96-573Q�i������� Presented By Referred To CITY Council File # g��3 Green Sheet � 3� �� Q RESOLUTION �1�T.T PA�,, MINNESOTA t� i Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointment and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve a two-year term on the NEW AMIIiICANS ADVISORY COMNIITTEE. 2 3 4 5 6 � a 9 10 REAPPOINT'MENTS Jeff Dufresne Ibrahim Ibrahim Chantha Koy Pacyinz Lyfoung Truc Pham Dianne Siegel Patrick Xaphakdy ii iz 13 14 is 16 i� is 19 20 zl APPOINI'MENT Tewabech (Teba) Hailu Molla . ..... ............:..:.. ... .. .. .. . . . .. .............::..::.....c:..> � �.: �.,.., r .� ....,.. �'�i�;�e°:t��i?�� :��i�I:_��pi��;����T��;;�;�:;'� ��. z2 Requested by nepartment of: By: Adopted by Council: Date o �,qq( Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ��� �j Bp; ��� Y-z3-/�l � � BY. �� / Approved by Mayor: Date � y Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council By: ! �"l. h' �Jfl'uet'M / "" �J.- ���� By: 9�-S'l3 DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED ' V� 3 6 0 6 0 Ma or Coleman's Office 5-15-96 GREEN SH EE _ - INITIAVDATE INRIALIDATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PXONE � DEPAHiMEM �IRECfOFi � C(TY CAUNCIL ASSIGN CRYATfORNEY CITYCIEIiK Alberto intela 266-8529 NUYBERiOP � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� qOUTiNG � BUDGET DIqEC70R � FIN. & MGi. SERVICES DiR. ORDER � MpYpfl (OR ASSISTANn ❑ TOTAL # Ofi SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CL1P ALL LOCATfONS FOR SIGNASUHE) ACfION REQUESTED: Approval of resolution appointing and teappointing 8 members to serve on the NEW AMERICANS ADVZSORY COMMITTEE: Jeff Dufresne, Ibrahim Ibrahi.m, Chantha Koy, Pacyinz Lyfoung Truc Pham, Dianne Siegel, Patrick %aphakdy and Tewabech (Teba) Hailu Molla. RECOMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) w Rejeet (R) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTAACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING UUESTIONS: _ PLANN�NG CAMMISSION _ GVIL SERV�CE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked untler a contrec[ for [his tleparVneM? � _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO � DISTAIC7 COUR7 — 3. Does this persoMrm possess a sltill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO�IECTIVE7 YES NO 6cplain tll yes anawers on seperate sheet and anaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (YMO. What, When, Wnere, W�y) ADVAN7AGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�. °a���`� ����+'��'�� 6bS�'181F5� ��� � � ���� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPRO�ED: ,_ -^'_'--,-" - --� -- - — ""�-°^-"" TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSAC710N S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��-s�3 SA[KS PAUL � IIAAA Interdepartmental Memorandum CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Panl Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Dino Guerin Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Janice Rettman FROM: DATE: � Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor May 16, 1996 � / + + _ / f NEW AMERICANS ADVISORY COMNIITTEE Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following individuals be appointed and reappointed to the New Americans Advisory Committee. REAPPOINTMENTS Jeff Dufresne Ibrahim Ibrahim Chantha Koy Pacyinz Lyfoung Truc Pham Dianne Siegel Patrick Xaphakdy APPOINTMENT Tewabech (Teba) Hailu Molla _ :.,<.. <,,.,_<,..--,..:<.,:::::< ...:..:.:...::.:::::::..:,:;..:..:;- :.:::.:.,.:,..:�:...,:;:;.;_ ; ._,:.<.: : :, : . : :.,.,>,.:;:_ :: .....,.::.:>...,....:...._ 8 ��..sh�it s�z�u�a t�a-ye�t� i�hz�b �� �xp�r�¢z� I�fay,I, I�,,. Attached is a copy of the resolution and a copy of Tewabech Molla's application. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 266-8529. AQ:drm Attachments cc: IJancy�Aiiderson; Council ResearcH Hoa Young, New Americans Advisory Committee Staff