96-99�-; E `- � f _ � 11 : F�, } �adti`.�;i`,_ Presented By Referred To //�� J�. �� � � � � Council File # v � r I � 7 3 � 1� fO Green Sheet # RESOLUTION TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA °t `- 99� 3��t`l4� �7 Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, U.S. Department of Labar awazded funds to the State of Minnesota far the 2 implementation of One-Stop Career Center Systems (Minnesota Workforce Center System) (through 3 the Wagner-Peyser Federal Social Security Act of 1935 as amended) for the purpose of integrating 4 the employment and trauung programs across Minnesota; and 5 WHEREAS, the State of Ivlinnesota has designated the City of Saint Paul grant recipient for 6 this program in the Saint Pau1 azea; and 7 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Workforce Development Center will provide employment and 8 training services to the Saint Paul residents in this One-Stop Service Area; and 9 WHEREAS, the Staxe of Minnesota on December 4, 1995 has allocated resources for 10 unplementation of streamlined and integrated service delivery for City residents during the period of 11 July 1, 1995 through June 30, 1996, now and therefore, be it 12 RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul 13 does hereby approve the City's participation in the Minnesota Workforce Center System (One-Stop 14 Local Integration Plan for Saint Paul), and be it 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Paul officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropxiate contracts for delivery of employtnent and training services to Saint Paul residents; and be it FURTfIER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to secfion 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there aze available far appropriafion revenues in excess of those estimated in the i995- j� q!� budget, and fq�� FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayar recommends the following changes to the �995 budget: 23 24 2S 26 27 — 2g � 30 31 3� 33 34 35 36 37 ft�3 39 40 41 42 Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget ����� 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36538 One-Stop 3111-67095 Job Training Parinerslup Act 0 7Q.I 81 70 1$ i o ��o -��o ._. SPENDING PLAN Current Amended Budget Changes Budget 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36538 One-Stop 0547-67095 Payment to Subcontractors 0 34,726 34,726 0558-67095 Transfer to PED Oper. Fund 0 35.455 35,455 0 $70,181 $70,181 iqqG RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the �udget, APPROVED AS TO FUNDING Director, Department of Finance and Management Services --� �' • �_ �_ • 1�_ � � m��� B dg t Director Requested by Department o£: By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by By: Appr �.-',� Secretary Approved by City Attorney Approved by Mayor for Submission to By�'2�' �ilU,/C�/1i5 Division TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PORSIGNATURE) -"��esL€�s,✓ . ._.___ �� tl _ _L. Signature on attached resolution will authorize the City to accept $70,181 in federal funds to implement a One-Stop Career Center. _ PLANNING COMMISSIpN _ ( _ CIB COMMRTEE _ _ _ STAPF _ _ _ DISTpICT WURT _ _ SUPPOHTS WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECTNE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE F iVING � cAMMIS510N �� Has Nis person�rm ever worked under a contract for thi YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possass a skill not normally possess d� eM i 1 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and atteeh to gr ee MITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPdRWNIN(Who. What.l�n. Whare. The City of Saint Paul has recently b n awarded Federal funding through the State of Minnesota's Department of Economic Security to implement a ne-Stop Career Center System within our loca( area. Period of funding is from July i, 1995 through ]une 30, 96. .. A resolution i"s neeiled to accept these funds aud pxooide au,thorization for the u of this money,,,.. ' , , ,�., �,.. .:_ , . - ,� � � _. , � �,�� . -., City residents will benefit from a stream lin approach to employment and training services that mauimizes e�dsting resources in an effective, coordinate and cost effective fashion. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED: : � � ���:.e�,.,,� ;�,����,� Q������ ,� �:.-•�.�i���; �:...:��,�a None. 9`-q9 . iNmnteo N� 3 2 7 4 9 �s-�s-9s GREEN S T - IN INITIAt10ATE �OEPARfMENiDIRECTOR �CRYCOUNCIL IGN � CITY ATTORN � � Cftt CLEBK BER FOR gUOGET DIRECTOR � FlN. & MGT. SEAVICES DI TING E= � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � a i Shoho Jl��; � � �`+�^ dAN ��} `� �"��' ��1'd�R�IEY City residents will not receive streamlined senrices essential in becoming productive citizens �,rithin our community. ��i3;��::'_ � _ ._ �";� � �`��.;:' Jz=ei''- ... �< <,°i' �v � � TOTAL AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ E7O.� S� COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ll S Dep,�rtment of Labor ACTIVITY NUMBER P6 345-36538-3111-67095 FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) q c� —qq BUDGET INFORMATION BUDGET PERIOD: JuIy 1, 1995 TO June 30, 1996 Budget Sunmiary by Categories 1. Personnel $34,200 2. Fringe Benefits (Rate 24 %) 9,408 3. Travel 1,500 4. Equipment I1,500 5. Supplies 2,500 6. Contractual 4,000 7. Other - Printing 2,073 8. Total, Direct Cost (Lines 1 thru'� $70,181 9. Indirect Cost {Rate %) 10. Training CosUStipends i� �ro�r�r, ���aas:xe�u�s��a �z,�n��; s ���;� �n} ,�?o zsz SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON BAC% OF' FO.RM VII. 1 PARTI!'ERS TABLES The following series of tables aze to be completed for each �TJorkforce Center in this One-Sfop Service Area (OSSA). The completion of these tables �itl represent conside�atia� of ali potential partners in offerin� employment and training services w�thin your �eographic area. Tt will be necessary to bring together all appropr4a�e . partners in order to create a nerivork tkat al2ows jobseekers and employers to have the most comprehensive services possible. Although onty two 'bther" spaces aze listed, please add as many as your ptanIIing team wisfies. Tius document wiII be usefuI in future plannin� efforts, as we12 as the assessment of inciusiveness of your azea's planain� efforts. �lt�-�q PART A WORKFORCE CENTER LOCATION/S (list address): I�S THIS ; .: T'YPED_ NAME`A.I�� TiTLE, , , PRt)GRAlYt .. NATURE OF �'IJNC�'It3NAL `. WITH SIGNi1TURE flF . PROGRAM ._. ' ItEPFtESENTED,' ; i�KAGES BE'�WEENT'HIS AiTTHOTtiZ�l3 O�FICiAI.y-.. INJOINT ' ENTITY�'DT'ffiS; `- :. - �- YdORKFORL'E CEPI�'EI2 , R'ITH LOCAi. INTEGRA'TION : , ;: PLA3VNIlYG? : ° . , - .,: pLA�I Emp]oyment Service Progams, Reemployment Inswance, Veterans Emptoyment Service Programs, 1RA, TAA Title II of the Job firaining Partr�ership Act Programs and coordinated Yes customer services integrated info the Workforce Center Yes Dislocated Workers � Pro�rams Yes Senior Community Service Employment Program undet Title V, Older Worker Act Vocational Rehabilitation Services Jarqui L. Shoholm, Adminisfrator Saint PauI Workforce Development See above Ce�}`������ � Yes 7acqui L. Shoholm, Administrator Saint Paul Workforce Development See above Cen ��e���7�"' i����f�,�1���/� Yes Nancy Hendrickson, Manager Midway Job Service/ Reemployment Insurance 7acqui L. Shoholm, Adminislzator Saint Paul Workforce Development See above Cente��'��/'t/�Gf i�$����f�'TG1ft� 1� Joanne Ciccazelli, Ivlanager Minnesota Division of RehabilitaTion See above roices - Saint Paul Office �7 . , i VI. 1 PARTNERS TABLES (coufinued) IS-T`HtS �ATUR� OF RIILu�IE?14AL I'Rt)GRAM : 3.i.�iKAGE��ETti�E�f+T�`ffiS _.. �PBt3GK�1YI REI'Ii���T�TETI'. ,-:,,,.., -,,..,, �,.,a_ State Services for the Blind Yes � STRIDE Proaram Operator/s Work Readiness/ Food Stamp Employment and Training Operator/s Community Action AgenciesBeadstart Operator (if other than CAP) Yes �� ac�-`�q ��'�;:: fJF [C� ' EN�N�t- `GI2AfiID� . ., :. Doug Tourville Mianesota State Services for the See above B,I� ,/) / ' / / A � Jacqui L. Shoholm, Administrator Saint Paul Workforce Development See above Center , _ Yes Yes Saint Paul Workforce Development See above Center . Da1e Anderson, D'uector Ramsey Action �,rograms See above --� 1 �� . VI. 2 PAR'T B OTHER POTENTIAL P.�RTNERS IS -'i'IiIS TI'FE PT20GR�M -_ - lrATI��ItE �F �iJ1VCTION�L -: . 'S�'I7 -`-PRt3G�NI REPItESEN'�`ED- LI��KAGES'BETVi'EE�t ATJTI _. , � ii1T-JOINT > THIS ENTiT"S�' A�iD �S SIGn�7 PL�'3�'Ti\G? --' �'�'OI2KP012C'� C£I\TER �p �1 c� —gg �� _AIr'D TIT'I.E. IG1�AT'iT12E t3F - : . iZED OFFICiAi;, . . ZG;AGIZEE1vIE:V3` -- � i:ac�, , ,. , _ .,.: = r�- : --. <: - � �c� � . Dr. Terityn Tumer, Director o£ Secondary Educarion A�encies Yes Trainin� and customized training � Post Secondary Fducation Agencies Yes � Trainin� and customized 1 Panl Technical �/ ,� � . JTPA Title NA, Mi�rant and Seasonal Farmworken JTPA Title NA, Native American Program JTPA Title N, Job Corps Weifaze Reform Demonstration Project National Literacy AcY of 1993 (ie; Area LiYeracy Conncils) Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act Jacqui L. Shoholm, Administrator Pr a°rems and coordinated Saint Paul Workforce Developme� Yes castomer services integrated into Ce • this Workforce Center � VI. 3 � . _ Division of Rehabilitarion, Extended EmpIoyment Displaced Homemakers Program PARTNERS TABLES (continued) � I�AfiCTR� E3� 3+`I71l�CTI(3I�°Ai. ��� I.L' B�Tt?�?E�Y ��-�� Family Services Collabora6ves Community Based Collaboratives ',�iiT�l Yes See above Tom Cotroneo, Director Saint Paul Urban League, Bmployment and Tra' in Prograzn /1/ ir / �.��'n�� Other � ! � VI. 5