96-871��f�e�`����� ��n Presented By Re£erred To Council File # 9� - R� j Green Sheet # � r[ \ yQ' RESOLUTION �INT PAUL, M Committee: te �.�� � WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Brunette, d/b/a Airport Ta7ri is the license holder of Saint Paul talci license # 52, and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Legislative Code § 376.12(h)1 requires taYi license hoiders to submit their taxi's for biannual inspections of each taaci in April and September of every year, and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Brunette failed to submit the taxi cab with license # 52 for its biannual inspections in September of 1995, or in April of 1996, and WHEREAS, Saint Paul L,egislative Code § 376.14(b) prohibits every taxi license holder from failing to make a reasonable and consistent effort to operate the licensed ta�cicab in the City of Saint Paul for a period of thirty (30) consecutive days, and �a WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Brunette has failed to respond to inquiries of the Saint Paul Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection regarding the failure to operate the taYicab with license # 52 in the City of Saint Paul for a period of thirry (30) consecutive days, and WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Brunette submitted a letter to the Saint Paul Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection, dated June 25, 1996, stating that he wished to withdraw the renewal of ta;ci license #k 52, and WHEREAS, notice of this public hearing was mailed to the last known address of Mr. Robert Brunette on July 9, 1946; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that based upon the evidence presented to the Saint Paul City Council at this public hearing, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning t�i license # 52: 1. That Mr. Robert Brunette received more than five (5) days notice of this public hearing. 2. That Mr. Robert Brunette is the license holder of Saint Paul taYi license # S2. 3. That Mr. Robert Brunette failed to submit the tasicab with license # 52 for the required biannual inspections in September 1995 and April 1996. 4. That Mr. Robert Brunette has failed to show that he has made a reasonable and consistent effort to operate the tar,icab with license # 52 in Saint Paul for a period of thirty (30) consecutive days, thus it is deemed abandoned. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ORDER The Saint Paul City Cauncil hereby makes the following order: �.Z(��L ��"$� � 1. The privilege of Mr, Robert Brunette, dib/a Airport Taxi, as license holder of Saint Paul taYi license # 52 is hereby revoked. 2. Saint Paul taxi license # 52 shail revert to the Saint Paul Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection. � �� � Yeas., Navs Absent a c�ST ev �- � BY � ���Ll A /YE����-U" t� Adopted by Council: Date �`� Form Approved by City Attorney y��`�'�� �- /� � Adoption Certified by Council S retary B BY� ti -�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor. Date � 5 �j _ Council B �vL(G ,�r.s $y: q� - 8?1 DEPApTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNCII DATE INITIATEO N� � � � � � CITY COUNCIL 7/30/96 GREEN SHEE CON7ACT PERSON & PHONE MRIAVDATE INITIAUDATE � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR � CINCOUNCIL Councilmember Thune 266-8620 �s�cH OCINATTORNEY �cmc�aK MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) p0U'fING Q BUOCaEf DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIR. L�UgllSt 7� 1996 �C�N��'NT� �p�Ep �MAYOR(ORASSISTAN'n O TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION FiEQUESTED: Finalizing City Council action taken on July 24, 1996, concerning adverse action against the taxicab vehicle license held by Robert Brunette, Airport Ta�ci, 113 Main, New Auburn, WI. RECOMMENDATIONS� Appro�e (A� or Reject (R� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTfONS: _ PL4NNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERYICE CAMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contrad for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STqFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiRICT CouRt � 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNGII �BdECTNE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (W�o, What, When, WharB. Why): ADVANTAGES IE APPROVED'. DISADVANTACaES IFAPPROVEO� �iO33�3C� �'��f3�t '�€1t�P JUL 3 � 1996 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED' TOTAL AMOUliT OF 7RANSACT{ON $ COS7JREVEPlUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � � Tunorhy E. Mnr.S Ciry Artomey 9�_8*tl CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coteman, Mayor Crvi! Divirian 400 Ciry Hall IS Wes't Kellagg Btvd Saint PauT, Minnuota 55102 Telephone.• 612 266,8710 Fauimile: 612 298-56I9 July 9, 1996 �!"s�a4i .,.,�,_ ... �.. ."- Jl1L 1 � `���c Mr. Robert Brunette Airport Taxi 113 Main, #73 New Auburn WI 54757 In Re: Taxi License # 52 Dear Mr. Brunette: A review of the records of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection (LIEP) show that you hold license #52, for the operation of a taxicab in the City of Saint Pau1. We are in receipt of information which could lead to the revocation of this license. The first basis for such revocation is that this license is considered abandoned due to your failure to operate this taxicab for a period of thirty (30) consecutive days. You failed to provide evidence of operation to LIEP when they requested trip sheets of this taxicab. You also submitted a letter, dated June 25, 1996, which indicates your desire to not renew this license. Saint Paul Legislative Code § 376.14(bj states: Whenever any person, firm, copartnership or corporation holding one (1) or more licenses for public vehicles hire shall, for a period of thirty (30) days consecutively, Pail to make a reasonable and consistent effort to operate such vehicles, except on account of an emergency over which the licensee has no control, the city council, upon hearing after five (5) days' notice to the owner or operator, shall revoke all licenses covering such vehicles. An additional basis for such revocation is that this taxicab was not submitted for biannual inspections in either September o£ 1995 or April of 1996. Saint Paul Legislative Code § 376.12(h}1 states: Biannual inspections: Any taxicab owner shall submit each and every licensed taxicab to biannual inspections in the months of September and April. The inspections shall be carried out at the fire/police equipment 9G•S'7� services garaqe located at 1675 Kasota Street, Saint Pau1, at a cost of eighty-five dollars ($85.00) per unit to be paid by the licensee. If the inspection shows repairs to be required, the owner shall order the repairs made by an authorized dealer or licensed repair garage and the taxicab returned to the city garage to pass inspection. For purposes of this subsection, "authorized dealer" shall mean an automobile dealership which deals in that particular make of automobile. This matter has been scheduled for a hearing in front of the Saint Paul City Council on Wednesday, July 24, 1996, at 4:30 p.m. The city council will determine at that time whe�her your taxicab license should be revoked. At that hearing you will have an opportunity to present testimony regarding any reasons adverse action should not be taken against this taxicab license. If you have any questions regardinq this matter, you may contact either myself or my paralegal, Peter Pangborn, at 266-8710. Respectfully, l `�/�4�� � `� , .� - c��^�.Fi� �u� ��*. 2y� � / �, ���li� Philip K. Miller Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Directot, LIEP Gary Pechman, Deputy Director, LIEP Troy Gilbertson, License Inspector, LIEP qG•$'11 ,vF 3:6.11 LEGISL�TI\'E CODE the laws of the state and the cih�, and with due regard for the safety, convenience and comfort of passengers and the general public. (u) D�iuer appe¢rance. Eti taxicab dri��er. k hile on duty, shall keep a clean and well-groome3 appearance. (v) Number to c¢ZI. The license inspector shall provide a card to be conspicuously placed in even licensed taxicab that shall be plainly cisible to passengers that identifies the number of the Ma} or and Council Information and Complaint Office and solicits the opinions of the public in regard to taxi sen in the City of Saint Paul. (Code 1956, �§ 152.11, 152.12, 132.14, 152.17— 15222, 1�224-152.31, 1�2.41; Ord. '_��o. 16992, 1-1-83; Ord. No. 17764, § 6, 8-28-90; Ord.'_� o. 17817 § 2, 4-11-51; C.F. No. 94-199, § 11, 3-23-94; C.F. I�TO. 95-477, § 2, �-31-95) Cross reference�Solicitation to cice, ,v� 272A1 et seq. Sec. 3i6.12. Taxicabs--Regulations. ta) Taxzcab defxned. The term "taxicab," when- ever and wherever used in this section, shall be held to mean and embrace all motor vehicles as defined by the laws of the State of 93innesota, the rental for which is computed from the distance traveled by means of a taximeter attached there- to; the term "ta�cimeter" shall be held to mean and embrace any instrument or device attached to a motor vehicle designed or intended to mechani- cally measure the distance traveled, to record the time said vehicle is waiting, and upon which said taximeter there shall be a record indicating, by means of figures or designs, the amount of the fare. (b) Taximeters required. All taxicabs shall have affi�ced thereto a taximeter, and no person, firm or corporation owning or operating any taxicab shall offer or let the same for hire or rewazd, anywhere within the City of Saint Paul, unless the taxime- ter does properly and correctly register,indicate or display the amount of the fare according to the distance traveied and the time consumed. (c) Regisferoftaximetervisibletopassenger.Ev- ery taximeter shall be connected and affixed to the ta�cab so that the amount of fare determined and charged for its use shall be plainly «sible to all passengers or occupants of the taaicab and from one (1) hour after sunset to one (1) hour before sunrise shall have the face of said t�imeter illu- mined so as to make plainly «sible the amount of the fare determined and charged for its use, and there shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the inside of the taYicab and on the outside right and left rear doors of the tasicab a cazd on which shall be printed in plain, legible type, the rates of faze provided for herein and reference to the ordinance by number. (d) Taximeter. It shall be the duty of the oper- ator or driver of every taxicab, at the termination of his or her service or trip, to throw the flag of said tasimeter to a nonrecording position on the taximeter and call the passenger's attention to the amount of the faze registered. The taximeter sha11 not be changed so as to destroy the amount of the fare registered until after the fare is paid or a charge ticket therefor made out and delivered to the person hiring such taxica6. l�TO driver or operator of any ta�cab shall per- mit any person to ride thereon or therein, without the consent of the owner thereof, when the flag is up or toward a vertical position where the faze is not being recorded on the taximeter, and no per- son shall tamper with, break or mutilate any taxi- meter or its attachments with the intention of caus- ing the same to register improperly, incorrectly or inaccurately. Waiting time shall include the time during which the taxicab is not in motion, beginning with its arrival at the place to which it has been called, or the time consumed while standing at the direc- tion of the passenger, but no charge shall be made for the time lost due to the inefficiency of the taxi- cab or its operator or for the time consumed by premature arrival in response to a call. (e) Rules to determine time. When the chazge is to be paid on the meter basis, the charge shall begin at the place where the passenger is received and shall continue until he or she is deiivered at his or her destination, excepting as hereinbefore or hereinafter provided. When the charge is to be paid for on the hour basis, the time shali begin when the motor vehicle is ready at the time and place from which it has been called by the pas- senger and shall continue unt91 the passenger has been discharged and until the car shall have had Supp. No. 30 2148 LICE\SES time thereafter to return to the place irom �•hich it has been called by the most direct route, and at the maximum speed permitted by la�; pro��ided, that x�hen any person shall engage or :.;re a tasi- cab, unless otherwise agreed at the tir.,_> of hiring, the fare for such taaacab shall be deter:nined by the taximeter according to the rztes pro�zded for in this chapter; and pro�zded further, ��;at no dri�•- er of any taxicab shall charge more :c: the use of said taiicab than is shot�a to be due upon the face of said taximeter. (fl Deceit as to direct route. '�'o per-�n o�i or dri��ing or operating znc motor vehide used :or carryina passengers for hire shall dece;��e by trick or de�-ice any passenger ti. ho may ride i: any such motor vehicle or who mag desire to r:de in any such motor vehicle as to his or her de,^�ation or the price authorized by ordinance for sach per�on, or shali convey such persoa or cause ?u� or her to be conveyed to a place other than zhat d:rected by him or her, or in any other manner coavey such person to the place directed by him or her except by the shortest and most direct route. (g} Intoxic¢tion of drzrer. '_vo driver cr operator of any motor vehicle used for carry�ing passengers for hire shall be found to be or kno�i-a to be in a state of intoxication while on duty as such driver. (h) Inspections: (1) Biannual inspections: Any taxicab ovvner shall submit each and every licensed taxi- cab to biannuat inspections in the months of September and April. The inspections shall be carried out at the firelpolice equip- ment services garage located at 1675 Kaso- ta Street, Saint Paul, at a cost of eighty-five dollars (�85.0�) per unit to be paid by the licensee. If the inspection shows repairs to be required, the occner shall order the re- pairs made by an authorized dealer or li- censed repair garage and the taaicab re- turned to the city garage to pass inspection. For purposes of this subsection, "autho- rized dealer" shall mean an automobile deal- ership which deals in that particulaz make of automobile. (2) Periodic inspections: The license inspectar shall reserve the right to examine and in- spect each and ever}� licensed taxicab at any 9�- 8�i 1 4 3;6.13 time. The intent of such an inspection is to ensure compliance w�ith all applicable safe- ty requirements of the State of NIinnesota and tl-.e rules established herein. (3) Penalty: Failure by an o�-ner to submit each and every licen�ed tza�cab for a periodic inspections at an authorized in;pection sta- tion and/or for a biannual inspecfion by the firelpolice equipment ser«ces gazage shall result in the following: a. The license inspector shall ceize the li- cense plates of each and e��ery unin- spected taYicab; b. The license inspector shall hold the seized license plates until the taxicab is inspected and found to be in a safe condition by an authorized inspection station or the firefpolice equipment ser- ��ices garage or until action ofthe coun- cil as provided for herein; and c. Immediaiely after such seizure, the in- spector shall notify the licensee, spec- ifying in detail the cause for seizure, and stating that the licensee has a right to a hearing on the seizure. The hear- ing shall be held at the next license meeting of the city council after the re- ceipt of a written request for hearing unless a later hearing is requested by the licensee. After such hearing, the council shall determine whether the plates shall still be held and whether such license shall be revoked. (Code 1956, §§ 153.01-153.08; Ord. 2�0. 16874, 1-7-82; Ord. No. 16992, 1-18-83; Ord. :�'o. 16993, 1-18-83; Ord. No. 17075, 11-17-83; Ord. No. 17764, § 7, 8-28-90; Ord. No. 17873, § 2, 9-24-91; C.F. No. 94-199, § 12, 3-23-94) Sec. 376.13. License-1�ansfers, Notwithstanding the provisions of any other or- dinance to the contrary, a public vehicle license shall not be transferable from person to person on and after January 1, 1993. (Code 1956, § 152.13; Ord. No. 17695, § 1, 11-21- 89; Ord. No. 17764, § 8, 8-28-90; C.F. No. 95-477, § 3, 5-31-95) Supp.No.30 2149 a�. �� � § 376.14 Sec. 376.14. Same—Revocation. LEGISL4TS\'E CODE (a) Revocafion for cause; faiture 2o pay judg- ment. Public vehicle licenses may be recoked bc the city council at any time for cau�e, after hear- ing, and shall be revoked upon it appearing to the council that any licensee oF any public cehicl e shall have failed to pay cc�ithin ninety (90) daps after the time to appeal has expired from any judgment against said licensee for damage to person or prop- erty resulting from the negligent operation, use or defective condition of any such public vehicl e, there being no appeal taken from such judgment; and in case an appeal is taken, shall ha� failed to pa� within ninety (90) days after the determination of the appeal any such judgment for damages to per- son or property resulting as aforesaid. Where such revocation is for failure to pay an}� such judgment, any and all other public vehicle Jicenses issued to the judgment debtor for other vehicles shall likewise be revoked. G�'hen the 1i- cense is revoked, notification of the same shall be forwarded by the inspector to the director of the department of police, and the taxicab or taa�cabs shall not be allowed to operate thereafter, nor sha11 any new ticense be issued to the judgment debtor while any such judgment remains unsatisfied. The inspector shall keep a complete record of each taxi- cab license issued and all renewals and revoca- tions thereof. (b? Failure to oper¢te vehicles. VJhenever any person, firm, copartnership or corporation holding one (1) or more licenses for public vehicles for hire shall, for a period of thirty (30) days consecutively, fail to make a reasonable and consistent effort to operate such vehicles, except on account of an emer- gency over which the licensee has no control, the city council, upon hearing after five (5) days' no- tice to the owner or operator, shall revoke all li- censes covering such vehicles. (c) Unsafe vehicles. In any case w�here the in- spector determines, on the basis of an inspection of a taxicab, that use of the taxicab for public patronage constitutes a serious threat to the pub- lic health or safety, or the health or safety of pas- sengers, the inspector may suspend the license issued to that vehicle and seize the license plates of that vehicle. Such suspension shali last until the condition causing the threat to health or safe- ty is corrected to the satisfaction of the inspector, or until action of the council as provided for here- in. Immediately af}er such seizure or suspension, the inspector shall notify the licensee, specifying in detail the cause for the seizure or suspension and stating that the licensee has a right to a hear- ing on the suspension. The hearing shall be held at the next license meeting of the city council at= ter the receipt of a written request for hearing unless a later hearing is requested by the licens- ee. After such hearing, the council shall deter- mine whether such suspension shall continue or not, or whether such license shall be revoked. (Code 1956, §§ 152.15, 1b2.16, 152.10) Sec. 376.15. Fares and charges; regulations. (a) F¢res. I�TO person, firm or corporation own- ing, operating or controlling any motor vehicle op- erated and licensed as a taxicab shall charge any other rate except as herein provided: (1) The rate of faze for taxicabs operating with- in the city shall be one dollar and eighty cents (�1.80) for the first one-thirteenth (�l�a) of a mile. The rate for each additional mile heyond the first mile shall be one dollar and thirty cents i$1.30). All fazes for dis- tances greater than one (1) mile shall be calculated in ten cent ($0.10) increments of one-thirteenth (�/�a) of a mile. The Supp. No. 30 2150