96-958�L � �,`� r E f'+ '�. r i t �i { f, 'S 1` ; 4..-�. n� c ca rniii �'y' G� .>... RE30LUPION APPRd3YII�IG ASSES�+iT A2� FSSiING TIl� O£ rarnuT� Tf�RECRt �CUNCIL FIL•E 2vTC. �' , �. — q��' FsY � (1�� rile No. 18793 t133e&SH.eYiZ NU. D25� -'Ot 1P � �r7srd In the aietter �f the aseesameni of i�nefits, c�st an� expenses fc,r 6 operation end aeaintenance cests for the Ascade/Case parkinq lat from January i, to T�ecemher 31, 1997. Prelisinary �?r�er xx T..''1Rd1 {}ICl@E XX 8�+�'iFUY6c't. �;.'{ appraved 57 fihe assessm�nt Uf b�r.efits, c:cst auc� erpenses for and in connection with the aba•re imgrovement havin� bePn �ulamitted to tt�e Gouncil, and the C�uncil havin� considered ssa�e and found the s�iid assessment satisfactary, therefare, be it RESOLVEi7, That the said agsessmexit be axxd the same is hereby ir all r�spects �pgraved. RESCLVEL+ FChLT�R, Tuet a F,u,:rlic fizarin� �ue ha� on sai� a�sessmeat �n ttia �7'H day of t>etober, 1996, at the hour of Four thirty o'clock P,M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Aouse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; tizat the ualuation an� Assessznent Engineer �ive ?iotic? of �aid zneetings, as ±�equired �y rp,e Charter, st�ting in said notice the time and place of hearing, the naturs of the imprc,uement, and the amount assessed against the l�t �r lots of the particular owner ta vahom the notiae is directed. COVNCIi,PER&ON Yeas Nays ✓31�key t/rj48t rny,a �rin � ' � ris iil�`t@C{Z°aI'CL ✓�.c �e l IY] E'BVJY` �Ag�inst Tidopted k,y t�ia Coancil: Date_ A�„ 1�,�C� ( .� `p Certified Passerl by Counaii 3ecretary $Y c� � t4��rC.r PI In� mr��n A�G 311996 Public Hearing Date - October 9, 1996 RE g_Z_96 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7-30-96 Green Sheet Numbcr: 34162 EPARTMENIDII2ECTOR CIIY CUUNCIL onPact Pcrson and Yhone Nmnber: ITY ATTDRNEY CR7 CI,ERK � � — Petcr White 266-8850 1 n� UDGE[ D�ECIOR • N. & I�[GT. SvC DQL t, �- �� iAYOR(ORASSISTA[�'I) 1 OUNCjLRF.SEARCH iiust be on Council A enda b:$ Must be in Council Research Office by noon Friday 8-9-96 TOTAL # OF SICNA7URE PAGES 1 (CLIP pLL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATiJRE) ACIION REQUESTED: I Set date of public hearinq for the ratification of the operation a�nd pnaintenance cost for the Arcade/Case Parking Lot from January 1, 1J97 to �Deoember 31, 1997. File No. 18744 Assessment No. 0150 COA�NIE[vDATIONS:APPROVE(A)ORREIECT(R) ERSONALSERVICECONTJ2ACTSMUSTANSWERTIIEFOLGpWING: L Flas ihe petsoN6tm ever worked wder a contract for this department7 YES NO PLANNINCCOMMISSION A STAFF . Iinv fhta perso�rm ever 6een a City employcc? YES NO CM6 SERYICC COMMISSION . Does lhls persoNfirm possesa a slrill not normnily possessed 6y any YES IVO current City employee? CIBCOMM1TfEE Ez lain all YES answers on e se erate sheM and sttach UPPORTSWHICACOUNCILOAJECTIVE? Neighborhoods COUNCIL WARD(S� ( DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL rj NITIATING PROIILEM, ISSUE OpPORTUNITY ({i'ho, Wha4 k'hen, Where, Why?): evenue is needed to operate and maintain the lot. DVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: C�4�1(�(�4� I��? ����' same as above. ��(� 0� IJ�J6 U[SADVANTAGES7FAPPROVED: Benefitted property owners will have assessments payable via propeTt�'taxes. YSADVANI'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: Parkinq lot could not be operated or maintained. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: �Z.�JOD WST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE: ASSESSIR@IIt3 ACI'MTYNUMBER: FINANCLILINFORMATION:(EXPLAII� � propercy owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges. (ffvipacaro)