96-70�'������'',�i��, Council File # — / Q �reen Sheet # 3 a 4. S. 5 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By �.. —_---- Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 u Committee; Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Eloisa Echavez to serve on the YOUTfi FUND BOARD as an Adult Representative from City Council Ward 5. Eloisa Echavez shall fill the vacancy created by the resignadon of Gia Westermeyer and serve the remainder of this term. This term shall expire July 1, 1996. 11 12 13 14 Requested by Depaxtment of: B By: App? B Form Approved by City Attorney B � ' ``- f-/ � / Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � / I �: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary Coleman's 0£fice 6b-852 1-16-96 FOR �GG-�o GREEN SHEET N_ 32655 INfTIALlDATE Mff1AV0ATE — DEPARTAEM DIpECTOR � CITY CAUNCII C7TY AtTOANEY � CITY Cf.£RK BUDGEiDIflECfOR O FIN_ 8 MGT. SERWCES �IR. MAVOA (OA ASS�5TANT} � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALl IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ADr"� °' r` r -� r'""`me�� Eloisa Echavez to serve on YOUTH FAND BOARD, serving as Adu1t Representative of Gouncil Ward 5. She fills vacancy created by resignation of Gia Westermeyer and shall serve her unexpired term. w _. PIAtJNING CAMM(SSION __ CMt _ CIB CAMMIliEE _ _ _ STAPF _ _ __ DISTqICT �pURT _ _ SUPPORTS W!{ICH COUNCIL OBJECfIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/Firm ever worked under a conVact tor this tlepartmeM? YES NO 2. Has this person�rm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this perSOMirm possess a skill not normally possessetl Dy any current ciry empfoyee? YES NO ExD�ain all yea answers on sBDarate Sheat and attech to green Sheet � ^• ��'..`'we,i3 i:+.`�i . ,. � .�.� ... �•`,�'�u.,... , ,r. ��� � � ����3 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION FUNDIHG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPfqIN) COSi/REVENUE BUDGE7EU (C�RCLE ONE) YES AC7IYITY P7UMBER NO pERSONAL REFERENCES Y:ame Address: •�32 S /7iA/!C hq /I a.. " .. I�'nn 2ctD0�� � /��RJ cSS St6 ( . Phone: (Home) �2Z' �'�80 �aorx� 6Z�—Z��� e�c� 6Z(z � .� ; . , ,�� - : .. ,'-; _ _ ._ , . ., . . AdaieSS: /� � — c!' i Phone: CHome) � y8- �5•3 j� (Aork) Go �/S03 Name Addzess: N 0 Phon<: Iuone) 8�� �' Q�db.. _ -:A :.�.:;. <.3� 9— L� 6.j" Reasons �or your interest in this particular committee: � TPtI/.,i 62�'tv.e 7"h9� � h9r-¢_ c� (aT' !� Dt7-4�' f' �t:J Gom.r+��t2 a.na� ��7-t Gonl��v n}�3 l'in � �No7 Y'� le�n �itno�� f�r.,...� ,.-,.i .�.,�..i �i�i�. �a✓e.n.'�..�� t'! � ., --�e�r� . cv/` .yp.,>�„ ..Ctn d Go : 6c� c� !'GJPoir�iO�e.. Gd.�c4�i'.�nn� /¢.ao�Gf" Have you had previous contact vith the committae £oz wiiich you are making�applicati:on.• If so, when, and circumstances? . .�. ,- � ., ..� � _. ,. . ' , . . , , . In an attempt to ensure that cosmittee repxesentation =eflects the makeup oz our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is st. voluntarp. White (Caucasian) /� Hispanic S1ack"(African.American) . Asian or Pacific Islander• "' American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male . ." . . � Female ' Date o£ Birth: O/- aoz — 63 - ,Disabled:. : Yes = � No v � . � . � � If special accommodations are needed, please specifp. � Hov did pou hear about this openi.ng? �'� OFfiICE OF T8E MAYOR 390 CITY FiALL O,,,�' ATNT,PAIIL� MINNESOTA ` 55102� � . Y� 266-8526 Name: G�OiSOt. ; . G�RG�!/2Z �- � , L' � . . , , , 1 .. aome�aaeres5�: � %/�D � C.'KJ�tsq+ r�3��U��''�.'� . .. 94-?° LL ��auG" sr t ��'*r. �';F;; � , Street i./ City ' • '- Zi _ ,.,��.. � ��- -. . . . , a. . - er�;. . . -- • --- P Telephone Humber:� (Home) �i¢.S- ��od.� (Aork? �D-�/6J0 PlannSng District� CrnmciL• ' �0 ^ Citp Council Aard: � Preferred 2iai2ing Address:' sarrlL Ahat is your ocaupati Place df�Employment:,, Co�__�_e(s� epplie� �o_. � _ . :�. :,� -_ Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess £or tha co�ittee(s) for vhich pcu seek a po-intm nt? . 1 r / /� �.) �?���.�....���� .Ji�/ �'/¢!�'�f� u7- �v/"!A'+q j i� . ' ./`_t's'_"'� a�1� � ,� --- �—�-'�-.`— - � J G 69�,� - _ � F�X ,t The ixifo=matian iucluded ia this appli �[inn esota Govezment Data Practzces Act tfie general public. 01� : -o,✓n.a R.,d ym.s�! ,sv.sswsiy^ P� %?•�:rnu� ion is considered private data accordi.ng to the As a result, this information is not =eleased to �•x• Rev. 8-15-90 q�_?o Interdepartmantal Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAi TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Bino Guerin Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember Janice I2ettman Alberto Quintela � Darlyne Monow ' .....,. ,,.�, , z�. �+'�}�.�. _._.,,_. , , s�=•; ,,..e�e .% .. ?as;� - -- � . .; FROM: DATE: 17�ii 7anuary 16, 1996 � 0 1; �•' 1 -'' 1 1 1 Mayor Caleman has recommended the appointment of Eloisa Echavez to serve on the Youth FY�nd Board as an adult representative of City Council Ward 5. Ms. Echavez shall fill the vacancy created by Gia Westermeyer's resignation and fill this unexpired term. This term will expire on 7uly 1, 1996. A copy of the resolution recommending Ms. Echavez' appointment is attached. Also attached is a copy of Ms. Echavez' application. If you have any quesfions, feel free to call me at 266-8529, or Darlyne at 266-8525. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this appointment. AQ:drm Attachment cc: Eric Thompson