96-888�L �� �''�� 9 ;� � e,�-����-:� City of St. 2au1 R£BGLUTZt7Fi APPRf}Yl2IG AS3ES3MEHT AfiID FIXII3G TII� OF EEARItJ6 THERE�1 �� r FTL� r�o. 9-&'S' �Y � P'il� No. 1$71'�-O� r'lssesament No. 0591 ,'C v iZ — � Ward In thE matter af the assessment r�f benefits, cost nnri er�risee f�r ? Improvinq Osceola Ave, from Grotte St. to Fleasanr p�4e.. mhis project is a part or the �ranajSt. Aibans Area Street Paving flr.d i,ighting Project. Freiiminary Order �4-63 aFgroved Sanu�xry 2tr, 1y94 Final c3rder 94-275 a��soved Niarch 9, 1 � i The assessment vf herzefit�, GGBt ana expenses for anci in COTiT1�C:C10:1 with the ahove impruvsment having 3aeen submitted t� the Coun�il, an�1 thE Cc,unoil hsvin� aonsidered ssme and found the said assessment saiisfactory, tnerefore, }�e it RES4LVED, That the �aid as�sessment be and ttze ssme is hereby in alI respects a�groved, R850YYED �t7RTF�R, ihat a public hearinc� bc t,au :,n sai� asses�nani, arz tTia c.rsu day af October, 1R96, at the hour af Feur thirty a'clack p,M., in the Cauncil Chamt>er of the Court House snd City Hall $uilding, in the City cf St. Paul; that the Valuation anct Assessment Engineer qive notice of said meetinqs, �s required lay the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place �f hearing, tha natuse af the improvement, and the smount a�seesed again�t the lct vr iot� 3f th� particular oi;mer to wham the notiae is directed. �OL�At4`Ii,P�R50N Yeas SSays i/B �/!�Oc r�]IIt �� erin ,/! rri� Y'"M�gard �ettP[s&n �hune 1 1n Fa rcr �.AC3ainrt �3opted uy t�ie Council: Date }--�• ��F }o �ertified Dassec by Council Searetar By �/u� tC� ?�j3y� r �����n AUG 311996 Public Hearing Date - September 11, 1996 RE 7-29-96 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Aate: 7/25/96 Green Sheet Num er: 34245 EPAR7'hfE1VT DIRECTOR CIlY COUIYCIL ontact Person and Phone Number: .��. IIY ATTORI�EY IlY CLERK Bob Novak 266-s850 UDGE7' DIRECIOR IN. � MGT. SVC. DIR YOIi (OR ASSISI'AN"I) 1 +^ _ � �7 G lf f� 4ust be on Councii A enda b: Au ust 14 996 for Public Hearin Date of Se t 11, 1996 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIY bb�AT � S FOR SIGA'ATURE) CLION REQUESTED: _ � \3 Ratify Lighting Easement for M�{��h L��bet}���Nina St. and Selby Ave. File No. 18829 ��'�� Q�� ECOhA4ENDAilO1VS:APPROVE(A)ORREJECi(EU � pERSONALSERVICECONTRACtSMUSTANSWERTIiEFO],LOWING: \�� I. Ilss ihe persoNlirtn ever warked under a contract for this depnp[ment? YES NO PLANHINC COMMISSION SiAPF . IIas this person/Gnn ever been a City empio?•ee? yES NO CrvIL SCRVICE COMMISSION . Doea thls persoNiirm possess a s1dU not normaily possessed by any yE5 NO current City employce? C[8 COMMIT[CC Es lain all YES answecs on a se arnte sLeet and attach. SUPPORTS WIIICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL �YARA(S) � DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL R in'ITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (��'lio, Wimt, Wiun� Whcre, \iRq?): The adjacent property owners requested lighting in conjunction with the sewer separation project. easement is needed because the width of the street preciudes the use of the Rigl�t-of-Way for placement of the li ht osts. DVANTAGESIFAPRROVED: he City well receive a lighting easement at no cost, from the adjacent property owners. DISADYANTACESIFAPPROVED: ��t�8�,9A�(�I �� /°*�. }��{gr one .f';!_ 3 � i996 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he City could be requested to acquire a lighting easement at a later date and have to pay ft�r it. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: $O.00 CO5T/RBVENUEBUDCETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANC(AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� The property owners requested lights Sor this project and wifi give the easement to the City for no cost.