96-566a ' S� ���� .�. i�'s`��1,. Presented By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA �q Referred To: Committee: Date: 1 RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to eaecute an 2 agreement with the Minnesota State Agricultural Society (State Fair Board) whereby the City of 3 Saint Paul will provide various police services in return for payment to the City of Saint Paul to 4 these services, a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of 5 Finance and Management Services. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Requested by By: by Conncil sy: f Council Fiie # qG.s GG Green Sheet # 35q ^[.� L/-ZV-S B� �\ ...� 1, }� ` (/ Approved by Mayo� r: Dat�� r��('� Approved 6y Mayor for Submission to Council: BY- �, jG <j�2�S BYc � � -��1u�exn'� 96fair.xls Adopted by Council: Date: � '�,G� `�Q (e c ac-s"� DE ARTMENTlOFFICFJCOUNC0. DATE INITIATED O POLICE DEPARTMENT 4f12146 GREEN SHEET _— 3 5 9 7 CAMACf PERSpN & PHONE INf71AL(DATE INRIPVOATE DEPAHTMENTDIRE CfiYCOUNdI Chief WilliamFinney 292-3588 nssicx cmnrroaNer �cmc�nK NUYBERfO MUSTBE ON UNCILAGENDA BY (DATE) ROVi1NG � BUDGEf DIREGTOH Q PIN.B MGT. SERVICES DIR. Op�� MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ' � acnoN nEO��FSrEO . . �� ��h'C �� v5'��� �t,lroriaing aad-directing grope"r C>ty.:officials to execute an agre t the Minnesota State Agricultural Society (State Fair Board) and Saint Paul Police Department to provide various police serices. i.��d��`� f„�3�`.� RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERYfCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESS{ONS: _ v1ANNING CAMMISSION _ CML SEAVICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 this pBfWnlfirm ever wOfked ufMef a COntreEt EM Mi5 departmEntt - _ CIB COMMRTEE _ ' YES NO — �� F 2. Has this persunfirm ever heen a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTAIC7 COURT _ 3. Does this pereonttirm possess a skill not normall y Dossessad By any current city employee? SUPPOR'fS WHICH COUNGIL OBJECTIVE> YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INIT7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNI'fY (Who, Wnat. When, KTere, Why): The Saint Paul Police Department will provide various Police services for the Minnesota State Agriculhual Society (State Fair Boazd) as described in the attached contract. � m�'`����-� �� �'�� �� �P� 24 t"�fl .q�.�,, ��. �z d ���� � ����� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: In return for these services, the City of Saint Paul will receive payments from the Minnesota State Agricultural Society as described in the coniract. DISADVA13TA6E3 IF APPROVED� None. ��'���� ���� �-�sYe�' �4�a,�g ���ss��.� C-,���i' $}4 jy � A/ �1� h �( '{c� �G Isd§�V '� � � -�- �v4§! ,a:Jl, r...., " _o DISADVANTRGES fF NOT APPPAYED: The loss of revenue to the City of Saint Paul. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ Per COR'LCdCY. COST/flEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Sta#e Fair Board ACTIVITY NUMBER credit 04100 FINANqA� W FORMATION' (EXPlA1N) 9 Fai�c� q�-5GG AGREEMENT TH[S IS AN AGREEMENT, dated this 21 st day of Februarv _ 1996, by and between the CTTY OF SAINT PALTL, Iv�innesota, hereinafter referred to as "Ciry", and the MINNE50TA STATE AGRICIJLTURAI, SOCIETY, hereinafter referred to as 'State Fair". WITNESSETIi: TT IS MUTUALLY ACsREED BY AND BETWEEN THE CTTY AND STATE FAIR AS FOLLOWS: 1. That for the consideration hereinafter stated, the City ��ill provide traffic direction, crowd control, parking enforcement and general police services during prepazation and operation of the annual Tvlinnesota State Fair and specificaily will provide service at the following intersections: Snelling and Como, Snelling and Midway Parkway, Snelling an3 Hoyt, Cleveland and Commonwealth, Como and Underwood, Como and Canfield, Como and Cathlin. 2. In addition, and if deemed necessary by the City's officer in chazge of the detail and agreed to by the State Fair, the City will pro��ide general police services, parking enforcement and traffic and crowd controt at other intersections and areas which may become affected by a M'innesota State Fair event. 3. That the City wiIl make every effort to recruit volunteers to supplerr,ent the traffic and crowd control efforts during the Minnesota State Fair and these volunteers will be provided at no cost to the State Fair. 4. That the City will provide the State Fair wi:h access to it police records report system by providing a sufficient number of compiaint number and blank reports to handle the volume of police reports generated by the State Fair Police. Further, that these reports will then be merged into the City's police record system where pennanent recordkeeping and availability for year-round investigation followup can be provided. 5. That as a result of police activity during the annua? Ivfinnesota State Fair, the City will provide the State Fair with all Crime Laboratory services and end of fair follow-up and/or coordinated criminal investigation services necessary to complete any criminal investigation. 6. That the City wiil provide ths State Fair with six police marked patrol vehicles to include vehicle radio and red lights and sirens, said vehicles to be provided for a 22-day period during the annual State Fair. The State Fair shall reimburse the City of Saint Paul Police Department for use of squad cars at a rate of Fifly Dollars ($50) per day, adjusted yeady to reflect increases or decreases in the consumer nrice index. q`-s�G 7. That the City will assign two Police K-9 teams to provide foot patroi *.o the State Fairgrounds, during the fourteen days that the Minnesota State Fair is operational, and will be assigned from 2400 hours until released from their duties by the State Fair Police Watch Commander. The officers will receive their geogaphicaf areas of responsibiIity from the State Fair Police Watch Commander. 8. During the period of the annual State Fair, to facilitate radio communications between the City Police Department and the State Fair Police, the City will provide the State Fair with a radio control station capable of being wired into the State Fair radio transmitter. This will allow the Saint Paul Police Channel3 and State Fair Police L7HF and State Fair � to be simulcast and a message received by all necessary officers. During the rest of the yeaz the Ciry wili authorize the approgriate staff persons of the State Fair to communicate on the same radio frequency as the police uYilize in the Western District Police Area, and the City wili provide such training, instniction, radio repair and maintenance as is necessary to effectively promote communications. State Fair agrees to reimburse the Saint Paul Po]ice Department for repairs of State Fair radios. 9. Also for the consideration hereinafter stated, and during the rest of the non-fair time year, for the period during which State Fair Police aze not actively engaged in full-time law enforcement duties on the State Fairgrounds, the City agrees to incorporate the State Fairgrounds, for the purpose of law enforcement activity into the City's Police Department boundaries and that the City will provide routine police patrolling consistent with the assignment of police officers and squads to the general area, and it is understood that routine patrolling will include general traffic supervision and building surveillance. 10. That, pursuant to paragraph nine (9), immediately above, the City will further respond to the State Fair's request for services as the result of specific events and/or incidents, they being by way of illustration and not of limitation, traffic accidents, burglaries, crizninal damage to property and assaults. 1 I. That the State Fair wili promote and secure the cooperation of its sta:�; without expense to the City, and as is needed to successfully prosecute arrestees. 12. That the State Fair authorizes the Saint Paul Police Department access and use of the Minnesota State Fair Machinery Fiill for dog training exercises subject to the availability of the area and provided that notification and any arrangements for its use be made with the fair's special events coordinator at least 24 hours in advance. If a state Fair building is requested for usage as a part of this dog training exercise, the contract fee heteinunder provided is to be reduced by One Hundred Dollars (5100.00) for each usage. The Saint Paul Police Department will be responsible for any and all costs incurred by the Minnesota State Fau as a result of this usage, including, but not limited to, all property loss and/or damage Yo State Fair property caused directly or indirectly by the Saint Paul Police Department, its agents, employees, guests, participants or attendees. Should nottfication not be given to the rair`s Special Events Coordinator in accordance with guidelines above, State Fair reserves the right to cease any training exercise which may be in operation on the grounds. 9`- 56f� 13. The State Fair shall reimburse the city of Saint Paul Police Department for service described in paragraph(s) one (1) and two (2) ofthis agreement fifty percent (50%) ofthe hourly wages of such police officers (excepting the Cit}�s contribution to regular fiinge benefit programs as the City shall certify to the State Fair). That the certification of the Ciry shall state the name and rank of each police officer and the hours of assignment in vehicular and pedestrian traffic controi as well as the houriy wage defined above for such officer. The State Fair agrees to pay the City all monies due hereunder and as shown by the invoices or statements submitted to the State Fair within 30 days after such suhmission. 14. The City shall keep a record of its costs in providing the setvices described in paragraphs five, six, seven and eight to the State Fair and shaii prepare an itemized statement thereof showing the amount due hereunder and submit the same to the State Fair no later than 30 days after the performance of said services. 15. For the services described in puagraphs nine (9) and ten (10), the State Fair agrees to reimburse the City of Saint Paul Police Department Ten Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($10,500.00) for the 1996 contract yeaz. Reimbursement for services performed pursuant to paragraphs nine (9) and ten (10) in future contract years shall be at a rate adjusted yearly to reflect percentage increased or decreases in the hourly wages paid to the members of the Saint Paul Police Federation. Statements submitted by City pursuant to this paragraph shail be submitted 30 days prior to dctober 1, annually. 16. Any person engaged in work under this agreement to be performed by the City under this agreement shall be considered an employee of the City. All clauns that may or might arise under the Worker's Compensation Act ofthis State on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third pariy as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees while engaged in or as a result of any of the work contemplated herein shail be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. The City shail not be'responsible under the Worker's Compensation Act for any employees of the State Fair. 17. The parties agree that all persons working on the State Fairgrounds under this agreement are employees of the City or of third persons and are in no way employed by the State Fair provided, however, that this clause shall not apply to persons employed directly by the State Agricultural Society. All contracts and agreements made by the City with third parties for the performance of any work to be done under this agreement shall be subject to the terms of this agreement. 18. The City of Saint Paul Police Department may de:er responding to or suspend performance for the State Fair in deference to providing essential police services to the City of Saint Paui without penalty or liability of any kind, but will respond or renew performance when feasible to do so. 19. This agreement, between the City and the State Fair shall continue on a year-to- year basis, subject to temunation by either party upan a written notice of at least ninety (90) days prior to its anniversary date. 9�-S �G 20. As provided by Ivfinn. Stat. 16B.04, all books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices of the City relevant to this agreement shall be subject to examination by the Society and the Legislative Auditor. 21. This agreement shall not be construed as a relinquishment by the society of any of its powers or controls over the state fair grounds vested in it by Minn. Stat. Ch. 37. . , . 9�-SGG IN WITIIESS Vdf�REOF, the parties have set their hands the date first above written. as to Form: CITY OF SAINT P By: Mayo By: Director, Departm and Man emen ei By: . ... Chief of Police TA STATE AGRICULTURAL �y: It Executive Vi resident By : s-�.�-- Its Operations Director � ��� s � c�o�� o� � � ro�`�e�d �� `� `° � IJa ��� s � y ha--�u-ve ' �� vee w� � �/�� t,� r / � f,,eva-��- � �'ee vt �S� e��f. �e