96-82Council File # ��� � ; °�' r' ;�4 � ' v � � � � � ;� ;._ Presented By Referred To Ordinance � Green Sheet $ ���� RESOLUTfON CITY OF SAII�T PAUL, MINNESOTA Co[nmittee: Date 3�f 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #41081) for a Cigarette, Grocery-C, and Gas Station 2 License applied £or by Q C Energy II LC DBA Jiffy (David Requet) at 637 Rice 3 Street be and the same is hereby approved. ,___ r--�r---� Requested by Department of: By: Appx By: Office of License, inspections and ErivirOnmerit8l PTOtectiori By: \�i�`!�/J�ri4i� ��� Form Approved by City Attorney By' -��� �� ,cQ 1 �ay��5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary LIEP Bill Gunther, 266-9132 For hearing: J �� !�} TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET qb-�2- N_ 35251 tNlHB FOR O qTV ATTORNE`/ � CIT' GLEFK ( r pOUTING Q BUDfiET DIRECTO O FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DiR. � ONDEP Q MpYOR (OR ASSISTAPff) O (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) . Energg II L C DBA Jiffy requests Council approval of its application for a Cigarette, Grocery-C, and Gas Station Licc�`se at 637 Rice Stxeet (ID I141Q81). _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMfTTEE _ _ STAFP _ ._ DISTFtiCTCqUFiT _ SUPPOfiTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE7 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING DUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worKed under a coMrect for this department? - YES NO 2. Has this personHirm evar been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curreM ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answars on separate shcet antl attaeh to Q€�;�VED � JAN � 2 � �ERRY BtAK�Y iF qPPqOVED: Wa+°v� e....,,_ ' ' _ ' tf. _L (e' ... �. � IF AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # 35251 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 12/26l95 1 y� `� In Tr8ck2t? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 41081 License Type: Cigarette Grocerv-G and Gas Stati on Company Name: Q C EnerQV II LC DBA: Jiff� Business Date to Council Research: PubiiC Hearing Date: " o� � - �L Notice Sent to Applicant: . ��j Notice Seni to Pubiic: �✓?� Business Home Phone: tabefs Ordered: N�� District Council #: � Ward 1 Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney /- S-g� �� Environmental Health l-S-�l� 6 �.' F�re 1- S - �� 6 �' License ��jt,�ItJ6 Sita Plan Received:_ � 1 �-+ — N ! � /� � � � Lease RecBived: S 4 V G J4B�'�� /al.e�l.sYElS. ��'Mx�� Same. I , r.ems�s ,�euous �owne r — Police �� 1- S- q6 Zoning 9- ��g �K �,_ ., _� i , CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION ffi��� oa CITY OF SAINT PAUL�G" Ogce of License, Inspections znd Em•ironmenta7 Protetvon i50 Sc Ppc St Suim'>OD SxieePau4 ��i^naov 55102 (61�'669090 :ax I61.) =6691_i PLEASE TYPE OR PRTNT I:�I II�TK ' (� O V' {• i ' � Type of License(s) bein� applied for: CompanyATame: Q•C. Ert?rgy ., ..�..,.. �, Corporation / Parmership 1 Sote Proprietorship If business is incorporated, �ive date of incorporation: Doin� Busintss As: J i ffv ., __- �( / Business Phone: Busiaess P.dd,-ess: /n?i'� 1 C�_ �`"7 P'7 SVeet C3ry Stzte Zip Betu�een what cross streets is the business located? VJhich side of the street? Arethepremisesnowoccupied? Y2S WhatT}peofBusiness? G35 Sta"•:i0�� {Conv�ni�nc_ S�o�°2 /C1'?aY'�St� MailToAddress: ?. Sveet Address Ciry State Zip App]icant Information: ATameandTitle: David A. R2c:r_t pri�m"°v' Fint Middle (Maiden) Last Tiile HomeAddress: ��'= Sveet.4ddress City Staie Zip DateofBirth: ?�/ PlaceofBirth: HomePhone: (" Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES _ NO xX Date of arrest: Where? Char�e: Conviction: Sentence• List t5e names and residences of three persons oi good moral c�aracter, iiving wimin the Twin Cities ?✓erro Area, not re7ated to t;�e appiicant or £nancially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character: NAME ADDRESS PHONE List licenses which you currently hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: �ave any of the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES _ NO If yes, list the dates and reasons for revocation: .re you going to operate this business personally? _ YES XX 230 If not, who will operate it? Ro�2rt � E • 1a }< ��, Jr 1jft�/�7 First A'ame - Midd�e Jnitial � (Maiden) I,ast Date of Hinh ime Addresr. . Sveet Name , , � �ry �:.; � , . ��=- - . �- c_. . . A.e�„� - , � « - .. , n..�.,,< .� �.c , _ .,�.� . . � State :ip Phonc Numbu � � - �- q - $' 3- Are you going to have a mana�er or assistant in this business? _ YES ..`�, id0 If the manager is not the same as the op - please complete the fo]]owin� information: �" ° Robert E. Jackson� Jr. ' � pjrs[ 7�ame Middle Initia{ (�Sziden) Lu[ Date of Birth'� 1347 Hadlev Avenue N Oakdale MN 55128 (612)739-9727 Home Address: Sveet Narne Cirv State � Zip Phone 7.'umber Business/Emnlov[n ent Address List a11 other officers of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME HOME BUSINESS DATE OF NAME (Office Held) ADDRESS PHONE PHONE B1RTH SFe Ats3ch�d If business is a partnership, please include the followin� information for each partner (use additional pages if necessary): First 1.'ame Home Address: Sveet Name Fim 1�`ame Home Address: SVeet Name T9iddle Initia; Middle (\iziden) City (DSaiden) City Lut State Zip Last State Zip Date of Birth Phone NUmber Dare of Birth Phone Number MINNESOTA "fAX IDENTIFICATION A'iJMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2 (276.72} (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authoritieS are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, tha Minnesota business tax identifrcation number and the social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act and the Federai Privacy Act of 1974, we aze required to advise you of the followin� regarding the use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number: - This information may be used to deny the issuance or rene�i�al of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholdin� or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receivin� this information, the licensin� authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchan�e of Information Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Intemal Revenue Service. Minnesota Tax Identification Numbers (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records Department, 10 River Park Plaza (612-296-6181). Soc'salSecurityNumber: Minnesota Tax Identification Number: If a Minnesota Tax Identification Numbet is not required for the business being aperated, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box c1, W �a �� ',� ;_ - ;� �,�. x�� - .,., a� .s,�+ ,�� � � ° � ;� �'� z�s:� _ „�.'. _ . . - - - - �.. _. R � ..s�xd: i-�i�.r'f' u...'�:mca��.� ., :° r �C � ;s„�.. .. ' ; � . �� _� CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATIOAI COVERA6E PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 176.182 � _, , I hereby certify that T, or my company, am in compliance w'ith the workers' compensation insurance covera�e requireme of MinnesotaStamte176.182,subdivision2.IalsounderstandthatprovisionofYalseinformationinthiscertificationconstimtessufricient ' �ounds for advene action a�ainst all Iicenses held, includin� revocation and suspension of said licenses. NameofInsuranceCompany: �?�=;"3T°� -TnSUt^3nt� Po]icylQumber: A�o1i�r Fo!' Covera�efrom to -- ave no emp oyees covered under «•orkers' compensation insurance ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSNERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBD4ITTED WILL RESULT IN DENIAL QF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of the precedin� questions, and that the informatlon contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowled�e and belief. I hereby state further that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, contribution, or othern�ise, other than already disclosed in the application which I herewith submitted. I also understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire, health and other city officizls at any and a11 times when the business is in operation. Si�nature (REQUIRED `i`or ail applications) Date '*Note: If this application is Food/Liquor related, p]ease contact a City of Saint Paul Hea]th tnspector, Steve Olson (266-9139), to revie�v p3ans. If any substantial changes to structure are anticipated, please contact a City of Saint Paul Plan Examiner at 266-9007 to apply for building permits. If there are any changes to the parkin� ]ot, floor space, or for new operations, please contact a City of Saint Paui Zonin� Inspecior at 266-9008. Additional application requirements, please aftach: A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site pfan). The following data should be on the site plan (preferably on an 8 1/2" x I1" or 8 1/2" x 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated foward the top. - Placementof all pertinentfeafures of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, affices, repair area, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or expansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current area and the proposed expansioa A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownership of the prbperty. FOR SPECIFIC APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS, PLEASE SEE REVERSE >>>.> x��, _ �... � xa � �_ _._