96-855._ � � � �\� �� Council File � 9 � - 8s s S��-'�-� �J�l� � � \Q �� Green Sheet � �`� � y,,5 � �> R'�*�- , RESOLUTION � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 7 1 2 RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby adopts the attached 3 Amendment No. 1 to the 1994-1996 Collective Bazgaining Agreement between the City of 4 Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization and authorizes the proper City 5 officials to execute said Amendment of behalf of the City. � � ��-�S� � �� �� lq�l6 � -�� P��-� � � wz.� e '� Adopted by Council: Date _ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ��� � �.�,.�_ Approved by Mayor: Daxe ��� 6 sy: �- �G ��+�i Navs Adopted by C cil: Date � Adoptio ertified by Council Sec� tary Approved by Mayor: Date By: Requested by Department of: By: Form ap roved by City Attorney B ,, : �.��� � j23��6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: R �- �SS DEPAflTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N 1714 5 cz� cour�c�L 7/24J96 GREEN SHEE CONTACT PERSON & PNONE �NRIAVDATE INITIAIIDATE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOfl �CIIYCOUNdL Councilmembers BOStTO➢1� Megard ASSIGH OCITVATfORNEV OCiTYGLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) a ey, ll0T1 ROUTING � BUDGEf DIREGTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OROEfl �,y�pyOR(ORASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AlL LOCAt10NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Amending the 1994-1996 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization regaxding grievance rights and severance related matters. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or qeject (R) pEpSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personttirm ever worketl under a co�hac[ for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISrRICT CoUrrr _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, W�ere, Why). ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPIiOVED� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIiiC�E ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMHEp FINANCIA� INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) q�-�SS AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE 1994-1996 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND THE SAINT PAUL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION This Amendment No. 1(hereafter "Amendment") to the 1994-1996 Collective Bargaining Agreement is entered into between the City of Saint Paul (hereafter "City") and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (hereafter ��SPSO") to resolve any and all issues due to an apparent conflict arising out of an interpretation of Articles 9 and 11 of the 1994-1996 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and SPSO (hereafter "Agreement"), as these provisions may relate to Section 183.18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 1. The parties, aware that upon the termination of employment or resignation of any individual employee covered by the Agreement and the said Section 183.18 (hereafter "Employee"), certain issues concerning grievance rights and severance related matters could arise, hereby desire to resolve such issues by this Amendment of the Agreement. 2. Under this Amendment and notwithstanding any other provision of the Agreement, the Employee has the authority to enter into a separate individual agreement with the City resolving these issues and waiving any individual rights the Employee may have to file a grievance under the Agreement or any other rights the Employee may have concerning his or her separation from employment with the City. 3. If such an agreement under paragraph 2 of this Amendment and a waiver is signed by the Employee, SPSO for itself and its members, hereby waives any applicable Article 9 and 11 grievance rights it may have against the City on behalf of the bargaining unit and its individual members. 4. If such an agreement under paragraph 2 of this Amendment and a waiver is signed by the Employee and all applicable rescission periods have expired, City will grant to Employee, severance benefits as determined under the formula set forth in the Employer Termination Program included in the Wage and Benefit Policy for Nonrepresented Management and Legislative Personnel. 5. The severance benefits authorized by this Amendment shall be stated in writing and such writing shall be provided to Employee prior to Employee signing the waiver referenced in paragraph 2 and 3 above. 6. Once the above waiver has been signed by the Employee and applicable recission periods have expired, City agrees not to assert any rights it may have against the Employee as a result of this termination of employment. . • c�b-�ss 7. The parties agree that this Amendment acts only as an Amendment to the Agreement as it relates to the above referenced issues. In all other respects, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ------------------------- Director, Office of Human Resources ------------------------- City Labor Negotiator SAINT PATJL SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION ------- — ------------ President Dated: � � _ gSS From: Timothy Marx To: I:1U SERSWIARJC�COU NCI L. GRP Date: 7/25/96 8:41 am Subject: SPSO Amendment Councilmembers: I neglected to remind you last night that the SPSO labor contract amendment you discussed yesterday needed, according to the Charter, to be laid over one week for final adoption. We have contacted Nancy Anderson and it will appear on next week's agenda. Tim Manc CC: COUNCIL:NANCYA, humres:jhamilt, MAYBUD:SHIELDS, MC...