 �-' l Z: 30 !�. M- �� 9. Sriefly desczibe the steps that wzll be taken to m:nimize the noise lev�ls: �"rTAGE T �' .� L��:S'� ------------- — �uN�__ �?�R_._iM�T�./�i _� _��lZ nr�.���� � � TuRfdl,i�t(r �WN �.�;,ut�r'�1P�JT i0. �srielystatereasoafors:;ei;in;variaree: t?,F�t�E (�� I���£� � tN3SA£CZ'1�YV t5 iQ� �vt�.�rv� U�R4�NC�,��V�N '�C�ouG4�_w� Y�R£ i4PPR�V&���'�4t� FoR LIA�o� �.ic — ----- ----�-------------- i fnrs�n�v 1 i. Dates durin� �vhich the variance is requested: �S��T�M �4,R, { L� t2 � 4 3__ _ I qqZ __ � � Signature of re,pansibie person �_� -'T � a���� Ze#urn compieted A,pplicatioi� and ���0.04 fee to: CITY OP SAINT PAUL �NVIRONMEIV'TAT. HEALTH 350 ST. I'�'T'E17 ST1t�ET, #330 SAINT PAZTL, ?VII�I 55102-i5I0 26G-913D " /v1� V 2E.f iV M �✓✓�, f.�N �ffice iJse �nty � ���� ___ ...'_ __.�, _.-..�i�__.W_ MR2t�to SEc.Q� DaFe R�'d. — Re�•iewed �.1`�i'-- Date Pubtic Norice Sent ReFerred to Counci2 q���or�- ��f�i�r'�i'i � �����,iiG➢Pw iv�iSZ v�f1�T1C�' - �iai`�$Si �zStl4di SUl111'rl�iiesi �ii�� i3 oc 14, i�$7 'dir'$ db i �iiS�iiiZ t ��s pa�ii�uiar 6u�tdoC�r everit created a r�.;isaricz for some resident� iri tli� area. We made a niist�k� ancl we Sinc�r�iy apologiz� for any inconvcnier�e to GuT ri�i�i`�ba;s. vJ� exeroise� poor judgnierit in aiiowirig th� mus�� to be played t6o i�ud. Our sound experts that worked the Summ�rt�st �ver�i ack� �owi�uy�� ti �at ai iirres 4he d�ci�ei ��vai excce�zU � 0� �ecibeis. ��c�use wa fiave ro� t�a� corriplairits in tre past i e��Yt�f�� i i�iSc, ii �i�u nbi �C.i^,Ui t� liS tl1�t W8 W8f2 i:i'zaii�ii� ci i'iiii$&�i�c- �is� il'il5 Vda� G'tii filiSiak�. We aiso believe a contributin� factor to th� ndise level uvas �eCause it was ��r�r�'ii surrtm�r we�kerU and ii VJa� fl@C�SSai'y' t0 i'f,'Il`iU'J� tFi� tEi ii fia�7S dilONililC� �{iC iT1U�IC i0 SvU�iC! IOUuei �il�i ii'�Vci i�fih�t. RriOr Appr6v�i ReC@IVe�i �iStii�i 5 aiiu Ciiy Of St. P�Ui ��ipiO'v�l i�1 fv18i"Ci 1��7 fo� Harvest Fzstival �'��i1�iOT5 Of liC�v(iS8 i�7P ii Guar arti outd6t�r tfius�c. UVe f�ur� it necess�ry fdr aciv�nce apprbvat to Secure po�,ular tianis tl��t n�ecl ta Be bo�ke8 rnonths in a�vance t58C�US� bi aVaiial5111ty. W� ai'e i1uW C�7ti�CiUaify b�Uttd to tht�e i�usical b�nus ar�d other f�ciiic�e� ir�iu�irg iOYit, ic�bl�S aiid �rdii'S, S�teiiiiE �T�d �70ft�i3(� b�fS. �°iiStUi'y 6anus ilaVe uev-��7 N{aj7lily ai SCi1ril�vi�' outdo�rs during Harvest Fesiivai untii i�:30 a.rr,. fvr weii �ver 9� y�arS.Tb but knbwledg� rio c6tiipl�ints li�ve b��n Ibdg�d �e��rain� �oi�e ievei. SChVJiB#E Sd10011 iidS uEeii iii8 ui"i�iiiiCiai �atheiiilg �7iaC8 iui tre corrm�rity durirg �iarv��t Festi,r�l for gen�rat�ar�s. We nave work�d hard to c�nt;nue tY�is tr�ditien by pr�vitlin� a safe ar�� fur� ever�t. '�Je �rjoy the strory sup�,art of The Fayne-Arcade Business Nss�c�atio� ^vi�trict � Communify Councif, the Easfside Area Poiice and Comrruniry. Sc7�w4etz �a����a wo�k���y 4c, �c gor,ci neigt�t�ors oefore purchasiry Schwietz Saioon ove� 2 years ago, our piar �ras to be involved in tha comruriiy. 'J'Je were excited aGout the Praian Corridur �iai� and saw thE strong potentiaf for th� Eastside's rejuv�rtati0r�. V'de Cbrrt�ibute t�ur iirre ard mbney t� th� communiTy ir� a var�e�y of ways ��cause ii rnanes goou Gusi��ess �e�'se. ��ur iiiVO�V�i1'i@f5t II� i�liS C6i15f1iUflit"y �'i�vt�aTi GWii iiiE �UCCha�c �i S� �wiEiz Saf�ai� and was ti0t p�'t>nlpi0d by iyis u�' atiy �th�Y CCiritrdv2�`$y.) c��-lo�a- We make donations to �errick Community Food Shelf I vCit�,7iiuuPiiuuu oiuCK i.iU�iS arCl a Va�l�i� Oi �asis�dE ci �arities. We are �cnerous in hosting various ESNu^C, �r'1s1� ailG ria FESiidai cV�iiiS aS VvA{I d� GLiY i II'iai ii;idi SiiNNvPt 'vi nai JCSt F��il'vai. Scrr,�ietz Saioorr are PFiBr� �nembers and tJaureen Wfariano is a F�oA boar� mem�ar and chairs severai cor��rittees. HARVEST FESTIVR� Th� �bility to fl�ve live music untii 1230 �.rn. outd�t,rs �oi riafVESi �v�SuVai IS CiiiiC;dl ib our soi as a �us�nes�. Sch;�;i�tz Saioon is grateful to host aimost 3,000 people �iilili�� tlii$ v�-ii�ili aii� OUi �ai �� tYs� tradition�t gath�r�ng spdt �ai eve�yo��e wi�o y`�ew up in East St. Paui. A vote for aqprovai of this variance request keeps Schv�ieiz Saioor �n busiress and c�r�i�� �ues t� �a u� ��qUe 4radit�on of on� of St. Pa�i's ma�i succ�ssfui neighborhood C�lebrations. IP Schwietz Saioon is not gra� �teu trus variance it wiii �i'z3iZ a i ifi81 iCiai i iai uSilia wi tiCh Carir�bt be over�brtie, and wili dirliiriisti ti1� irrip�Ct tl5�t H�rvest Festival cre�tes foY the cv�rnuniiy. Soici4�r�ns ta mieir�ize r���e ievel W� believ� there have Been na p�st complaints for outdoor nusic Uuring �arvest Festiv�i for tw� re�sors. First, beCfiuse of the cobler we�tFier in fall the tent side fl�ps �r2 needed h�ips ri�inirtiize SOUntI},�nd S2cOncily p�opic iypicaily h�v� t�eir windOw5 Closed during tf�is tirrle of y��t. We feel that St. Paui LIEP's recommendation of 90 decibeis is a fa�� �u�nproimise. Wiih fiiiS Ct;rtiNrGrs ;r�e Gclieve thc i93i i°I�rvest Fes��val shouid riat create any trardship ��r tne � We are willing to work �,vith ti�e rzigi���ri��au an� ihe C�iy u� St r3[ii iG iii�k@ iiiiS eve�it wOrk fot' ev�ryare. We w�nt to res0lve thi� issue to th� satisfaction bf all p�rties invalveti. Thank you tor your time and consi�ier�tion, Schwietz Saloon � ` ��� � � ` � �� / ���.i � t/V � �cy�.�-� F° ,�, , ,• ,•�2/ / � , -,'cC� C ��'/'v � ' C ' � d 2��- �� ---� — ��%� � ���� ! ! ��-� PP+I`hdE-A(�C�►DE A(tEA BUSIIdESS A�SO�CI�T10�J ����� �• P.O. BOX 6934 • SAINT PAUL, MN 55106 .fuly 9, 1997 District #5 Community Council 1014 Payne Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: SCHWIETZ'S SALOON - LIQUOR EXTENSION LICENSE Dear Councilmembers: This is a letter of support for Schwietz's Saloon to have a Liquor Extension License during the weekend of the 1997 Harvest Festival in September. In addition, our Association supports their request to have live music during that weekend (September 11-12-13) untif 1230 APfl. Entertainment at Schwietz's Saloon has been the second largest drawing card for the Festival for the past 30 years--only surpassed by the Grand Parade. The Harvest Festival has been, by far, the largest event on the East Side to bring people to our community. For many businesses, this is their most important time to bring in old customers and attract new ones. Without Schwietz's entertainment, businesses could incur financial hardships. Aiso, the Festival could suffer because there would be fewer people coming to our community. In the past, we have never heard of any complaints against Schwietz's during Harvest Festival weekend. Your consideration of this request is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, / ✓ J � �� (�,� ii�,�,r .,�-�_. �/ G D"avid W. amey r � President, Payne-Arcade Business Association -�. r. d� East Side Neighbnrhood Develnpment Company, Inc. 900 Payne Avenue, Sainf Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone:(612)771-1152 Fax.(612)771-7739 August 4, 1997 City Council of the City of St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Councilmembers: The Executive Committee of the East Side Neighborhood Development Company (ESNDC) met on July 3t, 1997 and approved a resolution supporting the request for a sound level limitation variance by Schweitz Saloon for the Payne Arcade Harvest Festival. The Harvest Festival has been a tradition in our neighborhood ior many years and many area businesses depend on this event for a significant portion of their annual sales. For Schweitz Saloon, the Harvest Festiva{ is the most significant entertainment event of the year a�d the proceeds from this event have a major impact on the financial health of their business. In other words, similar to businesses who depend on the Holiday Season for the bulk of their gross sales, Schweitz Saloon depends on the Harvest Festival for a large percentage of their sales. Finally, it is important to take note that Schweitz Safoon is active in the Payne Arcade Area Business Association and plays a major role in managing a variety of Harvest Festival events. They operate a reputable business, maintain their property weli and are a major participant in commercial revitalization activities in the Payne Arcade Area Business District. We wouid appreciate your support in approving ihis variance. Sinc rely, �--- �/'? _ / ,� v�,-��_ _.-> J � E�tVDC Board President �.;;, - , r=: = (;�; , ;V "_ . �'- : I:.s�S=;.,T R i C T { �. K � � � � -.. � < i'Y,.Y"" ' ' '�;='Ma�`14, 1997 ; _ Y� x �� . .. .. ��T„, ,�� `'x{. �� ; r i :.�;;; : : ,.Y s' •` .� " F 1 V ,, E-�w � .h _ _ 'v : ^ _i�S :. ;._�i :: :f Rris Schweinler � '>'�; ;a_�'". Lowry Professional".Bui] z �r k., : St. Peter Street �,�,1� � t Paul, MN 55102 '�'�'�`� ' Kr i s : a;,;; '; ' �Payne/Phalen Distr.'i ` � ;�.� .on at their February<�2` _ ':C , _�Fy�`� , :' C : b•i•k� .� ianimous approval of �?,!a�; ; _quor for 5chwietz `Sal=o� :;; t , r.� 'approved dates and�timi � `�' '_ 3� ' iday 6/13 8:30pm,a �turday 6/14 8:3�Opm�; iproval also include � �� : �fn to 12:30am �� � ��, ", ,; *;���, : o: G y . 3rvest Festival: � ;;? .; iursday 9/11 8:,3,Ops� ciday 9/12 8:30pm' sturday 9/13 (Bingo�);12s �turday 9/13 , 8:?30pm ,..pproval also includes;=t � �, � �,. �. .�1�'2noon to 12:30am � � �,;° � _ � ' `-AS�in the past, the surr ` `-%-•notified for participati r, . -•r �."'�',� 's � � ncerely, - �� . � '._Arigel Budzius ;President a ^oi$ i \ �. ; � �..' * �F � T ~: Y � ` F � . �r ' , ) �`� � � $',., �vf+'. x.e, , �. ,, . , ., `%?+ � � 5:. i i�i ii � c "� 7 I6��1� ;, . rt L A- N N 1 N G C y0 U '!'halrn' ;.. � n .i' -- - � � �:c;-. a.^ :z ,.. .2i_ Y �: ne,i or c ,; {. \ �, Council took the follo� rd meeting. � nsion(s) for music and ne Avenue a: � ;. ollows: � ;s � � 5. ; + h to allow service :OOpm ?� x � ; :�, to allow service ;from-� `_ ` � � bors and businesses we iment . � i d , J1�� yh 'D74 S �u`� ��_�ota-- � �� .�e�i��t �'es�F�e _,5nms �pz�a! sax�nd �svsFs Quieksa# �►uict 7darmal pfirtcivabl� b�drks�m coovcrsa2ian �aun8 . ._.- fi- - °.K`�� � � � �'� : �•. ': i- �''�: �• ;?-,� - 8 .r �a�tht �raffic t � � y � Council File # �'l � t�� .� /"1 (�le�e� ' �`1 Green Sheet # � O RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Re£erred To � � Committee: Date WHEREAS, Chapter 243 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regulate the subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitations contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City council that full compliance with Chapter 293 would constitute an unreasonable hardship on an applicant, other persons ar on the community; and WHEREAS, Schwietz Saloon, 956 Payne Avenue, represented by Jeff T. Matthews, President, who has been designated as one of two responsible parties on the application, has applied for a variance to allow live music in a tent adjacent to the licensed premises on September 11, 12 and 13, 1997, which dates are in conjunction with Payne-Arcade Harvest Festival; and WHEREAS, applicant wishes to present live music until 1230 am. on those three dates; and WHEREAS, the ordinance provides an exemprion far certain festivals which permits sound levels up to 90 dBA until 10:00 p.m., but would then require the noise levels to drop after 10:00 p.m.; and WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to present the live music; and WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has reviewed the applica6on and has made recommendations regazding condifions for the variance; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to Schwietz Saloon, subject to the following conditions: 1) The variance shall be for the hours of 10:00 p.m. to-�:96�r.in- I� ea=Fk�y, �g��-��-���'��€r�x 1b:99-g,�xi,-to-12;49 g.7n-rnreacira€-{�ie-tt�p�snEee3Srde� on Thursday, Septembex September 12, 1997 and Saturdav. Sentember 13. 1997. ; �1(� a, m 11, 1997, Friday, 2) During the variance granted herein, a11 electronically powered equipment used in conjunction with the event shall not exceed 43 90 dBA as measured at the closer of the sound mix or at a distance o��feet from the front of the stage.- from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. and not — exceed 85 dba from 12:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 12:30 a.m. 3) The applicant all provide personnel and equipment who shall provide con ' ous sound level monitoring between 10:00 p.m. and on September 11, 1947a�-bet�vaec.�-i-0:A9��t.- -a���-(�g.m.-cm September 12 & 13, 1997, to ensure compliance with Condifion #2. 12•30 a.m. 4) All electronically powered equipmettt, PA systems, louds�akers or similar devices shall be turned off no later than �Y.&�p.-tn-on September 11, 1997-an��k�ef-t�--1�-A9-p:a�-c� September 12 & 13, 1997. �j7-�0i2- FURTF�R RESOLVED, that any violation of the condifions set forth above during the September 11 or 12, 1997 dates will result in revocation of the grant of the variance for the September 12 and/or 13, 1997, dates in addition to any criminai citations which might issue. Requested by Department of: By �.. � � � �.,_..�,� � ��oved by Mayor: Date C�\Z�'��' �l�- , � BY� ��>�,-�-`�"""", �- �-az�Ls Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc�\����j� d�k������i�. " By: � C Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � �� 5U281 �� DEWVR7MENTqFFICE/COONCIL DATE INITIATEO � � — �� � OFFICE OF LIEP JULY 24 ,�99� G REEN S H E E CONTACT PERSON 8 PMONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAVOATE � DEPARTMENT D�RECTOR � CIN COUNC�L PETER KISHEL 266-9133 ASSICN � GIN qTTpRNEY � GTY CIERK MUST BE ON CqUNCiI AGENDA BY (DATE) NUNBER FOR � BUDGE7 DIRECTOfl O FIN. 8 MGi. $ERVICES �IR. NOUTiNG AUGUST 13, 19g7 OPOER AYOR(ORASSIST = � T07A1 # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IOCAT40NS FOR SIGNATURE} ACTION iiEQUESTED: Resolution granting Schwietz Saloon,a sound level variance from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 293.09. RECOMMENDATIONS: AOpmve (A1 or Rejec[ (R) pEqSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWINC+ OUESTIONS: _ PL4NNWG COMb11SSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contrect for this departmentt _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry empioyee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ Dis'fAiG7COURr _ 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skill rrot normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CWNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain alI yes answers on seperate sheet and enaeh to green aheet INITfATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who, Whffi. Wnen. Where. Why): Schwietz Saloon, represented by Jeff T. Matthews, President, has requested a sound 1eve1 variance to a11ow live music in a tent adjacent to the licensed premises, in conjunction with the Payne Arcade Aarvest Festival, at 956 Payne Avenue. The concerts are scheduled from 8:30 p.m, to 12:30 a.m. on Thursday, September 11, Friday, September 12 and Saturday, September 13, 1997. ADY0.N�AGESIF APPROVED: Will place conditions that wi11 limit the sound level impact in surrounding residential areas. DISAWANTAGES IF APPPOVED' Persons living near 956 Payne Avenue will be able to hear the music from the concerts. Will require staff time to monitor the events. DISADNANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED The sound level impact in surrounding residential areas could be greater with no conditions. Applicant may not be able to present the concerts without exceeding the sound level limitations contained in 293.09. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 J� S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE 320-33350 ACTIV{TY NUMBER �1�41 FINANdAL INFOR6fATION (EXPLAIN) For monitoring overtime. CITY OF SAIPVT PAUL Norm Co[em¢n, Mayor July 23 1997 TO: FROM: OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND �^ _ ENVIlLONMENTALPROTECTION � �� Ro6ertKessler, Director � � � IAWRY PROFESSIONAL Telephone: 6I2-266-9090 BUII.IJIIJG Facsrm:le: 612-2669099 Smte 300 612-2669124 350 St Peter Street SamtPaul,Minnesota 55102-I510 Nancy Anderson, Council Investigation & Research Room 310, City Hall Peter Kishel Office of Lic e, spections and Environmental Protection SUB7ECT: Sound I.evel Variance Schwietz Saloon, 956 Payne Avenue Attached is a sound level variance applicafion from Jeff Matthews and Maureen Mariano of Schwietz Saloon for three concerts to be held at 956 Payne Avenue. The dates aze September 11, 12 and 13, 1997, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Nouce sent to property owners within 200 feet of 956 Payne Avenue. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for August 13, 1997. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9133. PTKlko Attachments c: file s a + �E 9,�, V�F� JJ .� �ti�l/ Sa1NT PAUL � AAl1A CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Narm Coleman, Mayor July 23, 1997 Deaz St. Paul Property Owner: OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTI0I�S AND I EIVVIROh'�NTAL PROTECTION � RobertKeseler, D�rector �/ � � l y (/i i IAWRYPROFESSIONAL Telephone:6l2-2669090 BUIIDING Facsimile: 612-266-9099 Suite 300 612-2669724 350 St Peter Street SmrstPaul Minmesota 55102-I510 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING This is to inform you of an application to request a variance from the sound level limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul Legislauve Code). A public heazing before the Ciry Council on this vaziance request will be held on: Date: August 13, 1997 Time: 430 p.m. Locadon: 3rd F1oor, City Hall Council Chaznbers WitLin C�fteen (1� davs of the ma'1� date on this nokce written coatments or obiections mav be filed with the Ciry of St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecaon 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Description of Vaziance: Noise Source: Schwietz Saloon, represented by Jeff T. Matt6ews, President, has applied for a vaziance to allow live music in a tent adjacent to the licensed premises on September 11, 12 and 13, 1997, in conjuncdon with the Payne-Arcade Harvest Fesdval. The concerts aze scheduled for the hours of 830 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Location: If you have Schwietz Saloon, 956 Payne Avenue please feel free to call me at 266-9133. Yours uly, - Peter T. Kishel G � Safety and Healffi Analyst PTK/ko c: CouncIl Member Daniel Bostrom District Council file -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JUN 11:41 CITY OF �T FHUL LIEP Application for Soux�d Levei Variance Cz�y of St. Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter 293 of the St P2a1 Legisiaz;ve Code Z. UP�3IlIZ3Ct07t 02 pCTSOiI SCE�:lll� Y3F22tiCC: _� 2. t�.�t:ess: _ b f��( N� Av �. 3. � G12 2G� 91c4 P.e�i�5 ��.�� wlfTZ SAt-oo�! c� �.t L � G - W i. PA-U C.. SS/ n � "' � Respas?bi �,person:.__.,. e, £� F MF'�`Z'TE��WS Title ar pcsirio«: J � PR£ S t fDf�V? _.� __..-. �� --------- 5. Telephone:_...��° � Z� 7 7 lo _$ b' $ t9 1�Z��7 6. Briefly describe the noise source and equiptuent znvolved: _ M�S I c rQ C. $ A/V A S lY�� N(r /ir�t PL ��_� F,p SevN,� S S -----------�-- 7. A.ddsess or legal description of noisa souree: `�5 � W 'P�`�Nf- i _ �u� Y _ P.M- 3. N'oise source time of operarion: �=3 �-' l Z: 30 !�. M- �� 9. Sriefly desczibe the steps that wzll be taken to m:nimize the noise lev�ls: �"rTAGE T �' .� L��:S'� ------------- — �uN�__ �?�R_._iM�T�./�i _� _��lZ nr�.���� � � TuRfdl,i�t(r �WN �.�;,ut�r'�1P�JT i0. �srielystatereasoafors:;ei;in;variaree: t?,F�t�E (�� I���£� � tN3SA£CZ'1�YV t5 iQ� �vt�.�rv� U�R4�NC�,��V�N '�C�ouG4�_w� Y�R£ i4PPR�V&���'�4t� FoR LIA�o� �.ic — ----- ----�-------------- i fnrs�n�v 1 i. Dates durin� �vhich the variance is requested: �S��T�M �4,R, { L� t2 � 4 3__ _ I qqZ __ � � Signature of re,pansibie person �_� -'T � a���� Ze#urn compieted A,pplicatioi� and ���0.04 fee to: CITY OP SAINT PAUL �NVIRONMEIV'TAT. HEALTH 350 ST. I'�'T'E17 ST1t�ET, #330 SAINT PAZTL, ?VII�I 55102-i5I0 26G-913D " /v1� V 2E.f iV M �✓✓�, f.�N �ffice iJse �nty � ���� ___ ...'_ __.�, _.-..�i�__.W_ MR2t�to SEc.Q� DaFe R�'d. — Re�•iewed �.1`�i'-- Date Pubtic Norice Sent ReFerred to Counci2 q���or�- ��f�i�r'�i'i � �����,iiG➢Pw iv�iSZ v�f1�T1C�' - �iai`�$Si �zStl4di SUl111'rl�iiesi �ii�� i3 oc 14, i�$7 'dir'$ db i �iiS�iiiZ t ��s pa�ii�uiar 6u�tdoC�r everit created a r�.;isaricz for some resident� iri tli� area. We made a niist�k� ancl we Sinc�r�iy apologiz� for any inconvcnier�e to GuT ri�i�i`�ba;s. vJ� exeroise� poor judgnierit in aiiowirig th� mus�� to be played t6o i�ud. Our sound experts that worked the Summ�rt�st �ver�i ack� �owi�uy�� ti �at ai iirres 4he d�ci�ei ��vai excce�zU � 0� �ecibeis. ��c�use wa fiave ro� t�a� corriplairits in tre past i e��Yt�f�� i i�iSc, ii �i�u nbi �C.i^,Ui t� liS tl1�t W8 W8f2 i:i'zaii�ii� ci i'iiii$&�i�c- �is� il'il5 Vda� G'tii filiSiak�. We aiso believe a contributin� factor to th� ndise level uvas �eCause it was ��r�r�'ii surrtm�r we�kerU and ii VJa� fl@C�SSai'y' t0 i'f,'Il`iU'J� tFi� tEi ii fia�7S dilONililC� �{iC iT1U�IC i0 SvU�iC! IOUuei �il�i ii'�Vci i�fih�t. RriOr Appr6v�i ReC@IVe�i �iStii�i 5 aiiu Ciiy Of St. P�Ui ��ipiO'v�l i�1 fv18i"Ci 1��7 fo� Harvest Fzstival �'��i1�iOT5 Of liC�v(iS8 i�7P ii Guar arti outd6t�r tfius�c. UVe f�ur� it necess�ry fdr aciv�nce apprbvat to Secure po�,ular tianis tl��t n�ecl ta Be bo�ke8 rnonths in a�vance t58C�US� bi aVaiial5111ty. W� ai'e i1uW C�7ti�CiUaify b�Uttd to tht�e i�usical b�nus ar�d other f�ciiic�e� ir�iu�irg iOYit, ic�bl�S aiid �rdii'S, S�teiiiiE �T�d �70ft�i3(� b�fS. �°iiStUi'y 6anus ilaVe uev-��7 N{aj7lily ai SCi1ril�vi�' outdo�rs during Harvest Fesiivai untii i�:30 a.rr,. fvr weii �ver 9� y�arS.Tb but knbwledg� rio c6tiipl�ints li�ve b��n Ibdg�d �e��rain� �oi�e ievei. SChVJiB#E Sd10011 iidS uEeii iii8 ui"i�iiiiCiai �atheiiilg �7iaC8 iui tre corrm�rity durirg �iarv��t Festi,r�l for gen�rat�ar�s. We nave work�d hard to c�nt;nue tY�is tr�ditien by pr�vitlin� a safe ar�� fur� ever�t. '�Je �rjoy the strory sup�,art of The Fayne-Arcade Business Nss�c�atio� ^vi�trict � Communify Councif, the Easfside Area Poiice and Comrruniry. Sc7�w4etz �a����a wo�k���y 4c, �c gor,ci neigt�t�ors oefore purchasiry Schwietz Saioon ove� 2 years ago, our piar �ras to be involved in tha comruriiy. 'J'Je were excited aGout the Praian Corridur �iai� and saw thE strong potentiaf for th� Eastside's rejuv�rtati0r�. V'de Cbrrt�ibute t�ur iirre ard mbney t� th� communiTy ir� a var�e�y of ways ��cause ii rnanes goou Gusi��ess �e�'se. ��ur iiiVO�V�i1'i@f5t II� i�liS C6i15f1iUflit"y �'i�vt�aTi GWii iiiE �UCCha�c �i S� �wiEiz Saf�ai� and was ti0t p�'t>nlpi0d by iyis u�' atiy �th�Y CCiritrdv2�`$y.) c��-lo�a- We make donations to �errick Community Food Shelf I vCit�,7iiuuPiiuuu oiuCK i.iU�iS arCl a Va�l�i� Oi �asis�dE ci �arities. We are �cnerous in hosting various ESNu^C, �r'1s1� ailG ria FESiidai cV�iiiS aS VvA{I d� GLiY i II'iai ii;idi SiiNNvPt 'vi nai JCSt F��il'vai. Scrr,�ietz Saioorr are PFiBr� �nembers and tJaureen Wfariano is a F�oA boar� mem�ar and chairs severai cor��rittees. HARVEST FESTIVR� Th� �bility to fl�ve live music untii 1230 �.rn. outd�t,rs �oi riafVESi �v�SuVai IS CiiiiC;dl ib our soi as a �us�nes�. Sch;�;i�tz Saioon is grateful to host aimost 3,000 people �iilili�� tlii$ v�-ii�ili aii� OUi �ai �� tYs� tradition�t gath�r�ng spdt �ai eve�yo��e wi�o y`�ew up in East St. Paui. A vote for aqprovai of this variance request keeps Schv�ieiz Saioor �n busiress and c�r�i�� �ues t� �a u� ��qUe 4radit�on of on� of St. Pa�i's ma�i succ�ssfui neighborhood C�lebrations. IP Schwietz Saioon is not gra� �teu trus variance it wiii �i'z3iZ a i ifi81 iCiai i iai uSilia wi tiCh Carir�bt be over�brtie, and wili dirliiriisti ti1� irrip�Ct tl5�t H�rvest Festival cre�tes foY the cv�rnuniiy. Soici4�r�ns ta mieir�ize r���e ievel W� believ� there have Been na p�st complaints for outdoor nusic Uuring �arvest Festiv�i for tw� re�sors. First, beCfiuse of the cobler we�tFier in fall the tent side fl�ps �r2 needed h�ips ri�inirtiize SOUntI},�nd S2cOncily p�opic iypicaily h�v� t�eir windOw5 Closed during tf�is tirrle of y��t. We feel that St. Paui LIEP's recommendation of 90 decibeis is a fa�� �u�nproimise. Wiih fiiiS Ct;rtiNrGrs ;r�e Gclieve thc i93i i°I�rvest Fes��val shouid riat create any trardship ��r tne � We are willing to work �,vith ti�e rzigi���ri��au an� ihe C�iy u� St r3[ii iG iii�k@ iiiiS eve�it wOrk fot' ev�ryare. We w�nt to res0lve thi� issue to th� satisfaction bf all p�rties invalveti. Thank you tor your time and consi�ier�tion, Schwietz Saloon � ` ��� � � ` � �� / ���.i � t/V � �cy�.�-� F° ,�, , ,• ,•�2/ / � , -,'cC� C ��'/'v � ' C ' � d 2��- �� ---� — ��%� � ���� ! ! ��-� PP+I`hdE-A(�C�►DE A(tEA BUSIIdESS A�SO�CI�T10�J ����� �• P.O. BOX 6934 • SAINT PAUL, MN 55106 .fuly 9, 1997 District #5 Community Council 1014 Payne Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 RE: SCHWIETZ'S SALOON - LIQUOR EXTENSION LICENSE Dear Councilmembers: This is a letter of support for Schwietz's Saloon to have a Liquor Extension License during the weekend of the 1997 Harvest Festival in September. In addition, our Association supports their request to have live music during that weekend (September 11-12-13) untif 1230 APfl. Entertainment at Schwietz's Saloon has been the second largest drawing card for the Festival for the past 30 years--only surpassed by the Grand Parade. The Harvest Festival has been, by far, the largest event on the East Side to bring people to our community. For many businesses, this is their most important time to bring in old customers and attract new ones. Without Schwietz's entertainment, businesses could incur financial hardships. Aiso, the Festival could suffer because there would be fewer people coming to our community. In the past, we have never heard of any complaints against Schwietz's during Harvest Festival weekend. Your consideration of this request is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, / ✓ J � �� (�,� ii�,�,r .,�-�_. �/ G D"avid W. amey r � President, Payne-Arcade Business Association -�. r. d� East Side Neighbnrhood Develnpment Company, Inc. 900 Payne Avenue, Sainf Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone:(612)771-1152 Fax.(612)771-7739 August 4, 1997 City Council of the City of St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Councilmembers: The Executive Committee of the East Side Neighborhood Development Company (ESNDC) met on July 3t, 1997 and approved a resolution supporting the request for a sound level limitation variance by Schweitz Saloon for the Payne Arcade Harvest Festival. The Harvest Festival has been a tradition in our neighborhood ior many years and many area businesses depend on this event for a significant portion of their annual sales. For Schweitz Saloon, the Harvest Festiva{ is the most significant entertainment event of the year a�d the proceeds from this event have a major impact on the financial health of their business. In other words, similar to businesses who depend on the Holiday Season for the bulk of their gross sales, Schweitz Saloon depends on the Harvest Festival for a large percentage of their sales. Finally, it is important to take note that Schweitz Safoon is active in the Payne Arcade Area Business Association and plays a major role in managing a variety of Harvest Festival events. They operate a reputable business, maintain their property weli and are a major participant in commercial revitalization activities in the Payne Arcade Area Business District. We wouid appreciate your support in approving ihis variance. Sinc rely, �--- �/'? _ / ,� v�,-��_ _.-> J � E�tVDC Board President �.;;, - , r=: = (;�; , ;V "_ . �'- : I:.s�S=;.,T R i C T { �. K � � � � -.. � < i'Y,.Y"" ' ' '�;='Ma�`14, 1997 ; _ Y� x �� . .. .. ��T„, ,�� `'x{. �� ; r i :.�;;; : : ,.Y s' •` .� " F 1 V ,, E-�w � .h _ _ 'v : ^ _i�S :. ;._�i :: :f Rris Schweinler � '>'�; ;a_�'". Lowry Professional".Bui] z �r k., : St. Peter Street �,�,1� � t Paul, MN 55102 '�'�'�`� ' Kr i s : a;,;; '; ' �Payne/Phalen Distr.'i ` � ;�.� .on at their February<�2` _ ':C , _�Fy�`� , :' C : b•i•k� .� ianimous approval of �?,!a�; ; _quor for 5chwietz `Sal=o� :;; t , r.� 'approved dates and�timi � `�' '_ 3� ' iday 6/13 8:30pm,a �turday 6/14 8:3�Opm�; iproval also include � �� : �fn to 12:30am �� � ��, ", ,; *;���, : o: G y . 3rvest Festival: � ;;? .; iursday 9/11 8:,3,Ops� ciday 9/12 8:30pm' sturday 9/13 (Bingo�);12s �turday 9/13 , 8:?30pm ,..pproval also includes;=t � �, � �,. �. .�1�'2noon to 12:30am � � �,;° � _ � ' `-AS�in the past, the surr ` `-%-•notified for participati r, . -•r �."'�',� 's � � ncerely, - �� . � '._Arigel Budzius ;President a ^oi$ i \ �. ; � �..' * �F � T ~: Y � ` F � . �r ' , ) �`� � � $',., �vf+'. x.e, , �. ,, . , ., `%?+ � � 5:. i i�i ii � c "� 7 I6��1� ;, . rt L A- N N 1 N G C y0 U '!'halrn' ;.. � n .i' -- - � � �:c;-. a.^ :z ,.. .2i_ Y �: ne,i or c ,; {. \ �, Council took the follo� rd meeting. � nsion(s) for music and ne Avenue a: � ;. ollows: � ;s � � 5. ; + h to allow service :OOpm ?� x � ; :�, to allow service ;from-� `_ ` � � bors and businesses we iment . � i d , J1�� yh 'D74 S �u`� ��_�ota-- � �� .�e�i��t �'es�F�e _,5nms �pz�a! sax�nd �svsFs Quieksa# �►uict 7darmal pfirtcivabl� b�drks�m coovcrsa2ian �aun8 . ._.- fi- - °.K`�� � � � �'� : �•. ': i- �''�: �• ;?-,� - 8 .r �a�tht �raffic t � �