96-839� � � � � � � � Council File # 9 � - � 39 ordinance $ Green Sheet � �� RESOLUTION �_ CIT�'� INT PAUL, M{NNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #51901) for a Parking Lot/Ramp License by Imperial 2 Parking Inc. DBA Imperial Parking Inc./Crane Lot (Joan Weber) at 282 6th 3 Street East be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 Requested by Department of: 6 Yeas Nays Absent 7 BZakey �_ 8 Gueri__ n ✓ off�ce oE L�cense Inspections and 9 Harris � 10 � ard � Environmental Protection 11 Re tt man � 12 T un�i e � 15 Bostrom � t By: \,✓�� � � � 16 Adopted by council: Date �, � � 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 Form Approved by City Attorney 20 `_ - _ / ` ' �� 22 $y � �. °"'. = ^^"�""'+."^�-- gY; � /� . � 23 Approved by Mayor: Date � d(� 24 25 �� C Approved by Mayor for Submission to 26 $y: e rk�l� Council 27 BY= a�_83q DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNqI - DATE INITIATED �REEN SHEE N� 3 5 5 0 4 LIEP/Licensing INITIAVDATE INRIAVDATE CANTACf PERSON & PHONE O DEPARTMENT OIRECTOfl O CtTY COUNdL Christine Rozek, 266-9108 ^u��" OcmnnoaNer �aTrc�eK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) NUYBER f-0R ❑ BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. / N01R�NG FOr hearing: ! <Z �] (� ONOER ❑ �pyQp (OR���A� O TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT70N RE�UES7E0: Imperial Parking Inc. DBA Zmperial Pazking Inc./Crane Lot requests Council approval of its application for a Parking LotJRamp License at 282 6th St. E. (ID 4I51901). RECOMMEN�A710NS: App�ore (A) w Reject (R� pERSONAL SEflVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PLANNING GOMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contrac[ for this department? _ qB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/fitm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COUa7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet anA attach to green aheet INITATING PFiOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Wha, What, When, Where, Why): � ��� E ' ` , o , MAY 24 1996 ��� � � �� I�1���� ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� DISADVANTACaES IF APPROVED' �OittB�&1 � s��f�I $�C JUL a � 1��6 ,--------___...._—__.., DISADVANTA6ES ff NOTAPPROVED� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPIAIN) Greensheet# 35504 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date:S/20/96 / 9�-g'�9 In TraCket? App'n Received / App'n Processed Lice�se ID # 51901 License Type: Parking Lot/Ramp Company Name: Imperial Parking Inc. DBA:Imperial ParkinQ Inc/Crane Lot Business Addresss: Z8z 6th St E Business Phone: 341-8000 Contact Name/Address: Joan Weber, 60 6th St E 91715 Home Phone: 344-1341 Dffie to Council Research: Mpls 55402 Public Hearing Date: �' Z �p Labels Ordered: � Notice Sent to Applicant: District Councii #: �� �3ht �,�1/ Notice Sent to Public: ��G ���'�� Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attomey �•�"�b D. Environmentai Heaith N.� • Fire L.ZS� o•� . License Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: -������ C�f� Police ( •25'•gjo Q � �, . Zoning (o• 25• g(P ��� � -�----- SAIN7 lAUi � AAl1A ' , / ' . CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT pAUL O�« of License, inspecuons a"d En�vonmenui Protazion 350SC PdnSt Suiie 30p SaimAW.Nivascv 551@ (6ln:bbAXV fu(613)366913d TFIIS .4PPLiCATIOV i5 SLBJECT' 7'p REyiEW BY THE PUB iC PLEASE TYPE OR PRI�'VT' L�I LV K Type of License(s) being applied for. �'a4�5 !�i Company Name: _t If business is incorporateci, g(�e date of iocorporation: �� �� Doing Business As: ��1^r1���.,1�.�� ti�� BusinessAddress:��. �'��s'�, �� --tv� stracnaa�a5 Between what cross sheets is the business ]ocated� ��'� � Are t6e premises now occupied? — What Type of Business? Mail To Address: � �O-t�,�v ��j S'-� � -7 � Snee[ Address Applicant Information: Name and Tide: �3r?. ti ' Business Phooe: ��oIL_ )_ �� �� m n 55�.02 c'ry stac� ; Z�p Which side of the streec? �_ � h: _ n ..�_ Ciry State y� �� 2.Tiddle (Maiden) Last Tide ame Address: Street pddress City Stam Z� Date of B' . Place of Birth: Have you ever been c icted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinaoce othet than ¢y('f�?� Phone: �_ Date of arrest: � _ NO Where� '— Chazge: Conviction: List the names and residences of three persons o a applicant or fmaociaily interested in the premises or b N '� ME •—. ADDRESS Sentepce: moral chazacter, living w�ithio the Twin Ciues Metro Area, oot related to the i�s, who may be referred to as to tl�e applicant's chazacter: PI-IONE List licenses which you cucrendy hold fom�erly 6eld, or may have an interest in: ttave any op �e above parned licenses ever been revoked? _ yEs _ NO If yes, list the reasoas fur revocadon: .4ra You going to operate ttus business pe�ooally? _ y� _�r� � not, a•ho w➢ll operate it? a�y1K Home qddrecs: Street Name �U� City Suu Phone Number ��u going to have a manager or azsistant in this bu�ines<� _ y� _ J�� ��e manager is oot the same as t1�e opera�or p ea�e �e �he following information: _ Streei Name v:a�acn) I.att ... Please list your employment history for the precio ice (5) peaz period: Business�� Address Date otBinh Stau T,ip Phonel:umber List a11 otl�er officers of the coiporation: OFFICER — TITLE HO.�vIE T �' 4 -�`� (OfFice Held) y� ADDRESS r1 n c� . HO,'vIE BUSI;�'ESS DATE pF PHO\`E PAO�`E BIRTH If business is a parmership, pleue in��ude the followin� Snformyvofl for each parp�et (use additional pages if necessary): � Fus�xame �� ._.. . _ Homepddress: Street7.ame T1iddle ury First Addras: �iti� Ciry •'•` DauotBinh S � yP PfioneNumbn � DateotBinh ta � �'P PLone Number ��'ESOTA TAX IDENTIF[CAT70N T'UD4BER _ p�uynt to the Laws of T�L'wnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2(27p,72) �Tae Llearance; Issuance of Licenses), liceosing authorities are raquired to provide to the State of Minnesota Comvussioner of Revenue, tLo Minnesota business taz identification number aod the sociat security number of each license applicant. Under t1�e Minnesota Govem�nt Data Practices Act and the Federal Pri��a�y Act of 1974, we aze required to advise you of the following regazding the use of the AQinnesota Tax Identification I� - This information may be used to deny the issuaoce or renewat of your liceose in tl�e event you owe T�4innesota sales, employei s withholding or motor ��elvcle ei:cise fazes; - Upon receiviog this informyuon, the licensing authoriry will snpp�y �t only to the Minnesota Depa»ent of Re��enue. However, under tbe Fedeiai Exchange of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this infazmation to the Intemal Reveaue Service, Minnesota Taz Identification Numbers (Sa1es & Use Taz ,\*umber) may ye obtained from the State of Minnesota, Busiaess Records 1 kPartment, 10 River Pazk Plaza (612-296-6181). SocialSecuriryNumber. � Mfnnesota Taz Idenvfica6on Number: ���J �j � j—� —__ If a Minnesota Tu ldentification Number is not requized for Ihe business being operated, indicate so by placing an ^X" in the boz. j , _,.. ',-.a: .._ T .F1CAT10\ OF WORI�RS' COA$PE\S.ATION CO\'ER4GE PLRSUA�TT TO MII�'NESOTA STATUTE 1�6.182 eby cerufy that I, or my company, am in compliance W�ith the workers compensation insurance co��enge requiremenu of D�Iinnesota atute 176.182, subdivision 2. I aiso understand that provision of false inforznation in this ce�cation constitutes �uKcient gounds for ad}�erse action against all licenses held including revocavon and su�f said li�� � ��.�3q . � 7�'ame of Insurance Company. Policy A`umber: �K U B� OP� IC� � 2- Coti�erage from � � �� S to << ��� I Lave no employees covered under woikecs' compensation insurance A\Y FALSffICATIO\ OF A\SR'ERS GI�'EI� OR 11'LSTERIAL SUB'�'IITTED R'II.L RESULT IN DE\LAL OF THIS APPLICA't'ION I Lereby state thaz I have ans��ered all of tbe preceding questions, and that tlie informatioa contained heiein is true and coczect to the best of my }:nowled�e and belief. I hereby state further ihat I hace recei�•ed no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, contributioo, or o[herwise, otlier than already disclosed in the application a�hich I herewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other city officials at aoy and all times � hen the busiaess is in opetation. _�l,e-CJ T v �l J l�.Q�A-P �'�lR � � - tiIFtED for all applications) Date ��-- "Note: lf this application is Food/Liquor relatrd, please contaci a City of Saint Paul I�ealth Inspector, Ste��e Olson (266-9139), to review plans. If any substantial c6anges to shvcture are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Ezaminu at 266-9007 to app]y for building permits. tf there aze any changes to tl�e par}:ing lot, floor space, or for new opentions, please contact a Ciry of Saint Paul Zoning Inspector at 266-9008. Additional application requirements, please attach: A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data shouid be on the site plan (preferablp an an 8 I/2" x 11" or 81/2" x 14" paper): - 2�`ame, address, and phone number. . - The scale should be stated sucfi az 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated towazd the top. - Placement oC all pertinent feature5 of the interior of the licensed facility such u seating areaz, kitchens, offices, repair atea, parlring, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current atea and the proposed espansion A copy of your lease agreement or Qroot of ownership of the property. FOR SPECIFIC APFLICATION REQUIREMEN'£S, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>>