96-809�L �lty Gf 5t. D'all�. C?�1GI���,��. RESOLUTZON APPR4YIN6 A33ES�FiT AHI? F'IXZNG RII� OF F�EARSNG THEREON CCIR7CS,'_� FILE NO. �� o'[ � $ y � __�_�______— File No. 1$7I4 Assessment No. 0242 Vcti:a� — Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cast axid exner�see for 4 ConstructyQn ef a sanitarv aewer and seraiae connecti�r.s in Hunting Valley Road from Lroswell Ave. to approx. 4G0 feet south of L�esvrell Ave, Preliminary t7rder 93-12i4 approved September 3, 1993 Final Order 93-1388 �pproved_3eptember 22, 1993 The ssses�ment of Benefits, cost and expenses far and ir� cannection vritn the above improvement having heea submitted ta the rouncil, and the rouncil having considered sas�e and found the ssid assessment satiafactory, iherefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hareby in all ias�,ect� appraved. RS80LVED IR7R�R, T2 a pubiia riaaring k,e tiad or: said assessment an �l llth day of 3e�+tember, Ia96, at the Z201t7' af Four thirty o'clock P,M,, in the council i:hamber of the Court House and uity Hall �uilding, in tne Lity of St. Faul; that the valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice �if eaid meetinqs, as requireA Ly the Chsrter, stating in said notice the ti.me and place of iiearing, the nature oi the imgrc=rement, and the smaunt assessed againet the lot or lots �f the particular cw:Zar to whom the notice is directed. C�LfiiC2I,FERSON YEaa Na�s �Islskey Bestr�m — �� erin ✓xsrris ✓�Iegard �ettman � T une Abse��— b in �'a<ror �AcSeinst l 1`�bsex�� Ad��it�x� by the �`o�ar,ail: F,ate r�� `,� � l�.�j{ i;ertified Yassed by Cpuncii �eoretar� By y� �� hl�yc�� PUBIISUFr, AUG -3 i996 (�1.. _ on (1� Public Hearing Date - September 11, 1996 RE 7-3-96 �� OU �" FlSS - Heal 8state Division Date: 7-2-96 Green She� Nnmber: 34145 FPAKIMf�Ni' DIItECi'OR (S1Y COUNQL tad Ycaon and Piwnc Numbac .� (TIY AITORNLX QER% ..aua Peter White 266-8850 "" UflCH� DIRF?C1Y)R .& MCsr. SttG DIIi. YOR(ORASSIS�IN1) 1 Raeacdt ustboonComc�7Ageadabp.7-24-96 Must be in Council Research Office by noon on Friday 7-12-96 # OF S[GNAIVRH PAGES 1 (QIP AIL IACATIONS POR S7GNATVRL� cnox �uesrnn: Setting date of public hearing of the ratification of assessments for sanitary sewer in Hunting Valley Road. xo. �sna n� t�. m,�z RP.COM�ff+lIDA1ION5: API'ROVE (A) OR xuml'�' (R) rER.RSONAL SERVICE CONI'RAC1S MUSl'ANSK'ER SHF; FOId.OWING PIANNING COMMIS40N A STAPF L Has tlx peson/Cum evcr wrnted nnder a oonhact for t6is dcpaztmwt? YES N civu, s�xvice coae� _ t� c� �/� � t«a a ca �m�± � x c� wa�rtrB _ n«s r� �/� � e smu �ar m�t r� bs ffis (]unat Giy empSoyeeT yF4 N POIYiS WIIICH COUNCII.OBIF.GIIVHR Neigh i3iQlain all YES aoswca on a ceparna shcd aad atmcL, COUN(a, WARD(S): 4 District Planning Comal 72 NiTfA NGPROB , OP ORTU o, hat, When, Where, y: roject is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin collecting assessments to help pay for the roject. ame as above. 1SADVANTAGESIFAPP OVED: enefitted property owners have assessments payable via property t�es. ISADVANI'AGES NOTAPPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. otal Amount of Transaction � 5�,347.88 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO $ 28,381.47 PIA 1993 $ 27,966,41 Assessments unding Source Activity Number inancial Information: (Fxplain) S property ownexs w311 be noti£ied of the public heaiing and charges.