96-899C���G��€�� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ordix�ance # Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 RESOLVED: That application, ID #B for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Church of the Incarnation at Reaney's Bar, 870 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Navs Absent 7 B a�ke � 8 Guerzn Off�ce of License Inspgctions and 9 Harr2s f 10 � a nv�roamental Protection 11 Re t� man 12 Tune _ _. . _ __.. __ !! l i �. �, BY � 1 \ � , i Naw Approved by Mayor: Date g�S By: ��G < ��v""�vi Council File # 1�� Green Sheet # 35243 S� Form Approved hy City Attorney By: _ �_'��� r �.-..�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date '"1 � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary d ♦ L'e w ** NEED COPY IMMEDIATELY ** -( 1 p "U l l DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 3 5 2 4 3 LIEP 7 �L' �(, GREEN SHEE _ CONTACT PEASON & PHONE INIT�AVDATE INRIAVDATE O DEPARTMEM DIRECTOfl � CRV CAUNCIL ASSIGN CITVATTOflNEV CffVCLEflK William Gunther - 266-9132 NUYBEN FOR O BUDGEr DIRECfOF � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) pOUTING Hearin : 1 � ��� � MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOSAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATfOTiS FOR SIGNATUA� ACTION pEpUESTED: Fr. Robert T. Monaghan on behalf of Church of the Incarnation requests Council approval of their application for a new State Glass B Gambling Premise Permit, ID �IB-00639, at Reaney's 8 0 Pa e Avenue. RECOMMENDAnONS: Approve (A) or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PIJWNING CAMM�SSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract Por this Eepartrnent? - _ q8 COMMRTEE YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm e�er been a city employee? — VES NO _ DIS7RICT CAURr _ 3. Does this personrfirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any cufrent city employee? SUPPOFiTS WHICN COUNCIL 0&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sPcet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNIN (Who. What, When, WhBre. Why): AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISAOYANTAGES IF APPROYED: EF�ia�r�� . �'� �� � ,lUL 2 9 1��6 �_,--�,�.Y:,:.,.�- rt DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO PUNDING SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet #�J`c�� In Tracke(? '' �O License ID # �_h�l�3c Company Name:�� Business Addresss:��Q Contact Name/Address: rr Date to Council Research: 3 L 1 E P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: f�G -�q9 ApP'n Received / ApP'n Processed Public Hearing Date:�(� Notice Sent to Appiicant: Notice Sent to Public: Business Phone: $aoZ �-iome Phone: c�S'� ��l Q/ ward #: � � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney '�� Environmental Health �v/ � 6 Fire 'V�� License Site Plan Received:_ Leese Received: ' V / � G Police ��� �� �'�/e d �� ��-i'� G'/�e� �19/� Zoning n1� , / 6 District Council #: (� .� L.G274 nrzs9+� Mirutesota LmnfuI Gambling Prem.ises Perm3t Application - Part 1 of 2 :...: ,,.,,.,,.,,,, .,,,., _.. _ _,.,... . ,,. . _ .v.< : ,-_ ��r� •� �: � - . <. _ �Pe ���P�ic�ztwtf , ,. - , , .,., _: ,... _ Class of prernises pertnit � Renewal (�eck one) Organization base I'�cense number � A($400) pulLtsbs, Opbosrds, pa�iewfieels. raffss. Grgo � � Prem"rses permit number FOR BOARD USE ONLY BASE : PP x �/ p'q q rrv�r ��7 CHECK INITIALS DATE � 9(5250) PuII-Eabs. Opboards. Faddewheeis, raHles � C (5200) Binga only ❑ D (5750) RaHfes or�ty _....�....a...:�:t:;_•...CySrpa::ar<y::'i'n::'%h'°rv�'.sm...i.:.':+)y:.i^:.w......::.y...... : . . . .: . / q . �r�artizatLOn Iri:j'o�'�rtaiavit t , - ,:_ . ,.:, : , ,. _ . .. . _.: Name of Organiza0on � /�u.Q � /� Li� %ifc //I.���,f h`rl % /U �+/ ' ' ss Address of Organizanon - Street or P. - - — - - - - - i'7 /�L�/fsii�J; r�dc �a�5• of chief exeartive officer (cannot be your your > `/� l f/�f� f /�Sii,L' � 3/u / If appIying for a class A or C permit, fiIl in days and beginning & ending hours of bingo occasions: No more than seven bingo occasions may be conducted by your organization per week. Day Beginning/Ending Houzs Day 3eginning/Ending Hours Day Begfruiing /Ending Houzs [� _ � to If biago �sill not be condneted, check fieze a � Is the premises locaEed within dty fimits? �Yes L� No ii no, is iewnship � organaed � uncrga�zed C u^ir.�:,,a �rC City and Cou where gambiing ^ premises is bcamd OR Tovmship and County where gambfirg premises is bcated if outside of city fimits C T Yn .. . � N n r.., �._ .. � and address of leoai owner SEate icHdr� ii cHiv�� � /O �H /7i�B � .�/• Yr3u[. � / �/N. J your organization own the 3uiic5ng where the gamWi g wiil be mnducted? � YES � NO if no, aCach the toibwing: ' a copy of the iease (fwm LG7J2) wiuh �rms for at leasi one year. • a copy of a sket�h of the floor p'an witfi dimensions, sMwing whai portion is being Ieased. A lease ard sketc.h ara rat required for Cass D appGn4ons. i Code 5 �D� L S y� , , ���3`I ���'� ��'"�� �' � ���rG�� Mirtnesota Lawfut Gambiing Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 Nane � Num6er D��i �� �C� �DO /�'Cc��L ET ArJG' S� /�iC/�F/G I�I9/✓ • 5 5 S`�� F �B�,PT l /Y�a���«�n1 �Ji� �t.�/tsAr�: � /h, /s- �'•t .D• �f I hereby xnsent that bcal law er,forcament officers, :he bcard or eserts of tfie bozrd, or the pmmissioner af revenue or public sa�ety, or ager,ts of the commissioners, nay enter *.he premises to enforce tfie law. Bank Records Informat3on The board is authorized to inspect the bank records ci ;he gambling ac�urrt whenaver necessary to fulfill requirenents of currertt gambling rules and Izw. Oath I dedare th�: -1 have rea� this �plicafion and zl! informa.ion subm8;ed ,o the board s true, accurate and ramplete; •zll other required information has been fuity disda�ed; i -! am 2he chief axscuiive ofticer cf the ar�an¢afion; •1 zssume full respcnsioility for the fair and lawfuf opera- :ion of ail activities to be conduded; •I will'amiiiarize myseif with :he laws cf Minnesc:a goveming Iawiul gamoling and ruies cf ,he board sr,d zgree, i( (icersed, to �bide by thcse i2ws and rufes, inciuding amendments ?o them; •any changes in �pplicatan information wiil be =_ubmitted !o ihe board and +ocai unit of government within 10 days cf the change; and •I undarsiand that failure to provide reouired information or providing faisa or misleadirtg information may resuli in the deni>I or revocation of :he license. a�sl 1. 7he c�y •must sign this applicztion'rf the gambling prem- ises is located within city Iimits. Z. The county "AIVD township" must si�n this anplication 'rf the gambling premises is Iocsted within a townsfiip. 3. The bcal unit government (rty or punN) must pass a resoiution specifically approving ordertying this application. C+ry � Date �/ / nefer to`�Lhe in57uC.ions for rec,uired aCac.hments. Mai7 !o: Gambltng Control Board Rosewood Plaza Svuth, 3rd Floor t777 W. Caunty qoad 8 Roaevllie, MN 55113 4. A r^�v of the loczi unit ef ocvernnerc's �esciution ao- orovino this eooi'rcztion mus. be aYached ,c �`�is aaoiirzlinn. 5. It this appl'ication is deaied by the bcal unit of government, �t snould not be submiYed to the Gamoling Ccntrcl8oard. Township: By signature below, the townsnip ackncwtedses ,hat the organizztion is applying fcr a premises permit wdhin tD�vnship limits. Township Narne S�gnaa�re of person receiving aDplicstion Title Czte Rece+ved LG2�4(Part 2) �Fe.z.zs��l � ;;� �-: � =� c -'r _ r; °�,A �a '„� _ � �, MiiinesotaLawfulGambting' .� '` : ' LEASB AGItEEMENT FOR � C� PULUTAB,` PADDI.EWHEEL; TTPBOAltl� AND/OR RAFFLE -; f� s. _-.._ � . . _- - . . . . :� _ACT7T'ITYATA PERMITlED PREMISES =:= .` - � oci�t o� ot�o�m -� ., sr�c aaa,� ., . ary ,>.- _ 'r � ..: .. i�'f/a�L ` �, /P�tr��� ' . �7a � ��I� �ve- �i. ie of I:essor<�-= - - _ - - - "- ;--�; s : _ ,-: = Strut Addras :. _ s - - ' Crty s a�mry not be the same ss tho Loga1 Owmer of ihe Pmpary) _,� _' -- _ � E . _ .-�' � - f - i �a �.x.- � - . `�t7ni ' - . - � � � � orr:�a �� -_ _�,. : ,_ _ . scttc a,aa�s c;ey �i4A/E1.�5 �fl�° >= y�7D 1 �,�.':,'�'t?,,c ��r � - `. of L'essz (Name of Organ'nstion I.eazing the prcmises) . . . . ... , , . : . . .. _. . ... - � -._ . . _..:„,�.5�: - . =:..: r =:y;..=.,,_ _ . - . Zip -'` Da}4me Phonc-- `� . . .. td - ,-�, sr�� `%Y6� : � ZiP . Da}timePhone: "-:,-- � � Zip , �. Deytimc Phone - :�: -, �- �: c � _ . ,:;' r�,�:,z:� �i�%�_;u`�,r� GCB Liccnsc fl of Ofgan'vation �� �-`rTi �q ' De}timePhone �' . llii.(� .�� �--. pe of gambling aGivity (check atl thaf'aPPfY) �t wi11 be conduded at this gambling prcmiscs. � �- _� " " "- � . .. [�J Rafies � '. : [� .Paddlew6eels � Pull-tabs [� 7'ipboands � .,_.. - -`-' . . . . . . ...=, ;`3_.��. -.'. _ -`?.'.�.: .-. �- : �-� - - . - .,. . - ,_ � � d_tcnf nnnot uead SI,000 per month�for a11 non-bingo kase ag�eements �'ith your organization for t6i��gambling premises. ugan'vation miy oof pay *cnf to itself oc fo�anp of i� affiliaks for spatt u.ud for the conduct of tawfuf gambt'ing: --` r'= 'az S.: .� � . ° ' � - -� .3.�"5� . . ..., . ._ ' .. , . : .. � �- - - - Itcnt to be�peid per moe� S, '�IDO. D D � - � � -r::�- � � .�`' s. . x �.� - ��:`�1:, - - - — �rnbons of stl a`eas teascd by }rour �nva6on for the conduct of gambLng achvtty checked abo+e includmg storage � .�`.�'4+.,. . �: ti a.�s t.,ii � ,:ww�a.:-»ao- r � ::;�--�-.- � : � . .., - _ , z . '^""-., �`� The lesud arcas aia� :� , ,.^^��`,ys,, ��,.c�.� .<.�fe�t 6y . .: �a �^ - �: - •�c - feet Cor�a total of` �" � � -- ,--� �.s4uare feet: w- _'` �.�..b_.__�...s . ..._. _ - -� - � ot_.-_: �. : - �;,;:'; y -.. ; _. �J � st� ..S � , �y.,�.t4`t�n c s > ' ` - _ P .r*"Y.�. ` '. �. '� R- :r. " F e. , C � , j x , — h� x \ ..Cy 4.� .+ �, •� ` . . . • • — � ^: _ Y <. ; -,`� � � 4 . -�7h � rer ��, :. �:, �r _ � �. .. ;�;- - _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^=° _ - - �:=- - �eing to thi terms of thu leas� tt u mutually agreed that �°�`� p . � � t h e p ro p e rt y o r th e t e s s o r , T h e t e s s o r o f t h e p r e m i s e s w l i a tl o w t h e= Th e t e s s o r o t t h e p re m i s e s s h a� p r S� n�; ! � �, age gambfing et the pre=" Board or agents of the Board, the Commis, �ttie tessee"access to the permitted pre= � - - ":sionerofPu�cSatefyoragents.ofthecorii=�::mises during any time reasonable and �oner, or tfie Commiss�oner of Revenue . necessary fo'conduct (a.vfiif gamt�6ng'on �,_._.�� :�- , : --• = f ._.�.._.,-__,,. >_ -�::,� .�...._�-_- f the prem�ses his or her or ageMs of the commissiorier, and fa�v eri �;; the prem� and as agree'd`u'pon in ths .0 ` �'..- _ - ,..�.. imtly and any agents or � forcement personnel to inspectttie preinises -(ea'se _ , y�,- the Iessee may not partid- at any reasonable"'_time; and permit the-; ,-_ -" ""' "_ _ rs m the condod of faw(ul- organ¢ation to conduc{ Iaw(ui gamb5ng at . The lessor sbaA not moddy, terminate or _ . <_-"' ,- the leased premises;-;=' ttie ptemises acco�ding to the terms of ths_� refuse to renew this lease in whole or in. -- - - tease. The tes,cor may not �mpoae any com - part because the organization reported - �d the lessee do not have a.= d'�tions on the organ¢ation regardng ds= to a stafe or Iocai law enforoement ao- . ect financial interest in the tributots of gambling equipment, se[vices, thority or the Board ffie occurcence atthe � manufacture of gam6Gng , or the use of profits; - site ot illegal gambGng acti`viry in which ,- �,: <:`-,-.,,-. - _ __ - .,_ __ _. ___ ..__ . . ._ ` the organ¢ation dd not partidpete; and - The tease shatl be terminated for any dlegal =_ ° ion must otYain an otganF: gamb6ng violations ocwrring on the pre-° �' `' , ".: ' _, ; gambfng manager Bcense°-- mises; .;' ' _' The organ¢ation must have; at the gem- ;es permR from the Gam-. ,_•, bling premises, a current inventory ot Board. The organ¢ation The organization wiU be responsiWe for en- gamb8ng equipment, a sketch wRh di- sibfe for compFying wdh the suring that the tessors business activities mensions of the premises availade for s of�iavfiul gambGng; are not conducted on the teased premises;,__ieview, and a dear physical separetion � or drvider befiveen the lessee s gamb(ng the lease shatl be cancur- ; equipment end ihe Iessor's business -, __ _...... . .. � � _.. _ __. _ premises perm�k ::. . � __�';: _� : . " : . . . . . " equiptnent .- -, ., . -- - - ; .. _ _. ._;:;.... any other condi6ons or �estrictionsthat�will be induded as part Mthe lease: ., :__._ _ ..._ , acti additional sheets if necessary Be sure both parties date and initial any attachinents to this lease. `� � �--��- yha � �: ._,,..._ '�.:'-�.s= .,�, ... ,.:.,.._ �z:„.: : .,�. ,> _ . . _ - . -- - , : ..w,:->....__.< �.,...._ _., __. n . ._...,. -- . _- - - . , _ ,, -- _.� � ,. , :,' ...._ a- Gdk'iTl �,.;. _,. , oTi/�� '�c:; �2 TJ � /�S :,• `-� x �i.n =� �> . i cond'ucting tawfW �gembl idiio�oth�t consideration��i SEG � _ , .:, _ �. _ .. , . s3 to 10 �� � , : c f` - F ?�-' P'.. ac5vitws `��-°�`=;�;`.� ='_ ;rtt13� - - - �-<'— mustbe��`�� - rv�� _ i � ` +. .