96-848Council File # ��6 Ordinance # RESOLUTtON OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To TdHEREAS: Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 WHERSAS: Green Sheet # 34993 The Rice Street Festival has submitted a iequest to waive the 60� consent requirement for a block party permit (Rice Street from Sycamore to Arlington) for the Rice Street Festival, and the Rice Street Fest9.va1 has argued that it would not be practicable to obtain neighborhood consent, therefore be it, RESOLVED: that the Saint Paul City Council hereby waives the 60� consent requirement for a block party/special event permi.t for the 1996 Rice Street Festival to be held July 31, 1996, between the hours of 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM. 12 13 Requested by Department of: 14 Yeas Nays Absent 15 s a� � 16 Gvez'zn � OfP�ce of License. Insggetions and 17 � Har zs � - 18 � a .� rd Environmental Protection 20 Thun e � �i `— B �� �---�--�' Form Approved by City Attorney $ Y' �— a - � Approved by Mayor: Date ___�� r�� C� / ' B � � �� $y: /e h � n.c i,C � \ �.wn approved by Mayor for Submiasion to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ��(. Adoption Certified by Council Se retary - al� - szr1Q DEPAHTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATE INRIATED GREEN SHEE v i V N� 3 4 9 9 3 LIEP wmaware --� -- wmawnre CANTACT PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPAf�MENi DIFECTOR � pN CAUNCIL Christine Rozek - 266-9108 "�G" DarvanoaNer �arrc�aK xursEaFOs MU5T BE ON COUNCIL ACaENDA BV (OATE) fl0�� O BUDGEf DIREC70R O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DiR. Hearin : o"DE � MAVOR (OR ASSI5TANn ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL �OCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESiED: Waive 60% Gonsent Requirement for Block Party Permi.t RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) rn Reiect (R) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTpACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLpNNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has Mis personffirm ever worked untler a contract for this department? _ qB COMM(17EE YES NO - !�� � 2. Has this personKrm ever been a city employee? — YES NO A _ DIS7RICT CqURT _ 3. Does ihis person/Firm possess a skiil not normall y possessed by any current ciry empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECfIVE4 YES NO Explaln all yes anawers on separate aheet antl attech to green sheet INRIATIN6 PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPOfl7UNITY (Who. Whaq When, Where, NTy)' Rice Street Festival has submitted a request to waive the 607 consent requirement for a block partyjspecial event permit for the Rice Street Festival to be held 3uly 31, 1996, between the hours of 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM. The Rice Street Festival's block party location is Rice Street between Sycamore to Arlington. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: The Rice Street Festival will obtain a block party/special event permit and be held as planned. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The Rice Street Festival will be unable to hold the Rice Street Festival. TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��� ����� ������ 1061 Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 612/488-1039 July 3, 1996 Police Chief William Finney Saint Paul Police Department 100 East Eleventh Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Deaz Chief Finney: i� � � As part of our pazade and foot race pemut applications, we aze requesting waiver of the "consent requirement." The Rice Street Festival Pazade and foot race aze well over three city blocks in length (the parade is 1.25 miles and the foot race is one mile), and so it is not practicable to obtain the written consent of sixty percent of the property owners or tenants. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, �� Cindy derson Treasurer