96-936���I���zf`� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 i3 14 15 16 i7 1$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Council File RESOLUTION Green Sheet INT,PAUL, MINNESOTA # a6- 93G # 36329 3� Coxcanittee: Date WHEREAS, Section 161.04 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code requires that a minimum fine of forty dollars ($40.00) be levied for violation of snow emergency parking regulations; and WHEREAS, The fine set by Ramsey County Judges for violation of the snow emergency ordinance has been twenty-five dollars for the last ten years; and WHEREAS, City staff and Ramsey County Traffic Violations staff believe that Ramsey County Judges may now be open to setting the fine for snow emergency violations at forty doilars ($40.00); and WHEREAS, Interdepartmental support for a fine increase to forty doliars ($40.00) for snow emergency violations exists within Public Works and Police Departments, the City Attorney and Citizen's Service Offices, and Ramsey County Traffic Violations; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Attorney request that Ramsey County Judges establish the fine for violation of the snow emergency ordinance at forty dollars ($40.00) to begin with the 1996-1997 snow fall season; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Budget Director work with the Department of Public Works and the Police Department to dedicate a portion of the increased revenue received under this resolution toward providing parking relief in congested business and residential areas of the city and toward other efforts that will encourage compliance with snow emergency parking regulations. � :�6P.f F�m Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ��� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � -,/� `) �,.�� B Y� '` �'�f��-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �� °�' y• '�� / �//q �_G�2O�y// a�l � / �,� � ��� B f�U� iw,l�'oJ By: �'v� Requested by Department of: DEPABTMENLOFFICE/CAUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED � � _ � � � PublicWorks-Ri nt-or-w Division A� �St,,,9s6 GREEN SHEET NO. 36329 9 � 9 INITIAL/DATE INITIAL/DATE CONTACT PEFSON & PHONE pEppq'(MENT DIRECTOR ❑5 CITV COUNCIL JohnJansky 266-6240 ��N C p770RNEY �6 cmc�wc NUMBFA PoR MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) ROUTNG � f ETDIRECTOR �FIN.&MGT.SERVICESDII ASAP �� � MAYOR (OF ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL I OF SIGNANiiE PAGES 1 (CIJP ALL LACA770N5 FOfl SIGW1NflE) � ASSOCIATE � DEPT. ACC�l1NTAM ACTION RE�UESTED Direct the City Attomey to request that the Ramsey County Judges raise the fine for violation of the Snow Emergency Ordinance from $25.00 to $40.00 as is currently au[horized by Chapter 161 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. (Section 161.04) RECOMMENDA71oNS: Ppprova (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEfl THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _PLANNINGCOMMISSION _CNILSERV7CECOMMISSION 1 � K���S�S �r NO��Or4cedunderatOrtfaGtfo[filsdepafttRen[? CIB COMMf1TEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee7 — — YES NO A S7AFF 3. Does this person�irm possess a skill not normaly passessed �` ity — — employee? DISTRICTCOUNCIL YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTNE? �P�ain all yes answers on separata sheat aMl attach to greeqyF�qt O C ���� Al1b �J ��i"1°fi R.' re- INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOHNNIN (VJHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEPE, WHY): ��� `"' � Section 161.04 of the City of Saint Paul Legisiative Code establishes that a fine of not less than $40.00 be charged for violations of the snow emergency parking restrictions as described in Section 161.03. Almost 10 years ago Ramsey County Judges set the fine at $25.00 because $40.00 was perceived as being too high and may have resulted in an unacceptably high number of violators challenging tags in the court system. Most snow emergency tags that are contested are brought before hearing officers for resolution. City staff believes that Ramsey County Judges would now be open to the $40.00 fine level. The "low cost of tag" issue was ranked as the fourth most important snow emergency issue needing improvement at a June 27, 1996 interdepartmental meeting on snow emergency operations. The meeting was attended by representatives from Public Works, Police, Citizens Service Office and Ramsey County Traffic Violations. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The higher fine level would likely resuft in greater compiiance with snow emergency parking regulations. Additional revenue to the General Fund would help offset city costs for snow emergencies. increased revenue recovery could be at least partially directed toward providing parking relief in congested sections of the city and toward encouraging compiiance with parking restrictions so that streets may be plowed more quickly and completely. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: A probable increase in the number of citations being chailenged in court or being brought to a hearing officer for reduction or dismissaL �������� AuG o> >sss C�TY AT�' R E� OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: There will be less compliance with snow emergency regulations. The City wili recover an inadequate portion of the costs for snow emergency operations. '� 89_ .. . , yJ�k ,. f��i� �� 19��' �w SOTALAMOUPiTOFTRANSACTWPI$ $lOO,OOO.00 COST/REYENUEBUDGETED(CIflCLEONE� YES No FUNDINGSWHCE Recovered revenue ACRVITYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION; (EXPLAIN) Esdmated revenue the Ciry would receive as iPs share of the fine collections from Ramsey County Courts. This is a conservative esUmate based on rypical 4 snow emergencies per year with 2,500 tags issued per srrow emergency and receiving an addibonal $10.00 per tag for revenues actually cdlected.