96-630Council File # � � � 3 � ORF���lAL Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, The Snelling-Selby Area Business Association, sponsor of Selby-Snelling 2 Family Festival on Sunday, June 30, 1996 has submitted a request to waive the 60% 3 consent requirement for a block party/special event permit required by Chapter 366 of 4 the Legislative Code, and 5 WHEREAS, The Snelling-Selby Area Business Association has argued that it would not 5 be practicable to obtain neighborhood consent for their festival, therefore, be it � RESOLVED, That the Saint Paul City Council hereby waives the 60% consent a requirement for a block party/special event permit for Selby-Snelling Family Festival to 9 be hefd June 30, 1996 between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. with the lo following conditions: ii 1. 12 2. Sound limiis fior all bands shali not exceed 90db, measured at 50 feet. There shall be no alcoholic beverages served. Requested by: \ O�YIc� Divi ° Parks and Recreation � Adopted by Council : Date � \'J� ,`, 1 5 5� e Adoption Certified by Counoil Secretary By ��c'_'� c� ` � `v—"" Approved by Mayo Date: �� B ��L RESaLUT10N CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # � �o �� �T Form Approved by City Attorney RG-G��+ DEPARTMENT/OFfICE/COUNCIL DATE �NITIATED O Parks and Recreation 6-5-96 GREEN SHEE N_ 36113 INR7ALIOATE MTTIAllDA7E CANTACT PERSON & PHONE Q DEPARTMENT DIHECfOR � CITY CqUNCiL MdUr2en Wdt50n 266-6649 ��x cmnrroRNev OciTrc�aK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) qOUTING� O BUIX`iET DIPECTOfl O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR 6-12-96 OROER �MAVORIORA$SISTANT) ❑ TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Signature on attached resolution. RECOMMENDATIpN3: Approve (A) or Faject (R) pERSONAL SEpVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLpNNMCa COMMISSION _ CIViL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a conVact for Mis department? - _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES - NO — � A � 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RIC7 CqURT _ 3. Does this erSONfirtn p posses5 a skill not normally possessed by any curteM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explein all yes enswers on separate sheet end attech to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPt1RTUNIT( (Who, What, When, Where. Why): Snelling Selby Area Business Association is planning a Eamily Festival on Sunday, June 30, 1996 on Selby Avenue between Snelling and Fairview and would like to have the Block Party requirement of 60� petition of affected residents to obtain the permit. ADVANTACaES IF APPROVED: They could proceed with their event. �{itit��� �����P�i � � � t�p ��t� J� ���s �__�, DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The Business Association would have to collect the signatures of 60 percent of residents from Snelling to fairview along Selby Avenue. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION S COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINCa SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Snelling-Se1by Area Business Association qc_�so OFFI ..S 176 Sneiling Avenue North • St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 crayle Wlnegar, Mesldent 646-8418 Judith Fav7a� Vitt Presideat ��„ "Crossroads of the Community" Maz Hollinshead, SeQetazy � 645-42C7 Gereld IG Sogn¢yand, Treasurer C46-A&41 &,�RO �,F n,RF��as Special Events Council: Ed Doehm Bcehm Heating 1598 Se16y Avemie 644-1410 J'vn Beigmom Lit�erty State 6ank 17G Snelling Avenue North 646-f3681 George Carison Tennis 5-0, Inc. 1599 Selby Avenue G45-5G20 Judith Favia Cahoots Collee Aar 1562 Selby Ave. 644-677A Ma[ Hollinshead Mertiam Park Commumry Council 2009 SL M[hony Avenue 64s-t3G57 Peg LaBore Family Tree 1619 Dayton Avenue, s205 645-0478 Dan O'Gua O'Gara's Ela� tk Grill SC4 .Snelling Avenue Notth C443333 Eva Oswald Garden of Eva, Florist ISSS Marshall Ave 6467244 Geca(d Sop,nesand Liberty State I3ank 176 Snelling Avenue North 64G-£3Ci81 Tom Wichelmann I3oehm's Schwinn Cycling and Fi[aess 1592 Selby Avenue C44-4990 Gayle Winegar The Sweatshop 171 Snelling Avenue Noeth 646-f3418 Pri,uilla SL Aubin Sta�dish-SL Aubin Co. Jewelers 181 Snelling Avenue North 64G3f32G The Snelling - Selby Area Business Association is promoting the Selby - Snelling Family Festival on Sunday, June 30. The Festival will be heid on Selby Ave., from Snelling to Fairview, during the hours 1 I:00 AM to 6:00 PM. This Festival will promote the positive aspects of our community and involve the participation of youth groups, area churches, and various neighborhood groups. There wilt be no alcohol beverages served or loud music, The Festival wili emphasize the participation of all the neighbors in the Sneliing - Selby area. Therefore, the Snelling - Selby Area Business Association would request a wavier for the petition approval requirement by 60b/o of the neighborhood residents for the Festival. The reason for this request is the impossibie task of locating residents during normal business hours. It is the Associations belief the Festival will benefit all the residents of the Snelling- Selby area and the City of St. Paui. Thank you for your consideration to our request. Sincerely, ' �. �—^�' __`�"`�^ Pricilla St. Aubin Chairperson Snelling - Selby Family Festival �(.-C�b DEPARTMENT OF POLICE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL INT'ER-OFFICE COMMLTNICATION TO: Westem Distriet (South) Commander or Special Event Coordinator FROM: Lieutenant McCabe, Community Services SUB3: Upcoming Special Event DATE: May 7, 1996 Pending approval by the Chief and the ciry's special evenu committee, ffie SetbylSneIling Family Festival will be held on Sunday, June 30, 1996. You will be notified if ct�anges are made or if the pernut is denied. If nothing changes, no fiuYher correspondence will follow. After the event, we will need an after-action report from you including the following informauon: All personnel assigned; whether assigned personnel were on regular time or overtime; equipment used for the evem, i.e. squads and radios; complaint number(s) for reporrs resulting from ffie event; and please add your comments as t,o the success/failure of the event itself, i.e. dealing with the event organizer, etc. The following must be received before the permit wiit be issued: (� A current certificate of insurance listing the City of Saint Paul as an additional insured. (� Payment in the amount of $100.00 received (need an additional $75.00) (7� Perition signed by 60% of the affected residents Q Park persnit Q Indemnity agreement signed and notarized � � Atl requirements have been met. 7McC:mjb Attachments cc: Chief (for signature) Commirtee Members (15) 7udy Iambert (for assignment)--Detail Commander's Copy Communications Center Watch Commander Operafions Division Commander Dizected Patrol Office Lucy Zender, Public Works, Room 900 CHA Doug Bossard; NSP Gas; 825 Rice Street; Saint Paul, MN 55117 File � �•• • •• • -•. �. �• • �„Ir 9�-l.30 Permit# 542 The applica�hs have ag�ed to abide by all mles set forth below, together with all ordinances and other niles and re, , lAr;ons which may be imposed governing such activities: A. B. C. D. Barricades provided by the City or private vendor will be dropped off on ona comer of the block. TS�e applicants will then be responsible for placement, maintenance and removal of the bamcades. Batricades should be placed a[ either end of the street during the event. The total roadway poition of the rigtrt-of-way shall not be blocked; at least a ten-foot aisle shall be kept open at all times to permit passage of velucies of residents of the block a� emergency or other authorized or necessary vehicles to entet and exit. No materiaLs of any type (such as powder, sawdust, etc.) shall be placed on the public rightof-way which will create liazazds. Applicants sl�all mxintain adult supervision at all times during ibis activity. E. Applicants sl�all provide hash zaceptacles V� prevent as much liuering as possble. Applicants shail be responsble for the pick-up or disposal of trash and garbage following the event. Such clean-up shall be completed witivn 24 hours after terminntion of the activity, but in no event later than miduight following the day of the public gathering. If the City is reqnired to clean up, tha peimit holder will be billed for all costs. F. G. x. Streets may not be barricaded prior to 8 a.m., nor later than 12 midnight in any event. No loud speaker system sLall produce sounds audble oufside the areas designated for the public gathering. The eve�t orgttnizers aze required to make reasonable accommalations for petsans with disa6ilities at this event, for er.ample, in the azeas of padang, rest room facilities, curb rainps and access to food and entertainment. AUTHORIZATION IS GRANTED TO HOLD T'F� BELOW-DESCRIBED EVENT: ORGArIIZATION/NAME OF EVENT: Selby(Snelling Family Festival CHAIRPERSON: Ps3scilla St. Aubin PAONF./{ (DAY) 64fr3826 (EVE) None Listed ADDRESS OF CHAII2PERSON: c/o Snelling-Selby Area Business Association; 176 Snelling Avenue North; Saint Paul MN 55014 DAY AND DATE OF EVENT: Sunday, June 30, 1996 START T'IME: 1100 FINISH TIME: 1700 # EXPECT'ED: 3,000 AREA TO BE IJTLLIZED: Selby Avenue between Snelling and Fairview RFSTRICTTONS: Standard city ordinances BARRICADFS REQUESTED FROM CTTY: Yes (See barricade list} Event holder is legally responsible until the area is released back to the City. The area must be closed and cleaned no later than l�fz hours after the finish time noted above. �� .: ..� . � . �. . � . . : � _. � : .,. . � . : .. . : .. : �.. : . .. .: � . � - . . : , APPROVED BY: Chief of Police or designee PM 228B-R94 . .. QC-C3o SELBY/SNELLING FAIvIILY FESTIVAL JIJNE 30, 1996 INTERSECTION OUANTITY REQUIRED Hague and Fry 1 Hague and Pierce 1 Hague and Aldine 1 Hague and Herschel 1 Hague and Wheeler 1 Dayton and Fry 1 Dayton and Pierce 1 Dayton and Aldine 1 Dayton and Herschel 1 Dayton and Wheeler 1 Snelling aud Selby 3 Snelling and Fairview 3 Total 16 °f�-��o � � � � � � � ,-- X. v� � � � �. w � �; =-� �.. �J `�� � n � � -� � ��r —� � S-� � 1 �--�-� G�a � e. �'' �c�.? � / ,fG�"7� " CLASS B PERMIT APpLIG`ATION (ST'ATIONARX PUBLIC GAZ��S} qC�G� DEPARTnIENT OF POLICE, Saint Paul, Alinnesota, Commuruty Sercices Unit, 292-352� NOTE: NO PERMIT APPLICATION V9ILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT PROPER FEES ATTAriFiE�� iponsor and name of event: Snelling-Selby Area Business Association/Selby Snelling Family Festivc �ayldate of event: June 30, 1996 ���y���►� — Time: From il � tp 5 PM �ocation of event: On (name of street or park) Selby Avenue Between (streets or avenues) Snelling � dame & phone �} of contact person: P riscilla St. Au�n ������� Evening� 646-3826 Dav• c/o Snelling-Selby erea Business Association �'(ailing addT'ess: 176 Snelling Avenue North, St. Paul, MN Zip 55014 :etimni�d numl�er of }�articipanis: 3,000 .'ill beer or liquor be sold at this event? YES X NO iill food be sold at this event? X YES NO " *** If beer, liquor or food will be sold, proper licenses must be obtained. 7ill one or more streets or alleys be closed for this event? X YES NO *** If closures are requested, enclose a map/sketch indicating the areas/streets to be closed and proposed placement of barricades. Include barricade list. �arricades needed? X Yes (ATTACH BARRICADE LIST) No *** If yes, will they be rented from: Public Works, 292-6600 (�5 each) Other Public R'orks will assess addiUonal cliarges for missing barricades and/or pieces. *** The City reserves the right to require additional barricades and/or s?gnage as a condition of approval o£ this permit. Saw horses or home-made barricades are not scceptable. ill banners of any type be displayed? X Yes No *** If yes, written permission must be obtained from the Department of Public �Yorks. his application must be submitted to the Saint Paul PoJice Department no ]ater than 6� calendar days zfore the event. You must contact the Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection at �6-9100 to ciiscuss the procedure for itinerant food and peddler licensing ior your event. AGREEb4ENT AND CERTIFTCATION 'IS HEREBY AGREED: A�reement oi Applicants: Tne applicant(s) agree to abide by all rules set forth below, together with all ordinances and other rules and regulations which may be unposed governing such activities. Re�ulations of Use: By signing and presentation of this application, the signer(s) certify to the City of Saint Paul that the follo�ving statements are true and correct and signers agree to and witl abide by the follo�ving: A• Barricades: Barricades rented from the City orprivate vendor will be dropped off on one corner of the block. The applicant(s) w�ill be responsible for placement, maintenance and removal of the barricades. Barricades should be placed at both ends of the street during� the public gathering. Sativ horses or home-made barricades are not acceptable. B• Traffic: The total roadway portion of the right-of-way shall not be blocked; at least a ten- foot aisle shall be kept open at all times to permit passage of vehicles of residents of the block and emergency or other authorized or necessary vehicles to enter and exit. C. Surface of Street: No materials of any type (such as powder, sawdust, etc.} shail be placed on the public right-of-�vay which will create hazards. D. Su�ervision:'Applicant( s) shall maintain adult supervision at all tunes during this activity. (over) `t�-G3d �. Clean-up: Applicant(s) shall provide trash receptacles to prevent as much litterii. possible. Applicant(s) shali be responsible for the pick-up or disposal of trash � garbage following the event. Such clean-up shall be completed within 24 hours af termination of the activity, but in no event later than midnight following the day of public gathering. If the City is required to clean up, the permit holder will be billed all costs! F G !':� 3 Hours: Streets may not be barricaded prior to 8 a.m., nor later than 12 nudnight in � event. Sbeakers: No loud speaker system shall produce sounds audible outside the ar� designated for the puUlic gathering. Accessibilitv: The event organizers are required to make reasonaUle accommodations : persons with disabilities at this event, for example, 9n the areas of parking, rest rc facilities, cuxb ramps and access to food and entertainment. Event holder is legally responsible until the area is released back to the City. The ai must be closed and cleaned no later than 1-1/2 hours after the firush time noted. III. Indemnity A�reement: The applicant(s) agree to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Sa Paul, Minnesota, its agents and employees, from any and all claims, demands, actions, or cat of action of whatsoever nature or character arising out of or by reason of the conduct of t public gathering in any respect including costs, attorney's fees, expenses, etc. , incurred connection with the defense or settlement of any claims for injuries or damage resulting from connected �vith this public gathering. State of ntinnesota ) County of Ramsey ) , being duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he/s has read the foregoing statement Uearing his/her signature and knows the contents thereof, and tt the same is true of hislher own knowledge except as to those matters therein stated upon iniormati and belief and as to those matters heJshe believes them to be true. Subscribed and sworn to before rne this J�� day, of q ( Q J '�ma� Permit agplication must be signed and notarized: Notary blic, QYnS� County, �1N ` LiSAJ.PERLMA4d � NOTARYPUBUC � �4y commission expires � •zo o� �Fs�. DAKOTA COUNTY ' My Comm Exprzes Jan 31, 20�0 a '__'__`___�__________________________________`___—_—•- (for official use only) + Recommend Approval: Fire Department Health Department License Inspection & Env. Protection n4NDOT (For highway closure) n9TC Parks & Recrcation Planning & Economic Development Yolice Volunteer Services PuULic \'�orks/Trafiic Operations Siate Capitol Security (A srock ins,::ance compar.y, here.n czlied the cempan}4 � TNE OH10 CASUALTY WSURANCE COMPANY ❑ AMERICAfV FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY ❑ WE57 AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY � The Ohio CasualfyGroup 136 North Third Street, Hamilton, Ohio 45025 > y N NANED 1NSURED & SNELL:NG—SSLBY BUSINESS ASSN 176 NOR3H SNELLIMG AVENUE LIBERTY ST�TE BANK ST PAUL, MN 55104 3L0 (96) 50 44 34 32 CON,MERCIAL LIAB?LITY POLICY OCCURRE1iCE `�'�� of Insurance Companies POLICY OECLARA710NS AGENT'S NAME & ADDRESS 1 370 TELE?HONE: (612) 638-9100 NAGJiRE PGiNCI INC P O BOX 64315 ST PAUL N.N 55164 INSUftEO ISBtISINESS ASSOCIATION �iNSURED'S BUSINESS BUS_ CLUB POLICY PERIOD: THIS POLICY IS I2t FORCE FROM 05/05/95 TO�'OS/05/95 AT' 12:01 A.M. STANDPRD TIME AT YOUR NAILING ADDRES5 SHOWN ABOVE. TY.�SE DECLARATIONS, TOGETHER WITH THE COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS, AND THE CONMERCIAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART (WHICH CONSISTS OF COVERAGE FORMS AND OTHBR APpLICABLE FORMS AND ENDORSEMENTS, IF A�NY, ISSUED TO FORM A PART OF IT} COPiPLETE THIS POLZCY. POLICY DECLP.RATSONS SCHEDULES — TABLE Or CONTEN`PS � PAC-E TITLE 2 2 3 CON,MERCIAL LIABILITY_LZMITS OF INSURANCE FORN,S AND ENDORSEMENTS CONMERCIAL L2P.3ILITY DECLARATIOrS PHIS POLICY WILL SE AU➢ITED AT EXPIRATION TOTAL PROVZSIONP.L PREMIUM: r 9 N04 CONTZNUED ON ?AGE 2 Issue Date 03/13/95 q� MINNEAPOLZS, MINNESOTA g X . . . . . . ! . $227.00 Autkiorized Representative i!iN NMB 1320 03/13/95 23497 INSURED'S COPY PAGE: 1