96-907Presented By Referred To A , _\E�bEO� ���y'q{ Council File # 1��_t� ( Y RESOLUTION C{TY OF Sa{NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # ����� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 WI�REAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code was enacted to regulate the subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and 73 WF�REAS, Section 293.11 provides far the granting of variances by the City Council upon its finding that full compliance with said Chapter would constitute an unreasonable hardship on an applicant, other person or on the community; and WHEREAS, Applicant Saint Paul Saints Professional Baseball Club, Inc., represented by Tom Whaley, Director of Operations, who has been designated as the responsible person on the application, has requested a variance to allow live music at Midway Stadium, located at 1771 Energy Park Drive, on August 17, 1996; and a=oo WHEREAS, the above applicant has requested a variance for the hours of :'r.99 pm. until 7:00 p.m.; and WHEREAS, without the variance the applicant will not be able to present its proposed live music; and WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection has reviewed the appiication and has made recommendation as set forth herein; now, therefore, be it � z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 p. 2�� L q,�-4o� RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a vatiance to the above Applicant upon the following conditions: a;no 1) The variance shall be for the hours of�r� to 7:00 p.m. on August 17, 1996. 2) Ail electronically powered equipment used in conjunction with the event shall not exceed 100 dBA as measured at the sound mix or at a distauce of 100 feet from the front of the stage, whichever is closer. � �� • I " • �� �� • �U • • "• - � . �� � " . � ��' � �"1 .l �" • 11 • ' - :_.:.-_----- .,.._ .. 4) The applicant shali provide personnel and equipment who shall continuously monitor the sound level between3!96�p.m. and 7:00 pm. to ensure compliance with condition #2. �:oo 5) All electronically powered equipment, PA systems, loudspeakers or similaz devices sha11 be turned off no later than 7:00 pm. on the day of the event. ��?��� � , , E�.,,s;_ � � b s ; E ti ! ",�; �..�, BY � �� . Approved by Mayor: Date 7. �! By: Requested by Department of: //%f�/4i�' � .III I�� /� � - - - _ _ �� Form Approved by City Attorney BY: <�//GLL� �V G(r/�i'xPl� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B ��_ `e—a�;:�h��� Adopted by Council: Date q Adoption Certified by Council ecretary OFFICE OF LIEP Date: 7/24/96 GRE EN S HE E T N° 30888 Peter P.ishel 266-9133 = 1 tp'�TME"x aZaecTOR 3 ITY covNC�L Z TTY ATTORN'cY ?iY CLS?2K ust be on Council Agenda by: uncsT niaecTOa esn. a Mcx. svc. nia. � YOR (OR ASSISTANT) OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP TIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTED: �UL 31 ���� Resolution granting the Saint Paul SainCs baseb level variance ith conditions. ECOMN.ENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OA AEJECT (R) SONA1 SIItVICE CONTRACTS MqST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has the person/£irm evec worked undei a contract fos this department? CIH C019-0ITTEE B�SINESS REVIEW COUNCIL YES NO STAPF _ 2. Has this penson/firm ever been a City employee? DISTFICT COURT YES NO 3. Does this pexson/£ixm possess a skill not nonmally possessed by any SUPPORTS WHICH WONCIL OHJECPIVE? Current City employee? YES NO lain all YES ansrrers on a separate sheet a¢d attach. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Saint Paul Saints Professional Baseball Club has requested a sound level ariance for a live music concert to be held August 17, 1996 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Midway Stadium. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: ill� allow the concert to occur with conditions that include sound 1eve1 limits that will reduce the noise output to surrounding residential roperties. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Surrounding properties could experience increaaed noise levels which exceed normal background levels. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Sound levels would need to be monitored at the nearest residential properties to determine violation of Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��uP�'� s:�'�:ss��'? �'�i�r a .�t�L 31 ���o OFFICE OF LICE:�SE, ASPECTIO\S A`�D ENVIItOh'bfEhTAL PROTECTION Robert Kess�er, Direc[or SnINi PAU L � AAAA CITY OF SAINT PAUL A'orm Coleman, Mayor July 17, 1996 Dear St. Paul Property Owner: IAWRY PROFESSIONP.L BL7I.DING Suite 300 350 SL Peter Streei SaintPauCN.innuota 55102-ISIO NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - `�b � Telephone: 612-266-9090 Facsim�le: 611-2669099 671-1669124 T1ris is to inform you of an applicadon to reguest a variance from tl�e sound level limitations as indicated in the St. Paul Noise Ordinance (Chapter 293 of the St. Paul L,egisladve Cale). A public hearing before tbe City Council on this variance reques[ will be held on: Date: August 7, 1996 Time: 5:00 p.m. Locaaon: 3rd Floor, City Hall CouncIl Chambers WitLie fdteen (15) davs of t6e m�line date on this notice written comments or obiections mav be C�led with Yh¢ City of St. Paul Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection 350 St. Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102-1510 Descriprion of Variance: Noise Source: ..,�. The St. Paul Saints Baseball Club has requested a sound level variance for a live concert on August 17, 1996 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Midway Stadium 1771 Energy Pazk Drive If you hav y q stions, ple eel fr call me at 266-9133. Yo s trul � _�_J Safety and Health Analyst �r�'"'7'R'.1 c: Council Member Roberta Megard Conunander, Northwest Sector Police Mike Dazger, University United Jerry Cmguer, Hamline Midway Coalition President Dave Haugland, University Uni[ed Scott Moser Andy Schneider, Hamline Midway Coalition F1in Sldnner, Midway Chamber of Commerce Ecec. Dir. Robert Wicker, H-MARC SUL-03-19% 15�26 CITY OF ST PRUL LIEP � Application for Sound Level �ariance Ciry pf St. Paul I�Toise Ordznance Ch2pter 293 o£ihe SL Paul Legslarive Code 1, dI'y2_R2Z8LIOR Oi pOISOi1 SEe1C1Rg V211anC8: 2. 3. Resposi �, TetlP nr q�-9a7 5. Telephone: ���� ���• 3Sf7 b. Briefly describe r_ize noise source and equipment involved: �o�✓�� "°L^�d CJI��P°''PT -- - �QVlPn?FIUT 7. Address or legal descripaon of noise sou:ce: 8. h'oise source time of operaaon: —� y �� 9. Briefly descr,be she steps that will be taken to muum.ize the noise 612 2bb y1�4 Y.ti1 �mn�c_au6 �� �a , s c�na,�0.Q ove�' � - — 10. Briefly state reason for seeidng vaz 11. Dates fluring which the variance is requested: rrv�vS� �7 �9F6 Sigaature o€responsible person i� �� i Return completed Appl�caEion and $X50.Q0 fee to: CiTY OF SAII3T PAUL �1�IVT120NM�NTAI. TiEAL'TH 350 ST. P�P�T2 ST'REET, #330 SAINT PAiJ�., MN SSIO2-1510 26b-9130 ? �3 9 / Qftice Use Oniy TGTAL P.��1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nosm Co7eman, Mayor July 17, 1996 TO: FROM: OFFICE OF LICENS$ INSPECTIONS AND ENVII20NMENTAL PROTECTION RabeKKessZer,Director /� � �� �^ ,�� I IAWItP PROFE,SSIONAL Telephone: 612-166-9090 BUII.D7NG F¢csimile: 612-266-9099 Suite 300 612-26G9124 350SC PeterStreet SaimPau{Mirmerom SSIOLI510 Nancy Anderson, Council Investigation & Research Room 310, City Hall Peter Kishel Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection SUBJECT: Noise Variance Public Hearing Attached is a sound level variance applicaUon from the St. Paul Saints Baseball Club for a music concert to be held at Midway Stadium on August 17, 1996 from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 feet of Midway Stadium. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for August 7, 1996. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9133. f• � Attachments OFFIC£ OF LICE� SE, ItiSPEC7I0\S .4VD E\\7ROVME\TAI,PROTECTION Robert Kessler, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL ]'crn� Cclsman, 'daycr LON'RYPROFESSJO:.a1, 2G"�.DItiG Suite 300 350 St Pete> Snee1 SaintPcul, d�mnesom SSIOJ-I510 July 2�, 1996 TO WHOM IT MY CONCERN CORRECTION NOTICE ?elephone 6/?-?66-9090 Facslrr, de: 6/ Z-2665059 61 2-266 93 25 U RE: PUBLIC HEARING FOR �'�RI.4NCE FROM THE NOISE SOURCE LIlVIITATIONS FOR: SAINT PAUL SAINTS BASEBALL CLUB'S LIVE CONCERT DATE: AUGU5T 17, 1996 FROM 3:00 PM TO 7:00 PM LOCATION: NID�WAY STADIL�1 1771 EI�TERGY PARK DRIVE The notice of public hearin� mailed to the property owners affected by the proposed variance listed an incorrect time for the start of public hearing's durin� the August 7, 1996 City of Saint Paul Council Meeting. The correct time for the start of the public hearing's are 4:30 PM not 5:00 PM as listed in the notice. Please accept our appology for any inconvenience this may have caused. Ifyou have any question please contact Gary J. Pechmann 266-9136. OFFICE OF LICENS$ INSPECTIONS AND ENVIIIONNaENTAL PROTECTSON Ro6ertKessler, Direcmr �� - '��7 CTTX OF SAINT PAUL NoTm Coleman, Mayor 7uly 17, 1996 TO: FROM: IAWRY PROFESSIONAL BUII,DING Svite 300 350 St PeterStreet SaintPm��Mi'mesota 55102-I510 Nancy Anderson Council Investigafion & Research Room 310, City all Peter Kishel Office of Licen' , spections and Environmental Protecrion SUBJECT: Noise Variance Public Hearing Telephone: 611-166-9090 Facsimile: 611-26b9099 612-2669I24 Attached is a sound level variance applicafion from the St. Paul Saints Baseball Club for a music concert to be held at Midway Stadium on August 17, 1996 from 3:00 p.m. to 7 � o o �00 p.m.. Also attached is a copy of the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners within 200 feet of Midway Stadium. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for August 7, 1996. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9133. PTK/ko Attachments