96-829�RIGI���� Presented By: Referred To: Current Budget , WHEREAS, the Civic Center Authority met on March 27, 1996; and z a WHEREAS, the Civic Center Authority amended the Civic Center budget based upon the recommendations a of the Civic Centers Finance Committee: and 5 s WHEREAS, the amendments listed below adjust the 1996 budget to recognize reduced spending and � revised revenue estimates; and a e WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.03 of the city charter, recommends the following changes to the ,0 1996 budget: ii ,z 13 74 15 i6 n �a as zo z� 2z 23 za zs 26 27 za 29 30 31 32 33 � 35 36 37 36 39 no ai az 43 aa 45 as a� as as so FINANCING PLAN: Civic Center Civic Cen er Operating Fund GL 900 20101 5008 Parking Ramp - Houriy GL 900 20101 5012 Concessions - Commissionary GL 900 20101 5099 Commissions - Misceilaneous GL 900 20101 5418 Building Rentals GL 900 20101 5607 Labor Services - Miscellaneous GL 900 20101 5616 Equipment Rentals - Misc. GL 900 20101 6602 Interest on Investments GL 900 2Q101 9831 Contribution to Fund Balance All Other Fund Financing 2,130,000 1,319,000 853,000 980,400 557,500 104,000 292,500 558,930 Council Pile # �e�� Green Sheet # 35861 i9 Committee: Date Change (127,744) (229,261) (262,839) (275,516) 143,742 884,569 (88,500) (527,Q93) Amended Budget 2,002,256 1,089,739 590,161 704,884 701,242 988,569 204,000 31,837 MINNESOTA 51,250 6,846,580 SPENDING PLAN: Civic Center Civic Center O�erating Fund GL 900 20101 0111 Full Time Permanent GL 900 20101 0114 Fuli Time Appointed GL 900 20101 0122 Part Time Not Certified GL 900 20101 0216 Fees - Aceting & Auditing GL 900 20101 0219 Fees - Other Professional Services GL 900 20101 0221 Postage GL 900 20101 0222 Telephone - Mo Charges GL 900 20101 0235 Mileage Type I I GL 900 20101 0241 Printing - Outside GL 900 20101 0245 Publications & Advertising GL 900 20101 0251 Transportation GL 900 20101 0252 Lodging - Meais - Etc. GL 900 20101 0253 Registration Fees - Out of Town GL 900 20101 0255 Dues 133,145 246,022 17,182 20,000 15,000 15,000 17,500 3,000 2,000 20,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 2,000 � (482,642) (48,901) 13,891 42,718 (4,700) 4,000 (15,000) 4,500 2,000 2,500 30,000 75 2,750 (2,500) (530) 51,250 6,363 938 84,244 259,913 59,900 15,309 19,000 0 22,000 5,000 4,500 50,000 6,075 7,750 1,500 1,470 Page 1 of 3 �Rl��a��� Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # Green Sheet # �G_Saq 35861 Referred To: Committee: Date si sz 53 sa ss 56 s� sa ss so si 62 63 64 ss 66 67 sa 69 �o �i �z 73 �a �s 76 �� 78 �s ao a� ez 63 84 85 86 87 68 89 so s� sz sa sa ss ss 97 sa ss �oo GL 900 20101 0261 Fire Insurance Premium GL 900 20101 0263 Surety Bond Premium GL 900 20101 0275 Off. Equip Maint. Contract GL 900 2�101 0286 Rental - Other Equipment GL 900 20101 0299 Other - Misc. Services GL 900 20101 0369 Other - Office Supplies GL 900 20101 0382 Newspapers GL 900 20101 0439 Fringe Benefits GL 900 20101 0549 Other - Misc Assessments GL 900 20111 0111 Full Time Permanent GL 900 20111 0114 Full Time Appointed GL 900 20111 0122 Part Time Not Certified GL 900 20111 0141 Overtime GL 900 20111 0377 District Heating GL 900 20111 0439 Fringe Benefits GL 900 20121 0111 Full Time Permanent GL 900 20121 0114 Full Time Appointed GL 900 20121 0121 Part Time Certified GL 900 20121 0132 Not Certified - Temp/Seasonal GL 900 20121 0219 Fees - Other Professional Services GL 900 20121 0270 Elevator & Escalator Mtce GL 900 20121 0271 Building - Repair Service GL 900 20121 0274 Seif Propelled Vehicle Repair GL 900 20121 0277 Other - Equipment Repair GL 900 20121 0291 Refuse Disposal / Collection GL 900 20121 0299 Other - Misc Services GL 900 20121 0315 Supplies - Janitorial/Household GL 900 20121 0319 Other - RepaidMtce Bldg Suppiy GL 900 20121 0439 Fringe Benefits GL 900 20131 0111 Full Time Permanent GL 900 20141 0122 Part Time Not Certified GL 900 20141 0439 Fringe Benefits GL 900 20151 0219 Other - Professional Services GL 900 20161 0114 Full Time Appointed GL 900 20161 0241 Printing - Outside GL 900 20161 0245 Publications & Advertising GL 900 20161 0299 Other - Professional Services GL 900 20161 0439 Fringe Benefits GL 900 20181 0814 Other - O�ce Equipment GL 900 20i81 0815 Desk-Chairs-Tables GL 900 20181 0824 Sweepers GL 900 20181 0829 Other - Self Propelled Eqmt GL 900 20181 0848 Other - Specialized Eqmt 37,314 200 3,000 8,000 20,000 10,000 1,500 113,681 250,000 121,374 119,202 17,040 35,000 220,000 83,021 278,135 223,594 56,850 41,368 260,000 72,000 90,000 1, 000 22, 000 24,000 5,000 25,000 17,000 178,442 70,025 149,864 21,857 502,800 70,268 6,000 80,000 2, 000 20,365 11,400 7,675 40,000 21,000 784,000 8,762 (141) 1,000 27,000 229,200 3,000 (500) 16,978 164,000 1,953 515 (11, 840) 3,000 (10,000) 3,104 34,774 (25,947) 504 26,113 (55,793) 5,500 35,000 2,000 (2,000) 6, 000 35,000 5,000 (1,000) (19,598) 1,128 50, 910 2,755 (30,000) 6,905 10,250 (12,500) 13,548 4,050 (11,400) (7,675) (40,000) (21,000) (750,000) 46,076 59 4,000 35,000 249,200 13,000 1,000 130,659 414,000 123,327 119,717 5,200 38,000 210,000 86,125 312,909 197,647 57,354 67,481 204,207 17,500 125,000 3,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 30,000 16,000 158,844 71,153 200,774 24,612 472,800 77,173 16,250 67,500 15,548 24,415 0 0 0 0 34,000 Page 2 of 3 n���€;��#�,.� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Council Pile # q, L—�� q Green Sheet# 35861 Referred To: Committee: Date io, GL 900 20181 0855 Sound Equipment 227,900 (217,900) ,oz GL 900 20181 0857 Data Processing Hardware 8,000 4,000 703 �oa GL 900 20302 056D Transferto Debt Service Fund 77,10D 1,900 ms ,os All Other Fund Spending 1,966,756 0 io� ioa 6,846,580 (482,642) t09 i�o RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1996 budget. �„ iix 713 Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Counci! Secreta . Br� "�.,�7.,, �..=.1 d Approved by Mayor: Date �Pb BY� ��1. � Xr� Requested by Department of: 10,000 12,000 79,000 1,966,756 6,363,938 iv' Cen4 r By: e�,XGC. /�/l�. Appr I Recommended by Budget Director: BY� �������'h YV� � � � rB Page 3 of 3 file: CC98AMNO.WKC 0811Jrss uernx�nrerrrrotwc�counca ua�wmA�o � G � G� c,�[� c�re,� 06-13-96 GREEN SHE T NO. 35861 6 CONTAClPptSONBPHONE OI DEPAR'R.ffNI'DIXECfOA �5 C�IYCAUNCL. ChrisAansen 224-7361 � ��crrcwrrowuev� 0 cmc�,nuc MUSfHEONCOUNCp,AGFNDABY(DA'IEj q� � BUDGEfDIItECNit � FAI.ffiMGC.SERVtCESDtR � MAVORIORASSISfANI) �6 CEID�FACCOUNfFNf v� TQTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATORE) ACIIONREQUFSIID ����C,� 3 Amend t6e Civic Center 1996 budget to recoguze amended revenue estimates and reduce spending appropriations. dUN 2 � �� xECOra�m�ronnrnvs:nPp�ow�n�o�x�.c�rt> PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSM[JSTANSWERTHEFOLi,q�f7� _ � . �; PI,ANNpJGCObII.UgSION _CIVp,SERVICECOhA95S[ON 1.Hasthispersodfirmeverworkedunderaconnactforthisdepamnent? cmconu.a'rtg _ YES NO _a_scu't' _ 2. Fiu this person/Fim� ever been a city employee? u�s�rwcrcomer _ YES NO suveox�s w[ucx co[nvCa os�cnvea 3. Does [his person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtrnt city employee? YES NO (Eaplain all yes answers on separete sheet aod attach to green sheek) QJlIfA'11NGPROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'IUNRY(Nbo, What, Whm, Wneie, Why) The revenue stream that the Civic Center is producing is estimated to not support the expenditures that were adopted for 1996. To avoid any budget . shortages the Civic Center reviewed its budget and reduced its expenditures. The capital expenditures thaz are being reduced were for new equipment that was to be purchased for the MN Moose. ADVANT.IGES IF APPROVID The Civic Center will not have to use as large of a portion of the fund balance as originally budgeted to supplement its operations , thereby making sure adequate funds aze available in the future. ����'��� dUN 27 1996 DISAOVAN'1'AGES@APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGESOFNOTAPPAOVED The Civic Center will have to use a significant portion of their fund balance to finance current operations. t0'fALAMOUMI'OFTRANSACLION_I� QV2 ,642 ) cosr�rseve,NUeeoncsren�cmaso� O no nmvsicsuemce GL 900 ac„v„vrvv�sea various ewnxc�,u, uvFOa�nnrnv. �um� !J file: CC96qMND.WK4 O6H3/9fi