96-926; °-, i � 9 " 1'i %' ..- - ` ` ,,, ` ; i�': 3_ ITY Presented by Referred To � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . NT PAI�L: MINNESOTA �� � g' ���� Council File # � - q'�� Green Sheet #35815 An Administrative Resolution esta the rate of pay for Labor Relations in Grade 16 of the Non-Represente Managers Salary Schedule. � RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the forth in Grade 16, of the Non-Represented City FINALLY RESOLVED, that this its passage and approval. :ion of Labor Relations Specialist be that as set Salary Schedule; and be it take effect and be in force the first pay period after � D-+-- Requested by Departrne�t of: Blakey Bostrom Guerin Harris Megard Kethnan Thune Adopted by Counc' . Date Adoption Certi d by Council Secretary By: Approve by Mayor: Date By: OFFTCE OF HUMAN RESOURCES By: � " �---_6�ti'aF 1 Form Approved by Ciry Attorney B ���° �I � c 51 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: / �' ` L� ������ q� JU� 2 3 a�96 DEPAR'['MENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE 1NITTATED GREEN SI3EET No.• 35815 HumanResources ' a,���,�� y '� ���'(� CONTACTPERSON&PHONE: � INTC3ALIDAT£ IN77'IALiDATE John Shockley 266-6482 ASSIGN 1_DEPARTMENT DIR 5 CITY COUNCIL NUMBER 2_CITY ATTORNEY 6 CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR 3 Bl1DGET DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR. ROUTING 4_MAYOR (OR ASSTJ CM(. SERVICE COMMISSION ORDER TOTAL H OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acTioN xeQUesTen: Approval of the resolution establishing the rate of pay far the new classification entitled Labor Relations Specialist in Grade 16 of the Non-Represented City Managers Standard Ranges. RECOMMENDA770NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION CNIL SERVICE COMMISSiON 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract tDr this department? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No STAFF 2. Has this pe�on/firm ever been a ciry employee? DISTRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nocmally possessed by any current ciTy employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separa[e sheet and attach to green sheet INITTATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, What, When, Where, W hy) This new single position classification is being established in the Labor Relations Office to perform highly skilled work in labor negotiations, contract administration, arbitration and grievance resolution. This currently vacant position will be in the Classified Service subject to competitive examination and Civil Service certification procedures. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. This position has been restructured from a Grade 20 Human Resources Specialist IV to a Labor Relations Specialist Crrade 16. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � 4� lvone. Jl1L 15 �J96 DTSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: x The staffing needs of the Labor Relations Office will not be met. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: �1� ��� �i FONDINGSOURCE: ACTIVTTYNUMBER: � 1i1 �� ���� Vt, FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) e�cussvcnRENV.xsreccaN � � �� � -" ' . +' PROPOSED TITLE OF CIASS: LABOR RELATIONS SPECIALIST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: CODE: 404A BU: 17 EFFECTZVE: �����/ �p Performs highly skilled pro£essional work in labor relations negotiation, contract administration, arbitration, grievance resolution, research and administrative procedures; and performs other related duties as assigned Suuervision Received: Works under general and technical supervision of the Labor Relations Director. Suoervision Exercised: May exercise technical supervision over assigned staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Negotiates collective bargaining agreements (trade and non-trade) on behalf of management; evaluates and recommends contract proposals and prepares contracts. Pex£orms contract costing analyses and compaxative wage and bene£it analyses. Resolves grievances on behalf of departments. Represents the City in grievance and interest arbitration hearings. Advises departments on problem-solving methods £oY workplace issues. Conducts studies and research on salaries, employee benefits and related programs, labor market conditions, labor laws, arbitration decisions and other workplace issues. Assists in the development and implementation of management policies, positions and strategies for labor relations. Assists supervisors and managers in the interpretation and administration of collective bargaining agreements, grievance resolutions and other labor relations issues. Assists in the development and presentation of City's position in complaints, grievances, lawsuits and hearings regarding employment practices and other labor relations issues. (continued on reverse side) LABOR RELATIONS SPECIALIST PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: LABOR RELATIONS SPECIALIST Page 2 Provides orientation and training to City management in contract administration. Facilitates and provides expertise to labor-management committees. Makes presentations before the City Council and Civi2 Service Commission. Represents the City in hearings at the Bureau o£ Mediation Services. Provides information and inierpretation of contract language, Civil Service Rules and xelated policies, laws, rules and regulations; makes recommendations on rule changes and revisions. Prepares reports, documents and other materials needed in the implementation of collective bargaining agreements and settlements. Serves as assistant City labor negotiator. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the theories, principles, practices and procedures of labor negotiation, contract administration, conflict resolution, grievance and interest arbitration and joint cooperative processes. Considerable know2edge of applicable 1aws, rules and regulations, Considerable knowledge of interest-based bargaining or other nontraditional methods for resolving labor disputes. Considerable knowledge of recent developments, current literature and sources of information in the field. Working knowledge of organizational behavior theory and management principles. Considerable ability to develop and implement strategies for collective bargaining. Considerable ability to interpret and administer collective bargaining agreements. Considerable ability to negotiate and resolve grievances through mediation and otherwise. Considerable ability to advocate £or the City in arbitrations and administrative hearings. Considerable ability to research, analyze and solve problems. ConsideYable ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in � LABOR RELATIONS SPECIALIST . ' Page 3 ' PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: � LABOR RELATIONS SPECIALIST q�� y 3` writing, and to make formal presentations. Considerable ability to interact effectively with a wide variety of people. Working ability to use word processing and data analysis software. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelor's degree in business administration, public administration, industrial relations or a related £ield and fouz years o£ experience in labor negotiation, mediation, arbitration and contract administration; or a master's degree in industrial relations or juris doctor degree and two years of experience in labor negotiation, mediation, arbitration and contract administration. LABOR RELATIONS SPECIALIST � ��� t �t - - � �fL:'il'.,. .� _.".�— CTTY OF SAINT �� l ? :', � :- � Narm Coleman, Mayor TO Mark Shieids, Chief of Staff Mayor's Office OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hami[ton, Direaor L L - Ly�P 400 Ciry Hal[ Arsnee Te[ep6one: 612-2666500 25 West Fourth Street 1DD/ITY: 612-266-6501 SaintPau(. Minnesom 55102-1637 Jobline.� 6I2-266-6502 Facsiiru[e: 672-292-7656 . n�:tit,C,r; :F�vu:s="a: JUt� 13 1996 FROM: Karen Sanchez � ��� ��`:»��:�'4 ?�°<C� Classification, Compensation & Org'I Design DATE: RE: June 12. 1996 Twenty Day Notice It has been determined that the title and class specification of Labor Relations Specialist should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Labor Relations Specialist in Grade 16 of the Non-Represented Gity Managers Standard Ranges. cc Mary Kearney, Labor Relations Director I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20-day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. `� ���� � �� / o Name Date q�-°��5. Class Studied: Incumbent: Studied By: Date Studied: Persons Contacted: DESK AUDIT Labor Relations Specialist (Proposed) Vacant Karen Sanchez June 4, 7996 Labor Relations Director APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: DATE /� ��- 9� Background: The study was conducted to determine the appropriate classification and compensation of the vacant position in the Labor Relations Office of the Mayor's Office. Position Description: This position will act as a higher level senior professional position in labor re4ations. The duties will include: Performs highly skilled labor relations negotation, contract administration, arbitration and grievance resolution as assistant City labor negotiator Makes presentations before the City Council and Civil Service Commission and represents the City at hearings before the Bureau of Mediation Services. Assists in the development and presentation of City's position in complaints, grievances, lawsuits and hearings. Provides technical expertise and assists City management in all areas of labor relations including developing management policies, positions and strategies for labor relations, problem-solving for workplace issues, interpreting and administering collective bargaining agreements. Conducts research and analysis in contract evaluation, contract costing analyses, comparative wage and benefit analyses, salaries, employee benefits and related �t, c. — q�. G programs, labor maket conditions, labor laws, arbitration decisions and other labor relations and workplace issues; prepares reports and makes recommendations. Provides information and interpretation of contract language and related policies, laws rules and regulations; prepares reports, documents and other materials needed in the implementation of labor relations processes. Comparison: The level of complexity and responsibility of the position is highly comparable to that of the Human Resources Specialist IV and Human Resources Manager classifications. However, it would not be appropriate to allocate the position to either one of these two classes because of the emphasis of the position in labor relations that is not fully described in these fivo classifications. The position requires specialized knowledge, skilis and abilities in labor relations. As senior professionaf, the position wiil be relied upon for technical expertise, assistance and advice in all areas of labor relations by City management and labor relations staff. As assistant City labor negotiator, it is important that this position be filled by someone with solid training and experience in labor negotiation, contract administration, arbitration and grievance resolution. The minimum qualifications for the Human Resources Specialist IV and Human Resources Manager do not provide for the specific requirements of the position. There are no other existing classifications to allocate the position. QES Evaluation: The evaluation supports compensating the position in Grade 16 of the Non- Represented City Managers Standard Ranges. Recommendation: It is recommended that the new Labor Relations Specialist class be created and assigned in Grade 16 of the Non-Represented City Managers Standard Ranges.