96-762Laid over an 5-26-96 to 7-3-96 City of St. Paul RESt3LURIQ+7 RATIFYING A3SE3SI�1�7T OR1G1�[,�L CGUNCIL FZI,E NO. -`�� a. Hy Fiie No. 595082 Assessment No._632b `dotir�g werd In thc matter of the assessment of bene£its, cast and eApenses €or 2 Reconstruction of sidewalk en bath sides victorie St. fram James A've. to Randalph Ave. Prelimi.nary order 95-63y approved_,7une 19, 5995 Fine1 Order 95-$82 approved August 2� 1995 59. A public hearing having been 2xsd upan the assessmant far the abcve improvement, and said aa�e3ament havinq been further cansidered by the Council, and havinq been considered finalZy satiefactory, therefore, be i*_ RES6LVES3, That t?he said assessment be and the �eme is hereby in all respects ratified. R880LV�D 8t7RTt�R, That th6 said $ssessment be and it i� hereby determinad to be p�yable itt tm t,r, 'r's� n v equal irzstallments. C�3[A@CILPER3tRd ]'eas Nayn V�g �Ba�tram �L- �rris � 8Y'u ✓P{ettmsn �J2'�uxi� { In Eavor �Ag?�inst Adopted 4y the Ccauncils Dat q( Ce�tif{e1 Fa�s?s L7y C�?tnci2 3ec ut�r $Y � I—�, /V`�� Nfayor Public Hearing Date - July 3, 1996 RE 6-27-96 ��i `��o a' DEPAp7MENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED N� 3 4 2 31 Finance De aitment/Real Estate 6-26-96 GREEN SH EE _. _ .- CONTACT PFASON & PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE O DFPARiTAEMDIqECfOR � CfiYCOUNqL Peter �11C0 266-8850 A�'M'N OCITYATfORNEY �CRYCLERK MUSr BE ON COUNCI� AG DA BY (DAT� NUYBER fOP O BUDGEf DIRECfOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Diq. LAID OVER BY R�� ONDEfl MpyOR(ORASSISTAPIT) Council Research COUNCIL ON 6-26-96 TO 7-3-96 0 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) AGTION qEQUESTED: At Council's request on 6-26-96 sidewalk reconstruction on both sides Victoria St. from .Tames Ave. to Randolph Ave. was laid over to 7-3-96. File No. 595082 RECOMMENDAnONS: Appmve (A) m Reject (R) PERSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANPIING OOMMISStON _ C{YIL SERVICE CAMM35SION t- �` th15 pefSONficm Evef Wofketl UntlEr d COnVaCt fOr thls dapartm¢nt? - __ CIB COMMITTEE _ �S NO 2. Has fhis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? __ STAFF — YES NO � DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Does this personHirtn possess a skill no[ normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORT£ WHICH CQLLNCIL O&1ECTNE? YES NO Esplain all yes anawers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet - INITIATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WhO. What, When, Where. Why): "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET"N0. 34141" AD�ANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: COl3d'dC� �f� $� JUN 2 7 1996 -- DIS ANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - �� -- � _ __._ __,.._,.,� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/FiEVENUE BUDGETED (CIFiCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXP�AIN) Public Hearing Date - June 26, 1996 YlIS - Reai Sstate Division xE 4-19-96 Date:_4-10-96 '��9 � —� c.a— Greeiu Sheet xnmtet: 3414y � - . . _ - -- . .- - . - FPARTMFXPDIRECI'�OR COUNCII. QY � P�v¢ and Plwoe Nambd .� -:- ATfORNLY. QiY QERg - . . - . ..�..a�_, , er White 266-8850 , � �� �-- DIRECDDR & MGI: SVG DIR. " YOR (OR AS9St'ANt) 1 UN((II.. RFSFAR(33 bemcmmlAgmastq 5-8-96 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Friday 4-26-9 OF 3GNANRL' <c� nu. r:ocax�otas roxscxnZVx� 1oxx���u ae[nag aace oi punuc nearing ior �uC raau,u,�,vu v. aa provements on ARBOR, ARMSTI20I�G, DI3KE, VICTORIA & VIEW. rb, ssw�s�o.si� n,�rr xo, mzsza-u-z�n APPROVE (A) OR RPJECP (R) IIPERSONAL SERVICE N[dING ODMI�S40N A STAFF Q. SERVICZ' C07�d COM�I'iFL :/ 1 Y �• 1��Y1��)�:!M�\%:1'7 WARD(Sx 2 DistuG Pfanning Couno7: 09 At�SWERTI�C Pl�T3.OR'It�IG Has tLe peaoa/fivn cvcr wa�ed under a mutec[ for t6is depaxtmeut? Has tha pcaon/fi� cxr beea a Gry cmpbpccY Dou 13�a petson/fi.� po�ess a sbll not n°rma1�9 P� b9 8 Q7 Gharnt 6ly cmpivpcc? all YES ansvca on a separate sheet and ariach u � is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin to collect assessments to help pay for tbe ect. as above. property bwners have assessments payable via property taxes. frwr�u�in�ra ar t�ua �arrn�vr.v: , , - • > not assess the benefiu would be incons�stent with C�ty pohcy. �.s. �$ . . ` . . „ - k � __ . . , . -- , >ta1 Amount'of Transacnon $ 35.054.95'�= `'Cost/Revenue Budgeted �YES_„ NO , -. . � _ _ _ .� � $ 18,353.53� PIA 1995 � � � � � � � �: � � � � � $ 16,701.42 �ASSESSMENTS . " � � � _ � �. = .,_ -- -. .. .,_ _ � - ~y.F mding Source - Activity Number � nancial Infoi�mation: (ExPlain) ' � _ y _ . .,- , -. �>.. . :: � -,._ �.�.�_. . 54� property owners will be `notified'��of thi �: 'public hearing and charges. "' " . . ,r _..... - � � � � � � , � \ � � � w o � o a 6 i � M F K W � M 2 N O z W a N N � O II O h � N II N z � . II p � N II N O � I� II I� N £ � O I� O � 6 � .I� . � 11 � L� C . (p 0 (A W O • �I C� F • 11 6 U • II 2 Q . 11 ¢ u p £ N � o 1- � O �O ^ � M N z � N M � � O • N K � �O it O • M H � F- U E a N LL W 6 W � vi Q P N K • • (O � N O 1- P z w � r U W � O K n x z � 0 0 W w E z �- ¢ o !n 2 � U W J C • S' � U' f- � Y 2 U 6 Q � 3 6 W N T M �- W \ 2 y N W £ £ � ' 6 W O 6'J� 7 � � O � O Q K 6� Z 6 N 6 Q £ � �+ U � 2 Y O y 3 N ca w � o �- O z O LL J 0 Y [O Y � O � r � .Z� a z � 2 O \ W � O � N V� � d • tA Y �+ M � O � 2�t00 fL � r+ p V 1 Y• 6 � F O H � � (n 6 3 � m � N P N N O .- w �O W V>(O � P C� > M 6 O� W Q N v� N O 2 . O Q � 2�6 u_ 6� 6 Vl J O � h X� W J Y1 O O Q� J O C N� �� O o z 2 Q� • O i £ Q K � 1-Q C U' � N O r� p� J 2• � O � P � � �t K � P 6 Yl O� M W� W Vl 1 OJ 2• Z� Y W O W� P 3 � �Oi-On. � O O � £Oln* R � o n o N 11 N . p . N 11 N n II n O II O • II � I� �- � I� � n II 11 11 I I N 11 J I� W 1� U 11 K 11 6 II 6 11 x II I- H 11 6 O II f I� w 2 II X O 11 W U 11 W 11 J O K 11 Q II F Y II O J I� r � Q 11 J 3 II r w II U tJ J �I W d' Q 11 � 6 �- II O 0. O 11 R' 1- II 6 � � ���� u� .��. i�;:� R.eal Estate Divisi�in Dapt. of Finar�ce & Managa�n# Serv. RSP4RT OF C{�g+L8T2�i 4F A3�g�T �'�UAICIL FILE Nr�, Fil� N.o. °05082 a L -`lc�a- Assesss�ent No. Q326 voting --- ;r.ard In thE mactsr of the assessu�ent of benefits, ao�t �nu espenses for c t`ceconsLrvction of siaewaiic on i�otn sides Victoria 5t. fr�,� . j�ra. t R4n.�a7�h �pa, Fr�lia�inary Order 95-6'3� apprGVed June t4, 1ya5 Fina2 �rder 35-88� anpre:�ed `Fo ±he Cc�ztnoil of the City of S+. Paul A�:�ue± �, 13taF The Vs3u�ti�n $nd �asa� En�in�er h?reb, Zegort� tc ttta r_.� ±}�ie r"�iloariny as s stsLemerit of the expenditures necessarily incnr:ed fc,r $I7d in cc:inection with the making of the abo�e i*aprove�sr.t, viz: Tctal canstruaticr. cost: Encxineering and Snspection Valu a, Assessment �ervi.ces Administration Char�e - Public Health Rs-Cneck Cnarge - Public Health Abatemerar ser�ice Ch�rge 52,54°.18 $ 769.75 S 77.32 S $ g T�TP.L Ef PESIDI2'LTP,ES $3, 391.2g Charqe To Impravement Aid 1995 $2,025.29 � � Net Assessment $1,365.96 said Valuetian anc� Assessmen_t Enaineer furt??er reperts tha*_ he has assessed an� ievied tne total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $ 1,35g.g5 , .ap�n a�,�h snd ev�r}r lot, part or parcel ef lend �eamed benefited by the said improves�ent, aad in tiie osse of each iot, part or parcel af land in accordance with *he benefi±s ac.ferred thareon; that tha said as�esam�nt has bean camnleted, and that hereto attached, identifi�d by the siGnature of the said ra2uataar: a;id Asaess�ent E:.g;,riee�, �nd ;.taue a�art hereof, is thz s�i� ass�ssm�.�t �� ccamglete� bv him, and which is herewith a�lbmit�ed to +he Council for s�ach Action �Y�erec,n as aiay be can-�iuer�c� �,r�per. Aated � � ` `-.'a? ation and As�es�ment Engineer