96-938Return cn,.py to:
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
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Refermd To
WHEREAS, Ramsey County assumed Lease Agreement PW/5 of 31 parking stalls in the
Second Street Garage when it purchased the Ramsey County Government Center East building;
WHEREAS, the said Lease Agreement PW/5 expired in 1992 and has continued on an informal
basis since then; and
s WFiEREAS, a new agreement has been negotiated with Ramsey County to extend the said
9 Lease Agreement PW/5 through February 28, 2(kLl;
io l`l`18
ii BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and
�z directed to execute Lease Agreement PW/5
Requested by Bepartment of.
Finance & Manaeement Services
Adopted by Council: Date °
Adopti Certified by Council Sec ary
By: �� �� �-- . �...-.l`eiva�/�
Approved b�o� � �l ��,��b
By . �� � i
Form Approved by City Attorney 1�C'� �m/
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Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii
B �. ic ��'
Council File # �G • 938�
Green Sheet # 3�_q 9
F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 7/18/96 Green Sheet Number 34 99
ontx[ Person �d Phoffi N�ber: ,�.
Dave Nelson ` 266-8850
\ [�i �.\ i7DGEf DII2RCfOR 1 .& MGT. SVG DIIt
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ust be on Council A enda b: J�}! 2 5 1996
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To approve a-#"we year lease of the Second Street Garage to Ramsey County for parking.
Ref: 1. Resolution to approve lease agreement; 2. Sample copy of Lease Agreement PW/5. -
1. Has the person/Srm everworked under a contract for fhis deparhnent? YES NO
. Has this peison/firm ever been a C5ty employee? YE5 NO
. Does Utis persodErm possess a slull not nonnaIly possessed by any YES NO
current Ctity employee?
Es lain all YF.S answers on a se arate sheet and aMach.
HITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNCI'1 (Kfio, �i'liat, When, Where, Why?):
The lease agreement, which Ramsey County assumed when it purchased the Ramsey County
Government Center East building, expired some years ago. The lease has continued on an
informal basis while the details of a new agreement were worked out.
We will finally have a formal lease agreement for the Second Street Garage.
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None �;i,,,� �� p5�b JUI. 23 I986
The lease will continue on an informal basis, which could result in misunderstandings.
Rent is based on full occupancy of 31 parking stails at $65 per stall per month
Revised 3/6/96
Authority (C.F. or A.O.)
DATE: March 1 1996
660 Ramsey Countv Government Center West
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[1] Leased Premises. The LESSOR, in consideration of the payment of the Basic Rent and Additional
Rent hereinafter specified to be paid by the LESSEE, and the covenants and agreements herein
contained, does hereby lease, demise and let unto LESSEE the premises hereinafter referred to as the
"Leased Premises", consisting of 31 pazking spaces in the Second Street Gazage (A.K.A. Bridge Yard)
whose address is: "
131 East Second Street
and which is legaliy described as:
A 33 stall parking lease located under surface of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 31, St. Paul Proper.
together with any buildings, fixtures in such buildings, improvements and structures, if any, located
See Exhibit "A", plan or map of Leased Premises which is attached hereto and made a part of this
[2] Term of I.ease. This lease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates indicated
below, unless ternunated eazlier by the LESSOR or LESSEE as provided herein.
(Monthsll'ears) Commencing Date Ending Date
` � w� -�ive-Years Mazch I, 1996 February 28,-�89i- � 9
[3] Use of Premises. The LESSEE shall use and occupy the Leased Premises for the purpose of Vehicle
Parlane and for no other purpose without the prior written consent of LESSOR
[4J Rent Rent shall consist ofBasic Rent, which is based on availability of 31 stalls, and such Additional
Rent as may apply. LESSEE shall pay all rent in advance, on the first day of the term of the lease and
on the first day of each payment period thereafter as indicated in the Payment Schedule below:
Total Annual
Basic Rent (Monthly Payment
$24,180.00 $2,015.00
Commencing Date
March 1, 1996
$ per Space)
LESSEE shall make all payments of Basic Rent and Additional Rent to Public Works Accountin� Div.,
600 Citv Hall Annex St Paul, MN 55102. The applicable account number for City Finance
Accounting Code is: 42340-6801.
(5] Ri2ht of Entrv. At all times during the term of this lease, the LESSOR shall have the right, by itself,
its agents and employees, to enter into and upon the Leased Premises during reasonable business hours
or, in the event of an emergency, at any time for any legitimate purpose.
[6] Insurance.
(A) LESSOR'S and LESSEE'S Insurance. The LESSOR and LESSEE shall acquire during the term
of this lease the following coverage:
(a) LESSOR is self-insured for comprehensive general liability, pursuant to State Statute
(b) LESSEE is self-insured for comprehensive general liability, pursuant to State Statute
(2) WORKERS' COMI'ENSATION INSURANCE with not ]ess than statutory minimum
limits; and EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY INSURANCE with minimum limits of at least
$100,000 per accident and v�zth an all states endorsement. LESSEE is self funded for such
(a) LESSOR is self funded for such coverage
(b) LESSEE is self funded for such coverage
; Y -
The limits cited under each insurance requirement a
sole responsibility of tli& LESSOR and LESSEE
insurance that may be necessary in relation to this �
Nothing in this contract shall constitute a waive�
statutory lunits or exceptions on liability.
party at any time during the
days, prior to the date when s
and on the effective date of
LESSEE without interest.
[S] Notice. All notices herein
be deemed to have been fi
in writing and deposited in
LESSEE at the address st
Hall,,Saint Paul, Minnesot
by written notice given by
adc3iess change notice by
pazking, LESSEE shall
which consent must b�
Pcemises. �
all repairs, r
repairs of az
repair, safe a
Such repairs
duties to
' building
and upk�
or sqecil
e establish minimums; and it is the
purchase and maintain additional
the LESSOR or LESSEE of any
> This lease shall be subject� cancellation and temunation by either
n hereof by giving notice writing to the other party at ninety (90)
ternunation shall become e�ctive. In the event of such termination,
i ternvnation, LESSOR �1 return any unearned rental paid by the
v�ded to be given, or that
given when served pers�
United States Mail, cert:
' on page (1) and to the,
i 102. The address to �
�er party to the othet�
sonal service.
% be given by either party to the other, shall
y on LESSOR or LESSEE, or when made
and postage prepaid, and addressed to the
SOR at the Real Es4ate Division, 218 City
the notice shall be mailed may be changed
ng herein sha11 preclude the giving of such
. Except for subleases een LESSEE and its employees for vehiculaz
assign or sublet thi§ e without the written consent ofthe LESSOR,
ained prior to the e tion of any agreement to sublease the Leased
and upkeep
3nd and routine ma
in compliance with
�intenance and upki
- .- -�
ie Leased Pn
er life-safetY
custodial du
its own per
or ihe LESS
[all, at its own cost a
�,eased Premises, ex
r specifically for the I
e and repair to keep
le fire, health, build'n
not be deemed to in�
shall, at its own c
orderly and in ooii
�ll provide all ma4e
? shall also be resp
� and to any improi
3 .<,
expense, be responsibie for
�sive ofLESSEE'S personal
SSEE, including emergency
e Leased Premises in good
and other life-safety codes.
de custodial duties.
e�cpense, perform custodial
with applicable fire, health,
3 suppties necessary for the
for all repairs, maintenance
that tiave been inst'aijed by
y ` _ �.
[ll] Pavments in Case of Default LESSEE shall pay LESSOR all costs and expenses, including
reasonable attomey's fees in any action brought by LESSOR to recover any rent due and unpaid
hereunder, or for the breach or default of any of the covenants or agreements contained in this Lease,
or to recover possession of said property, whether such action progresses to judgment or not.
[12] Surrender of Premises. The LESSEE, at the expiration of said term, or any sooner termination of
this lease, shali quit peacefully and surrender possession of said property and its appurtenances to
LESSOR in as good order and condition as the properiy was delivered to the LESSEE.
[13] Indemnitv. The LESSEE agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the City of Saint Paul
and any agents, officers and employees thereof from all ciaims, demands, actions or causes of action
ofwhatsoever nature or character, arising out of or by reason of the LESSEE's performance or failure
to perform under the terms of the Lease, or the use by LESSEE of the Leased Premises under this
agreement. It is fuliy understood and agreed that LBSSEE is aware of the conditions of the Leased
Premises and leases the same "as is"
The LESSOR agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless Ramsey County and any agents,
officers and employees thereof from all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatsoever
nature or character, arising out of or by reason of the use by the LESSOR of the remainder of the
buiiding in which the Leased Premises are located, or the performance or failure to perform by
LESSOR under the terms of this agreement.
[14] Holdover. Any holdover after the expiration of the term of this Lease shall be allowed only after
receiving the written consent of the LESSOR. Said tenancy shall be deemed to be a tenancy only from
month-to-month. All other terms and conditions of this Lease shali be applicable.
[15] Pollution and Contaminanfs. LESSEE and LESSOR agree to comply with all ordinances, laws,
rules and regulations enacted by any govemmental body or agency relating to the control, abatement
or emission of air and water contaminants and the disposal of refuse, solid wastes or liquid wastes.
LESSEE shall bear all its costs and expenses of complying, or arising from failure by LESSEE to
comply, with said ordinances, laws, rules, or regulations and shall indemnify, defend, save and hold
hannless I.ESSOR from all liability, including without limitation, fines, forfeitures, and penalties arising
from the failure by I.ESSEE to comply with such ordinances, laws, rules or regulations. LESSOR has
the right to perform cieanup and chazge the LESSEE as Additional Rent for such costs should the
LESSEE fail to comply.
LESSOR shall beaz a11 its costs and expenses of compiying, or arising from failure by LESSOR to
comply, with said ordinances, laws, rules, or regulations and shall indemnify, defend, save and hold
hannless LESSEE from all liability, including without limitation, fines, forfeitures, and penaities arising
from the failure by LESSOR to comply with such ordinances, laws, rules or regulations.
a�-� 3�
[16] Controlling Leasa In the event there is any prior existing lease or rental agreement between LESSEE
and L.ESSOR (or its predecessor in interest) covering the subject properiy, it is agreed and understood
that this Lease shall cancel and temunate any prior leases or rental agreements as of the effective date
of this lease.
[17] Destruction. In the event of damage to or destruction of the Leased Premises or in the event the
premises becomes untenantable or unfit for occupancy, in whole or in part, due to such damage during
the term of this Lease, LESSOR may at its option terminate the lease upon fifteen (15) days' written
notice to LESSEE.
The Basic Rents to be paid during the restoration period shall be abated in proportion to the
percentage of loss and impairment of the use of the Leased Premises as determined by the LESSOR,
times the number of days of loss or impairment.
[18] Events of Defauit.
(A) Default by LESSEE. The occurrence of any of the following events during the term of this
Lease shall constitute an event of default by the LESSEE:
(1) the failure by LESSEE to timely pay Basic Rent or Additional Rent as required by this
(2) the failure by LESSEE to observe and perform any covenant, condition or agreement on
its part to be observed or performed as required by this Lease; or
[19] Compliance with Laws. The property described herein may be used for only the purposes stated
herein. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the LES SEE in the use of the property to compiy
with all laws, rules, regulations or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecting the use to which
the property is proposed to be put. Inability or failure by the LESSEE to comply with any of said laws,
rules, regulations or ordinances wiit not relieve the LESSEE of the obligation to pay the rental
provided herein.
(20] Non-Discrimination. The LESSEE for itsel� its personal representatives, successors in interest and
assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree, as a covenant running
with the land, that
(A) no person, on the ground of race, sex, color creed, religion, age, disability, marital status, status
with respect to public assistance or national origin or ancestry shall be excluded from
participating in, be denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use
of said faciliries;
(B) that in connection with the constructionof any improvements on said lands and the fumishing of
services thereon, no discrimination shall be practiced in the selection of employees and con-
tractors, by contractors in the selection and retention of first tier subconuactors, and by first-tier
subcontractors in the selection and retention of second-tier subcontractors;
(C) that such discrimination shall not be practiced against the pubiic in its access in and use of the
facilities and services provided for public accommodations (such as eatin�, sieeping, rest and
recreation) constructed or operated on the Leased Premises; and
(D) that the LESSEE shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed
pursuant to the Saint Paul Legisiative Code Chapter 183.
[21] Default Remedies.
(A) LESSOR'S Remedies. In the event an Event of Default occurs under paragraph (19) of this
Lease, LESSOR may exercise any one or more of the following remedies:
(1) reenter and take possession of the Premises without termination of this Lease, and use its
best efforts to lease the Premises to or enter into an agreement with another person for the
account ofLESSEE;
(2) terminate this lease, exclude LESSEE from possession of the Premises, and use its best
efforts to lease the Premises to or enter into an agreement with another in accordance with
applicable law;
(3) exclude LESSEE from possession of the Premises, with or without ternunating this Lease
and operate the Premises itself;
(4) ternvnate the Lease, exclude LESSEE from possession of the Leased Premises, sell all or
any part of the Premises at the best price obtainable (provided such sale is pernvtted by ap-
plicable law,) such sa]e to be on such terms and conditions as the LESSOR, in its sole
discretion, shall dete�mine and apply the proceeds of such sale less any expenses thereof for
the account of the LESSEE.
(5) exercise any remedies available to it under the IvTinnesota Uniform Commercial Code;
(6) take whatever action at law or in equity may appeaz necessary or appropriate to collect the
Basic Rent and Additional Rent then due and thereafter to become due, or to enforce
perforrnance and observance of any obligation, agreement or covenant of the LESSEE
under this Lease.
(7) in exercising any of its remedies set forth in this Section, the LESSOR may, whether or not
the Lease is then in effect, hold the LESSEE liable for the difference between the payments
and other costs for which the LESSEE is responsible under this Lease.
No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to LESSOR is intended to be exclusive of any
other available remedy or remedies, but each such remedy shall be cumulative and shail be in
addirion to every other remedy given under this Lease or now or thereafter e�cisting at law or in
equity by statute. 23o delay or omission to exercise any such right or power accruing upon any
default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver thereo� but any
such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed
expedient. In order to entitle the LESSOR to exercise any remedy reserved to it in this Provision,
it shall not be necessary to give any notice, other than such notice as may be herein expressly
(B) LESSEE'S Remedies. Ifthe LESSOR should default in the performance ofthe conditions or
covenants ofthis I.ease Agreement, LESSEE, in addition to all other remedies now or hereafter
afforded or provided by law, may at its election perform such condition or covenant on behaif
of LESSOR or make good any such default and any amount or amounts that LESSEE shall
advance pursuant thereto shall be repaid by LESSOR to LESSEE on demand; and, if the
LESSOR shall not repay any such amount or amounts upon demand, LESSEE shall have the
right to deduct the same from the neart installment or installments of rent to accrue under this
[22] Alterations. The LESSEE will not make any alterations to the premises without the written consent
ofthe LESSOR, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. If the LESSEE desires to make any
such alterations, an accurate description shall first be submitted to and approved by the LESSOR and
such alterations sha11 be done by the LESSEE at its own expense. All such work shall be performed
under the LESSOR'S supervision and any improvements made to the Leased Premises at the
LESSEE'S expense shail become the property of the LESSOR at the end of the Lease period.
LESSEE agrees that all alterations will be done in a workmanlike manner and in conformance with
applicable building codes, that the structural integrity and building systems of the building will not be
impaired, and that no liens will attach To the premises by reason thereof.
[23j Unused SQaces. LESSEE shall, in subieasing parldng spaces to employees, give priority to the spaces
along the north wali of the facility; and any spaces remaining unused shall be made available at no cost
to the LESSOR for storage of City-owned vehicies.
[24J Amended. Anything herein contained to the contrary not withstanding, this Lease may be terminated,
and the provisions of this Lease may be, in writing, amended by mutual consent of the parties herein.
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3 � iTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year in this Lease
�z above-written.
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� Mayor
City Clerk
Director ofFinance
and Management Services
Department Director
City Attorney (Form Approval)
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Its � 9/9�
CFUUR Board of Couniy
9/ _.��,Q
Exhibit "A"
Lease Agreement PW/5
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