96-67Councii File # f — R�so�uTtoN OF, SAINT PAUL, MtNNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # � Committee Date WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Public Library loses thousands of dollars every yeaz in unpaid library fines and in unreiurned books; and WI3EREAS, county library systems are able to collect unpaid fines and the value of unreturned books through the use of the State of Minnesota collection procedures through the "Revenue Recapture AcP', Minnesota Statutes, Section 270A; and WHEI2EAS, under Subdivision 2 of that Act, a"claimant agency" is defined as: ". .. any state agency, as defined by section 14.Q2, subd. 2, the regents of the University of MinnesoYa, any district court of the state, any county, any statutory or home rule charter city presenting a claim for a municipal hospital, a hospital district, any public agency responsible for child support enforcement, any public agency responsible for the collection of court-ordered restitution, and any public agency established by general or special law that is responsible for the administration of a low-income housing program."; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul would be able to utilize the Revenue Recapture Act to collect thousands of dollars in unpaid fines and unteturned materials if municipalities were permitted the same access as county governments; �t�-�( -2- 'II3EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul urges the State of Miimesota to pass legislation that would permit wider use of the Revenue Recapture Act by municipalifies, specifically to allow the recapture of unpaid library fines and unreturned properties; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to the city of Saint Paul's Legislative Delegation and the Governor of the State of Minnesota. Requested by Deparhnent of: [l'� App. � � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] C�� Adopted by Council: Date ,� r� o � \ � Adoption Certified by Council Se etary q� -��7 N� Za2oo GREEN SHEET �umm mnrc — INTAUDATE � DEPAFtTMENT DIRECTOR O CfTY COUNdL __ a CITYATfORNEY � CITYCI.ERK O BUOGEf DIRECTOfl � FlN. & MCaT. SERVICES DIR. � MAYOFi (Oli ASSISTANT� � _ TOTA� # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL '"" � Urge the I�gislature to amend Minnesota Statutes, Section 270A. BEGOMMENDAT10N5: Apprwe �A) ar Reject (F) _ PIANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITiEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOUflT _ SUPPORTS WHIGH CAUNCIL O&IEGTIVE? PEFiSONAL SERVICE CONiRACTS MUST AHSWER THE FOLIOWING �UESTIONS: t. Has this personRirm ever worketl untler a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever 6een a city employee? YES NO 3_ DoeS this person/firm possess a Skill nOt normalty possessed 6y any curren[ ciry employee? YES NO Ezplain all yes a�swers on a¢parate sheet and attech to grae� sheet Where, Why�: County Library systems are able to collect fines through the Revenue Recovery Act--the City of Saint Paul is noi. I£ the Legislature approves, we will have a better method of collecting fines. None .. .e� d. N��� *�i is�.�f�€�o .lAN l ! i�96 Continued lost revenue. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ FUNDIfdG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLA�N) COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO AC71VIiY NUMBER