96-811� �R#����°�L c�tr �t st. ��;�� cou:aczL �-z:,E rrc:. �I(� '� � � �so�rrxa�t appxcsvnac nssES�� ar� ay F'�CING TIl� OF HEARII�IG T�REON File No. 1$715 Assessment No. 9230 Votiny — Wr�rd Sn tha matter of the assessment af }aenefits, cost anci expenees for 4 Constructinct a nublic water maix? an� service connections in Hunting Yalley Road from ➢owaell Ave. To approx. �IO�J feet south of Do�well Are. YreSiminary Order 53-1214 apgrt�ved September 9, 1?93 Fina2 Order 93-13$8 approvad September 21, 1993 �3 The as�essment oi l�enefit�, �ast aiid ex�ensea Yor an:� iri connection with the above im�rovement haainq besn submitted to the Counail, and the Counaii having considered same and found the said asaessm�nt satisf�ctory, therefore, he it RBSOLVBD, That the said asseasment he snd the same is hereby ir� all respects appsoved. RES=3LV8D k'iJtttTHBR, That a pu�,lic 1 be haa on said assea�m�nc an the llth day of septamber, 1996, at ths hour of Four thirty a'cleck F,M,, in the Counail c:hamher of the Court House and City Hall Building, ir. the City of St. Paul; that the "valuation and P�sessmPnt Engineer giva notice o€ said meetings, as requiret� by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of heari.ng, th� nature of ihe �nprovement, and the amaunt aseeseed ac�ainst the Iot or 2ots of the particu2ar �:aner to whom the notiae is directed. COVHCILPER30N Yeas � Nays �Blakey H9,sr_r�+n! — �`o��r:3 ✓uerin /� �rris b In E'avcr l�gard �?eLt�r�aK Q Ayair_st z2ane 7adopted by the Council: Date � l��� Certified Passed by Gauncil Secretary By =R�y�or � �� PUAIGSUCn AUG ° � 1996 l� ` , Public Aearing Date - September 11, 1996 RE 7-3-96 - 1 6' g�� U FMS - Real Bstate Division Date: 7-2-96 Green Shcet Nnmber. 34146 ITAlCIMINl DIRI.CIOR C71'Y COUNCII, fart Pecsm and Plwoe 23ombec .�. ATIORNBY QERK ..e.n� Peter White 266-8850 � DIRECTOR a� ascr. svc nm Yax�oRn.msrnrrr� i uxcca..x�a�t �b�oncAmal.�geuaaby:7-24-96 Must be in Council Research Office by noon on Friday 7-12-96 # OF S[GNA7VRH PAGES 1 (QIP AIl, IACATIONS FOR SIGNATS7RL� cnox nr,QV�rn: Setting date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments for water main in Hnnting Valley Road. No.187L5 1�ent No.4?30 RHCOMt�2�IDA1ION5: APPROVH (A) OA RF.iP.CT (R) �sox�u. sexvtca co�+c� aausr nxsw�x� rou.owua� 7IANiIIIQG CO�"ION A STAPi+ L Hac the pcison/fitm ever wosted undcr a oonttact foi ttis depaxtment? YES N crvn. seavtc� co� _ � wa �/s,� Mr b«a a G� ��? �s x cB coMI�11� _ n«x rws pca��lum po�s a sk� nar oo�maus r� bs �r G�aent Gty empiopee7 YPS N RTS WfIICEI COUN(� 011IL�CIIVH7 Neigh Eglain att YES a�weca on a scpa:ate shcet and attxh_ UNCII, WARD(Sk 4 District Planaing Coonal 72 . NiT7A G PROBLEM, ISSU OPPOR o, What, When, Whero, hy : roject is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin collecting assessments to help pay for the roject. n . ame as above. ISAUVANTAGES IP APPROVED: enefitted property owners have assessments payable via property t�es. ISADV AGES IF 1VOT APPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. otal Amount of Transaction $ 18.483.48 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO $ 6,818.31 Water Utility Aid $ 11,665.17 Assessments unding Source Activity Number inancial Information: (Explain) 2 property ownexs wi11 he notified of the public heaxing and charges.