96-810�� �ity cf �t. Psul � R f � I �°�g,�` � RESOLURIC3N APPROV2.tiG A3S£Sut�tlT At� s � � �„r • :r : r., uuac ��:. v ti;v L s� �n. a G- 8 to a $Y a �'ile No. 18802 Assessment No._0621 'r�t � ward In the matter of tY:e assessment af heuefits, c�st ar,d e?�penses for 3 Cretin/Eayard Arsa Residential Street pavj.,ng Program. Preliminary Order 95-1262 �'inal Order 56-39 appraved 4ctober 18, 1995 approved January Z4, 1596 TY:2 assessment of ber�efits, casL and expenses for anti ir� aannectior. witY� tixe above improvement havinq been submitted to the Council, and the Cauncii having considered same ar�d faund the seid �ssessment gatisfactary, therefore, 1-re it RESOLVED� That the said assessment be and the same i.s hereby in ell respects approved. RESOLVBD FUR'1'E�R, That a gublic hearing be had on said asses�ment on the llth �ay of 8eptember, 1996, at the hour of Four thir�� �+r-1n�k p,��� �yi the Counci2 Chamber c,f the Lourt House and City Hall Buildinq, in the City af ot. Paul; tt�at tha V�luation and A.;sessment �nrineer give n�tice of said meetings, as required b} th2 Charter, stating in 9aid n�tiae the time and glace of hearinq, the nature of the improvemant, end the amouiit assessed agairist the lot ar lots of the particular owner t� whom the notice is directed. COUNNCILPERSON Yeas Nays Blakey Bostrom — P.�asew�!— � Uu ' erin ✓ri82i1S � ITY F8VGr' � ✓X�L�t�f1 O Yt��1Y1Gt Thune o C�b��� Adopted i�y the Council: DateCrt\� V ��q � �ertified Passed by Cauncil Serretary &Y �Yu.CG " `r`iByOY PUBLISNFn AUG - 31996 . . . ,;. - .. .. . . �� Public Hearing Date — September 11, 1996 RE 7-3-96 �� � F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: July 3, 1996 Green Sheet Number: 34235 EPAR'I.44'NT DIItECfOR 1 CIIY COUPICII. onffid Yerson and Phone Nwnber. �� RYATIOIWEY CiTYCLF,'EtK Peter White � 266-8850 UDCEI'DIIiECTOR . & MGT. SVC. DIIZ - YOR(ORASSiSTAi�7) ust be On CounCil A enda b: 7-24-96 Must be in Council Research Office by noon on Friday 7-12— OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUESTSD: 1.Set hearing date of September 11,1996, for ratification of assessments for the CRETIlVJBAYARD AIZEA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT - Finance File #18802 . Ratify said assessraents CONII.SECtDATIONS:APPROVE(A)ORRETECT(R) ERSONALSERt'ICECONTRACfSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINC: 1. flae the penoNMn evcr worked under a contrect for tfiL� deparhnent7 YES NO PGANNIMCCOMMISSIOR A STAFP . Aas this pecson/Lrm ever been a City employee? YES NO CML SERVICE COMMISSION + . Dces thls person/ifrm possess a sldll not normnlly poaseaud by aqy YES NO CIB COMMITiEE curnnt CYry empioyee? Ez lain aIl YES answen on a se arate sheet and attach UPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB.7ECTIVE7 Better & Safer Streets COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISIRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � r� INITIATING PROSLEM, ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY (�i"no, What, When, �Vhere, Why?): roject is nearing completion. Ratification is necessary to begin collection of the assessments to heip pay for the project. � VANTACESIFAPPROVED: ssessment amounts collected will help pay for the p�oject Caunc� F�s�arch Cent�r ISADVANTpGES IF APPROVED: � eneftted property owners w�ill have these assessments on their property records until they are paid. . ...� �_ ISADVAN'PACES IF NOT APPSOVED: dditional funding would have to be found to cover the amounts not collected tbrough assessments. Aiso, not to assess these benefits ould be iuconsistent with City PoGcy. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAGTION: $$']2 ,127.36 COSf/REVENUEBUAGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO UNDtNGSOURCE: Assessments ACriVIrYNUhtaE[t C96 IiYANCIAL LPIFORhZATION: (EXPLAIiV} Total Project Cost: 53�264�489.78 Misc. Funding: $2.392362.42 Assessments: $ 872,127.36 631 property ownezs will be notified of the public hearing and charges.