96-852A��+ N��� Council File # 9`- $5'�. � � � � ! � \ Green Sheet # �� y �,.� 1 i 3/'� 1 ay °��. �..1i�lt..°#si�r` Presented By Re£erred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Gambling Location (C), Liquor On-Sale (C), Sunday On-Sale and Restaurant (B) license, Entertainment (B) and Off-Sale Malt license (License ID No. 17870) held by Drink, Inc. d/b/a Pebble's Bar and located at 880 East 7th Street, Saint Paul for a period of seven (7) days, commencing on for the violation of "Sa1e of Alcohol to an Underage Person" and "Sale of Alc hol to an Obviously Intoxicated Person". This Resolution and the action taken above are based upon the facts contained in the Saint Paul Police Report CN 96-047-782, the facts of which are sumtnarized in the April 23, 1996 Notice of Complaint letter to the licensee, and Saint Paul Police Report CN 96-067-662, the facts of which are summazized in the May 21, 1996 Notice of Complaint letter to the licensee, and the admissions of the licensee that he does not dispute the facts stated in the Notice of Complaint letters and such azguments as may haue been presented to the Council at the public hearing. Requested by Department of: By: � a � Z . ��� Approved by Mayor: Date `� By: / "��C U� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �3 • //%��, � //r�►�G� � Form Approved by City Atto� r BY� —`� �h9,��,.i{� �� �� �-,�w V Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: DateC�a L`Y �` Adoption Certified by Council Se etary �L-�S�-- oE co �� COUNCIL ° " T ;;i2;96 GREEN SHEE N_ 3 5 7 2 4 INITIAVDATE _ INRIAV�lRE CONTAGT PERSON & PHONE � OEPARfMENT DIRECiOR O CITY COUNdL N'dllCJ� AIIaC7SOII� 2�-RSCX} p$$16N O CfiYATTORNEY O CITV CLERK MUST BE ON COU IL AGENOA BY (DATE� p�0��� O BUQGET �IRECTOR O PIN. & MG7: SEFiYICES 01R, ONOEfl � yqVOR (OR ASSISTpNn � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POH SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE5TEp: Conce adverse action against licenses held by Drink, Inc., DBA Febble's Baz, located at 880 East Seventh Sh�eet. (LTncontested) PECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CML SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this dapartment? - _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO — � A � 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any Current city employee? SUPPOR7S WHICN CAUNCII O&IECTIVE? YES NO Erzplain all yes answers on separate sheet ana attaeh to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WM, Whet. W�en, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Cd� �f(�I �,QfilElr JUL 12 1996 DISADVANTAGES iF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAI AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGE7Ep (CIRCLE ONE) YES` NO FUNDIHG SOURCE AC7IVITV NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFOFiMATION: (EXPLAIN) OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timolhy E M¢rs, Ciry Anaraey - � �-�S Z c1� oF sanv�r Paur. T'orm Coleman, Mayor Civil Division 400 Ciry Ha[1 15 West Kellogg Blvd Saint Paul, M"mnesam S5T 02 Telephone: 6T2 266-8770 Facsimile: 671 298-5619 Ju1y 10, 1996 NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Car1 J. Dziubak and Gary Mueller Drink, Inc. dba Pebble's Bar 880 East Seventh Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55106 �O�tZG6� �S��i'�`s�. �?��r RE: All licenses held by Drink, Inc. dba Pebble's Bar License #17870 Our File Number: G96-0157 Dear Mr. Mueller and Mr. Dziubak: ��� � i� iJ�� Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., July 24, 1996 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the essential facts contained in the attached police reports have been admitted to. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalty, if any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for a seven (7) day suspension of the license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, /� C/��iLLGG� �✓'-'-�ik- J Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Sgt. Per Tredal, SIU Kathy Smith, Community Organizer, Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life, 281 Maria Ave., St_ Pau1, MN 551�6 UNCONTESTED LtCENSE HEARtNG a �' �S Licensee Name: Drink, lnc. dba Pebble's Bar Address: 880 East Seventh Street Council Hearing Date: July 24, 1996 Violations: 1. Sale of Liquor to Intoxicated Person Minn. Stat. § 340A.502 (1994) 2. Sale of Liquor to a Minor Minn. Stat. § 304A.503 (1994) St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.08 Date: 1. 2. May 15, 1996 April 8, 1996 Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, OfFice of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Seven (7) day suspension Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. License information 3. Letter of licensee or attorney agreeing not to contest the facts 4. 5/21/96 Notice of Complaint 5. 5/15/96 Police Report 6. 4/23/96 Notice of Complaint 7. 4/8/96 Police Report Lic ID ................... STAT..................... Business Name............ Doing Business As........ Address .................. Zip ...................... Exp Date ................. License Name ............. NOTE AREA ................ ��8�o q � _ �s� RS DRINK ItiC PEBBLE'S BAR 880 7TH ST E 55106 11/30/55 ENTERTAINNEI3T-CLASS B LIQ-ON SAI,E-100SEATS/LESS-C OFF SALE NiALT RBSTAURANT (B)-MORE THAN 12 SEATS SUNDAY ON SALE LIQUOR GAMBLING LOCATION (CLASS C) 12647 2/2/93�PH ON APPN FOR NEW ON SALE LIQ-C, SUD?DAY ON SALE LIQ, OFF SALE MALT, RESTAURANT-B AND ENTERTA INMENT-III APP'D W/CONDITIONS C.F. #93-74 3/25/93 ?H ON NEW APPN FOR GAMBLING L,OC-C APP'D C.F. ,�93-382 050494 CF 94-600 - RESOLUTION APPROVING SUSPENSION OF ALL I,ICENSES FOR A PERIOD OF 16 DAYS WITH 3 D�S Press <RETURN> to continue... Alt-Z FOR HBLP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° . YS'STAYED_FOR 18 MONTHS COMMENCING ON MAY 29, 1994� . 6/S/95 WARNING LETTER SELLING TO MINOR JL . 11/8/95 Pii TO CONSIDER ADVERSE ACTION - FINDINGS . ADOPTED (13 DAY SUSPENSION & AEARING COSTS)-LAP . 11/16/95 OWNE12 HOME ADDRESSES GIVEN TO DOROTHY FR/ . JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR--LPA-LIC - .._ �._. _.,.. _ z .�:12 .13`-95� #95'-1430 APP3} CONCERNING�ADVERSE . "AC�IQI�j�'�AGAiNST; LICENSES.-.__PENALTY. iMPOSED =_ . 1 &,_,$1589.37,COURT� . CDS3'S "% . 12/18/95 SENT NOTICE OF LICENSE SUSPENSION PER . C.F. #95-1430--LAB . 1/3/96 - RECEIVED 1589.37 COURT FEE IN CASH - T,AR Bond Policy Number....... Bond Company ............. Bond Effective Date...... Bond Expiration Date..... Insurance Carrier......., MN LIQ LIp,g ASSIGNED RISK PLAN Ins. Policy Number....... LL943963 Insurance Effective Date. 11/21/95 Ins. Expiration Date..... 11/30/96 Associated Stock Holder.. GARY MUELLER Press <RETURN> to continue... A1t-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX °°.600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° . CARL J DZIUBAK Dealer No ............. Tax Id ................... 1839425 Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 776-1775 Press 'C' to continue, 'P� to print, or 'R' to redisplay.., � V�� y Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 5600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF ° 1`'inti :!i IyG6 Zo: Viroini? tGlmer .:ssiste.nt �ity ��or:ey �ivil �ivision F'r.o*_n: LrinK Inc cba Fe GC21� 8,^,ar d � a@V°?'ittl Jt J&17it Ya11�. 1�11 S7� (j� ��`������ Lti,��a� �' V�AY � 9 ?99� �_° ��s,���,��:� °r ' � v. ►�.�`E c f `�' �� � - , : 's a���'Sy Thi s is to in�'os�m yot;r o?ii�e ;:r_ez „e no r_ot ni;rute tne maiter oi the .SGZ? tn H Rl��'lOT OT tr2 7,^.�LtEI' Gi i,t'_E F,c2't'1Y;� Of 2.�'i 1P_tOX1Cat@Cl rr?reCT. ti� we aiscussea or the nnc_:e t^_; secnr:u matter teo�c place Gt � 1:30 a_ m T:C�t 1�:�Q t;m s.Y2Q �'?ETc \^,cTE EXtcl:Uat1T'r, C1*CU!^St2SiCPS �+e will be Fratefull ?n exrl�ir. ourselvPS to the �it,j� �o�;ncil V�2 1++111 �W&1� ZUY'tISFr CC�SE�yOr�cnro Ir�C�ID tiGliT' Off=CE c.g t� tt]? t'_II:�2 a.7�Q CI?'� of tre schedulin� beic�e t�e �o.�.ci� 1'r ank you �Qory tT_•uly j;C�1TS / GC�--/ ��-�-�-�J Judith �indelar N�ager OFFI OF THE CITY ATTORKEY Timoth}� E Afon, Crq� Atromep � . SAINT ewu� � Al1Al1 CITY OF SAIi�TT PAUL A'orm Coleman, d�o�•or May 21, 1996 Carl J. Dziubak Gary Mueller Drink, Inc. dba Pebble's 3�r 880 East Seventh Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 Cn•i/ Divuion a00 Ciry Ho71 1 S lf est Ke!logg BPod Sain� Poul, Mrnnesora 55101 NOTICE OF COMPLAINT RE: All licenses held by Drink, Inc. dba Pebble's Bar License �17870 Our File Number: G96-0175 Dear Mr. Mueller and Mr. Dziubak: J� Telephone: 677 ?66-8i10 Faaimrle: 61I 298-5619 I am in receipt of information that could lead to adverse action against all your licenses. The basis for adverse action is: "On or about May 15, 1996 at about 11:30 �.m, a bartender ia the licensed establishment sold alcoholic beveragea to azi intoxicated person. This is a violation of both state law and city ordinaace, and is grounds for adverse action agaiast all the licenses for that establishment." If you do not dispute that the above sale took place, this matter will be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on what penalty, if any, to impose. You will be allowed to speak on your behalf at that hearing. I will need to have a letter from you saying that you do not dispute the facts if we are going to follow that path. This incident is separate from the April 5, 1996 report of sale of alcohol to a mincr. I still need an answer from you on how you wish to proceed on that incident as well, but if you wish to admit the facts to both, they can be consolidated for hearing in front of the City Council. On the other hand, if you dispute the above facts, I wi11 schedule the evidentiary hearing on the facts before an Administrative Law Judge. In that event, you will receive a notice of hearing so you �tt�-�S� will know when ar.d where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, you should contact me within ten days from the date of th?s letter. If I do �ot hear from you, I will schedule the hearing, and you may be responsible for the costs of the hearing if you do not then a�pear and contest the facts. Please call me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ��x� � �..� �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Gary Pechmann, Deputy director, LIEP Donavan Cummincs, ?resident, Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life, 770 E. 6th St., St. Paul, N�N 55106 James Erchul, Directcr, Dayton's Biuff Neighborhood Housing Service, 951 B. ?ifth St., St. Paul, N�i 55106 Rarin DuPaul, Presidert, Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhoods Assoc., 668 Greenbrier St., St. Paul, MN 55106 Kathy Smith, Community Organizer, Dayton's Bluff Center for Civic Life, 281 Maria Ave., St. Paul, M,J 55106 Carol Carey, Director, Upper Swede Hollow Neighborhoods Assoc., 729 E, Seventh St., St. Paul, MN 55106 �t t,- � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAII, COUNTY OF RP,MSEY ) JOP,NNE G. CLENENTS, be_ng first duly sworn, deposes and says that on May 22, 19°5, she served the attached NOTICE OF COMPLAINT on the following ramed persons by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addr>ssed as follows: Carl J. Dziubak Gar Mueller Dr:nk, Inc. dba Pebble's Bar 880 E. Seventh Street Sa_nt Paul, MN. 55106 (which is the last known adcresses the same, with postage prep�id, in Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of May, 1996. C� -� -����� Notary Public . . Q �'AiiL F '.!:CLQSK_Y, JR. � + NO7tiFY "r, iuC - !d';,k:50iA % RAMSEY COUNTY My Comm. 6c0�res Jan 31 2000 ■��+�+"��'w+w.wvwv of said persons) and depositing the United States mails at St. Pa�e 1 oI t 'Jay Month Date Year Time: 5 15 96 1130 Class: Location ol Cali: � g Q On Tour Occurred LJ At U Between: hrs. o0 ST. PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT GENERALREPORT H`1 C�� � ,.� �. b vuense: • � ' Li our 795 East Sale to �ntoxicated Party Locahon o1 Cnme Scene: 7ime oi Arr 880 East 7th Street and oe � Other S�,t�� �v���y�a�nams name ��as, nrs; miooie): I A07fQ55' E4� � � � E" �""� Jensen/Schaub SIU rtides Recovered. + � n sy DispoSRion: � Records � Crime Lab Locker �`�'� `' - '' � Crime Lab � property Room -� -o:� ..w-_�:`-',..- . _.�. NAFtRA =,`��• , .. e5t Number �� Last Name First � Miod�e �� t S Addcess G<.a ` DOB Ag¢� Sex Rece --- - W'hile ozrtour, pah�ot�z•aspzssingPeb� b��rat �7t1rSt. �� A�tinnehaha and observed - male parties h eading to�•ards Pebbles South door. ----- filttioug�w� were-appre� 2�� from these-pariies obvious sig�s o-€ i�zo�iea�io�-c�u}c} be noticed: ---- Their eyes were sleepy in appearance, they staegered when they walked in an irregulaz patte -- -- - - -- -- -- --- - ---• -------- ------------ movements were noted to be jerky. Their clotlung v.°�s in disarray. These two walked into Pebbles. The unmarked vehicle ��. pazked and reponing o�cers decided to foilow these parcies inside. -- - - -- -- - - - - - -- -- Upon ente�g Pebbles, one party Iatei ident�d �S�auT��ar�fT�6�TBusfi, ��as noted -- --- _._�__standi�attheba�Thenthezpa�ly 30?t'ES,_Chuckof_:�6201,ongfellowAvEMpisv,�asnnted�ParP� __ at a table nearby. Reportin2 officer went and stoo at the baz, approx 3 feet from GIBBS. GIBBS - � - � — waS nofed fo iely fieavily on iFi"e baz to inzin aC'in�s`�atance, ave sT'eepy; rei�andwafery eyes, an - ____ obvious slur to his voice. and at one point said "hi, how �u doing, ha�-en't seen you for a long tune ' to reporting o�cer who has never seen tiim before. A strong odor of alcoholic beverage was noted --- — onius breatt� -_ The bartender asked GIBBS �-hat he wanted and he ordered two Milier Genuine Drafts (served in -- -- cansj-whicirwereobtained-by-th�fema�e-bartende�and-so}�-to-6�$$S-#'of�hree-�do-Hars-°iz�---- bartender opened the cans at the ba GIBBS went to the tabie with his friend. Reportusgo�fice�identifiedlumselfasthepolice-ar;d-ohtaiued-xhPr�r �t'rt to be�SINDELAR. Judith 4nne DOB• 091642 of 2173 Hillsdale, St. Paul MN 55119 No home phone VTork phone 776-177�: - - �— - Z SINDELAR w�s asked why she served the two parties who were obviously intoxicated. She seemed � -- ---- to - indicat�thatitwareasizrto - servettrenro�b�erthen - ta - have - thein�Zause - traub9�inrttre�s�for- V � ____being refused. SINUELAR indicated that she knew the parties as regular customers). --- S��E�:S��=as-advised-i3iat the incident «ould beregortec�#o-L-�£Pjshe uas pro�ide��usiaess- _ cazd for the owner, and advised to remove the beers from GIBBS & JONES. She refunded their $3. GI-B$8 became sightly belligerent-when-asked to leav� the ba�-ar�c�F€po�ge€£^�-° �,�^�"�., ..^�:� they had left the immediate azea. Emp, �Yes 0 No 'CRP ❑ Hom ❑ Rob ❑ Juv ❑ Coord ❑ Ip ❑ Lab �e��Team ❑ Sex Q Rptr D/C � Burg � TheH � Prop Q CAU ❑ F8F � Auto � CAO � CO � HumServ � 0 � U � �� N � PM 621-92R Lli.. /" OFFICE OF 7HE �'7'Y ATTORT'EY Timothy .4ars, C�ry Arrornry S �- cirY oF sa�r Pauz Abrm Co%man, d�oyos P_pril 23, 1956 Cn�il D "n�isian 400 Ciry Haf1 1 S if'est Kellogg Blvd Saint Pau7, Minnesota 5510? NOTICE OF COMPLAINT Carl J. Dziubak Gary Mueller Drink, Inc. ciba P=bble's 3�- 880 East Seventn Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55105 RE: All licenses �eld by D_ink, Inc. dba Pebble's Bar License #17870 Our File Numb�r: G56-0175 Dear Mr. Mueller and Nr. Dziubak: Te7ephone: 671 ?b6-S:70 Facsimile: 617 298-5679 I am in receipt of information that could lead to adverse action against all your licenses. The basis for adverse action is: "On or about April 5, 1996 at about 10:30 p.m. a bartender in the licensed establishment sold an alcoholic beverage to a minor. This is a violation of both state law and city ordinance, and is grounds for adverse action against all the licenses for that premises." If you do not dispute that the above sale took place, this matter will be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on what penalty, if any, to impose. You will be allowed to speak on you behalf at that hearing. I will need to have a letter from you saying that you do not daspute the facts if we are going to follow that path. On the other hand, if you dispute the above facts, I will schedule the evidentiary hearing on the facts before an Administrative Law Judge. In that event, you will receive a notice of hearing so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, you shouid contact me within ten days from the date of this letter. If I do not hear from you, I will schedule the q (.-�s �- hearing, and you �;,�y be responsible for the costs of the hearing if you do not then �ppear and contest the facts. Please call me or have your attorr.ey call me �t 266-8710. Very truly yours, � , /\ � '��� Z� � �-c:�.�.1 Virgi�ia D. Palmer Assistant City At�orr.ey cc: Robert Kessler, Directcr, LIEP Gary Pechmar.n, Deputy director, LIEP � �,.�s�- STATE OF MINNESOTA CO"UN1Y OF RAMSBY ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIi, JOANNE G. CL�NENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on Apri1 24, 1996, she served the attached NOTICE OF COMPLAINT on the following nGmed persons by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Carl J. Dziubak Gary Mueller Drink, Inc. dba Pebble's Bar 880 East Seventh Street Saint Paul, I�7. 55106 (which is the last known address of said persons) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the i3nited States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of April, 19g6. ;� . o ar Pu 1 c • KATHRYN d. MciAUGHLIN � � NOTAqYPUBLIC-MINNESOTA � RAMSEY COUNTY � My co�nm_ ��es ae�, a�. 2000 rage � of 2- Day MO�:h Ca:e Yeat T y � �lass: Location o1 Cal7: ����C! A) .. O [v� ComplainanYs F,nicfes Re � �rest Numbet � O h r 3T. PAUL POLICE DEPARTA4ENT GENERALREPORT � FSi � ! � �g � �� � �q -L gs �- G [ev 7�n � .� Belveen: ,��� hs. an y• S• FG a�d hrs. on y' v' c. ame (Last, First, Middie); qddre:s: 7 s �' � ���-,�" � �3 ed D�sposition; � Ferards ��„� � Crime Lab MARRATlVE . Lest Name nrst Ml:�;e Addresi�. _ ,[.�. . - p� : � e -. � .. . � - ���'�`. ����€F���cL�� DOB �"S- g� - x'��s --�P� W��•'1_L'[i '�(-!�'P,� !�vav��._ �. /: asGv �•.o/4�i' � � / Crime Lab Locke- ?rope .ry Foom w _�+Nt.� _ f G h— -G- Q � --- U h y- �i - s� . As/� oti t� t �l�f-r., l__ �,.,�J �,',.� _ 1 �1 / -- - -- - Y _ .'t_�It!! _ _Gr� ruK ..--�o-- �---. �._ �� '�1 � v ~ �� � --- LL .S . / "- - - t --- �u� - --- - --- - -- - - ------- Af � � ; Zr , y_-s - s � , �-v� - s-�h f - � ' ---- � `/t^" cl� _ t . 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