96-567���������� Presented By WfIEREAS, on July 13, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Cultural Capital Inveshnent (Cultural STAR) Pro�ram, C.F. 94-1005; and Referred To �'N�E' N�Q E'p - s � a9 � 9G� ouncil File # � S G� Green SheeC # � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee : . � WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Program is funded with ten percent of an additional one-half of one percent sales ta�c on sales transactions that occur within the ciTy, puzsuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec.46; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 WHEREAS, the purpose of the Cultural STAR Program is to fund capital projects to further cultural activities; and WHEREAS, the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED), in the second cycle, received 16 applications to the Cultural STAR Grant and Loan Program; and WHEREAS, PED, the Cukural 5TAR Board, and the Mayor have evaluated the 16 applications and forwazded their recommendations to the City Council; and WI�REAS, approval of projects at this point means the applicants have six months to secure private match commihnents, comply with project stipulations, when applicable, and work with PED and other city departments as required; and WHEREAS, upon conformance with all project stipulations the STAR grant agreements and other required docuxnents will be signed; and WHEREAS, should an entity not comply with stipulations and other requirements, and is not under contract within the six month period following City Council approval, that entity wili not be funded and the funds will revolve back to the Cultural STAR grant budget to be used for the next funding cycle; and WI�REAS, pro}ects that are funded at less than the original request will reduce any direct project costs in proportion to the cut in funding; and WIIEREAS, the "Cultural District STAR Loan Program" will be developed and operated as a pilot loan proa am, allowing business and cultural organization applicants to appiy for loans throughout the year; and WHEIZEAS, the loans aze restricted to projects located in the Cultural District, will be reviewed by the Cultural STAR Boazd and meet Credit Committee standazds; and WI3EREAS, a waiver to the Cultural STAR guidelines is recommended to allow funding of the Science Museum proposal which is located outside the Cultural District boundaries. Cultural guidelines restrict funding of projects outside the district to 25% of the annual funds; and WLIEREAS, the Mayor, Pursuant to section 1Q.07.1 of the City Charter, recommends changes to the 1996 budget as listed below. Page 1 of 3 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 s�z�t�9ta ��lNz. r P�iJ � ���i� � N�OW,� i REFORE, BE IT RESOLVEA, the City Council approves the funding priorities anddb�d�eMO�r DA. �11 L �projects at recommended funding amounts and terms as listed on Attachment A!, ri e m wa applications, subject to compliance with the program development and implementation requirements of the Cultural STAR Progr�n Guidelines; and !1 'Z �j 3 j�r_ ,G� �j t' ttU J� i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves a waiver to the cultural guidelines in order to fund the Science Museum proposal; and BE IT F'LJRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the changes to the 1996 budget listed below; and BE IT FUR1`IIER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council wish to extend their appreciation to all applicants and to the members of the Cuhural STAR Boazd for theu time and efforts in developing proposals and recommendations during the second cycle of the Cultural STAR Program. 57 FINANCING PLAN CURRE4VT CHANGE PROPOSED 58 Neighborhood STAR Tax Revenue, transfer from HRA Debt Services Fund BUDGET BUDGET 59 Cultural STAR Loan Pcogram, P-7-930-90309-7304-00000 139,100 162,319 301,419 60 Culturai STAR Grant Progrem, P-7-930-90310-7304-00000 111,300 486,957 598,257 61 TOTALS 250,400 649,276 899,676 62 SPENDING PLAN 63 # PROJECT NAME CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET 64 Cuitural Loan Program, P7-930-90309-0547-77050 114,100 -114,081 19 65 Cultural Grant Program, P7-930-90310-0547-77057 111,300 �e IIII 66 535-95 Parking Ramp Imprv, P7-930-90309-0547-77049(withdrawn) 25,000 -25,000 0 67 541-96 Seventh Place Plaza, P7-930-90310-0547-77066 0 +14,000 14,000 68 542-96 Science Museum Expansion, P7-930-90310-0547-77067 0 +300,000 300,000 69 544-96 Commerce Building Bui{dout, P7-930-90309-0547-77068 0 +40,000 40,000 70 545-96 Friends/St. Paul Library Bookstore, P7-930-90370-0547-77069 0 +25,000 25,000 71 546-96 Hillcrest Rec. Center Theatre, P7-930-90310-0547-77070 0 +30,000 30,000 - - - � 74 549-96 History Center Exterior Signage, P7-930-90310-0547-77073 0 +27,900 27,900 75 550-96 Landmark Center Streetscape, P7-930-90370-0547-77074 0 +35,000 35,000 76 551-96 Jackson Street Roundhouse, P7-930-90310-0547-77075 0 +12,000 12,000 77 552-96 Museum on Wheels, P7-930-90310-0547-77076 0 +10,000 10,000 7 - - - - 79 554-96 Showboat Renovation, P7-930-90310-0547-77078 0 +22,900 22,900 80 Cultural District STAR Loan Prog, P7-930-90309-0547-77079 0 +261,400 267,400 $1 TOTALS 250,400 649,276 899,676 o� Page 2 of 3 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 p. 3c3f 3 q �- s �� SPENDING PLAN CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED Adjustment to 1995 Neighborhood STAR Sudget BUDGET BUpGET 116-95 Strong Neighborhoods/ESNDC, P7-930-90306-0547-77023 100,000 -10,000 90,000 116-95 Strong NeghborhoodslDistrict 5, P-7930-90306-0547-77065 0 +10,�00 10,000 TOTALS 100,000 0 700,000 Y BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cultural RESOLVED, that the unallocated � Finance and Management Director Planning and Economic Development � P Y�_ Navs Absent Requested by Department of: R� Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY= � i . [� , �>� Approved by May r: D te 3 BY. / °� 4� ��� ��i� ��������� fl�����! . ... . -. . .�li�� % V .. -:�,�-�- r' BY: dUD� Page 3 of 3 ion to �-�-= s � � 39��6 Development 5/8/96 GREEN SH INRIAUD mDEPAqTMENTDIRECTOR �CITYCqUNCIL _ SIGN �CITYATTORNEY OCT'CLERK NYBER FOR A � POUfING � BUDGEi DIRECiOA FiN. & MGI SERVICES D � f G � p � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn � �J � Q h!� TOTAL # OF SIGNATUAE PAGES {CL{P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Cultural STAR Board Recommendations for Cycle 2, Cultural STAR Program.p..y��'�lC�wy,.,,� Approve (A) or Feject (R) PLANNING COMMISSIQN _ CIVI� SERVICE COMMI$$ION GIB COMMITTEE � (�,���� STAFF _ �ISTRICTCqURT _ JRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SEpVICE CONTqACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/Firm ever worked under a contrad for this tlepartmen[? YES NO 2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee? � YES NO 3. Ooes this persontfirm posuss a skill not normally possessed 6y any curcent city emqloyee4 YES NO Explaln all yes answers on separate sheet and attech to green Sheet Cycle 2 of the Cultural Capital Investment (STAR) Program. Proposals have been reviewed by the Cultural STAR Board and funding recommendaitons are attached for review of City Council members. Capital Projects that will strengthen the Cultural Distnict or link with the Cultural District can be implemented. None ���a:��jf ;�2,�,_. .;>,� � C9 , ; t,<i�°`l /�a dd iJm�V IF Projects will not be implemented 899,676 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION $ Sales Tax Revenue FUNDIWG SOURCE FINANCIAL MFOflhSATIOM (EXPLAIN) � COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO P�-930-90309-0547 ACTIVITY NUlABER �� 90310. u7 ORIG{�.��L � Presented By Re£erred To Covncil File # �"�� Green Sheet # i �. RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � � WI�REAS, on July 13, 1994, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul established the Cultural Capital Investment (Cultural STAR) Program, C.F. 94-1005; and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 WHEREAS, the Cultural STAR Program is funded with ten percent of an additional one-half of one percent sales tas on sales transactions that occur within the city, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 297A, authorized by the State of Minnesota, Chapter No. 375, Sec.46; and WFIEREAS, the purpose of the Cultural STAR Program is to fund capital projects to further cultural activities; and WIIEREAS, the Departrnent of Pianning and Economic Development (PED), in the second cycle, received 16 applications to the Cultural STAR Grant and Loan Program; and WI�REAS, PED, the Cultural STAR Board, and the Mayor have evaluated the 16 applications and forwazded their recommendations to the City Council; and 17 WHEREAS, approval of projects at this point means the applicants have six months to secure private match 1' ommitments, comply with project stipulations, when applicable, and work with PED and other city departments as 1 required; and 20 21 VJFIEAEAS, upon conformance with all project stipulations the STAR grant agreements and other required 22 documents wili be signed; and 23 24 WHEREAS, should an entity not comply with stipulations and other requirements, and is not under contract within 25 the six month period following City Council approval, that entity will not be funded and the funds will revolve 26 back to the Cultural STAR grant budget to be used for the next funding cycle; and 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WHEREAS, projects that are funded at less than the original request will reduce any direct project costs in proportion to the cut in funding; and WHEREAS, the "Cultural District STAR Loan Program" will be developed and operated as a pilot loan program, allowing business and cultural organization applicants to apply for loans throughout the yeaz; and WI�REAS, the loans are restricted to pmjects located in the Cultural District, will be reviewed by the Cultural STAR Boazd and meet Credit Committee standazds; and WHEREAS, a waiver to the Cultural STAR guidelines is recommended to allow funding of the Science Museum proposal which is located outside the Cultural District boundazies. Cuitural guidelines restrict funding of projects outside the district to 25% of the annual funds; and � WF�REAS, the Mayor, Pursuant to section IOA7.1 of the City Charter, recommends changes to the 1996 budget as listed below. _ Page 1 of 3 t3 ;4 25 1b 47 =g 49 50 �1 52 �3 54 �5 56 �7 58 39 50 61 62 63 5$ 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 7t' '�. �4 _� "r6 77 � 79 80 81 82 9G-s�� N� � KEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council approves the funding priorities an qi�r .r ) pmjects at recommended funding amounts and terms as listed on Attachment A, an� descn tn final applications, subject to compliance with the program development and implementation requirements of the Cultural STAR Prograzn Guidelines; and BE IT FURTHER 12ESOLVED, that the City Council approves a waiver to the cultural guidelines in order to fund � the Science Museum proposal; and $E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the changes to the 1996 budget listed below; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council wish to ea�tend their appreciation to all applicants and to the members of the Cultural STAR Board for their time and efforts in developing proposals and recommendations during the second cycle of the Cultural STAR Program. FINANCING PLAN Neighborhood STAR Tax Revenu t r a ns f er f rom H RA Debt Services Fund Cultural STAR Loan Program, P- 7- 9 3 0- 903 0 9-7304-00000 Cultural STAR Grant Program, P-7-930-90310-7304-00000 TOTALS SPENDING PLAN # I PROJECT NAME 535- 541-96 542-96 544-96 545-96 546-96 Cultural Loan Program, P7-930-90309-0547-7�050 Cultural Grant Program, P7-930-903 Parking Ramp imprv, P7-930-90309-0547-77049(withdrawn) Sevenih Place Plaza, P7-93D-90310-0547-77066 Science Museum 6cpansion, P7-930-90310-0547-77067 Commerce Building Buildout, P7-9 3 0-9 031 0-0 547-7 70 6 8 Fr+ends/St. Paul Library Bookstore, P7-930-90310-0547-77069 Hillcrest Rec. Center Theatre, P7-930-90310-0547-77070 CURRENT BUDGET 139,100 111,300 250,400 CURRENT BUDGET 114,100 711,300 25,000 V � � � A CHANGE 162,319 486,957 649,276 CHANGE -714,081 -111,243 -25,000 + 14,000 +300,000 + 7 0,000 +25,000 +20,000 PROPOSED BUDGET 301,419 595,257 899,676 PROPOSED BUDGET 19 57 0 • 74,000 300,000 10,000 25,000 20,000 � •�� - � .�• . � ��� ■ � �.�� ■ � �.� � �' •�. ■ � ' "� ■ �.�� �■ 27,9 35,000 4 2,000 10,000 549-96 History Center Exterior Signage, P7-930-90310-0547-77073 550-96 Landmark Center Streetscape, P7-930-90310-0547-77074 551-96 Jackson Street Roundhouse, P7-930-90310-0547-77075 552-96 Museum on Wheels, P7-930-90310-0547-77076 554-96 Showboat Renovation, P7-9 30-903 1 0-0 5 47-7 707 8 CulTUral District STAR Loan Prog, P7-930-90309-0547-77079 TOTALS 22,900 301,400 (�nr ....+.l,�rr.e,.�; y��-�.. ORIGlI��,�L Page 2 of 3 - S I a9 f 9 6 . 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 SS 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 � � � � � � NOW, TI�',REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Counci] approves the funding priorities and budgets for fourteen (14) projects at recommended funding amounts and te�ns as ]isted on Attachment A, and described in final applications, subject to compliance with the program development and implementation requirements of the Cultural STAR Prograni Guidelines; and � BE IT FiTRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves a waiver to the cu]hual guidelines in order the Science Museum proposal; and , BE IT Fi7RTF�R RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the changes to the 1446 budget BE IT PURT'I�It RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council wish to ea2end their ap and to the members of the Cuitural STAR Board for their time and efforts in developing recommendations during the second cycle of the Cultural STAR Program. FINANCING PLAN CURRENT Neighborhood STAR Tax Revenue, transfer from HRA Debt Services Fund BUDGET Cultural STAR Loan Program, P-7-930-90309-7304-00000 139,10 Culturel STAR Grant Program, P-7-930-90310-7304-00000 111 0 TOTALS SPENDING PLAN # PROJECT NAME 53 5-95 541-96 54Z-96 544-96 545-96 546-96 547-96 548-96 549-96 550-96 551-96 552-96 553-96 554-96 Cultural Loan Program, P7-930-90309-0547J7050 Cultural Grant Program, P7-930-90310-0547-77051 Parking Ramp Imprv, P7-930-90309-0547-77049(wi drawn) Seventh Place Plaza, P7-930-90310-0547-77066 Science Museum Expansion, P7-930-90310-05�-77067 Commerce BuiVding Suildout, P7-930-90310� 547-77068 Friends/St. Paul Library Bookstore, P7-93 -90370-0547-77069 Hillcrest Rea Center Theatre, P7-930 0310-0547-77070 History Theatre Improvements, P7 30-90370-0547-77071 Park Square Theatre Marquee, -9 30-9031 0-0 5 47-7 7 07 2 Histo,ry Center Exterior Sign e, P7-930-90310-0547-77073 Landmark Center Streets pe, P7-930-90310-0547-77074 Jackson Street Roun ouse, P7-930-90310-0547-77075 Museum on Whee , P7-930-90310-0547-77076 Ordway Theatr Carpeting, P7-930-90370-0547-77077 Showboat novation, P7-930-90310-0547-77075 Cultural �strict STAR loan Prog, P7-930-90309-0547-77079 CURRENT BUDGET 114,100 111,300 25,000 0 0 0 0 0 V � � � V � �■ n n TOTALS I 250,400 �������,�. 1 62,319 486,957 649,276 CHANGE -1 7 4,081 -111,243 -25,000 + 14,000 +300,000 +10,000 +25,000 +20,000 + 10,000 r 36,400 +27,900 +35,000 + 12,0�0 +10,000 +75,000 +22,900 + 301,400 649,276 ; and to all applicants and PROPOSED BUDGET 307,419 598,257 899,676 PROPOSED BUDGET 19 57 0 14,0 300,000 1 0, 0 0 0 25, 20,000 10,000 36,400 2 7,90 0 35,000 12,000 10,000 7 5,00 0 2 2,900 301,400 899,676 Page 2 of 3 82 83 84 85 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96. 97 48 99 � 100 101 102 103 � Planning and Economic Development c�'� ��� ��� � � � �,� s � Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: � a A.r By: �proved by Mayor: ay: SPENDING PLAN Adjustment to 1995 Neighborhood STAR Budget 116-95 Strong Neigh6orhoods/ESNDC, P7-930-90306-0547-77023 116-85 Strong Neghborhoods/District 5, P-7930-90306-Q547-7706 e, 91.-5�� CURRENT CHANGE PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET 700,000 -10,000 90,000 0 +10,000 10,000 ioo,000 o ioo,000 ,> n < t_ /' � �i� �- i �. �771 � i�r��i ..� - � �/ � � � � i � ��. �.� � ' � � A� r � � � L. . � / i /� / C / �. i � s c -;. � . . -_ `- ' • - �.� ``1�.�a �� -- — — / . 1�'�7t � / i.� • .�� :�.��� •� 1 . � � � I .v � �- I i ��. .ri% • � ♦ � � l� l � � � � � ,. .� / Date oREGf��a� //Ell1/f/!�� . ... . - _ �� �rv: �/ � .. -.� By: Page 3 of 3 !` to Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �c:-s�� 3922s ne�e�a °�"s'isi96" GREEN SH WRIAVO�j� INITIAlAAT6 m DEPAFTMENT DIRE �� � CfTY COUNCIL • TIUM FOA � ��TMAnORNEY � CITY CLERK AT POUTiNG � eUOGES OIFECTJP FIN. & M SEAVICES DIR. �� G 0 p � MAVOR (OR ASSISTAN"n �+ � u h ��'� TOTAL # OP SIGFIATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL COCAIYONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTE�: Approval of Cultural STAR Board $ecommendations for Cycle 2, Cultural STAR Program.p.� l�'�tGZtKw,.�' Appmve lA) or _ PLANNIN3 COMMISSION _ GNIL StnVict wmmiaa��n _ CB COMMITTEE _� �-- _ STAFF — __ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL O&)ECTIVEI PPOBLEM, What. When. PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSi ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has this persoNfirtn ever worked under a contract for this tlepartmentl YES NO 2. Has this person/firtn ever 6een a crty employee? ' . YES NO 3. Does this persunRirtn possess a skiil nof `rormal7y possessed by any cument city empbyee? YES NO Explain ell yes answen on separete aheet and attach to green sheet Cycie Z of the Cultaral Capita! Investment (STAR) Program. Proposals have been reviewed by ihe Culmral STAR Board and funding recommendaitons are attacLed for review of City Council members. Capital Projects that will strengthen the Cultural District or link with the Culturat District can be implemented. APPROVED: None $i �x�'�'.� ' "^r' �': ,, „ - - . ;, ...� �. �y iv .���J fF ProjecYs well not be implemented TOiAL AMOUNT OF iRAN5ACT10N 899,676 Sales Tax Revenue FUNDING SOUHCE flNANCIAL INFORFnAT10N: (EXPIA�N) ......�_ - J COS7/REYENUE BUDGETED {CIRCLE ONE) YES NO P7-930-90309-0547 ACTIVITY NUMBER ` ��iy- 90310 . � �I `-SG� CITY �F' s�r pA�. 390 City Hall Telephone: 6I2-266-8510 Norm Coleman, Mayor IS West Kellogg Bwleva�d Facsimile: 612-228-85I3 Saixt Paul, MN 55702 May 9, 1996 David Thune, Council President Members of the City Council 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear President Thune and Members of the City Council: RE: Cycle 2, Cultural (STAR) Program Funding Recommendations It is my pleasure to forward for your review and consideration a proposed Council Resolution which identifies funding recommendations for the 2nd cycle of the Cultural STAR Program. The recommendations are for capital improvement projects to be funded with Cultural STAR loan and grant funds. Proposals include Cultural, Commercial and Public Improvement projects including a Cultural District STAR loan program that will fund businesses in the Cultural District and Cultural organization projects throughout the year. I would like to make the following minor changes to the STAR board recommendations. 1) that the "Commerce Building BuildouY' project be changed to a$40,000 loan; and 2) that the "Hilicrest Theater" project be increased to $30,000 with a second year (1997) grant of $20,000 to bring the percentage of funding more in line with what has been recommended for other projects. My recommendations are outlined on attachment A. The Cultural STAR Program funding recommendations before you are based upon a participatory evaluation process that included a video of proposal sites, interviews, and review by the nine member Cultural STAR Board. This 2nd cycle of the Cultural STAR Program involved a total of sixteen (16) applications. The completion of the review process came on May 2, when the Cultural STAR Board made its fina{ recommendations on funding amounts and terms for the fourteen (14) proposals fisted on Attachment A. I urge your support of: • the STAR Board Resolution including the financing and spending plans; and • the funding recommendations (attachment A). If you have any questions about the 2nd cycle process or would like additional information on any of the proposals, please contact Amy Filice at 266-6648, Joan Trulsen at 266-6694, or ponna Drummond at 266-6556. Si cerely, orm �_�-- � e.�------�, "Coleman � � u Mayor � F N i Y U N ��� oo�ooeoevo°ooe ° o o a e< o00 ° om�' H O H N N� 1��1 N t�H N N n N Nlh4 d�Ht�VaKdf�dSMYa N v U � ❑ £ „ o in u o � � � 5 , r3 F ��a o � � ° P � ' " o ,G 0 i v U `° ° � V eq � V a`o Y Z 3 ' m � a:i � ma' L� ¢ '. � ds+.—��-e o3 oo�d ° wh m v� ri �.°, n �� c�'a' d q A ry 6Li�0> au �€� a m d E y �._^ „ m" y � p, � i� ,� p $�i U x � F Z� o u �' V] � O� k^ F O O O y � V C pn o .o m�. 3 p y ti1 a. �+ v j �� � � y� C G C$ 9 p 4 d C O � U � a " S � � e d ��- R y °' E � v � o - ` � :nU x ;u� �v �C ° �u N a n O O N a� C�� p � F � C �" 6� � Cu Q f7 � d C�� rl � L � L O S-� O y L y d 0 C G CY � U 6 � � Vl G�^ �C y f^ ':av�E� gdV" � v� �ar �� �F� �,ea� y �� � w a .. F G 'J � G @ a. � O p� v 6� � o� f-� '� U U vl � H.R. '� � � v e ° c E s. $ m a,`�� � c� o x? Z y N 3 5�? V U U U U U U � P T a U O� P T � V�1 N V�1 V�1 V N N � � F � � � � T C 0 N 0 G C x � �g a � e a S "V `93E V� II Vtl V20. K v �g �dx p�� `VV ��o VVV qi�-�� 3 > E a a q� -s�� � 3 E Seventh Place Plaza 541-96CG 9�-5�� VI. BENEFI7S Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: Communify Developmenf: _ BlighUpoilution reduction _ Goods and services availability to cify resideats _ Remove vacant structure _ Redevelop vacant structure Maintain or increase tax base 1 Public improvements Safety & security imProvements _ Community services _ Historic preservation _ Open or green space improvements on o. 1 Economic � Support vitality of industry 2 Stabi{ize market vatue Remove vacant structure _ Provide self-empioyment options Create new loca{ businesses 1 Retain local businesses _ Encourage entrepreneurship i Generate private investment _ Support commercial activity _ Increase women/minority business _ increase home ownership stock # units new construction _ # units conversion _ Address speciai housing needs ! Retain homeowners in city Affordable _ Maintain housing # units rental _ # units owner-occupied Job Impacf: If this project will retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the following:" CURRENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUMBER NPE (YOUTN, CON5IRUCTION, FUWPART-TIME TOTAL WAGES retained created PERMANEM) FTE�S PER HOUR Y Every effort should be made to make fhis estimafe as accurate as possib�e. State regulations require that you meet this pledge within two (2) years or repay the funds. 12 Science Museum of Minnesota 542-96CG � G's�7 VI. BENEFITS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: _ BiighUpotlution reduction i Pubiic improvements i Goods and services availability to _ Safety 8� security improvements city residents � Community services Remove vacant structure _ Historic preservation _ Redevelop vacant structure � Open or green space improvements _ Maintain or increase tax base (calculation on p. 11) Economic Deve%pment: _ Support vitality of industry _ Encourage entrepreneurship _ Stabilize market value 1 Generate private investment _ Remove vacant structure _ Provide self-employment options Create new local businesses Retain local businesses Housing Development: _ Increase home ownership stock # units new construction _ # units conversion _ Address special housing needs _ Retain homeowners in city _ Affordable housing y Support commercial activity _ Increase women/minority business � Maintain housing # units rental _ # units owner-occupied Job (mpact: If this project wi{I retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the following:* CURRENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUMBER TYPE (YOUTH, CONSTRUCTlON, FULLIPART-TIME TOTAL WAGES retained created PERMANEN7j FTE�S PER HOUR " Every etfort should be made to make this estimate as accurate as possible. State regulations require that you meet this pledge within two (2} years or repay the funds. 12 Commerce Building Buildout 544-96CG i�.'S�.� VI. BENEFITS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: Development: i Blight/pollution reduction Public improvements z Goods and services availability to 1 Safety & security improvements city residents _ Remove vacant strueture _ Redevelop vacant structure Maintain or increase tax base _ Community services _ Historic preservation _ Open or green space improvements on p. 1 Economic _ Support vitality of industry Stabilize market vafue _ Remove vacant structure _ Encourage entrepreneurship � Generate private investment y Support commercial activity _ Provide self-employment options _ Increase women/minority business � Create new local businesses Retain loca! businesses Housing Development: _ Increase home ownership stock # units new construction _ Maintain housing # units rental _ # units conversion _ Address specia{ housing needs u Retain homeowners in city Affordable _ # units owne�-occupied Job lmpact: If this project will retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the following:* CURRENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUMBER TYPE (YOUTH, CONSTRUCTION, FULUPART-TIME TOTAL WAGES retained created PERMANENT) FTE�S PER HOUR ? Venetian Village (not 5) ? 5 ' Every effort should Be made to make this estimate as accurate as possible. State �egulations require that you meet this pledge within two (2) years o� repay the funds. 12 Friends of the St: Paul Public Library's Used Book Store 545-96CG q�-sG� VI. BENEFITS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: Community Development: _ Blight/poliution reduction J Public improvements 1 Goods and services availability to _ Safety & security improvements city residents _ Remove vacant sfructure _ Redevelop vacant structure Maintain or increase tax base _ Community services _ Historic preservation ^ Open or gseen space improvements onp.11 Economic , Support vitality of industry Stabilize market value _ Remove vacant structure _ Provide self-employment options i Create new local businesses � Retain local businesses z Encourage entrepreneurship _ Generate private investment i Support commercial aotivity _ increase women/minority business Housing Development: _ Increase home ownership stock # units new construction ^ # units conversion _ Address special housing needs _ Retain homeowners in city � Affordable housing _ Maintain housing # units rental � # units owner-occupied Job Impact: If this project will retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the foilowing;"` CURRENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUM6ER TYPE {YOUTH, CONSTRUCTION, FULI/PART-TIME TOTAL WAGES retained created PERMavEnrf) � FTE'S PER HOUR 1 Perm. Retail Mgr. Full 1 13 2 Clerks " 2 7 4 Every efforf should be made to make this estimate as accurate as possible. Stafe regulations require that you meet this pledge within two (2) years or repay the funds. 12 Hillcrest Recreation Center Theatex/Community Room 546-96CG e l�� SL� VI. BENEFITS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: Community Development: Blight/pollution reduction � Public improvements 1 Goods and services availability to _ Safety & security improvements city residents _ Remove vacant sfructure _ Redevelop vacant structure Maintain or increase tax base _ Community services _ Historic preservation _ Open or green space improvements on �. 11 Economic _ Support vitality of industry Stabiiize market vatue � Remove vacant structure ^ Provide self-employment options Create new local businesses _ Encourage entrepreneurship _ Generate private investment ^ Support commercial activity _ increase women/minority business Retain local businesses r Increase home ownership stock # units new construction _ # units conversion _ Address special housing needs _ Retain homeowners in city _ Affordable housing _ Maintain housing # units rental _ # units owner-occupied Job lmpact: (f this project will retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the following:" CURRENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUMBER TYPE (YOU7H, CONSTRUCT�ON, FULUPART-TIME TOTAL WAGES retai�ed CfP�2t2d PERMANENT) FTE'S PER HOUR 0 ' Every effort should be made fo make this estimate as accurate as possible. State regulations require that you meet this pledge within two (2) years or repay the funds. 12 History Theatre Improvements 547-96CG VI. BENEFITS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: 1 �'5�•� _ Blight/pollution reduction � Pubiic improvements i Goods and services availability to 2 Safety & security improvements city residents _ Remove vacant structure � Redevelop vacant structure _ Maintain or increase tax base Economic Developmenf: _ Support vitality of industry Stabilize market vafue _ Remove vacant structure _ Provide self-employment options Greate new local businesses Retain locaf businesses Housing Development: _ Increase home o�nrnership stock # units new construction _ # units conversion _ Address special housing needs _ Retain hameowners in city _ Aifordab{e housing _ Community services _ Historic preservation _ Open or green space improvements lation on p. 11) - _ Encourage entrepreneurship _ Generate private investment _ Support commercial activity _ Increase women/minority business _ Maintain housing # units rental _ # units owner-occupied Job lmpact If this project will retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the following:` CURRENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUMBER NPE (YOUTH, CONSTRUCTION, FULUPART-TIME TOTAL WAGES retained created PERMaNEM) FTE'S PER HOUR " Every effort should be made to make this estimate as accurate as possible. Stafe regulations require that you meet fhis pledge within iwo (2J years o� �epay the funds. 12 Park Square Thea[re Marquee/Hamm Building Awnings 548-96CG VI. BENEFITS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: _ Blight/pollution reduction _ Public improvements _ Goods and services availability to Safety & security improvements city residents 1 In-House Visitox Services � Community services _ Remove vacant structure ,� Historic preservation 9 G-SC�7 _ Redevelop vacant structure _ Open or green space improvements _ Maintain or increase tax base (calculation on p. 11) Economic Development: � Support vitality o4 industry _ Stabilize market value � Remove vacant structure _ Encourage entrepreneurship � Generate private investment _ Support commercial activity _ Provide self-employment options ! Increase women/minority business Create new local businesses Retain local businesses _ Increase home ownership stock # units new construction # units conversion _ Address speciaf housing needs ^ Retain homeowners in city Affordable housing _ Maintain housing # units rental � # units owner-occupied Job (mpact: If this project will retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the following:' CURRENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUMBER TYPE (YOU7H, CONSTRUCTION, FULUPART-TIME TOTAL WAGES retained created PERMANEN7) FTE�S PER HOUR " Every effort should be made to make this estimate as accurate as possible. State regulations require that you meet this pledge within two (2) years or repay the funds. 12 History Center Exterior Signage 549-96CG q�-S�� Vi. BENEFITS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: Community Developmenf: � Biight/poilution reduction _ Pubiic improvements _ Goods and services availability to Safety & security improvements city residents 1 Visitor Services _ Community services _ Remove vacant structure _ fiistoric preservation ! Redeveiop vacant structure _ Open or green space improvements _ Maintain or increase tax base (calculation on p. 11) Economic ! Support vitality of industry Stabilize market value _ Remove vacant structure _ Encourage entrepreneurship _ Generate private investment _ Support commercial activity _ Provide self-employment options _ Increase women/minority business Create new focal businesses Retain local businesses _ increase home ownership stock # units new construction ! # units conversion _ Address special housing needs _ Retain homeowners in city _ Affordable housing , Maintain housing # units rental _ # units owner-occupied Job lmpact: If this project will retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the following:" CURRENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUMBER TYPE (YOUTH, CONSTRUCTION, FULL/PART-TIME TOTAL WAGES retained created PERMANEIVT) FTE'S PER HOUR ' Every effort should be made to make this estimate as accurate as possible. State regulations require that you meet this pledge within two (2) years or repay the funds. 12 Cultural Corridor Streetscape Plan - Landmark Center 550-96CG VI. BENEFtTS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benef�ts: 9�� SC� Community Deve%pment: _ Bfight/pol{ution reduction _ Goods and services availabil'ity to city residents _ Remove vacant structure ! Redevelop vacant structure Maintain or increase tax base 1 Public improvements 1 Safety & security improvements _ Community services ? Historic preservation _ Open or green space improvements {ation on p. 11) - Economic _ Support vitality of industry _ Stabilize market vaiue Remove vacant structure � Provide self-employment options Create new local businesses Retain local businesses _ �ncourage entrepreneurship � Generate private investment ! Support commercial activiiy _ Increase women/minority business _ Increase home ownership stock # units new construction ,_ # units conversion _ Address special housing needs _ Retain homeowners in city Affordabie ! Maintain housing # units rental # units owner-occupied Job /mpact: If this project wiU cetain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the following:" CURRENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUMBER TYPE {YOUTH, COlYS7RUCTION, FULLIPART-TIME T07AL WAGES retained Cf08t2d PERMANENT) FTE�S PER HOUR * Every effort should be made to make this estimate as accurate as possible. State regulations reguire thaf you meet this p/edge within two (2) years or repay the funds. 12 Jackson Street Roundhouse Museum Develogment 551-96CG 1 �� 5 �'� VI. BENEFITS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: Community Developme»t; ? Biight/pollution reduction _ Public improvements _ Goods and services availability to Safety & security improvements city residents 1 Visitor Services � CO(TIIIIUftI� S@NICES ^ Remove vacant structure 1 Historic preservation _ Redevelop vacant structure _ Open or green space improvements _ Maintain or increase tax base (calculation on p. 11) Economic _ Support vitality of industry Stabilize market value Remove vacant structure _ Encourage entrepreneurship _ Generate private investment _ Support commercial activity _ Provide self-employment options ,{ncrease women/m+nority business Create new locai businesses Retain local businesses Housing Deve%pment: _, Increase home ownership stock # units new construction _ # units conversion _ Rddress special housing needs � Retain homeowners in city _ Maintain housing # units rental _ # units owner-occupied Affordable Job lmpact: if this project wiff retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the fo{lowing:" CURf2ENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUMBER NPE (YOU7H, CONSTRUCTION, FllLUPART-T1ME TOTAL WAGES retained cteated PERMANENT) FTE'S PER HOUR " Every effort shouid be made to make this estimate as accurate as possible. State regulations require that you meet this pledge within two (2) years or repay fhe funds. 12 Museum on Wheels/The Storefront Gallery 552-96GG Vf. BENEFITS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: 9 c.—s��I Community Deve/opment: _ Blightipoitution reduction 1 Goods and services availability to city residents _ Remave �acant structure _ Pubiic improvements ? Safety & security improvements 1 Visitor Link � C,OCiI(riUfll� S@NIC@S _ H+storic preservation _ Redevelop vacant structure _ Open or green space improvements _ Maintain or increase tax base (calcuiation on p. 11) Economic _ Support vitality of industry � Stabilize market value _ Remove vacant structure _ Provide self-employment options Create new local businesses Retain local businesses _ Encourage entrepreneurship _ Generate private investment ? Support commercial activity _ Increase women/minority business � Increase home ownership stock # units new construction _ # units conversion _ Address special housing needs _ Retain homeowners in city Affordable housing _ Maintain housing # units rental # units owner-occupied Job impact: lf this project will retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, {ist the folfowing:* CURRENT NUMSER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUMBER TYPE (YOUThI, CONSTRUCTION, FULUPART-TIME TO7AL WAGES refained created PERMANENT) FTE�S PER HOUR ' Every efforf should be made to make this estimate as accurafe as possible. Sfate regulafions requi�e that you meet this pledge within fwo (2) years or repay the funds. 12 Ordway Theatre 'Carpeting Manufacture and Installation 553-46CG Vl. BENEFlTS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: ���s`� Community Development: _ Blight/poltution reduction _ Goods and services avaitability to city residents _ Remove vacant structure _ Public improvements 1 Safety & sacurity improvements 1 Visitor Services , Community services _ Historic preservation _ Redevelop vacant structure _ Open or green space improvements _ Maintain or increase tax base (calculation on p. 11) Economic Deve%pmenf: ^ Support vitality of industry Stabilize market value _ Remove vacant structure ! Encourage entrepreneurship _ Generate private investment 2 Support commercial activity _ Provide self-employment options _ increase women/minority business Create new local businesses Retain local businesses 1 Retain Cultuxal activity , increase home ownership stock # units new construetion _ # units conversion _ Address special fiousing needs _ Retain homeowners in city _ Affordable housing _ Maintain housing # units rental _ # units owner-occupied Job /mpacf: If this project will retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the following:" CURRENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FTE's) NUMBER TYPE (YOU7H, CONSTRUCTION, FULUPART-TtME TOTAL WAGES retained created PERMaNEN7) FTE�S PER HOUR " Every effort should be made to make this estimafe as accurate as possi6le. State regulations require that you meet this pledge within two (2) years or repay the funds. 12 Minnesota Gentennial Showboat Renovation 554-96CG VI. BENEFITS Mark "1" for primary benefits and "2" for secondary benefits: _ BlighUpollution reduction _ Public improvements 9G-SG� � Goods and services availability to 2 Safety & security improvements city residents i visitor services _ Community services _ Remove vacant structure 1 Historic preservation _ Redevelop vacant structure _ Open or green space improvements _ Maintain or increase tax base (calculation on p. 11) Economic , Support vitality of industry _ Stabilize market value Remove vacant structure _ Provide self-employment options Create new local businesses Retain local businesses _ Encourage entrepreneurship _ Generate private investment 1 Support comme�cial activity _ lncrease womenlminority business Housing Development: _ lncrease home ownership stock # units new construction # units conversion Maintain housing # units rental , # units owner-occupied ` Address special housing needs _ Retain homeowners in city _ Affordable housing Job Impact; If this project will retain jobs or create jobs within the next two years, list the foilowing * CURRENT NUMBER OF JOBS: (FSE's) NUMBER NPE (YOUM, CONSTRUCTION, FULLIPART-TIME TOTAL WAGES retained created PeRMaNE�vTJ FTE'S PER HOUR 6 2 Students ActoYS 8 paxt-time 4 7.50 'Technicians " Every effort should be made to make fhis esfimafe as accurafe as possi6/e. State �egulations �eguire that you meet this p/edge within two (2) years or �epay the funds. 12