D00445Whrte — CftY Cierk Pink — Finanee Dep[. Canary — OePt. GITY OF SAI1lTT I�AUL OYk'I(iE OF THE MAYOR C� ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER I3i'IX:ET' KF,t7S[O\ No: ��u5 bate: � — I � :�DJILZ75�1I2.��� �)�EI2, Consistent with the authonty granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the req e t of the Director of the Department of EXeCUtiVe AdIDiniStTation to amentl the 19 �� budget of the General fund. the Directo: of the Department of Finance and Management Services is author'�zed to amend said butlget in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Change Bu� • CJ Executive Administration Office of License, Inspections g Environmental Protection GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL GL 001-00170-0162 001-00171-0111 001-00171-0162 001-00175-0111 001-00177-0162 001-00170-0857 001-00171-0856 001-00171-0857 001-OOI75-0857 001-00176-0857 Prepared by: Activity Mangger Reserve for Promotions Full Time Permanent Reserve for Promotions Full Time Permanent Reserve £or Promotions Data Processing Hardware Data Processing Software Data Processing Hardware Data Processing Hardware Data Processing Hardware ����� `� �� Requestea by: Department direc[or 15,345 147,099 fi,760 474,427 18,005 13,500 11,652 8,450 5,150 4,800 705,188 ( 9,150) ( 4,490) ( 6,760) (29,500) [ 5,675) 8,003 10,199 31,622 1,652 4,099 0 6,195 142,609 0 444,927 12,330 21,503 21,851 40,072 6,802 8,899 705,188 � ' � ed by: Mayor /�?'A.G-�� v � _ 1-tl -�j Date Executive Administration :T PEFiSON & PHONE Janet Odalen 266-911I TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES \TE INRM7ED "" `� T�O � Q 7 O� ia/3o/s¢ GREEN SHEET ''' _ iNmnwnre � iNmwoa� � DEPARTMENT OIqECfOR O CIN COUNCIL SS�GM ' CffYATfORNEY , O CITlCLERK iUIYBEp FOR ',O�q� BUDGET DIFiECTOR �� FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ��� MAYOP(ORASSIST n ' (CCIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGHA'FUR� Approva2 of 1994 budget revisions, RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or RejaQ (Fi) CIV0. SEFiVICE _ CIB COAIMR'TEE _ . _ STSifF _ . _ DIS7AICT COURT _ . SUPPOiYB WHICH COUNGL O&IECTIVE7 PERSONAL SERVtCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER Tl1E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contraCt for ihis tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this perwn/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/ffrtn pwssess a skill not nortnalty possessed by am/ current Gty employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on saparate sheet enA attaeh to green aheet WITNTINGPHOBLEM.ISSUEOPPE1RiUNfTY1W1q.WhetWheRWhe�e.WhY): _._ � There is_a_shortage in the 1994 LIEP Genera2 Furid Budget (8Q0's Eqmt-Land-Bldgs.) dae to the purchase of Personal Computers and Up-Grading of existing Persona3 Computers as recommended by the LIEP Process Redesigt Steering Committee. There are suf£icient excess dollars from the 100's Salaries '£unds to cover the shortage. This Administrative Order will balance the 1994 LTEP General Fund Budget. The 1994 LIEP General Fund Activity budget will be in balance. NONE RECEIVED JAN -131995 c��r .e���x The 1994 LIEP General Fund Activity budget will' not be in balance. � OFTRANSACTION 5 FUNDIHO SOURGE FINANCWL INFORbAT10N: (EXPlA1N)� COST/HEYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) ACTIVITY NUMBER YES , NO �