96-889�� �RI�l��� ,,� City of St. Pavl v -r. rr . - � . : a ,� s� -. .� . �- .- e�_ - . - �a- � u � ■ ■ �: • :r - � v- o� 1.� �' �.�V���'. Sn the matter of Ct}UNCIL FILE I3G. 9�� $ V 9 Ey File Pdo. IB 9 � Permanent Easement for Lighting purposes on, over and abov� the following described pr�perty: The Southwesterly 4£eet of Lots s through o and Lot 14; The Northerly �1 feat of Lot 15; That gart of Lot 32 lying within th� fo2lowin� deacri�,ed Line: Beginning at the Northwe�terly corner of said Lot 3?, Thence rJortheasterly alona the Northwesterly lixzz af said Lot 32 a distance c,f 8 feet to a pc,isit, t2�enee Southea�terly vn a line per�ndicu2�s ±� ��;e3 North e�sterly line, a c�istenr� af 9 feet to a point, thence Southwesterly on s line 9£eet southeasterly of and parallel to said Northeasterly line to a g�int on the southwestesly lir.e of °ai3 Lot 3?, thence Northwesterly along said ;,outhwesterly line to the poixit of heginninc�; Tnet part of Lat 31,lying within the foilowing described line: Beginning at the Northw.esterly corner of sai.d i�ot 31, Thence Northeasterly alanes the RJorthwestsrly line of said Lot 31 � distance of A feet to a p�int, thance Seutheasterly on e line perpendicul�r t� a�id North easterly line, a distance of ? feat ta a p�int, thenca S"outhwesterly on � line 4 f�Et �autheasteriy of an� parailel to said Ncrthza�terly Iine to a point on the southwasterly liue of said Lot 31, theaae Northvresterly along said Southwesteriy line to the point of beqir,niag; Also that part of Lot 17 lyinq within the following described line; �ommencin�3 at the �ost Sautherly corner ai said Lot 17, thEnce Northeasterly alonq the Scutheasteriy lixie uf s�id Lot 17 a c�istanaa of 75 f�et ±o the point of �eginr.ir:r of a line to bE described, thenas N�rtnwesterly �long a line 76 faet Northeasterly �+f ane3 parallel ta rY�e Southwest line af said L.at 17 a dintar�ce cf 4 feet, thence Northwesterly along 4 feet Nortt,westerly of snd paralle2 to said Southeasterly line of said Lot 17 a distance af B feet, thence Southea�terly alcng a line $4 feet Northeasterly of and parallsl to said west Iine of said Lat 17 to a point on said SC}21L'P.2&3't�T'ty iine af said Lot 17, tnence Souihvresteriy a;.onq sai� Soutneast iine of aai� Lat 2? tc the goint af the begi-uxing. All in F�uditors .c.ubdivisian No. 52. r rt } : : t � Pa=liatinary ^rder _96-453 ap�roved May 1, 1�95 Final Order 96-724 aYproved June 26, 1996 � �-��y The Director af Finance having submitted his regort in the a�oce matter av to the amount of damages awarded for the takinc} of the land cr easements therin appropristed for the above improvement and to whom payaAle; and also hsving submitted his assessment af benefits to property fr�m the making af vaid improvement, therefore be it RE90LVED, Ttist the 9aid a�aesament of benefits be and the s�me is hEre�y approved. RES6LVED E'[IRTflER, .'^iriat a pu�iic t�eaiinc� be ha�3 hef�re the CUUricil u�i�n said report and far a confirma�ion of the award of damaqes made hy the c3ireotor of Finance ar,d also upon tha said assessmant of henefits; at the Council chamber, in the e:ourt Houye in the City of St. Pau2 an the llth day of 3ept�mber, 1996, at the hour af four thirty �' cl�ck P.M. and that the Director of Finance be and he is directed tv yive notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Chartar. Yeas � �Bo�trom f�' �rin i/�ri rris ✓N?�gard �Rettmsn �hune �I Rdopted by th� Council: Date � `��f� R7ays r Certified PHaQE$ by C�+uncil Sacratar�� !� Bp t In Favor �Against � PU9liSHFn AUG 311996 Public Hearing Date - September 11, 1996 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: �ontad Petson and Phone Nmnber. „ Bob Novak 266-8s50 °"�' � on Council i for x Lighting Easement for e No. IRR29 PLANMNC COMMtSS[ON CML SERVICE COMMISSION CIB COMMIT(EE WIIICEi COUNCIL OATECfIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) L�� �� RE 7-29-96 7/25/96 Green Sheet. EPARTA¢N1' DIRECTOR iTY ATi'ORNEY UDGEI'DIl2ECIOR YOR (OR ASSISIANI) 1 ic Hearin� Date of Sept 11, 1 TURE) Sf. and Seiby Ave. �9i/�'[i I�i i CJ,$RI( & McT. svC. D1A. IRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACI'S MU5C ANSWER THE FOLLAH'ING: IIav the petso�d�irm ever worked under a contrect Cor lhis departtqent? IIas this persoNfinn ever becn a C1ty employee? YES IVO YES NO Dces this persort/Arm possesa a sldll not normetty possessed 6y any YES t�'O current Cify employeet _ ExP�n� a1� YES answers on a eq te 4 t a d xtta h � DISTRICf PLANNING COUNCIL R TIATING PROBLEM� ISSUF� OPPOR2UNITY ({1'ho, What, Wlren, Wl�ere, }Vhy?): ie adjacent property owners requested lighting in tonjunction with the sewer separation prqject. easement is needed because the width of the street precludes the use of the Right-of-Way for placement of NTAGES IF APPIiOVED: City welt receive a lighting easement at no cost, from the adjacent property owners. IF APPROVED: ;� ��t�i �Q�f° J�'L 3 !? 1996 �VANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: City coutd be requested to acquire a lighting easement at a later date and have to pay for it. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: (EXPLAI� $O,QO COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO AGTIVITY NUMBER: The property owners requested lights for this projecf and wilt give the easement to the City fpr no cost.