96-6621.�� � LJ4 �f 1� Council File # � � Green Sheet # RESOLUTION 41WT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Committee c � RESOLVED, that the license of Rick D. Schmoll, Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota be revoked effective 1995 license fees. 1, This Resolution and the action taken above April 2, 1996 Notice of Complaint letter to the lic that he does not dispute the facts, and ch argu�i� Council at the public heazing. � ,f i� 0 �� �� ��� � �� _k �ti �� �e,� � Dairy Queen, 280 W. 7th , for failure to pay based uon the facts contained in the e, and the admissions of the licensee as may haue been presented to the Requested by Department of: L �.���L �% i Adopted by Co il Adoption Cert fiec By: Approved by Mayor: By: . Date Form Approved by City Attorney by Council Secretary $�,: -�����, � � � —.�o�. ;J Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: `1G-G��, �c� D S/31/96 GREEN SHEE �° _35705 CqN7AGT PERSON & PHONE INITIAL/DATE iNR1AUDATE � DEPAFiMElR OIRECTOR � GIN GOUNCIL Nancy Anderson ��N �CffYATfORNEY OG�TYGLERK NUYBER FOP MUST BE ON COUOICiI AGENOA BY (OAT� p��� � BUOGET OIREGTOR � FlN. 8 MGL SE0.VICE$ DIR. June 12 , 1996 °"DE a MAYOR (Ofl ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE PAGES (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREJ AGTON REQUESiEO: Concerning adverse action against licenses held bp Rick D. Schmoll, dba Dairy Queeen, 280 West 7th Street. (Uncontested) RECOMAIENDATIONS:Approve(A)orAejact(iry PEflSONALSERVICECONTqACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMiS510N __ CNiL SEqVICE COMMiSS1ON �� Has this j1e�SOn(firm ev2f wolk0d ufltler a COntf2Cl tOt this depefl1118M? � _ C�B COMMffTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICTCOURT _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a sk�ll not normall y possessed by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPoRTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explafn ell yas anawero on separete aheet and attacM to gteen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPaRTUNITV (WM, Whet. When, Whare, Why). ADVANTAGES 1F APPROVED: DISpOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �PJi3�iC� . ��t . , �� JU�d (�� ���� �. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: - � -� – ' - ^ -- -� �-. TOTAL AMQUNT QF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANGAL INPORMATION: (�P��N) OFFICE OF TF� CITY ATTORNEY Timothy E Marz, Ciry Attorney ��-��a CITY OF SAINT PAUL Nornr Coleman, Mayor May 28, 1996 Civil Division 400 Ciry Ha11 IS YGest Kellogg Blvd. Saint P¢u7, M'unesow 55101 NOTICE OF AEARING Rick D. Schmoll Dairy Queen 280 7th Street West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Re: Licenses of Schmoll, Rick D License ID No. 16980 Dear Mr. Schmoll: d/b/a Dairy Queen Telephane: 671266-8770 Facsfrnile: 612 248-56I9 Please take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday June 12, 1996 in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed are copies o£ the proposed resolution and other documents which wi11 be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts contained in the reports concerning the failure to pay 1995 license fees has been admitted. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to presenC oral andfor written remarks as to the penalty, i£ any, to be imposed. The recommendation of the license office will be for revocation of the license. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, `� ��� J ��-� Virg ia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Gary Pechmann, Deputy Director, LIEP Laurel Severson, President, West Seventh/Fort Road Federation, 376 St Clair Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102 Betty Moran, Community Organizer, West Seventh/Fort Road Federation, 974 W. Seventh St., St. Paul, MN 551�2 ��-��a _ _ UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING_ Licensee Name: Rick D. Schmoll d!b/a Dairy Queen Address: 280 7th Street West Councii Hearing Date: June 12, 1996 Violation: Failure to Pay 1995 License Fees Date: 1995 Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Revocation of license Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. Letter of licensee or attorney 3. Notice of Yiolation 4. License information 5. 1995 License Fee information ��_��� �1 �k SGffMdGL _ _ - - - 7 �D � t� 7��� _ -_--� S��-U c- � �5 J D Z f--�---- - - - - 2�_2=_�ZS_? r , --------- � !��Z-- -- - -=��`-�=_Gt��l� � � - -- -� � � _ � - ---- P L� { � y - �l �- - - -� � - -- - -- -�_�- ��-�--- F. Y � O A. ._. � _�"__ � OFFICE, OF THE CITY ATTORNEY Timothy yarx, QryAtrorney CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ NoLm Co(ers�n, Mayor April 2, 1996 Rick D. Schmoll Dairy Queen 280 7th Street West Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Cn'il D'n�ision 400 Ciry Hall _ , I S Yi'est Ke!logg Bh•d Saint Pou1, Minnesata 55101 Re: Licenses of Schmoll, Rick D. d/b/a Dairy Queen License ID No. 16980 Dear Mr. Schmoll: 9�-��a Teleph one: 612166-8 i IO Facsimite: 611298-5619 I am in receipt of information that could lead to adverse action against all your licenses. The basis for adverse action is: License fees due on March 15, 1995, for which invoices have repeatedly been sent to you have not been paid. And as of March 12, 1996, you have failed to respond to tags issued on July 24, 1995 and September 25, 1995 for non- payment of fees. This constitutes grounds for the revocation of your license. If you do not dispute the above facts, this matter will be scheduled before the City Council for a hearing on what penalty, if any, to impose. You will be allowed to speak on your behalf at that hearing. I will need to have a letter from you saying that you do not dispute the facts if we are going to follow that path. On the other hand, if you dispute the above facts, I will schedule the evidentiary hearing on the facts before an Administrative Law Judge. In that event, you will receive a notice of hearing so you will know when and where to appear, and what the basis for the hearing will be. In either case, you should contact me within five days from the date of this letter. If I do not hear from you, I will schedule the evidentiary hearing, and you may be responsible for the costs of the hearing if you do not then appear and contest the facts. Please call me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, Q.'?�n � �! � Philip K. Miller Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Ressler, Director, LIEP Gary Pechmann, Deputy Director, LSEP g�_ ��a� STATE OF MINNESflTA ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICS BY MAIL COUNTY OF RAMSEX ) JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on April 3, 1996, she served the attached LETTER on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereo£ in an envelope addressed as follows: Mr. Rick D. Schmoll Dairy Queen 280 7th Street West Saint Paul, MN. 55102 (which is the last known address of said person) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at St. Paul, Minnesota. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of April, 1996. �/���b.G_�✓ //! - /��4�.�✓ G�-c�. Notary Public � RITA M. BOSSARD � NOTAHY PUBLIC-MINNESOTA RAMSEY �U3 �` _.. Mycomm.Expi Lic ID ................... STAT ..................... Business Name.--........... Address .................. Zip ...................... Doing Business As........ License Name ............. Exp Date ................. Insurance Carrier........ Ins. Policy Number....... Insurance Effective Date. Ins. Expiration Date..... NOTE AREA ................ Tax Id ................... Worker Comp Exp Date..... Telephone ................ 16980 RS SCHMOLL, RICK D 280 7TH ST W 55102 DAIRY QUEEN RESTAURANT (A)- 03/15/95 ZERO-12 SEATS ��-��ro� INSPECTOR CHANGE FROM RICH TO DENVER - 1/6/92 WORK PHONE # 292-9752 HOME PHONE # 722-2881 041394 CF 94-442 RESOLUTION CONFIRMING ADVERSE ACT ION REGARDING FAILURE TO PAY C OF O FEES ANB PLACI NG CONDITIONS ON THE LICENSE. 4952974 O5/O1/93 224-8546 Press 'C' to continue, 'P' to print, or `R' to redisplay... Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSE7] ° PRINT OFF ° March 27, 1996 TO: Ginger PalmerlCity Attomey FROM: � Christine RozekU.IEP Deputy Directorl,`�� License ID #16980 - Dairy Queen 9�-��a The license at 280 W. 7th Street, Rick D, Schmoll DBA Dairy Queen, has again become delinquent. As per the attached documentation, Mr. Schmoll's license payment was due 3/I S/95. He has been invoiced 10 times for that license fee, and now owes a total amount of $302.00. Rich Jents has issued tags for nonpayment on 7/24/95 and 9/25/95, but has received no response from Mr. Schmoll. The disposition of these tags is unknown. Mr. Schmoq has a history of not paying his C of 0 on time and has a restriction on his license based on his C of O delinquency in Saint Paul. A copy of the iicense restrictions is aitached. Mr. Schmoll continues to ignore his obligations and leaves us no choice but to begin revocation action against his license. CARJjI cc: Robert Kessler/LIEP Director Rich Jents2IEP Kris Schweinler/LIEP Dave Bergman/Fire Accounts Receivable Update Screen Date: Mar 12 License ID: 16980 T�n: 1=1�'ew 2=Trans O� 3=Add1 4=Trans Loc D.B.A.: DAIE2Y QUEEN Lic.Ex.IJf: 031595 Bus-I�'ame: SCHMOLL D RICK Min.Tu�.Id: 4952974 Bus-Address: 280 W TTH ST ST. PAUL 55102 Ho1d.Dafe: Code Unit Lic.Amt Fee Paid Pfd T�n License Descripfion 1:2479 Ol 201.00 0 RESTAURANT (A)- ZERO-12 SEATS 2: s: — � — — �i . w 4: — – – �! •�.,°� _�n / ' For all Amount, enter "22.22" for "$22.22"1 ��''`�a �� ) License: 0 First Invoice Last Additional Appl Fee: Date:01] Penalty Fee: $101.00 Pen 1:02219 Total Amount Due: $302.00 Add Z:1: Total Amount Paid: $0.00 Df: 3:110' Computed Amt.Due: $302.00 4:10 Fire: 0 Zoning: 0 Food: 0 2: q��GG � � {�S (/G'( � Data entered will update A!R fiie and license information on BUS.LIC.FII.E only. �� is� r,� /� ,-SS �� �/� �,s'/L0�3 �/�9S` � 1 2`� j/ G/Ge�f / S S v�`C� �5/,S �� �'s� (l/Do � ��o ��.�- � ��� � � �� 3� ���o Accounts Receivable Update Screen Date: Mar 12 License ID: 16980 Trn: 1=I�'ew 2=Trans O�ner 3=Add1 4=Trans Loc D.B.A.: AAIRY QUEEN Lic.FY.Dt: 031595 Bus-Name: SCHMOLL D RICK Min.TaY.Id: 4952974 Bus-Address: 28� VF' TTH ST ST. PAiTL 55102 HoId,Aate: Code Unit Lic.Amt Fee Paid Ptd Trn License Description 1:2479 Ol 201.00 0 RFSTAURANT (A)- ZERO-12 SEATS 2. - 3: — - - 4: — - - For all Amount, enter "22.22" for "$2232" ,, License: 0 � Fust Invoice Last Payment Additional Appl Fee: Date:011795 r� D�Ye� Penalty Fee: $101.00 Pen S:0 Total Amount Due: $302.00 Add Total A.mount Paid: $0.00 Dt: i Computed Amt.Due: $302.00 2: . ;{�; �. ✓.- �: s ire: u .. �. d Zoning:0 4 Food:O ��- �G � _ c �-�� s Data entered will update A/R file and license information on BUS.LIC.FILE only. Accounts Receivable Update Screen Date: Mar 12 License IB: 16980 Trn: 1=A'ew 2=Trans Okner 3=Add1 4=Trans Loc D.B.A.: DAIIiY QUEEN Lic,F.�c.Dt: 031595 Bus-Name: SCHMOLL D RICK Dtin.Tax.Id: 4952974 Bus-Address: 280 W TTH ST ST. PAi7I, 55102 Hold.Date: Code Unit Lic.Amt Fee Paid Pfd Tm License Descripfion 1:2479 01 201.00 0 RESTAUBANT (A)- ZERO-12 SEATS Z. — 3: � — — a:� — - - � v � � � Ror all A,mount, enter "22.22" for "52232" License: 0 First Invoice I.ast Payment Additional Appl Fee: Date:011795 y • Fire: 0 PenaIty Fee: $101.00 Pen 9:05089 ��� Total Amount Due: $302.00 Add 10:04069 LiS� c. Printed Zoning: 0 Total Amount Paid: $0.00 Dt: 11: On: 1:060994 Food: 0 Computed Amt.Due: $302.�0 12: 2: qG���a ��1PS Dafa entered �ill update A/R file and license information on BUS.LIC.FII,E only. RESTRICTIONS SCREEN DBA:DAIRY QUEEN Date: Mar 25 LICENSE ID: 15980 �l, � � G� NOTE: 1:041394 CF 94-442 PLACES THE FOLLOWING RESTRICTIONS 2: ON THIS LICENSE AS A RESULT OF AN ADVERSE HEARING 3:1. THE LICENSEE SHALL FURNISH THE OFFICE OF LICENS 4:E, INSPECTIONS, AND ENVIR02dMENTAL PROTECTION AND T 5:HE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL WITHIN 10 DAYS FOLLO 6:WING NOTICE OF THE ADOPTION OF THIS RESOLUTION, HI 7:S TRU AND CORRECT HOME ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE Ni7NBE 8:R, AND THAT AE SFiALL THEREAFTER INiPIEDIATELY NOTIFY 9: BOTH OFFICES OF ANY CHANGES IN ADDRESS OR TELEPHO lO:NE NUMBER WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER ANY SUCH CHANGE. FA i1:ILURE TO DO SO WTLL BE GROIINDS FOR ADVERSE ACTION 12:AGAINST THE LICENSE. 13:2. THE LICENSEE SFiALL PROVIDE TO THE CITY COUNCIL 14:AND TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITHIN 30 15:DAYS FOLLOWING NOTICE OF THE ADOPTION OF TAIS RESO RESTRICTIONS SCREEN LICENSE ID: 16980 DBA:DAIRY QUEEN NOTE:I6:A'��e ne �io 1 . . .. 17:CTION OF, OR A COURT APPEARANCE ON, MISDEMEANOR CI 18:TATION I30. 0-53145. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL BE GROLSN 19:DS FOR ADVERSE ACTION AGAINST THE LICENSE. 20:3. THE LICENSEE SHALL PAY THE REQUIRED INSPECTION 21:FEE WITHIN 60 DaYS AFTF?2 PKY FUTURE INSPECTION OF 22:THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL OF DEPARfiMENT OF FI 23:RE AND SAFETY SERVICES� SHALIy COMPLY WITHIN AND CO 24:MPLETE ALL CORRECTIVE ORDERS BY SUCH FIRE MARSHAL 25:OF DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES WITAIN 3 26:0 DAYS AFTER NOTICE AND RECEIPT OF CORRECTIVE ORDE 27:RS.FAILURE TO DO SO WILL BE GROUNDS FOR ADVERSE AC 28:TION AGAINST THE LICENSE. 29• 30: Date: Mar 25 f ��7I�7 Business License Screen License I.D. 16980 . Applicant Name SCHMOLL First Name RICK Addr (� Name Type Dir Un) 280 7TH City State Zip ST. PAUL Billing Name Addr (# Name Type Dir Un) _ City State Zip MN 55102 Building Name Building Name D.B.A. DAIRY QUEEN Picture Needed Lic Exp Date Tax ID 4952974 Ward Phone Number ` 2248546 Insp O1 RICH Dealer Number Effective Date Mail License to Bill Address? (Y/N) Enter "00000" to generate a new LICENSE ID 0 Date: Mar 25 ��-GG� ST W 031595