96-998CITY `� - � �' � � ' �, � Council File # � Green Sheet „ 31980 RESOLUTION = SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ? _n 0_ Ir. �. 31 Presented By Referred To COmmitt22: DdtO WHEREAS, the Depar6nent of Pubtic Works has let bids for mnstruction of pavin9, lighling and signai construc[ion of Dale SVeet-University to Nlinnehaha, antl WHEREAS, this workwas originally adopted by City Council Resoluvon 951477, known as Log nSU-55270 and 94-1843, known as Lo9 aSU-55248, and WHEHEAS, ihere is sewer repairwork to be done under Nis contract, necessitanng a Vansfer of funding fmm Log # SU-G6012, and WHEREAS, the DeparVnent of Public Works has entered into agreemenu with the Water U91ity, Norihern States Power and the Departrnent of Planning 8 Economic Development to share in these costs, so lIiEFEFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council oi Ihe Ciry of Saint Paul, upon recommendatlon of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by ihis Council is hereby furiher amended in following particular: CurrenP Amended Budge4 � Change BudgeY FINANCWG PLAN DALE ST-UNIVERSITY-MINNEHAHA C95-2S080 COUNTY AID 1995 PIA 7995 CIB ASSESSMENT 992,000.00 -992,000.00 0.00 105,000.00 -105,000.00 0.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 79,000.00 -19,000.00 0.00 9,746,000.00 -1,746,000.00 0.00 SPEN�ING PLAN DALEST-UNIVERSIN-MINNEHAHA C95-2S080 CONST.PLAN CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PLAN MAJOfl SEWER REPAIR C96-2T619 SEWER REPAIR FUND SPENDING PLAN MAJOR SEWER REPAIR C96-2T619 PLANS & CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PLAN MSA CONTINGENCY-96 C96-2T019 7996 MSA 171,000.00 -571,000.00 0.00 975,000.00 -975,000.00 0.00 7,146,000.00 -9,146,000.00 0.00 1,128,05426 -32,620.00 7.095,43426 9,128,05426 32,620.00 9,095,434.26 1,728,05426 -32,620.00 1,095,43426 9,128,05426 -32,620.00 1,095,43426 15D.982.00 -48,772.83 102,269.17 150.982.00 -48,712.83 102,269.17 � f ! p[ � { V� i � '�i i� i.� 58 59 60 67 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 �6 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 SPENDING PLAN MSA CONTINGENCY-� C9Fr2T019 CONSTRUCTION 150.982.00 -08.772.83 /02269.77 150.982.00 -48.772.83 102269.77 FlNANCING PLAN DALE ST-UNIVERSIT/-MINNEHAHA C96-2S756 COUNTY AID 1995 PIA 1995 CIB ASSESSMENT SEWEP REPAIR FUND MSA 1996 P1SP TIF WATER UTILITY L397,381.53 7.397.381.53 7 05,000.00 105,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,403.00 30.403.00 32,620.00 32,620.00 314,000.00 48.772.83 362.772.83 13,500.00 13,500.00 74,097.00 74,097.00 11.900.00 11.900.00 314,000.00 1,683,674.36 7.997,674.36 SPENDING PLAN DALEST-UNIVERSIN-MINNEHAHA C96-2S756 CONSTRUCTION PLANS CONSTRUCTION 320,765.41 320,765.41 374,000.00 9,362,848.95 9,676,848.95 314,000.00 9,683,614.36 7,997,614.36 RESOLVED, tha4 the Ciry Coundl adop[s the above changes to the Capital budget. The 3t. Paul Loa4 - Range Capftal Improvam$nt $udget Committee received this zequest on �date) 7��yG and recommensds � r�vq�( Signad� �wy, �/,1�,N.�r�_ , ,. Budaet Director �� - 9' 9'�' Yl^ `��z�-�-. _ __ �---�.�.. . Requested by Department of; MJE/jb PubliC WOrks 6-26-96 gy: - _ Gi �"'^� 1 ✓ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B � o,,.� Z 1� .� Approved by Mayor: Dat �` �� By , � (G Form Approved by City Attorney By. Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council gy: /'�� -/� Adopted by Council: Date Q�.� �� L /'Yi � _ �i D PllI1IIC E WOIYS E � COUNqL 6/26/96� GREEN SHEET �' N0.3 1 9 8T�' VF� CONTACT PEfiSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE PARTMENTDIRECTO �g qT'COUNGL Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 ^ N � y e� � � crtv arrow�v � cm c�aK MUSTBEONCOUNCIIAGENDABY(DAT� ROUTiNG �5 BUDGETOFFICE �p FINANCE-ACCOUNTIN ��� � AYOR(OFASSISTANT) MkeF�gum � TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CIIP ALL LOCA710N5 FIX{ SIGNIINRE) Q2 � M � �3 DEPARTMEM ACCOUNT �7� ACTION RE�UESiEO Approval oF Council Resolufion amending the 1996 Capital Improvement Prog:am by uansferring spending and financing from the 1995 Dale Street-Universiry w Minnehaha and Major Sewer Repair-96 projects and adding Water Uriliry, NSP and Tax Increment financing to rhe 1996 Dale St-University to Minnehaha project FECOMMENDATIONSly�ywe (A) w RejeH (R) PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �1ES90.�i _PLANNINCaCOMMI5S10N_CNILSERVICE�AIMISSION �, Hasihispersorvfirmeverworkedunderaconvaaformisdepartment?'�u"' CIBCOMMRTEE _ YES NO sTaFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a tlry employee? A t S/+ O g ����° — — YES NO tiUV _ �isTAtC7 CouNCiL _ 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee7 SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNqLOeJECTIVE? YES NO ^ �e.!;-�^,n�, rtYgE�=° Expiain all yes answers on saparste sheet and attach to green sheei�" ''•" ` `'`' '�"'� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHh: The Depazanent of Public Works has recommended awazd for the paving, ligh[ing and signal construcaon on Dale Street-University [o Minnehaha. This work was originally adopted by City Council Resolution CF 95-1279 and CF 94-1&33. There is sewer repair work to be done under this contract necessitating a transfer of Major Sewer Repair Funds from 1996. The Water Ufility, Northern States Power and [he Dept of Planning & Economic Developmen[ have en[ered into agreemen[s to shaze in these cos[s. ADVANTAGESIFAPPflOVED: The Departmen[ of Public Works wIll be able to award conaact. �������� JllL 3�? �996 � CITY ATTORNEY DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � � ���C None. t � � �' � B � p�?^�?I '��eia����^a e�"v���'i' �,� �, , ; . � l 1�96 w�.a� � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: - —'�--' -. -- =-A-�»-�-•--_—�== Coniract will not be awazded and work delayed unfil sufficient budget is in place. 70TALAMOUNTOFTHANSACTIONS 456, 81 CO5T/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SoURCE Sewer Repa'u Fund ,Water Utlity, NSP, T'iF ACTIVI7Y NuMBER C95-2S080, C96-2T619, C96-2T019 & FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � Transfers - $1,227,332.83 Addirions - $456,281.53