96-593Council File # � � �S 9 "3 Green Sheet # 34977 1 2 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 zo zi Zz 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Presented By � �.} r-. s j'. ,� r' 1 ? � ' � i t �v . . .o . . u F . .m ordinance ¥ �'!�T Referred To RESOLVED: That application, ID #69996, for a new Gambling Manager's License by Steven P. Tibbetts DRA Church of the Incarnation at Ace Box Bar, 2162 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: RESOLUTION GiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date oFfsce of License Inspections and Env+ronmental Protect+on By: 7d�t�ece� .T �� Form Approved by City Attorney By' ��\ .� ��—��'-1',Q--"'ir`.�p-- — �By: / J ' L�`� ' LL.P-xv� t�a, -��/��� Approved by Mayor: Date I� d � --`t-t*= /���� AHProved by Mayor for Submission to C Council By: z By: Adopted by Council: Date ��( Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary r��� William G�nther - 266-9132 TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES fOH CREEN SHEET BUIXiET DIHECTOR MAYOR (OR ASSlSTANF) ALL L4GATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj �Y ���� N_ 34977 - J iwmumatE - ��� cin couNC�� �' CIN CLERK � I FlN. 8 MGi: 3ERVICES DUL Steven P. Tibbetts DBA Church of the Incamation requests Council approval of his application for a new Gambling Manager's License, ID �69996, at Ace Box Bar, 2162 Universit Avenue. :COMAEENDATIIXdS: Auorwe (A) or Reied fR) _ PLpNNMG CAMMISSION _ CML SEPViCE COMMlSSION _ CIB COFAMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTFi1CTCOUR7 _ SUPPORT6 WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEA4, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITY (Who. Wha1, When, Where, PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE F011OWING QUESTIONS: t Has this personlfirm ever worketl �nder a contract for tAis tlepartment? - YES NO 2. Has this psrsonKrm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a ski11 not normally possessed by arry curcent eRy employes7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green aheet Cffiifc�C�B �'��p� C�Pt� Ekli�� 7 � iv�i'�' 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTfREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFiMAT10N: (E%PL0.1N) Greensneet # �r L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST date: ��G -593 In Tracket? __���1'��y�� � APP'n Received / +xPP'n Processed '�� License ID # 69996 License Type; GamblinQ Manager CompBny Name: Steven P. Tibbetts DBA: Church of the Incarnation Business Addresss: 2162 Universitv Ave. W. (Ace Sox) Business Phone: 822-2101 Contact Name/Address: Same Hame Phone: 822-2101 Date to Cauncil Research: 3817 Pleasant Ave. S. Mpls 55409 Public Hearing Date: .vn,+ .l I q 1� Notice Sent to Appticant: Notice Sent to Public: Departmeni/ City Attorney Environmentai Health Ffre License Police V /�-°^ 5-j�/9,� �`" Date inspections tabeis Ordered: Disirict Council Ward #: n< Comments Site Plan Recei� tbase aecetve� /�`�� rCb (d�d�°�` LG212 (ftav. 7/2N2) ❑ New � Renewa! tAST NAME Tibbetts Minnesoia LcanficZ C.ambIing Gambling Maaager Application FOR OFF'1C.E USE OCiLT BASE UC t SEa � _� FEE CHK 0,1TE INIT Give ate 3+at fhe iwo-day SambGn9 manager sam�nar was completed. I__J lawrion oE training {ary} Give date ot traini� caceived within thres years prior to dre date af 7�e appGcation {ar rene�xa). ? J20 I 90 Locavonotiraining wi11mzZ tsi:....n,n:'..,y�y.p.:.'..: "w.y,..e.q o.,i....Pg:)::: �ita4er; �rifarnz atiort' °' PIRST F7AME MiDOLE NA� Stevea Patrick 4633 ISth ave. &o. ?finnesota �z� , oa,e or ann 3117/51 ME3vt2E'nSHiP: Oste gambGr.g mznager becama a member ci the organizacon �? ,t I i/� Name ot Address Ciryi5late Zip Code 3311 ?leasant 3ve. So. : •iiar.e:�ol is ?L� 3:409 � ':�y:,y„ifi,4,;y ,,..'e yC:1 .� y �y.�•. j �, , .��i:;;..;.�.. �:T<�^.x�.;�:,. ��:5;;�:.:t.:tt�:�±:::.C�:'E,4^`°9'< :45{;, .. ; �J�.'�.�h �IL f�Z.�3faTmQ53on�� � \� \ Y t��";���i,4 „ ` .,., :' � �:, a v .�: -- A S10,C40 fidetity bond ia tavor of Ne organizacon must be obained tcr the gambling managet sa. s�,��y x�mn� 47b-62'-i869 �x : �..� Mde �- "remate * :s.,r.•'>.,',:;e�:a �.7.'lz...a':�;.. ;..i,_�.:o-z,..,� ':. R:2?Y C,} :,. ,�......a. .., v.: :.... .. ...m,e.._ . Licensa Number �0639 Phone �b12 7 822-Z101 93 Name of insurance comFany {do not use agenry namej U S � idel i tv & Guarant8ond Number 20—�0=Q—:pi 0 �:....Y� " n ^:')Yi�i_:� . .vv: '< :ryY.:( f'Y' ..:i\ ::Y�G y <sr,., .,....w.......:,...xz.,•:...,;rr„n...,`.�;.o..: .. ....,....�:�:.,.., a,.k: ).o. , T. �rF:i:T.. ...r: „.S :y:. . .. . .:_�_...,.,, , y:. '�:)'.i::. ..' ..., Y\d 'PTSy.. "tii:' )..1 :•c .... ., . . . �. . . oir . . , n. �:..,.,. a ... : . '..qJ"?s:._>.�..: 'Actrnorutedc�ent� nb._"'�5�,;: . ,"G.... �xi.,.��tiY<.,. 54'.:f,:.:ta'y;`:.`:!}: ! dedare thaC • i have read �his anplicadon and aii infortnation submitted to me board: • aIi intortna6on is trve, acarate and eompkte; • ail ocier required iniormaCOn has been lulty cisdosed; • I am he only gamhPng manager of tha organizadon; + I wii! {arnil"wriza myself wi�fi the taws aE l+4nnesota goveminq iawfut gam6ling and rutes ol the boarsi and agres, i{ !'icensed. :o ;bide by those iaws and rutes. indudirg amenc'rnen+s :o theT; • any changes in zcptiwoen infortnaucn wi11 be su6mir.ed to ;ha board snd loca! unit ot govemment wichin 70 dzys ci :he coa� • An ai6daht for samofing ^anager has been eompieted �rd aRaei:ed, ar:d • i uncers:and :hat failure a proride reGuired inicrmadcn cr providing fa15e intcrma�cn may resvit in �e denial nr 2vocaccn license. Si9namre of Gamclinq �-""-�--- � 1 Dase 1/22/93 Sero tha nmpieted 2npiica.icn and aif requiced artachments b: Gambling Controi Board Suite 300 S. 1711 W. Ccunty Road S Rosevitle, MN 551t3