96-632i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 QRI��� `r� � , `x '� : c i „ Presented 8y Referred To �� Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City Walk Pazking Ramp (the "Ramp") is owned by City Waik Ramp Partnership who proposes to sell the Ramp to St. Paui Properties, Inc.; and WHEREAS, the cunent ownership of the Ramp is financed through the issuance of St. Paui Pozt Authority tax exempt revenue bonds; and WHEREAS, as a condition to the retention of the tax exempt status of the bonds issued a portion of the parking space in the Ramp has been dedicated to public parking; and WHEREAS, in connection with the eazlier acquisition, development and operation of the Ramp, the Port Authority, City and I3RA have entered into various written agreements pertaining to the reservation of public pazking space in the Ramp; and WHEREAS, the only requirement for the reservation of public parking space will ternunate upon redemption of the tax exempt revenue bonds issued in the financing of the Ramp; and WHEREAS, bond counsel for the Port Authority for said bonds has issued its opinion stating that upon payment of the remaining bonds issued in connection with the Ramp, the public pazking requirement will terminate; and WHEREAS, the current buyer, St. Paul Properties, is asking for confirmation and acknowledgment of the HRA, City and Port Authority that there are no other remaining agreements, covenants, conditions or restrictions crearing or requiring public pazking in the Ramp; RMENOEO �����q6 Council File # 9G -�3 Green Sheet # 3� RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA i 2 3 4 5 6 7 9�_ G3� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of St. Paul that the suuunary agreement and estoppel letter in form as approved by the City Attomey aze hereby approved and the proper City officers are authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of St. Paul. tional �'�������.� contract or three 1 provide 30 spaces to satisfy the il the earlier of the creation of the da[e hereof. June 12. 1999. � Department of: °�- �COi�amA:a C Form�Approved by City Attorney By: � Approved by Mayor: Date Z 16� BY: �-� �� � B �� -�-�- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: j� ` Adopted by Council: Date � ` Adoption Certi£ied by Counci Secretary �I�-G3� OEPYIF7MENT/.�FFICEJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED � L .� '✓ ! GREEN SHEET ' P.E.D. June 4 �.9 INRIAVDkTE � INRIAWATE CONTACT PEASON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIFiECTOR � CITY COUNQL Jim O'Leary 266-6643 N�B�FQR OcmarroaNev oCITYCLERK MUS7 8E ON CAUNGIL AGENDA BY �DA7� p0U'fiNG � Bu�'� DiRECSOFl � FlN. & MGL SERV7CE5 DIR. ONOEfl � MpVOR (OR ASSISTAN� � dune 12, 1996 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PACaES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION RE�UESTEO: Approval to eaecute a Su�a.ry Agreement and Estoppel Letter for Saint Paul Properties, Inc. in connection with the purchase bp Saint Pau1 properties of the City Walk Bamp. FiECOMMENDATIONS: ApprO"e (A) or RejM (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PL4NNING COMMISS�ON _ CIVIL SERVICE COMM�SSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract fo� this department? _CIBCOMMITTEE _ VES NO 2. Has this personHirm ever been a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRICTCOUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CqUNGI OBJECTiVE? YES N� Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and ettach to green aheet 1NITIATING PPOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfN (Who. What, When, Where, Why): Saint Paul Properties, Inc.(St_ Paul Companies) is in the process of purchasing the City Walk Ramp:,r Certain conflictions requiring the availability of public parking in the ramp egist due to Port Authority Revenue Bonds issued to the present owners and certain Taritten agreement i.n connection with the acquisition, development and operation of the ramp by the City, Port Authority and ffi2A. The public parking requirement will terminate upon the redempfion of the Bonds. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. Saint Paul Progerties will he ahle to provide pa=king for their company in downtown Saint Paul in their own facility., DISADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVEO: None {�'�lS�k �:���5�9 ���d JUEv � � ��5� _ ._._---- �-----�- ° �`- - � DISAPVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' � Sale of City Walk Ramp will not take place. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTfON S N� COSTlREVENUE 9UDGE7E0 (CIRCIE UNE) YES NO FUNUIfiG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORIfiATION� (E%PlA1N) °t�-�3a Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota June 12, 1996 item 7 �`� Saint Paul Properties/City Walk Parking Ramp Resolution 96 - ;.�,�,� �� act p�rkinQt' �_'2 k� E.R,�.�., �, ..�.,�:�. �:� � =� . _ ��, 1�.:..� _ � � ��...,�.,,_ t �, t �`t°l . � R . �1 � - � l►� 19 c. , ° 1(. • G �3 �. •» > (c�rr vvn�.ic Pawar� wuu�� s/s/ss THIS AGREEMENT, made as of the _ day of May, 1996, by and among THE HOUSING AND REDEVELAPMENT AUTHORITY OF 7HE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a puWic body corporate and polftic organized and e�dsting under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("HRA�, THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUI, a pu6lic 6ody co�rate and poliUc organlzed and e�sting under the laws of the State of Minnesota ('YWthorit�, TIiE CITY OF SAINT PPJJL, a Minnesota muntcipai corporation ('City'j, ST. PAUL PROPERTIES, INC., a Delavrare corporation (`SPP') and CiTY WALK tiAMP PARTNERSHIP, a Minnesota generai partnership ('PaRnership'. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Partnership is the fee owner of that certain reai property in Ramsey CouMy, Minnesota legally desc� on Euhi it A attached hereto ('Land�, whlch Land fs imprared wlth a multi-Ie�rei 502-car parking ramp known as the Ciry Walk Parking Ramp (`Ramp') (with the Land and Ramp sometimes hereinafter collectively referred to as the 'ProjecY); WHERE4S, the land was ortgtnally acquired by the HRA prior to 1980 for redevelopment purposes; WHEREPS, the HRA conveyed the Land to TGA, inc., a Minnesota corporation ('De�ioper') on December 30, 1980, subJect to tfie obligation of Dereloper to complete the consiruction of certain improvements, including without fimitation tfie Ramp, on the tand; WHEREAS, in 1981 the Authorfty issued its tax-exempt revenue bonds to finance the construction aF the Ramp which was then subleased to the Ciry of St. Paui ('1981 Bonds'), which 1961 Bonds v�re refunded in 1984 with the Authoritys $4,125,000 Serles 1984-t Refunding ReHenue Bonds ('1984 Bonds') which 1984 Bonds were, in tum, refunded in 1986 with the Authority� Serfes 1986 Speclal Revenue Refunding Bonds ('1986 Bonds'); WHEREAS, in 1990, a portfon of the 1986 Bonds Nms returxied wRh the Authoriry's $1,600,000 Taxabfe Industriaf De�refopment Re+enue Bonds, Series 1996-A ('Taxable Bondsh and the Project was feased to the Partnership by the Authority pursuarrt to that certafn Lease Agreement dffied August 16, 7990 ('Lease'); WHEREAS, in 1994, the Lease was terminated, the Partnership acquired the Project from the Authority and in connectlon thereavith a) the Au[horiry and Partnership entered into that certain Purohase Note and Agreemerrt dated April 1, 1994 ('PN AgreemenY) pursuar�t to which the Partnership is obligated to make certain payments (herelnafter 'PN Agreement Obligatfons'� relating to the Taxabie Bonds and b� the Authority issued its $Z,410,O�O.UO VariaWe Rate Dema�d Parking Revenue Refunding Bonds ('City Walk Ramp ProjecY) Series 1994 ('Tax Exempt Bonds') to refund the remaining portion ot the t986 Bonds; qt-c3�. WHEREAS, in connection with the acquis8ion, developmerrt and operatlon of the Ramp, the Authoriqt City and the HRA have eMered into various written agreements pertaiNng to the Project, induding without limitation those certain agreemerrts described in Exhi it B attached hereto ("Prior Ag2emeMS�; WHEREAS, Partnership desires to seil and com�ey the Project to SPP and In wnnection wrth such prospective sale, the parties hereto desi2 to confirm, acknowledge and agree that but fior certain public use requiremerrts in connection with ihe Tax-Exempt Bonds described in that certain Loan Agreement between the Authority and Partnership dated as of Aprii 1, 1994 ('Bond Requiremerrts', there e�cist no cavenarrts, agreemerrts, restrictions or other agreemerrts requiring arry portion of the Project be used as a public parking facility; WHEREAS, the HftA, the Auihoriry and tfie City have received an opinion of counsel confirming that the Sond RequiremeMS are tertnineted and ot no furtfier force and sffffect upon repaymeM of the Tax Exempt Bonds; NOVk THEREFORE, fn consideration of the faegoing and for other good and valuaWe consideration, the parties hereto agree as fdlavs: t. Recitals a Part Hereof. The Recitals set forth abare shall be deemed a part of this Agreement and are hereby incorporated herein by reference. 2. No Public Use Reauiremer�t. The Authorit�y the City and HRA hereby co�irm, acknowledge and agr�ee that arry cwenarrts, condfttons, resVictions or agreements requiring or creattng arry pubiic parking requirement with respect to the Project, induding wRhout timi[ation arry such public parking requiremeMS set forth in, described in or referenced in the Prior pocumerds, are hereby terminated and of no further force and eifect bu[ for the Bond Requirements, which Bond Requirements terminate and are of no further force and efFect upon repaymerrt of the Tax-Exempt Bonda 3. Counteroarts. This Agreemerrc may be e�cuted in arry number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and aIl of which together shail constftute one and the same Agreement, and R sfisll not be necessary in making proof of this Agreemerrt to produce or accour�t for more than one such fu8y executed cowrterpart. !N WITNESS WHEREOF, tha parties heseto have executed this Agreement on the date and year ftrst above written. THE HOUSING AND REDEVEtAPMENT AIJTHORITY OF TfiE C1TY OF SAINT PAUL -2- � °l�•�3Z. ��: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUIYTY �F uc"�.,�r."r��-i n� ) �a-m�� The foregoing instrument vras acknonAedged before me this _ day of , 1996 by , the of The Ffousing and Redeveiopmerrt Authority of the City of Sa1rd Paui, a publlc body corpomte and politic, on behalf of the public body. Notary Publlc STATE OF MINNESOI'A ) )� COUNTY OF uF ' '�,°;:� ) �4�5 �-� The foregoing instrumert was acknoMedged before me this _ day of , 1996 by , the of The Housing arxi Radev�opmeM Authoriry of the Ciry of Sairrt Paul, a puWic body corporate and polidc, on behalf of the public bodx Notary Pubiic -3- ° lL-G3�1 THE PORT AUTHORITY OF T4iE CITY OF SAtNT PA1JL By: STATE OF MiNNESC3TA ) )� COUNTY OF�NNEPHtl'� ) ctYh� �-/ The foregoing instrument v�as acknawfedged beFore me this _ day of , 1996 by , the of the Port Authority of the City of Saint PaW, a public body corporate and politic, on 6ehalf of the public bodx Notary Public STATE OF M�NNESOTA ) )� COUNTY OF idEMNEPfN ) The foregoi g instfume� vras acknavledged before me this _ day of , 7996 by , the of the Port Authority ot the City of Sairt Paul, a public body corporate and politic, on behalf of ihe pubiic bodx Notary PuW(c -4- 9�-�3�. ClTY WALK RAMP PARTNERSHIP By: STATE OF MINNESUTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF-IiERHOEPtEt ) �mS�-j The foregoing instrulnent was acknavledged before me this _ day of , 1996 by , the of Ciry Walk Ramp Partnership, a Minnesota general partnership, on behalt of the gene�ai partnership. Notary Pubilc 5- �t(. -C3� THE C{TY OF SAINT PAUL By: STA7E OF MINNESOTA ) wm � ) �. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrumeM was acknaviedged befote me this , day of . 1996 by , the of the C'sry of Saint Paul, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the co►po�ation. Notery Pubiic STATE OF MINNESOTA ) �tY1 � ? ss. COUNTY OF'f'iERfWEPH�' ) The foregoing instrument was acknavledged before me this _ day of , 1996 by , the of the Ciry ot Saint Paul, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public � `ll.-�3a. ST. PAUL PROPERTIES, INC. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF-ii�E�tN ) The foreg�oi g lnstrument was ackncmAedged beFore me this _ day of , 1996 by , the of the St. Paul Properties, inc. a Delau�are cwporation, on behalf of the corporat(on. Notary PuWic -7- ° l(.- `3� HIX IB1T A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF LAND �-� ° 1�- GS�. IXHIBIT B PR{OR AGREEMENTS 1. Purchase Note and AgreemeM dated as of AprN 1, 1994 among Authoriry and Partnership. 2. Agreemerrt with Respect to City Walk Parking Ramp dated as of May 1, t990 among HRA, Cfty, Authority and Partnership filed of recosd October 5, 1990 as Documerrt No. 932897. 3. Deed of Conveyance of Land for Redevelopmerrt firom HRA to TGA, I�c. dated August 4, 1982 filed of record August 73, 1982 as Document Nos. 2153449 and 725691. 4. Skyway qqreement dated June 6, 1982 among HRA, Authoriry, City, Ted Glasnxl Assoctates, Inc., TGA, lac. a�d Oxford DevelopmeM Minnesota, Inc., filed of reCOrd �ctober 28, 1982 as Document No. 2160008 (A) attd fited of record February 17, 1983 as Documerrt No. 733132 (T'). 5. C'dywide Redevelopment Plan described in City Councli Resdu[ion No. 277600 dated October 28, 1981, as amended. 6. Verticai Easement Agreement dated as of March 1, 1981 among HRA, Ted Giasnid Associates, Inc. and TGA, Iric. filed of record April 3, 1981 as Document Nos. 2171880 and 705793. 7. Suppiemental Agreement dated as of March t, 1981 among HRA, City, Authoriry, Ted Glasrud Associates, Inc. and TGA, Inc. 8. Contract for Sale of Land for Pmrate Redeveiopmem heM�en HRA and TGA, inc. dated Decem6er 30, 1980, as amended. 9. Deed of Co�nce of tand for Redeveiopmerrt from HRA to TGA, inc. dated December 30, t9B0 filed of record December 3t, 1980 as Document Nos. 2702384 and 702073. 10. Citywide Redevelopment Plan apprwed by City, Council Resdution No. 273248 dated Juiy 3, 1979, as ameruied. 123672�A0�)12�DOCUA16Nf�9UMM-M3f.9�S&BB�IGkWh '9' °l(.- �3� CITY WALK PARKING RAMP ESTOPPEL IETCER Cdy - 5/9/96 The undersigned, being the of the City of Sairrt Paul, a municipal corporation ('City'), does hereby deiiver the endosed Estoppel Letter to St Paul Properties, Inc. ('St Pau1') to be relied upon by St Paul in conneetion with the purchase by St Paui ot the City Walk Parking Ramp (`Ramp•): 1. The undersigned is duly authorized and empawered to deliver this Escoppel Lstter on behalf oE the City. 2. The surety bond required in paragraph 23 of that certain Skyway Agreement among ihe Ciry and others dated June 6, 1982 (`Skyuvay AgreemenY) as in fWi force and effect and no defauR exists in connection ther�rith. 3. The purchase by St. Paul of the Ramp, the utilization by St. Paul emp�oyees of the Ramp, and (atthough it is not currently coMemplated) the poterrtial uttlization by the St Paul of the Ramp exclusiveiy fw its emplayees rather than utNization of the Ramp as a public parking facility, do not violate the terms of, or constitute a dehault under. (i) that certain Ciry-wide Redevelopmerrt Pian dated July 3, 1979 and appraved by Sairrt Paul City Councll Resolution No. 273248 ('Plan Ik') and the dxuments referenced therein; (ii) that certain City-wide Redevelopment Plan dated October 28, 7991, approved by Saint Paul City Council Resoiution No. 277600 (`Plan B") and the documents referenced therein; (iii) that cescain Skyway l4greement among the City and other partfes dated June 6, 1982 ('Slcyway Agreemern'); ('rv) that certain Agreemerrt with Respect to City Walk Parking Ramp dated May 1, 1990 among the Citx the Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry of the Clty of St. Paui (`HRlCj, the Port Authorfty of the Ciry of St. Paui (7Authority'), and City Walk Partnership ("Ramp Agreemerrt"), and {v) arry other agreesnents to which the City is a party or in which the City has an interest pertaining to the Ramp. 4. No default exists and no events have accurred which wi[h the passage of tlme or giving of notice or both, would constitute a detauit uncier a�y agreemerrt to which the Ciry is a party or in which the City has an irrterest pertaining to the Ramp. The undersigned acknowledges, on behalF of the Cit� that this letter is being delivered by the City to St, Pau! in connection w+th the purcfiase of the Ramp try the St. Paui, arxi that the St. Paui wil! rely upcsn the accuracy of the statemerrts coritained he2in in co�nection with such purchase. Dated: May ,, 1996 CITY OF SAIM PAUL, a municipal corporation By: rcs: �Z3 W2�40�742\OOCUMFM�iF1-0R V.2�C'P9B�IGKIdh