96-881,j� d�''1 � Iv CJ � p coun�u F��e # q. q �_ gXi (� f� � �"' � � � � � �� � � � � Green Sheet #�� � % � '�� °' � � � � RESOLUTION //� {� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA � / /I Presented By: Referred To: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Committee:Date: WHEREAS, the federal government through the Bureau of Justice Administration (BJA) has given the City of Saint Paul the opportunity to apply for a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBGP) in the amount of $593,732, and WHEREAS, there aze four grant requirements for the awazd, including (1) a sign of by the Mayor, (2) review by the Ciovernor of Minnesota, (3) the establishment of an advisory boazd and (4) a public hearing on the use of the funds, and WHEREAS, there aze four grant requirements for the award, including (1) Truancy and Curfew Center -$150,644, (2) Communication Equipment for all ofFicers -$105,396, (3) A Crime Lab MAFIN Ternunal -$125,000, (4)� Patrol -$199,761, and (5) Computer Based Teaching for the Training L3nit - $78,900, and °tSp n t- WHEREAS, the Governor of Minnesota has reviewed the application, and WHEREAS, the Youth Coliaborative Committee, which has been in existence since June of 1994 and has a representative of all the named governmental agencies specified in the grant requirements, such as local law enforcement agency, local prosecutors office, local court system, local public school system, and a local nonprofit agency active in crime prevention, and WHEREAS, the public hearing for the use of the funds need not be scheduled before the application is applied for, but before the use of the funds, and WHEREAS, the local match far the funds is 9% and is calculated by the State Department of Public Safety at $65,969.56 which could be accessed from the forfeihxre funds of the Saint Paul Police Deparhnent, and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approve the submission of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program applicafion by the Saint Pau1 Police Deparhnent which is due on August 9, 1996. � C0725966 Approved by Mayor for ubmission to Council: BY� � �F� 6� ��-� ����h DEPAR7YEP7TNFFlCE�COUNCIL DATE INITLIIED � � Saint Paul Police Department 7/24/96 G REEN SH EE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE � �EPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITY CAUNCIL Chief Einney 292-3588 ASS�GN OCT'ATfOBNEY �CINCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (�ATE) NUYBER FOfl � BUOGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. NOUTING ASAP OfiOER O MqyOR (OR ASSISTAN'n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UE$TED: Permission of City Council to submit application to the Bureau of Justice Administration (BJA) for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program for $593,732. RECAMneENDA710N5: Approve (A) or Ral� (R) PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEF THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PL4NNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE f}OMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ CIB CAMMITfEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2- Has this personRirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT _ $, DOBS thiS pef50n/flfrti ossess a skill not normall + p y possessed by any currenf city employee. SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO E�cplain ell yes answers on separote sheet anA ettach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, IS�yE, OPPORTUNITV (Who. What, When, Where, Why); The BJA has awarded the City of Saint Paul the opportunity to apply for a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $593,732. Requirements include (1) sign off by Mayor, (2) Review by the Governor, (3) establishment of an advisory board, (4) public hearing on the use of the funds. Attached is the Indegartmental Memorandum which allocates the use of the funds. There is a local match required in the amount of $65,969.56. This amount would be accessed from the forfeiture assets of the police department. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED� � � The City of Saint Paul would receive $593,732 from the BJA for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program. _. _ _ ._. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED� None � � � a . • ��F e��s4`��?' JU� 3 l i��6 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' --__ - The City of Saint Paul would not receive $593,732 from the BJA for the Local Law Enforcemen Block Grant Program. TO7ALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC710N $ 6S9,7OZ.S6 COS7/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) VES NO FUNUIftlG SOURCE BJA and Police Asset FoTfOituL2 ACTIVI7V NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORRFATION: (EXPLAIN) � /'_. f ^.'�7 !�.,- � � �� � � 5 �� � LC�CAi LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANTS RROGRAM LOCAL APPLICATION FORM 41-6005521 Municipality Calendar 1J1/ through 12/31 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Ramsey City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 X Norman B. Coleman Mayor 266i±8510 266=8513 n/a 292-3542 Chief William K. Finney 292-3588 Jill Flesher A HUD A. Federal B. Match ` �EG��'11�� :�: r . . 7/16/96 ��jG 3 0 '996 $593,732 $59,373 � � CdTY CLEk� � � a. HIRING . - � � - _ _ .' ,� '„'_!,-,� _. b.OVERTIME g $234 . . �., � � c.E�UIPMENT x $263,250 „ X $1$� (�)SWORN (2)CIVILIAN MI (t) SCHOOIS (2� OTHER (1) ESTABLISH (2) SUPPORT (7) ADULTS (2) JUVENILES - . " . � �. _ , u : . , .. _ �r';".r ., . �- � (7) RURAL AFEA �Qrt�. Ca , :'����5�96 a�.-bb'� interdepartmental Memorandum OF SAIlVT PAUL � To: FROM: SUB7: DATE: Mayor Coleman Chief Finney � � �� � � g��� �9 � Locai Law Enforcement Block Grant Program (LLEBGP) 7uly 2, 1996 The Bureau of 7ustice Administration has awazded the City of Saint Paul the opportunity to apply for a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant in the amount of $593,732. This award requires a 9% local cash match of $65,969.56. The total amount of this allocation would become $659,701.56. The application due date for this block grant is August 9. Requirements of the application include the following: the application must be signed and submitted by the chief executive officer of the jurisdiction (Mayor). the Governor must review the application at least 20 days prior to submission (appro�mate date, July 15, 1996). An advisory board must be established to review the application and recommend the proposed use of the funds. The establishment of this boazd need not occur prior to application for funds, but must occur prior to the obligation of the funds. Members must include the local law enforcement agency, the prosecutor's office, the court system, the school system and a nonprofit group active in crime prevention or drug use prevention or treatment. The Youth Collaborating Committee has representatives of all the named groups as members of it. At least one public hearing must be held regarding the proposed use of the funding. This hearing need not occur prior to application for funds, but must occur prior to the obligation of funds. This funding will be available by October l, 1966 and is for one year. The use of this appropriation could be as follows: � � $150,644 Truancy and Curfew Center The Saint Paul Attendance Center, a collaboration between the SPPD and the Saint Paul Public Schools has become a Ramsey County collaborative effort. The center eapends $131,760 per academic year for truancy and $40,040 for year round curfew enforcement with the truancy program estimated at $14,640 per month and the cutfew program at $770 per week. The curfew program is being housed at Valley Recreation Center for the summer months of 7une, 7uly and August. Both programs will operate out of the Nmth and Sibley site as an interim site for the nea�t academic year. A planning process continues on for a permanent truancy and curfew site. A grant of $95,000 from the state legislature (NIN Cities Grant) will fund the center from September through February. Additional program funding for the two programs is $150,644. This is a bare bones budget. It has been suggested to add other components such as a second Educarional Assistant for Truancy for $26,840; a third Intake Worker for Curfew at $55 per night and an off-duty Police Officer at $125 per night for $37,440. These items are not included in the above. The home county ofthe city receiving the block grant can argue that they deserve a portion of the city's allocation, if they do not qualify for their own biock grant. Ramsey County fa11s into this category. B7A is suggesting that cities and counties work out a cooperative plan so that there is no "veto" of the city's spending plan. The truancy and curfew center is now county-wide (as of June 7). By allocating a portion of the funding here, the county should be on board. $105,396 Equipment One of the tenets of community policing is to encourage officers to become involved with the community, while both on and off duty. Upgrading communication equipment will enable every sworn ofiicer to have a personal portable police radio which they can carry with them. This will allow them immediate involvement with incidents where they might otherwise have to go and search for a telephone before returning to the scene. Beyond the obvious personal officer safety issues, it will also have a"multiplier" affect on the police presence in the city as citizens begin to see visibly off-duty officers assisting at street scenes. In many ways this program is similar to take-home squad programs of other cities, but at a fraction of the cost. $125,000 Crime Lab MAFIN Terminal (Minnesota Automated Fingerprint Identification Network) Technology requires the replacement of the SPPD MAFIN. The main state database is being upgraded to facilitate communication with other states, the FB] and must follow ANSI standards. The current SPPD tenninal will not be able to a�-��i communicate with the main database at the BCA once that system is upgraded. A new MAFIN LS2000 terminal will cost approximately $125,000. Annual maintenance remains the same as in our current budget. � D �� $199,761 �ntowa Patrol This fund could be used to provide officers as needed when "hot spots" of activity -'�hro l,o.�� �.eC: . , E�}pQ]rtc h fi 7 n X'ctino tl, ..�-M� �..ta. .7 �1,., a., . 1 ,. 1.,, �r�es�, It xS a r��o important for the police to react visibly and quickly with sufficient resources to effectively deal with problems and to maintain the sense of security in the area. These hours could also be used to raise the visibility of police presence in traffic situations ' ' � . �v. 0.�� �-1��.''[�e:c�hbcrl.00c�s �Y'1 s: $ 78,900 Training — � 7 The Training Unit proposes the SPPD invest in computer based teaching (CBT), as a method of addressing a myriad of training needs. With the purchase of hazdwaze and software currently available, SPPD can purchase prepackaged training and customize it for our local needs and/or create totally. With a terminal in each district office, training would be auailable 24 hours a day, seven days a week and could satisfy any training need. Examples are In-Service, POST credits (revenue source) and a possible PDI application (another revenue source). $659,701.56 Total LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANTS RROGRAM Ll(? - �gj' LOCAL APPLICATION FORM 41-6005521 Municipality Calendar 1/1/ through 12/31 City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota Ramsey City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 X Norman B. Coleman Mayor 266`.�8510 26638513 n/a 292-3542 Chief William K. Finney 292-3588 Jill Flesher A HUD A. Federal B. Match 7/16/96 $593,732 $59,373 a.HIRING -:��,''"'�'� . r Y � b.OVERTIME .N ��"��" 4i �""� Y' �`� : �� ' X $239,2ll a E�UIPMENT X $263,250 .. .. - - . , X $150,644 (i)swoRN (2)CIVILIAN (1) SCHOOLS (2) OTHER (1) ESTABLISH (2) SUPPORT (1) ADULTS (2) JUVENIIES (7) RURAL AREA MI .. Jl / �.4t.�, �d , 7/15/96 � JV LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANTS RROGRAM LOCAL APPLICATION FORM 41-6005521 Municipality City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota City Ha11 -- v, .. � :- Saint Paul, Norman B. 266i�8510 266E8513 Chief William K. Jill Flesher A. Federel B. Mateh $593,732 $59,373 a. HIRING b.OVERTIME X $239 c. EQUIPMENT X $263,250 X $150,644 Calendar 1/1/ through 12/31 Ramsey 15 West Kellogg Boulevard MN 55102 X Coleman Mayor n/a 292-3542 Finney A HUD 292-3588 7/16/96 ,.- i'.- _= M_(s - (t) SWORN (2) CIVILIAN (1) SCHOOLS (2) OTHER (1) ESTABLISH (2) SUPPORT (7) ADULTS (2) JUVENILES (1) RURAL AREA ..:......... .. .. . . .... ,-- ' - - _ _. . ,- � , .._- _ .. .: , ' , . . . - ', � .. � . . . ... - - , ., _ - , . - - . _?: M� � f�QrL�.,, t.a�n�-�„ _ � ����s�96