D00461. �V � • CITY OF c JAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEIt BUDGET REVISION No.: �UV' Date: � � �.�1 " cs n: 25899 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based onihe request of ihe Director of the Department of P� hlic Work� to amend the 19 94 budget of the Sffee[ Repair and Cleanin� Fund fund, the Directw of the DepartmeM of Finance and Managemerrt Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Budget 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 • 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 a2s 225 225 225 225 225 - 42336 - 0111 - 42333 - Oill - 42334 - 0131 - 42337 - Ol l l - 42336 - 0439 - 42337 - 0439 - 42333 - 0439 - 42335 - 0439 - 42335 - 0439 - 42331 - 0439 - 42335 - 0111 - 42338 - 011 l - 42331 - 0111 Full Time Permanent Full Time Permanent Certified-Temp/Seasonal Full Time Permanent Fringe Benefirs Fringe Benefits Fringe Benefits Fringe BenePiu Fringe BeneSts Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Full Time Permanent Full Time Permanent �64,747.00 5110,929.00 $77,027.00 $93,252.00 516,834.00 524,253.00 $30,847.00 �10,818.00 $62,547.00 $90,480.00 �37,109.00 $285,565.00 5352,009.00 Totals � �J ��� ���'� � V °Z��� �A1d1�1 ' \ Pieparadby �v'AyManager r � �� Requestad by Dapamn u Di nor � ($25,000.00) (810,000.00) ($10,000.00) ($10,000.00) ($6,500.00) (�,5,200.00) (52,600.00) �3,900.00 $3,900.00 $6,500.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 $25,000.00 � $39,747.00 $700,929.00 57,027.00 �83,282.00 $10,334.00 $79,053.00 �28,241.00 514,718.00 �66,447.00 596,950.00 552,109.00 $300,565.00 5377,009.00 $1,196,441.00 $0.00 $1,196,441.00 �.•�,, ' • ...,l�_ . ' ,� �. �s Date /�—a �— `� � ..TG�!!�I DE ARThLNPOF ICE/COU CIL DATE INITIATED � � �/ ( Public Works �� � i� �n�s GREEN SHE N O. 25899 INITIAVDATE �NITIAVDATE CA�TACTPFASONBPHONE DEPARTMEMDIRECTOR �� � CITVCOUNqI liary L. Erichson 26Cr6229 N ��� � � CITY ATfORNEY � an c�wc MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DAT� ROUiiNG �q BUDGETDIflECTOR O FIN&MGT.SERVICESDIR. �� � MAYOR(OR ASSI57ADIT) �i AqivlyMana�er AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CL1P ALL LOCA770NS FOp SIGNANRq � O2 DEPARlMENT ACCA i�/ •�J AC710N REOUESTED Approve Administialive Order adjusting rhe budgers of activities 42331,42335 and 42338 Street Repair and Cleaning Adminisuation in che Street Repair and Cleaning Fund 225. RECOMMENDA71oNS:approve (A) orRejaz (R) pERSONAL SERVICE COMflACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING DUEST10N5: PLANNINGCOMMISSroN_CNILSERVICECOMMISSION S_ Hasihi5persoNfirtneverworkedunde�acon➢ac[forthisdepartlnen[? CIe COMMmEE YES NO A STAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry employee? — — YES NO _ DISiRIC7 COUNaL _ 3. Dces ihis perso�rm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by any current dry empioyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCWNCILO&IECTNE? YES NO EXplain a11 yes answars on separeta sheat antl atWCh to green sheat INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. WH1�: The saeet fund's budget year is essenaally broken down into two seasons. Win[er season follows the calendar with December through March customarily designated. This can change wi[h early or late snows or freezing rains. Summer season runs from April to November. Work is assigned to Wintet Street Mtce. when not mobitized for snow emergencies. W intes pacching is done on routes in order to keep the streets free of hazazds. Brushing is done on about 125 paved alleys. This is preparatory work before [he alley is chip sealed in the summer. If brushing was done during the summer, it would hold up the work and add cost. Salting springs. These springs require daily attention in freezing weather. These springs aze hand salted or saited and chopped open. If the weather permits in March, winter crews begin patching with hot mix. This provides better, longer lasang patches. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: udgets wIll be adjusted to more closely reflect actual work assigned. � v Y... .� 'VED ��� � 2 0 t995 ;,.. _:, j �: FiCE .'.! . .( ` DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: RECEIVED .IAN 3 0 1995 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Acuvity 42338 Winter Street Maintenance will not:eflect the proper allocation of city zesources to support the actual work prograzns that were performed in 1994. Activity 42331 Sanding and Salpng and 42335 Bridges and Sidewalks-Winter Maintenance were previously adjusted when they were thought to possibly in a surplus condiuon, subsequent freeze/thaw weather and 5 snow emergencies requires adjusting resouices back to these acdvities. �, be ALAMOUMOFTRANSACTION$ -0- COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO NDti� SOUaCE ACTMTY NUMBER 42333,42334,42336,42337 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �� P' ' V " "