96-925A'ME N'0 E'4 ���ly � 9G t C�� Presented by Referred 1 Resolution Requesting a Business Plan Council File # (e � 9 � �j Green Sheet # o? 70 6� a� Committee Date . �,�t7 a Comprehensive Housing Strategy 2 WHEREAS, residential property in the City of Saint Paul comprises 93 percent of the city's tax 3 parcels and 78 percent of its market value; and 4 WHEREAS, all city bonding authority and taxing ability is based upon the tax capacity of the 5 land, and 6 WHEREAS, as stated in the Saint Paul Housing Policy for the 1990's, the city's housing market 7 strength varies widely among Saint Paul neighborhoods and while some areas enjoy healthy 8 reinvestment and increasing values, others suffer from poor conditions, declining values and 9 minimal reinvestment; and 10 WHEREAS, the future of Saint Paul depends, to a large extent, on the confidence people have in 11 city neighborhoods, and the ability of people to have choices of housing within those 12 neighborhoods; and 13 WHEREAS, the City Council recently adopted the 1996-1997 Housing Action Program, which 14 identifies goals and activities to promote good housing, and strong neighborhoods; 15 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that in order to increase the city's tax base, and 16 implement the goals of the adopted Housing Policy and the 1996-97 Housing Action Program, the 17 City Council and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Boaxd requests the 18 administration and staff of the Planning and Economic Development Department and the Saint 19 Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, with the involvement of other city departments and 2o partners, develop and submit by October l, 1996 to the City Council and the I-IRA Board for its 21 approval a.8usiness Plan to implement a comprehensive housing strategy, as outlined in the 22 adopted Housing Policy and the 1996-97 Housing Action Program, and includes: 23 1. A comprehensive improvement and rehabilitation program available for all housing: 24 owner-occupied or rental houses, duplexes and apartments; 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2. 3. structure 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 2�f 2 Opportunities for life-cycle and market-driven housing in n�ighborhoods, down own� and on the riverfront; Strategies to prevent housing deterioration and guidelines for }��-d�e�i��ex evaluation;- for whether to rehabilitate or demolish: Neighborhood infill housing alon� with design guidelines for infill Preservation of lustoric structures; housing: Neighborhood based planning, recognizing the distinct character and variety of neighborhoods; Consideration of alternative approaches for housing, such as cooperatives, land ixusts, and limited equity ownership. Rental opportunities for all incomes; A marketing plan to promote living in Saint Paul; A collaborative approach with the private sector, non-profit interests, neighborhood and business organizations and other governmental jurisdictions for neighborhood improvement; to emerging and changing markets and regional planning effort� ot limited to, an evaluation and plan for low income h ousine aevelopmenL aispersal: 17 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Business Plan include target dates for completion, and 18 identify: public and private financial resources; strategies to target resources; partners and their 19 roles; and all requirements and barriers to implement and accomplish the Business Plan. 20 ��������� Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney �� By_ Adopted by Council: Date � Adopti by Council Secreta Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 1—\ �..,��d � � By: �— � --� Approved by Mayor: Date -----,�� By: �l�' �� 9c.-9�S OEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqI DATE INITIATED , v V L/ U b tf c� co,��� 8/7/96 GREEN SHEE � INITIAUDATE INRIAL/DATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPAflTMENTDIRE � pTY COUNCIL Roberta Megazd, 266-8640 ASSIGN � CRV ATfORNEY � CITY CLEiiK MIJST BE ON CAUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) ��� F � R � BU�GEf DIRECTO � FIN. & MGt SERVICES DIfl. ROUT7NG AllgU$Y SG� I�J() ORDEF � MpyOA (OR ASSISTAN"n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiION RE�UESTED: . Approval of resolution directing the creation of a Business Plan to impiemenT the 199697Housing Action Program. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISS�ON _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has th5 pefsonftitm eVer woiked uflde[ a CWltraCl for this tlepartment? __ CIB COMMITfEE YES NO _ SrqFF 2. Has this pereonffirm ever been a ctiry employee? — YES NO _ �IS7FiCT COUH7 _ 3. Does thi5 personflirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CDUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Expfain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATiNG PROflLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): A Business Plan would provide for the timely, thoughtful and thorough implementation of the policy goals and associated acuvities outlined in the 1996-97 Housing Action Program. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Business Pl¢n will make cleu to all interested parties not only what the City's housing policy goals and associated acfivities aze, but also give a cleaz indication of the specific steps and timelines necessazy to complete activities and thus implement the policy. The Business Plan will be the blueprint for accomplishing a comprehensive housing strategy bringing together all the public and private partners. When the plan is implemented, the tac base will increase. DISADVANTAGES IF APPPOVED: � y��ym� 5 'g'�`��"��,s 'drt�.�El�"+E .ti!5:v� . .O .S. w� Staff time may need to be re-directed �'tii�2 ��a ��� DISADVANTAGES IFNOTAPPROVED: It wilt not be cleaz to all interested parties what specific steps and timelines necessary to complete the activities necessary to implement the City's housing policy. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT{ON $ COSTIREYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN)