96-982Presented By Re£eYred To 2 3 4 5 6 10 11 � 13 14 � 16 17 l$ l9 � 21 22 � � � � 2'7 � 29 � 31 S2 � 34 35 36 37 � 39 40 41 � 43 44 95 46 Council File # � � � � ° V' RESOLUTION Green Sheet # ��� �� INT �UL, MINNESOTA 3� Committee: Date W HEREAy The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1996 budget; and W HEREA� Council E�le 277510, dated October 1, 1981, did establish certain Speeial Fund Policies; and W HEREA� The Wabasha Street, due to its location and history, performs a eritical function as Saint PauPs Main Street, as far as retail shops, entertainment, and of5ces, and as a connection to the State Capitol, the riverfront, the Riverview industrial area, the City's Hispanic business district and the West Side; and W HEREA� Wabasha Street in recent years while funetioning adequately for traffic purposes has added little to the suceess of Downtown otherwise; and W AEREa� The Mayor and City Council desire to improve the appearance and function of Wabasha Street as Downtown's main street ; and W HEREA� Public Works, with strong support from pther City departments and the private seetor, has begun an initiative to focus attention on several improvements along Wabasha Street this summer, including tra�c flow, parking, lighting, entertainment, building front improvements and retail promotion; and W HEREns� Changes along Wabasha Street involve improvements in the right-of-way early this summer that were not planned for in the 1996 budget; and W HEItEA� 1`he Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1996 budget: Financing Plan CurrentBudeet h n e Revised Budget 001 General Fund 9830 Use of Fund Balance $1,577,357 $113,079 $1,690,376 All other Financing the Same 148,744,396 Q 148.744.396 Total Financing Plan $150,321,753 $113,019 $150,434,772 �pending Plan Office of LIEP 001-00178-0558 Transfer to Special Fund Parks and Recreation 001-03100-0132 Not Certified/Temp. Seasonal 0�1-03100-0210 Fees- Entertainers 001-03100-0242 Duplicating - All Processes 001-�J3100-0249 Other - Print, Dupl., Adv.,Publ. 001-03100-0439 Fringe Benefits 001-03100-081b Desks - Chairs - Tables 001-03100-0855 Sound Equipment Page 1 of 3 CurrentBud�et Chan�e $0 $10,900 •: � '�� ... •: t 1 :IJ '�� $3,123 $7,5�0 $2,500 $400 $877 $600 $1,600 ;• •c : �.- $10,900 $3,123 $7,80� $3,118 � $121,634 $1,400 $1,600 y Planning & Economic Development 001-06000-011l Etiil115me Permanent 001-06000-0439 Fringe Benefits Public Works 001-02000-0565 74ansfer to Capital Projeets Ftiuid 001-02000-0567 Transfer to Intemal Service �nd Total Spending Plan Financing Plan 205 Public Works Engineering �nd 7299 R4�ansfer from General Fund All other F�nancing the Same Total Financing Plan Spendi� Plan 205-12150-011l Full Time Permanent 205-12150-0439 Fringe Benefits 205-12155-011l F'u1115me Permanent 205-12156-0439 Fringe Benefits All other Spending the 5ame Total Spending Plan Financing Plan C96 1996 Capital Projects Fund 7299 1Yansfer from General �nd All other F4nancing the Same Total Finaneing Plan � �11 � � $122,175 Current Budeet $72,992 1 18 $6,176,173 Current Budeet $487,954 $145,683 $279,982 $86,665 P�,5175.839 $5,308 $1,492 $33,750 $�14.669 $113,019 Chanee $44,fi69 $Q $44,669 Chanee $19,897 $5,932 $14,971 $4,207 $Il $6,176,173 $44,669 Current Budeet ChanQe � � ,r� $33,750 $Q $33,750 aG-q�a- $5,308 $1,492 $33,750 $44.669 $23�,794 Revised Budeet $117,661 103181 $6,220,842 Revised Budeet $507,851 $151,274 $294,956 $90,872 �� $6,220,842 Revised Budeet $33,750 $0 $33,750 Page 2 of 3 .� ., . t� Snending Plan Current Budeet C96-2X�'�-0'7XX-�II�S.'Y North Wabasha St. Improvements $0 All other Spending the Same � Total Spending Plan Chanee $33,750 $Q $0 $33,750 Now, therefore, be it RESOLV� That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1996 budget. Page 3 of 3 V1'` , Requested by Department of: rks $33,750 By: t7e ���.N.Gf//l���'(Y/1' Form Ap oved b ity A rney By: �'����e i� By: Approved By Mayor: Date B _ _ �'l. �G � c. - q, �' �- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� 1`. �� (\�� ;-��. � •. � Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Cexti£ied by Council Secretaxy DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL IDATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. `� 1 `� Z Public Works 7��7�96 f TIAVDATE iA6mA CONTACi PERSON & PHONE �bEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �6 CIN COUNCIL Rafic Chehouri - 266-6226 ASSIGN (�J.cRy A7TORNEY � CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR ,��J - MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) ROUTING �a�ip�ETDIRECTOR �FINSMC'iT.SERVICESDIR. ORDFR C,' � MkYOfl (OR ASSISTAN ) � TOTAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOH SIGNANRE) �ASSOCIATE ��EPT. ACCOl1NT ACTION REOUESTED Approve the attached resolution setting �113,019 for Wabasha Initiative and Improvement. RECOMMEN0A71oNS:Ppprove(tqorReiep(R) I PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWER7HEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: PLANNMCa COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION I 1. Ha5 tl1i5pe fSONfirtn eV2! woritetl tlnd2f a COntfaC[ FOr thi5 depdrVnent? y YES NO ae CoMMirrEE I 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ury employee? — YES NO _ S7AFF I 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skili not normally possessed by any arrent dry employee? _OISiRICiGOLLNCIL YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJELTNE'+ ( Ezplain all yes enswefs on separete sheet and attach to green sheet i I� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE.OPPOflTUNIN (WHO. WHAT. WHEN, WHERE, WHY): There is an increasing desire on the part of downtown leaders to improve the appearance and function of Wabasha Street. We are pursuing short term improvements this summer that are intended to encourage more activity in the future. L IADVANTAGESif 0.PPROVED' I Increase confidence of business owners and customers. Improve appearance of Wabasha Street. Increase pedestrian activity. DISADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: None mi� `�^�"z"�.��.a�":� ���d:,�" add�.� �e cs t`.�':t�e'E DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Wabasha businesses wilf likely continue to deteriorate. TOTAIAMOUMOFTRANSACTION$ $1'I3 COSTlREVENUEBUOGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE ACITVITY NUMBER PINANCIAL WFORMATIQN: (EXPLA�M O ql� Interdepartmenfal Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENi' OF PUBLIC WORKS TO: Councii President Dave Thune Councilmember jerry Blakey Councilmember Dan Bostrom Counciimember Dino Guerin Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Janice Rettman FROM: Stacy Becker; birector of Public Works DATE: July 18,1996 SUBJECT: Wabasha Street Businesses 1 The Wabasha initiative is showing many signs of success -- our goal is to � (� �,� rejuvenate businesses and increase positive activities along Wabasha. It is helping �d` existing businesses to grow and attract new customers. The following is a brief partial list of positive results thus fax: 1. Public Works increased on street parking by installing approximately 40 additional parking meters. 2. The World Trade Center is spending $120,000 in business promotions. 3. Farmers Market wili expand to Wabasha and will be exhibiting on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are many more good things that have happened and in order to continue in this direction, we need your support to pass this resolution to fund this project. Should you have any questions, please call me at 266-6066 or Pam Wheelock at 266-6628.