96-886SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by Refeired To RESOLUTIONDIRECTING COUNC� RESEARCH TO PREPAREA REPORT ON THE NATURE OF IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED AT GRIGGS RECREATION CENTER 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 WHEREAS, the Haniline-ivTidway community is considering requesting funding from the Capital Improvement budget for facility development at the Griggs Recreational Center, and WF�REAS, the nature of these improvements should be cleazly determined before a final decision is reached, and WHEREAS, a statistically valid survey of the population using the Griggs Recreational Center would deternune the nature and extent of the need for improvements at the Center, and WHEREAS, this survey can also serve as a model for assessing similar projects in the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, City Council Investigation and Reseazch Center, has the training and expertise necessary to design and analyze such a survey and prepare a final report outlining survey findings; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that Council Investigation and Research Center is to undertake this project. The total Council Research stafftime devoted to this project is not to exceed two hundred hours. Reques[ed by Department of: Blakey Bosh Guerin Hams Megard Rettman Thune i /` r�i t�b l� � � by Council: Date � n:�."�e� �do�tiau rt�fied by Council Secretary �.: ��� �,.�.�.�-�_ Approved by Mayor: Date � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � �� � ;� � � Council File # 9G-g8 � � � � � �ti � � ���!`�� Green Sheet # 35� 13 RESOLUTION q �- $d'G DEPCryE���l'E/COUNCIL � � 31-96 GREEN SHEET N_ 3 5613 CONTACTPERSONSPHpNE �pEPAR7MENTDIRE CfiYCOUNCIL +rt '�' w 7erry Blakey 6-8610 ASSIGN O CITYATTOflNEY O CfTV CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING O BUDGETDIREGTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR. OROFA � MAYOR (OR ASSI5TANn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACitON flE�UESTED: D"uect Councii Reseazch to design and analy7e a sucvey on the naNre of impzovements needed at Griggs Recreational Center. RECAMMENOnTiONS: npprwe (A) tt Rejea (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON7HACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLON��NG QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoMirm ever worketl untler a contrac[ for Mis deparimeM? - _ C�BCOh�MrtTEE _ YES "NO _ STAFF Z. Has this person/firm ever been a ciy employee? — YES NO _ DISiRIC7 COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skili not normally possessed by a�y curteM city employee? SUPPOflT3 WHIGH CAUNCIL OBJECTIVET YES NO Explain all yas answers on separate sheet and ettaeh to green sheet INRIATING PpOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPoRTUNIN (WM, Wha6 Whan, Where. Why�: Capital Improvement Boazd needs information on the nature of improvements needed by citizens at Griggs Recreadon Center. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Council Research will be directed to undertake this project by the City Council. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None. � DISADVANTAGES �F NOT APPROVED: CouncIl Research will not be utilized fully in tbic project. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)