D00443CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: 17(��1�?j � City Clerk BUDGET REVISION Date: �- j3-C�F� Finance S Dept. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granYed to Yhe Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Planning 8 Economic Developmerrt, to amend the 1994 budget of the Community Development Block Grant Fund. The Director of the Department of Finance Management Services is authorized !o amend said budgef in the following manner: Current Amended Budget Chanqe Budget Single Family Rehabilitation P6-100-3781 2-0581-61 273 $9,838,811.06 ($300,000.00) $9,538,811.06 P6-100-37801-0551-61140 $560,000.00 $500,000.00 , . TOTALS $10,398,817 _06 $0.00 $10,398,511.06 • � c` ��� U`�" Approve y: yor �-tt-�s Date � � � � � � � � � � � ����°� Z�9580�� � DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNpL DATE INITIpTED ' r�n Graats rs��a �z,�9�9s, GREE T� �� �� � � CANTACF PERSON & PHONE , � � INHi6C,l ' � � , ' INI7IALIOATE � DEPaHTMENT D1flECiOq tl�� n CIT1'COUNCIL , � on Ross 6-6692 "�'�'' ?**o��'' �ci*rc�AK � xureEawa- —�-q— 3T BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BY (DATE} , R�n� BUD6ET bIRECTOR� O FlN. &'MGT. BEflY10ES DIR. N/ A� � OROER O EAAYOR IOR ASSIS �' CO�Y� � CO R � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PpGES i (CLIP �ALL LOCATONS� FOR StGNATURE), ' , �neA � ACiION�REQUESTED: � _ � ' � � � , , � , ' , , , , Approv,aL of the attached Budget Reyision whicit iucreases'funding for'the Selectiive ' CTearance Program. " , " RE�MMENDATIONS: Appmva �A) or Rejech (R) ' , pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLOWINCa QUESTONS: _ PLANNING COMMIS510N �_ qVIL SERVICE COMMI$$ION �� H85 tl1i3 pEf5oNfifin eVef Wofked uMec�a COtrtfaC[ fof ihis depefhneM? � ' , � _CIBCOMM�77EE YES . �NO � ,',� ' , � � ' . ' �� _ � , — � - � 2 Has this person/firm ever 6egn s city empbyee? ' , � , ' � , , — �YES NO ' , � � � �� _ DISTRIG7 CoUFli —, 3. Does this�. Person/firm possess a,skill rrot'nortnaliY Possessed b�/ any,wrreM ciry employee,? � SUPPORTSWNICHCWNClLO&IECTIVE7 � YES . ' NO - ' ' ' Explain�all yas answers on separete sheet antl'attach M,green sheet , , INI7IATING PpOBLEM. ISSUE, OPPOFiTUNITV (Who. What, When. Where. WhY): , � , ' , ' ; , ' „ , , ' , , Selectioe Clearance, which is an approved 'ac^tivity af t`h'e Single Family I�ehaBilitation, P=ogram, needs additional funding. This revisLon,modes fundi.ng,;£=om tlie Singl'e Family. '�Prograni to tHe Selective Clearance Project cotie. ��� VANiAGESIFAPPflWED: , , ', ' , ' , , � . , ' ' , There wi11 be faading available for Selective CI'earance Activities. „ " DISADVANTAOESIFAPPHOVED: ' ' ' ' . ' � ' � , , None ' � , ' , � ,; , , ', ' � �ECE�u�a � � JAPt � 13 199,5� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � CfTY CLERK� � � � � � � � � � � � . ' ' DISAOVpNTAGESIFNOTAPPHWF-C): ' �. , ' ' � ' , . ' There cviil be no funding,for Selective Clearance, ActiqiXies: � �'„ � , � � � {J��� , � TOFAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACYION S 30�0 , OOO � COST/R�YENUE BtIDGE'�ED (CIRCLE ONE) � � YE$ �' NO � �, Fulvoiwc souncE ��B� � ncnvirr�NUeneER p6-100-378D'I-Q551-61�40 '��,, �, FINANqAL INFOFMATION: (B7WL.AIN) . ' , ' .� � "' ' , .,. � . � , , � ,. . � , . .. , „ . , . ., 1�'„ i ,�,i t.l.:., i ,_ . ,i .,