96-575�������E��� Presented Sy Refe=zed To 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Coc�ittee: nate � 9�-5�15 # 25970 �J WHEREAS, The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services has invited Saint Paul to apply for a grant of up to $10,000 to fund a project to reduce the infrftration and inflow of clear water into the sanitary sewer system, and WNEREAS, Saint Paui is proposing severa{ projects this year that wili remove significant sources of clear water from the sanitary sewer system, and WHEREAS, lt is necessary that the Council designate the individual or i�dividuals authorized to submit the grant applications on behalf of the City. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Thai the Councii of ihe City of Saint Paul does hereby designate and authorize the Director of the Department of Pubiic Works, or her designee, to submit the grant application. 25 Requested by Department of; Public Works /'�� �— gp; �4vA k�wYGC/! Adopted by Council: Council File RESOLUTION Green Sheet CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Date ��,ytaMa_ 5 ���9 L Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � \w `, �+ � Approved by Mayor: Date � � /� By: � 6� m (��i'�� ��� ��� By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: � v�-� <�����"vJ �`-s��' OEPARTMEMADFFICE/COUNCIL DA7EWRIA7ED GREEN SHEET No.2ss�o Public Works 5/15/96 � NR �� corrtncre�xsonarr+or� � �nnrMErrtoiaECioa �4 crrvcouxc4 Karl,lohn�n 292-6024 �x�� �� ❑�,�� MUSTBEONCOIAJCLAC��f�A T� � DIFECR7H �FW.aY8T.3EAVICESDI �� MAYOR (Ofl ASSL4TpNT) � TOTALtOF81GW1NNEPAGEB _ (IXJPALLLOGITIONSFORSIGWINHE) ASSOCIA7E �DEPT.M.COUM 19 �II� 1BS10M fiE�llESlED Approve the attached resolutan authorizing the Director of Public Works to appty for a$10,000 grant from Metropolitan Council Emironmental Services (MCES). RECOAtMEtaDAi7on5: k+waeW a Rejea (Fl PERSONAL S CONiNACT3 MU3T ANSWEN THE FOLLOWING CUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ Crvd SEfiVN7E W6�M�SSroN t. Haa ihis EY S NO worked under a contrac[ Tor ihia deparonentY _GB COMMITTEE 2 Has thisp�'ym ever been a dtY �WoY�? — YES NO X STAFF 3. Does 7his persoNfirm possess a sWll rrot rormally Possesaed h' snY wrtem ary �15TpICT Coi1NCa employee? �S NO SuPPOHTS WHN:FI CouNCLL oBJEC71VE4 �P�n all yas answon on saparate sheat and attaeh to graen shaq INRIqTING PI�BLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNfIY (WH0. N71AT, WHEN. WHERE. WH'7: �a� The MCES has invited Saint Paui and other cRies to apply for a grant of up to $10,000 to fund a proje"t�fo`�duce the Infbw 8 Infiftration of clear water into the sanitary sewer system. 1996 �AY 2 3 ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEU. City may be awarded a$10,000 grant. ���''�'t�f � � '�ta, �� ��r N `:,,> � ..�� ; p �� <� ,`�:� � ��,�, .,. � � �._ DISADVAN7AGES IF AE'PROVFA: - � ?° (^:�µ c'� �i.: ; None � �:� �;r. :<�,�� - `,.� �r DISADYANTAGES lF NOT APPROVED: We will not be eligible for the graM. _ ���#1 C�t�C ��zR"� � 3 "'� � TOTAL AMOUM OF TRANSACTION S COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO RINDING SWRCE qCITYITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOflMATION: (EXPLA�M `—