96-853Council File # q�� O 53 Ordinance # Green Sheet # 35477 :��'� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 RESOLVED: That application (ID #71389) for an Entertainment-B, Sunday on Sale Liquor, Liquot On Sale-B, Cateting-C, and Restaurant-B License by Christos Two LLC DBA Christos Greek Restaurant (Constantine Parpas, President) at 214 4th Stseet East be and the same is heseby approved with the following conditions: Final health and fire approval needed prior to opening of establishment. 9 10 Requested by Department of: 11 ea Navs Absent 12 a� � 13 Gueri_ _ � O fi o L' ense. inspections and 14 Harrss 15 M� — 7 Environmenta� protect<on 17 T � BY: �'��� � �:�1 Form Approved by City Attorney $Y���� � h�l�s � Approved by Mayor: Date � !�' BY: `�� � .�'� RESOLUTION AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA $Y � __-? V .r: `C 1 ���vl(-(/\ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: Adopted by Council: Date � 6 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �1 h - RS.�i DEPAfliMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCIL DATE INITIATED �REEN SHEE �° 3 5 4 7 7 LIEP/Licensing winnwn� iNmnvonrE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMEM DIREGTOF � CRV CAUNCII Christine Rozek, 266-9108 Au�p �cmnnoaNer OCRYCLEBK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY DATE) RU �FOR � BUDGET DIFECTOR � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES Dip. For hearing: 7 2`` °flD�' �MAVOR(ORASSISTANTJ � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj ACT10N REWESTED: Christos 'Ltao LLC DBA Christos Greek Restaurant requests Council apgroval of its application for an Entertainment-B, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Liquor On Sale-B, Catering-C, and Restaurant-B License at 214 4th Street East (ID �k71389). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Beject (Po pEHSONAI SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIQNS: _ PLqNNING GOMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has tllis personrtirm ever worked under a conVact for thi5 department? � _ CiB cAMMRiEE YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7AIC7 CAUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICN COUNqL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explai� all yes anawers on seperate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Who, What. When, Where, Why): ■���� ��� � JUL 18 1996 ti�Y ATT�R �Y ADVAMAGES IFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES 1G APPFiOVED. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO: TOTAL AMOUNT OFTqAN5ACT10N $ . COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO PUNOING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # 35477 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 7/12/96 / 4f1 Trackel? App'n Receivea / App'n Processed ��-85� LicenselD # 71389 License Type: Entertainment-B, Sunday On Sa1e Liauor. Liquor (Tn Sale-= Catering-C, a estaurant-B CompanyName: Christos �JO LLC B:!?�rictnc (lraak Ractanr_nt Business Addresss: 214 4th St E Business Phone: 871-2111 Cornact Name/Address: Constantine Par�as. Publlc Hearing Date: ��24�y(a Labels Ordered: Notice Sent to Notice Sent to Public: DiStrict CounCil #: Ward #: Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney Environmental ��-`� ✓�� °'� u '°`� �`'"""�`" �`���` Health �� ' �'/ � 5 /q (� O. K . Fire C,t.�k.,c� Yt�§� � t.`.�.`:�'�`"''..� -�-�-^v � () License � � -� ,(,� Site Plan Received:_ � tsase Received: � `� � � � �.f�Jul.�� ��`'� �,u-+� ` Police �� ° I� �.IC . Zoning �'/5` 9� C�• � . tp c;..�ssnz LIC�.NSE �PPLICATION a �- � 53 C�x �� s�: i PALZ Gfiim cf Liccrr.e. ,ti5�;io.0 snd E.Nr��,mcnc : �ru:e.nio, iV) h.?ca $� Sm'�n?iJ S:�xgvrt.j5a�.pu SSi:P (F,�2).!-�9�3 fa2:6L';:��5:'< 7??TS AP?I,IC4TfOh` IS SUB7ECI' TO RE4�V SY THE aI�ELiC PLEAS$ FYPE OR PRLrT LY L'�•K `t��e ci License(s) be�g app2ied fer. COL�Z2:V f� ` �`R � s ro s Tw o� ` L G ._ '" Ce-ponuon / pz�tne;shi�! Sole?mpr:�.sti2 Tf business is inco�ora;ed, ; ce date of :nco:poration: ��O 7 G Dosg Business As: C H(L l S''(O S C�{, R.EE�� ((.f�S�(k V((.IFt�( Busir.es� P 071 � 211I Pusin0c5 Ad .�irtSS: Zi� � �^ • � T� S� S'r• '• �c�l �. t�'l/� Sf ( �� _ Saeet.4ddcss Ciry Stzte Zip Beeween whae cre�s streeu is the bosi:,css ;xated� �Vhich si3e ef tke �rree[? zrs s�a; semises ce�v occupied? �_ W3�2[ TcY„ of BuSiness? R G M�u Itkre'r ��;�iTO.:c�rrss: 'L�c37� NIC.oLI.E'f �ev. S. M( MN r'jyCO$� Sc?xi Address Cit; j;�rz �„p �PF����� Infcr.:.etion: h�2�e a:�d Tide: O KS�AfMffp/fe' �2.F � �Ry f�1���{ S' �IZFS. Fi�st �;id5k (T?cden) Latc TiLe x��:�;��z«� . sr �;,a��s c�. ;:�:� z: F Date c=�:_ i; �' � Place of Bi.-Ca: Herae - HF.� �:- �r �cen c�nvic of any felony, crime ar ti4ela5oa of any ci:y o:d:naace ochar than a�c? Y'ES ��O }� *�a; ^f z,est: Cb�. C ni;ian: �v'nere? Sentence: L� che u�r,es aud residences of ifuee �ersoas of good morxl zharact�r, living within tha '�win GitSes ?�Ieao Area, not related to ;u� s�*p2icant or 8aancizity iaterested in 4�e �+remises or busiazsc, wt3o nyay be referred to as to tl�� appiicanfs ebaracter: : \A?.�E ADDRESS List licenses which yflu cuaectly ho;d, forrs�rly hald, oz s�y haVe an interest in: �-Tave aay of the abeve nazned IIcenses e�•er b:ea re��oked? � YES _/� ti0 If yes, )ist the dates Ace you going to openie this business personuly? YES _ NO lf �ot, a•bo will operate it? F PFIO?�'E and reasoac for revoca„ion: Fizat 2:zrne `.✓iidd;e L-6tia1 !:.ieiden) L'asl • D:te :.` E:='; — .dd.'GU: Strttl!�arvC Cty $L.[e TJ �tOnel�:un:+Cr S�'d �ci6 99Z 'cT9 d3Tl ��iyd iS �0 1,1I� TS:9I 966i—�T-'1�if F � �`f�re�ou go3rg to ha�•eg maaager o Ss4s n ttus business7 ,� X�5 ��U �t �a manager:s not [ne came as R1eo�rator, plea�e � co �tete Gye foilo*�'i� informatioo: `�. �. ;..Fw�_�r�o� �N � �'r�RP�Es �b� .: 5��- F:st;.z ,x S:icdic tnitisl (.V.;il,cn) L.<t ' Dau of Hi.�th �'� � Ci�v S:zic Zip ?honeTur.,Se: �: � �' ,�� Please liss; our e�lo}�?ent Ls.c:y :`a ste prey�Sous fire (5� ��ez� pe;;ad: � �z BUSiaesslE�7lcvrr�eat ddreSs �%��tt�bS 'LCZt Nlc.ot.t.E? rt✓ S' �+t��I r�1�O� �w -�; o(�'tGFnME�' C,�o� cE cr t,�I� c�R,ccrF fl�+M«4?oN - ,_ �,;. :f:, . _= List �tl oth ei Officer5 Of the coipoiat! a:l: �� OFFICER TITLE HOME HO\,'E BliSl;�'ESS DA7E OP - �A,Id� (Uffice Hald) AT�Ait£SS PAO\'E PHOA BIRTFI � `Gods�it�rt��f (�,�j�P �s�(�� � If business is x paYmers3up, plese �clude che fo1}ov�'ing infosmation foz tach partr,er (u�e zdditional paaes if neaessary): Firsi \ame . rtor.�e Address: F¢st vvne ` Home Address: ,liiddle :nlial MicG:e Ini!i�1 (MaiCea} Ci:y C�n� Lc�c Stem Zp r-,a Sus Zip Dau o£ Bu=:� �vnc I�umx: Date of Sirzh ?hone Vumber i�"v'ESOTq TAX IDET�''CiFICA7f0\ TSUVISER - Ausuaat to rhe JaWS of 2vIicu�esota, 1984, C�apter 502, Att'scle B,.S�to� 2 f270.?2} (Tax Cleazancc; Issuance of Licen,�.$), licensing auchorities are required to provide ca t6e State of'�'innesota Commissioner o: P.eveo�e, tbe ?�Iimesota busincss tax i3enrificavon nuznber wd t6e social security number of each license agplicant R L'nder the Minnesota Crovemment Data Yisctices Act and fhe Federdl Pr:cacy Ac2 af 1974, we are reqc:irrd to advise you of ihe foifoaing regan3ing ct�e nse of tbe Minnesota Tax Identification Nnmber: - This iafoimacion mzy be used to deny the issuance or renea•a1 oF your Iice❑se in the event yoa owe Minnesoea sales, emr3loyer's wichholdia$ or motor vehide excise t�es; �" � - LTpvn recei�iug tt2is information, the liceasiag authoic:y w� suppIy it oniy to �ue Minnesota D,.pazm�ent of Revenue. Howeti�er. under rbe Federa� $xchsare of Infaza3aton Agreement, che �ps�sxAY of Re�enue may snpply tbis inforcnafi�'�,to che Iotemai Fteeenue Secvice. `� bSinnesota Tax Ideatificafioa Nambers (Sales & Use Ta� \umber) nay be obtaiz+ed fxom ti�e State o€ `diinnesota. Bn<_ieess Recorcu �p�ai, 10 R>ver Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). ` � SacialSecurity?iumbex: �� �WI�s�M�� t���� a ; 'vFinnesota Txz Ideniificanan tinmbu: C��t'�! t w V� L�' �') , _ If a Mir.oesota Tax Idemi�cazion ;vumbei is noi required for the business being operated, indicaEe so by placing an "X" in the boz. Z�'d tcl6 9�� 2T9 d3I`7 ��dd 15 �a J.1I� 'cS:9i 565I-0t—'lf7t b�