96-866Council File # � � 6 _ gb {o Green Sheet # � �.S�S7 OF SAINT Presented Referred To MINNESOTA Committee: Date 1 Z 3 4 5 WFIEREAS, on May 3, 1996, Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul, Inc. requested 6 City approval of a transfer of control of the cable franchise from Continental Cablevision, Inc. 7 to U.S. West, Inc.; and S WHEREAS, federal law provides that such transfer requests are deemed approved if 9 not denied by the local franchising authority with in 120 days, unless an ea�tension is agreed 10 to by the parties; and 11 WHEItEAS, the City needs additional time to evaluate said transfer xequest; and 12 WHEREAS, Continental Cablevision, Inc. has filed a Petition for Special Relief to the 13 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to temporarily waive federal statutory cross- 14 ownership prohibitions; and 15 WHEREAS, Continental Cablevision of Saint Paul has offered to extend the August 16 31, 1996, 12Q day federal deadline until September 30, 1996, or if the FCC has not acted on 17 the Petition for Special Relief as of September 16, 1996, until two weeks after the FCC has 18 acted on the Petition. 19 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City hereby agrees to the offer to 20 extend the August 31, 1996, 120 day federal deadline until September 30, 1996, or if the FCC 21 has not acted on the Petition for Special Relief as of September 16, 1996, until two weeks 22 after the FCC has acted on the Petition. Requested by Department of: By: B y' � - Approved by Mayor: ➢ate � �� � By: � l3� �U+�CiG� Form Appr d by City Attorney By: C Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council � Adopted by Council: Date �� ( Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary aG-g�� � y�cou�i� � DA7l31/96 GREEN SHEE N_ 35587 INRIAUOATE INrtiAWATE CONTACTPERSpNBPHONE MEgBYl1 ODEPAflTMENTDIRECTOR QCRYCAUNpL Sanice Rettman 266-8650 "�'�" �CRYATfORNEY �CRVCIERK NUYBEA FOX NUST BE ON Cql1NCIL qGENDA BY (DA"(E) pp�n� O BUDGET DIPECTOR O PIN. & MGT. SERYICES �Ip, To be brought p nd r onoea MAYOR (OR ASSISTANTJ suspension on �}-3�-9�. � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLtP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 51GNATURE) acTwNAeouesreo: Continental Cablevision of St. Paul, Inc., has requested City approval of a transfer of control of the Cable Franchise to U.,S West Znc. The City must act within 120 days unless an extension is given. This resolution extends the Federal deadline date. RECOMMENDAt1pwS: Appove (A} m Rejoct (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PLAtiNING CAMMISS70N _ CIV1L SERVECE COMMiSSroN �� Ha5 this perSaNftrtn ever worf�ad untl8r a corttrnc[ fuf this department? _ CIB CpMMfifEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city employee? — �� — YES NO _ DISTRIGTCpUflT _ 3. DOCS thiS pEf50nHim1 possess a skill not normally possessed by any cunent city employee? SUPPOA'TS WHICH CAUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answero on separate aheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (4VIro. Whet. Whmn, Where, Why)� See attached letter dated July 29, 1996 from John F. Gibbs (Attorne� to Martha Larson �Finance}). ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: The extension of time will provide a thoughtful, methodical and we11-informed review by the City Council in a timely fashion. DISADVANTAGES IPAPPflOVED None cited. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPAOYED: The deadline of August 31, 1996, stands. NOTE: No action on the transfer could be detrimental to the subscribers. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIqG SOUACE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFiMATION� (EXPWN) .ul. %9. 1996 I`L:49Plu� :':?,"NS, f:F.FiA`�. �'ILI,e�SCIfESI 6 Ro. 731 i P. �-�6 ATLANTA HOSTCN CMiCnGO L75 ANGELES KINNEAP,LIS CRAnGECOUNTY 541NTPiUL >>H Fnat�cisco �+ASHINGTCN� O. C. 7uly 29, 1996 Martha G. Lsrson, Director Department of Finance and Management Sen�ces Ciiy of St. k'aul 290 City Hall 15 West Keliogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 Re: Continental Cablevision Change of Contrpl 4ur Fiie No.: 024585-0020 Dear Ms. Larson: 9(�-��� SOHS{ F. GmSS (612) 3/9-5965 4n behalf of oiu client Continenial Cabtevisioz� we are writing in response to your 3uly 19, i 996 and July 23, 19961etters to Mr_ �'ran Z��, wherein you adrnowle@ged receipt on May 3, 1996 ofthe A,pplicasion for Canaent m Change o£Control of Continental Cablevision, Tac. to U 3 WEST, Inc. and raised scveral issues and questions regarding that Appticatioa 7'tfis letter will alsa serve as a follow-up to our meeting oF Tt�ursday, 7uly Z5, 1996 and as confiimation of subseque;nt understandings you disaused with B�b �tyaa Nature of TrsnsatEion. You requested that we i�view the City's understanding that Continental proposes to transfer the cable &anchise from Coatinental Cabte of St. Paul, Inc- to TJ S WEST, 7ne. In fact, that is not the case. P.ather, the pac�es are seeking consent to the change of corrtroi o£Cominental Gablevision af St. Faul, Inc.'s parem company, Continemat Gablevision, Ine. to U 5 WL-'ST, Inc. After t�e merger transaction, CozrtinexGal Cablec%ision of 5t_ Paul, Tna. will eontinus ta be the holder of the St. Paul Cable Communications Franchise. : �f , :t�. � �f i. '�1�.1�_ ROBINS, KAPLAN, Mi LLER £� CI RE51 A7TORNEYS A7 LAW 2800 LAJtLLE ?LA2A aoo usnu.e n4�NUe MINLEAP03,]S, N�IN'NESt7fA 55A02-2015 re�errot+e [oiaJ aas-asoo FnC511.fiLE (612) 3�9d181 Xaur letter of July 19, 1996 coatemplated that the review and consideration of the pending Form 394 Application wwid include dscussion af ceztain issues such as reuacx�al or e�ctension o£the �uL 29. 19�6 12:F,OPM Ri2iN5, Y,l�Fl6h, Wi1,LcR&CicE"sl 6 ':io. 7317 P. 3;'6 q� �b� Maztha G. Lazson 7uly 29, 1995 Page 2 &auclrise and franchise cond'rtions. At tha maeting on Thiu5da9 August 25, i496 it was £iuther suggested t,�at the transfer c-0nsent consideratian migirt iaclude the �ty's gen�ai obligation to proiect a"broader pe�b�c interest," consideration of U S WEST's posirifln ia various right-af-aay pmczedi�s, the C'uy's �ligation to protect the rights of way genezally, and that some poliey makers aright be inclined to coasider gast relatioashipa with Coatineata2 Cableviseon related tv ] 992 access programming supportlfi�anchise negotiations. We must take dvs oppommitp to share rxnth pou that the pendiq,a Farm 394 Applicauon for Conserrt to the obange of cotrtrol mu� be reviewed independent o£ cflnsideration of the grospective renewat ofthe St. Yaul Cable Communications Franohise. Federa! law estab3ishes distinet processes and standards for the re�iew of an application for cansent to transfer o£ comrol as opposed ta an agplieation for franchise renewaf. Fusthermore, the City's views regarding policy positioas of U S WEST Communications, Inc_ in otlser gavernmernai proceedings, tbe City's opinion of Continentai Cablevision in Iight of pa� negotiations, and the City's ransideration of broader public urtexests would alt be autside the apkropriate scope of the City's reYiew of the pending Appiication, VVith respe�t to the Form 394 Apglication £ar Consent ta tranafer of ckntrol, the City's authority to review tlw�xt request and impose conditians on such consent is limited to ihe legal, teehnieal and financial qualifieations af the franchisee upon uansfer of coimnl. TE�is limitation was most recently articulated by the FCC on January 12, 1995_ "We created PCC Ftum 344 with the expectatian that the ittf�m�ation requued by the fvrm wauld establish tEie legal, tectmical sn@ financiai quali.fications of the proposed transferee or assi�ee." Memexand�Sj�;,e}i�� ��„g er on Reconsideration of the F�i Renart a+?�! �rd�r I�� Dqcket No. 92-264, FCC 95-21 (adopted 7anuaxy 12, 299i, ieleased 7anuary 3tf, I995), Par. 52. SeE also 47 LJSC 541(s} {4} (c} ("in swarding a&andrise, the franchismg authority -(c) may require adequate assuraace that the cable operator hag the frnancial, technicai or legal quali6cations to provide cable setvicz."). Withrespect to francluse renewal, a apecific proce.qa with estabIished ciiteria for deteiminatian has beea establislxed by federal statutes at 4? USC Sectian 54b. That statute cantetnplates a process wlriah begins 30 to 35 months ptior to the expuation of tha franchise and which i»�ludes a variety of hearings, 6aldimgs, submissions and consideratians. The St. Paul Csble Camtnunications Franchise expires May 71, 1999. Accordingiy, the renewa! prooess begins nb later than No�>eznber I 1, 1498 and w�l conclude within 30 months of that time. Obviously, such a proCess canuot occur witirin the fo�r moath statutory time fratne aufharized for cnnsiderarion of an application for consent to transfer of control. VUe very much conau with the observation in your 7u1y 14, 199b letter that mutual exc�aages of infarroa�on snd viewpomts wnuld be bene5ciai to 2ll cor�cemed. Wrth respect to franchise renewai is5ues, the fed�al renewal provisions as well as the St. Pau! Cab►e Commun'tC3t+on5 Franchise and 1ul.Zg.1996 12:EpFM �'�bi1iS,�r.F1l;P;,,`.iII�E��iRE�] 6 I�o %317 P. 4:'� Iviartba G. Larson July 29, 199b Page 3 enabli� ordinances �ilt be use£uI in guiding us through that process. : 11 t / I. 1.�1'hl f Q � -�� Y� You have raised the issue of complianee with the anti-buyout provision of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which was referenced in the May 3, 1995 Applicatioa. At our meeting on Thursday, we provided pou a copy af a Peti�on fbr Special Relief which was submitted by Gontinernal Cablevision and U S�'EST to the �'ederal Communicatious Comani asion {"FCC") on July 12, 194fi and'��Ivch seeks te�nporarg auth�rization w allow TJ S Vu�ST time to divest flwnership intemsts in c�'tain "m-�gioa" cable teievision systems such as the system senring the City �f St Paul. As you Imow, submission of the Petition to the FCC triggers a review pracess whereby the FCC provides potice and seeks comment on the Petitioa We understand that you also received a capy af tbat Petition iast week froro the Northern Dxkota County Cable Communicaaans Camrnissian and have been discussing u�th other local gavemments a possib]e filing. If we can provide in£ormation which will be of assistance as you confmue that consideration, please do not hesitate to cvTrtact us We now understand that the FCC is likely to issue a Public Notice regarciing the Petition during the wcek of Iuly 29, 144b and that there will be 20 days from t1,at Public IVotice date to file commeat or abjectious. I� after the came�ent period, the Perition is granted, Co�n�tal Cablevision/U S WEST will ha�re the requisite legal qualificatians with resgect to the anti- buyouUcross-awnersbip provisions r�ed in your leUer and set forth in the Telecommunic&tions Act of 1996. � .� � I I i ;A M_ 1 Yw have raised questions regerding the veIidity and tinning pf the Farm 394 Application and review process in light of othar required governmartat approvats including the Petition discussed above. On May 3, 1996, the City reeeived a completed Forrn 344 Agplication which met all requirements ofthe Form 394, irs insuuctions, FCC rules, IvCu�tuesota Stasutes and the St. Paul Cable Communications Francluse. Accordin�y, the time frame for the �ty's review of the Form 394 Applicetion began on May 3, 1996, is subjeck ta a variety of deadlines established by Federal Law, Mmnesots Statules snd the Franclrise and mns through A,ugust 31, 1446. In addition to conseut from the CitS�, the pending Carninental CablevisionlU 5 WEST transastion requires cons�+ss, to the ehange of fraachise cantrol fram agpmaiimately 440 othei' franahising authorities. FCC consenk to other types of licenses is also requ;red 'm conjunction with the merger. These conserns include the tr�ttsfer of control to LT S WEST of Cantincrnal's FCC CARS microw�ave licenses, televASion translator station 1iCenses, and basiz�ess radio and OFS microwave licenses. Tran.4fer applications are currently pending for these licenses. dui. �9. i496 12 F?FiJ :i�;1;5,'r;r.F'1�.5 6' lLe'F�::�ES; 6 Pdo 7iI7 F. �;'� Martha G. Lazson July 29, 1�96 Page 4 / , � That the variaus gwernn�tal re�iew timetables must nm sim��ltaneously or "in tandem" sad that the ��C estabiished the 124 day loca! fraaclusing autharity review pexeod deac�ine in order w streacnline and facilitaze the recnew process is wiihout questioa Tn its Ianuary 3�, 149� Memornndum Opit�ion s.nd Order, the FCC assested: "In ena� SecYion fi17 {e�, Congress imposed a 12A-day appraval period on the sale or transfer af cabie systems held fnr three or more years because Congress wazrted ta enstue tltat the lor,al fi�snc}vse approval process not unduly delay the consummation of transactions ... The IAnguage of the statute and lagislative history reflect Congress' e�pec�vans tBat the Gommissian establish regulatious desigied to ensiue tUat franchising aathorit3es that possess the right to reriew transfer requests teceive the inforn�ation required t� hegin an eva�uation of a request for approval of a sa]e or transfex a#'such a cabk s}5te�a. . We believe Gon,a,ress sought to pzovide a degree of r�gulatrny certaiaty to cable operators when it eslabGshed the 120 day time period for franchising 8uthority actiDn on ttansfer requests ..:' Memorandum OFinion and Order on Rec�nsideration of the First Report and Order MN Dncicet No. 92-264, FCC 95-21(released January 3Q, 1495), Paragraph 52, 53.. Tn ats 1993 Report and Order regardzng fz'anchise transfer consent processes, the FCC well moog�ized that the variaus 2pproval processes wrnild work in tandem Noting that the 1992 Cabie Ad prolnbited the FCC from �sutiag catain Qublic interest vvaivets unless local franchising authotity approvat hsd be� obtained, (by analogy, the flip side of the circumstances at hand), the FCC noted that, although im most cases locat approvai is required prioz to the cansUmmation af a transf'er, ". .. We conclude that tLe [FCC} may grant waivers in agpropriace cases prior ta the garn of such appravai, provided such waivers are cunditioned upon the grant o£7oca1 transfer appxaval [FCCj waivers issue�i in �dvance of 1oc81 transfer approval will not become effeeiive unless sach approval is u]timateIy obtained and wi.ti in no way affect the discretion of locsl franchismg authorities w decide such uansfer raquests. We conolude tlxat the grant of such condit6anal waivers will enhance the speed astd efficiency of the waive�r process, without under�rung the discretion of the local franchise authority to approve or disapprove a proposed transfer, especia!(y where multiple feaaclri�ng authorlty �pprovals are aecessasy.° �ort a*+� Fnrther NotiFe nfPr000� Rnlem Ir:nv. �g( ppGket 92-�fi4, FCC 93-322 (released 7,�y2�, lss�). The rationale set fartfi above (though the re�rerse situation) is analagous end the poGcy af authoriziqg t'wo reviews to pro�etl &imuhaneously applies equally to the instant situatioa For the various governmeirtai reviews to ap�ate in any manner other than satnukaneously wauld cause an intr "chicken-aad-e�' situation which wau2d paratyze aay governmentai review or prapose� J�l Martha G. Larson July 24, 1996 Page 5 trausacbon. �[ 6 "� `o `/i Gramt of the authorization from tt�e FCC v.till establish the legal qualificaLions R�ith respect to the anti-buyout provisions ofthe Te(ecommunicaiions �ct of 199b and that autharizaiion will occur prior to the closing o£the transactian. Vl'e recogrize, ho�ovever, that given the I2D day deadline., the Petitiou for Sgecial Retief pending at the FCC mig�rt nnt be g�ted as of the time the City of St. Paul weuld be scheduled to take action on t�e g�ding Focm 394 Appfication. To that end, we tiave suggested that effectiveness of :he consent af the C1ty of St. Paul s.he�atd go forv�ra.*d, but may appropriately be conditioned upon the grant of the pending Petztion £or Speeial Relief by the FCC. 'We understand hawever, that, although no conceras have been razsed with resped to the tmancial or technicai quali5cations afthe t�ans�feree, there will be an oprn issue �uith rc�eet to the legal qualifications imtil ihe Petition is granted and t1�at City staff is uncomfotYable recommending consent, even a contiitianal consem, umi� tfie FCC #�as acted. Accordiugiy, this will confirm that Continental Cablevision has ageed to an extension of the Angust 31, 1996 12Q dap federal statutary deadline vtttit September 30, 1996 or, if the FCC has not acted on the Peticion as of 5eptember t b, 1996, until two weeks after the FCG hPS acted on the Petition. This would aiford the City tLe oppomm�ty to complete ariv furth� z�ured hearings and make its fsnsl deberntination in laght of the FCC adion- Hopefullp this tetter and the eaclosed documems are respoasive to your 7uly 19, 1996 and July 23, 1996 letters and wiU be usefiit as we cbminua the dislogue regarding pendin� cat+le televisi.on issues ¢� 5t Paut Ifyou wauld lil�e to disGUSS any ofthese matters fiuther, g[ease do not hesitate to contact us_ • Vei]' �Y Y�� R�BINS, ICA.PLAN,� ji3II,LER & C�RESI Gibbs .TFGd'ch cc: ]VIr. Fran ZeuIi Mr. Robert Ryan h�ir. Randall Coteman Ms. Holly Yerigan Mr. .Cierald T_ Hendrickson