96-555Council File # q L -SSS s '^t` `¢ �`� 1: ' q�� p [ .� . �'t i '..,' B '. i i, .. , _. . r�,.._. . RESOLUTION �1NT PAUL, MiNNESOTA Green Sheet # S 8 3 y � Committce Date WE�REAS, the Sairn Paul City Charter provides for a merit system in hiring employees; WfiEREAS, the Office of Human Resources, Employment Testing Division, develops job-related employment e�cams to ensure the integrity of that merit system; Wf�REAS, in orda for the Employmeart Testing staffto maintain their ability to provide such exams, they must participate in job-related training; WHEREAS, in order to provide up-tadate employment testing training, the Office of Human Resources is contracting with an outside consultant to come to Saint Paul and conduct two, 1-day workshops; WFIEREAS, the Office of Human Resources has opened up this training opportunity to test development specialists from other public jurisdictions at a set fee; WE�REAS, the fees for providing this workshop will be deposited back into the General Fund in order to recover the costs incurred in hiring the training consuttant; WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07 of the City Charter, does certify that there will be available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1996 budget; and WFIEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1996 budget: FINANCING PLAN 001 - General Fund - I�uman Resources 00158 - Recruitment and Selection - 4099 Fees and O.C. All Other Fund Finattcing Total Fund Financing Plan SPENDING PLAN 001 - General Fund - Human Resources 00158 - Recnritment and Selection - 0256 Registration Fees - All Other Spending All Other Fund Spending Total Fund Spending Plan Current Budget 0 150 23 1_753 150,321,753 1,700 549,508 149 770 545 150,321,753 i Changes 3,800 _� 3,800 3,800 0 _� 3,800 Amended Budget 3,800 15Q321_753 150,325,553 5,500 549,508 149,770 545 150,325,553 f `tc,-sss 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 T�REFORE, LET TT BE RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1996 budget. Approval recommended: rs�r,z=��� ' r �$�� ���P�� 4 °� s `..� i � 3� '�.,.,� � S °�� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date `� Adoptio Cer[ified by CouncIl tary g},. `"' \M � /V�` ,.. s , � , e.�� Approved by May � Date � �- � �: `�Y� l� AUMAN RESOURCES �: c . - Foim A by City ome �1�� �,_ S-2a.- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �k- �X l6' ✓ DEPARTMENf/OFF7CFJCOUNCII.: DATE INTTIATED GREEN SHEET No.: 35834 iiuman Resources 5/20/96 q�' S� CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: p R�II7IAUDATE IN17L.LDATE Nancy Stovall, 266-6510 p�IGN TDEPARTMENT DII2. � — s crrr courrcn. NUMBER ATTO CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL ACENDA BY (DATL� � �,/BUM'ET DIIt FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DII2. May 29, 1996 a�� � g MAYOR (OR AS � s Fur,wcercr�F nccourrr.wr TOTAL1fOFSIGNATUREPAGES 1 (CldPAI.Ll.00ATIONSFORSIGNATURE) ncrtox x�uesren: Approve 1996 budget amendent to reflect collection of training fees, so that funds used to pay the training consultant can be replaced with fees collected from training participants. RECOMAgNDAT10NS: Appmvc (A) or Rcjat (R) PERSQNAL SERV[CE CONTR4CTS hii1SC ANSWER THE POLLOWING QUE.SfIONS: "??.`�y s+��� PUWNINGCOI.�4.SISSION _CIVII..SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Hasthispersoo/fvmevaworkeduodera�forUvsdepartmem7 _CIBCAMMI7TEE Ya No MAY 20 � _STAFF 2. HastliispersoNfvmeverbanaciryemployee? � DIS172ICT COURT Ycs No SUPPORTS WHICH COL�NCIL OBJ£CTTVE? 3. Does uils persoNfvm poness a skill not no�mally possessed by aoy curtmt city employx? Yes No ;1=,��"p �:{f^„_ Eip1aL� all yes answers on aepante sheet and attac6 W=reen sheet � ��' '��: RA �� - INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNiTY (Whq What, When, W6ere, Why): The Office of Human Resources, Empioyment Testing Division, is hiring a training consultant to come to Saint Paul and put on two, l-day workshops on Test Development. In order to recover some ofthe consultant expenses, test development specialists from other public jurisdictions have been invited to attend the workshop and will be charged a set fee. We request that the fees collected from these jurisdictions be reflected in the 1996 budget as an amendment. ADVANTACES IF APPROVED: Employment Testing staff will be provided with high quality, test development training. We will also be able to offer this specialized training to other public jurisdictions who might otherwise not have the opportunity for this training. �SN3 E°ry'4Kh'A�'�� �Y�n.Le�9..sY dy" �C6a DISADYANTpGESIFAPPROVED: �'�' �'°""� None. DISADVqNTpGES IF NOT APPROVED: Employment Testing staff will not have the opportunity to participate in job-specific training which will make them better equippecl to do their jobs with the City. TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION: S 3,800.00 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: F[JNDING SOURCE: Workshop fees frum otder Jaiisdtctioas ACfIVCCY NUMBE2 00158 FINANG7AL Ilv'FORMATIO:�: (EXPLA[l� AGREEMENT 1�� S S S THIS AGREEMEIVT, is made and entered into this 14th day of May, 1996, by and between the CTTY OF SAINT PAUI, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter called "CTI'I'," and DARANY AND ASSOCIATES, hereinafter called "CONSLTLTANT." WITNESSETFI: In consideraflon of the mutual terms and conditions, promises, covenants, and payments hereinafter set fortb, CITY and CONSULTAI3T agree as follows: SECITON 1. Scope of Services. The CITY does hereby retain the CONSIJLTANT to conduct two full-day employment testing training sessions as follows: 'Test Development Workshop," on Thursday, June 6, 1996; and "Written Communication Assessment: Determin;ng Wgo Can Write Right," on Friday, 7une 7, 1996. SELTION 2. Time For Comple6on. The CONSULTANT shall complete the project described above by: June 7, 1996 SECITON 3. �hanges in Scope of Services. CTTY or CONSULTANT may request changes that would increase, decrease, or otherwise modify the Scope of Services. Such changes and method of compensation must be authorized in writing in advance by the CITY. SECTION 4. Billin ang�d P yment. That for the CONSLJLTANTS faithful performance of tlus Agreement, the CITY hereby agrees to pay the CONSULTANT the amount of $2,200 for the workshops as well as travel e�enses, not to exceed an additional amount of $3,000. SECITON 5. I�d�endent Contractor: It is agreed by the parties that at all times and for all purposes within the scope of the Agreement, the relationslup of the CONSULTANT to the CITY is that of independent contractor and not that of employee and that CONSiJLTANT shall be entiUed to none of the rights, privileges, or benefits of Saint Paul employees. SECTION b. H�ld Hatmless. The CONSIJLTANT shall indemnify, save, and hold harmless, the CIT'Y from alleged damages or injuries arising directly or indirectly from the CONSULTANTS negligent acts or omissions while performing the work under ttris Agreement. SECITON 7. Terurinarion Either party to this Agreement may terminate it by giving no less than thirty (30) days written notice of the intent to terminate to the other party. In the event of termination, the CONSULTAATT will be paid by the C1TY for all services actually, timely, and faithfully rendered up to the receipt of the norice of termination and thereafter until the date of terminarion. SECTION 8. Amendment of Agreement. This Agreement may be amended by further mutuai written agreement of the parties thereto. qL - SSS IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the date first above written. �ved as to Form• � Assistant ty Attomey� CTfY OF SAINT PAUL By. �� �em��� D' or, Department of uman Resources ;%' �'�f�l� D'uector, Departme of �inance & ��, Management Services �� �c/-oU/s�-Cr�S� CONSULT� � BY� /� Consultant i _ ;r ��� . _ : . I C ` .7 � � � • � • Ted Darany started the firm of Darany and Associates, in 1981 to provide personnel selection and computer consulting services. He was a charter member of the International Personnel Management Association Assessment Council's Board of D'uectors and was aiso its president. He has managed test development and research for the State of Michigan and the U.S. Civil Service Commission, and served as the Employment Division Chief for San Bernardino County, CA. He founded the Western Region Item Bank, a nationai, consortium of 158 public agencies. Organizations he has managed have won fifteen national awards for innovation and effectiveness. He won the 1987 Stephen E. Bemis Memorial Award of Excellence for Outstanding Achievement in Personnel Management. In addition, he teaches university courses in test construction, job analysis, research methods, and public administration. Mr. Darany has designed computer systems to support applicant tracking, a self-paced learning laboratory, automated item banking, and integrated document image processing. He has often been an author, workshop presenter, and speaker for personnel selection, business, and law enforcement organizatibns nationwide. January 1996 . ��-S JENNIFER FRENCH Jennifier French has over 20 years of experience as a practitioner, supervisor, and consultant in personnel selection and research in the public sector. She received her B.S. from Michigan State University and her M.A. in Measurement and Research Design from Arizona State University. From 1979 to 1994, she worked for San Bernardino County where she was responsible for recruitment and selection, selectian research, quality control, and related automation activities. Much of her selection research has involved investigations of the validity of biadata (biographical data) in public sector settings and she has presented on this topic in numerous settings and formats. 10/94 n �1C-555 TEST DEVELOPMENT WQRKSHOP � St. Paul, Minnesota June 6, 1996 I. Introductions and Plan for the Day I1. Why Test? III. Comparison of Test Approaches (written, orai, ratings, etc.) IV, Aspects of Test Quality: e.g., relevance, baiance, efficiency, objectivity, and discrimination V. Test Quality Concerns • A. Basic Statistical Concepts (video) B. Overview of Test Reliability and Validity C. Using Item Analysis to Refine Quest+ons and Improve Reliability D. Factors that Impact Reliability VI. Writing Good Items A. Principles for Writing Effective Written Test Questions B. Practice Writing Test Questions � , VII. Questions and Other Topics q�-SSs WRITTEN COMMUNtCATtON ASSESSMENT: � Determining who can write right. St. Paul, Minnesata June 7, 1996 1. introductions and Plan for the Day 11. The Importance of Writing Assessment III. Direct and Indirect Assessment Approaches: What are they and how well do they work? IV. Direct Assessment f2ating Approaches - Analytical i - Horst�� - Primary Trait V. Indirect Assessment: A wide Range of Examinee Tasks - Error recognition - Sentence correction - Paragraph construction - And more VI. Determining Which is Best for a Specific Selection Purpose - Job analysis information VII. Statistics: Determining the Effectiveness of Direct and • Indirect Writing Assessments Darany an0 Associates � � CITY OF SAINT PAUI, Office of Human Resources Employment Testing Aivision 40d City Hall Anneay Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612) 266-b500 May 7, 1996 To Minnesota Assessment Council Members: q'Co-sss In less than one month, Ted Derany and Jennifer French will be in Saint Paul to present the Test Development workshops. You have expressed interest in one or both of the offerings, so I am sending a(friendly) reminder that I need to have your registration, either written or by telephone, so I know how many to expect. Attendees are welcome to attend either one or both of the sessions. T'he price for attending only one of the workshops will be$135. For attending both, the price is $175. I will be sending out invoices, on our department letterhead, approximately two weeks prior to the workshops. Please let me know if you need additional documentation for processing. Again, the workshops to be offered are: I. TEST DEVELOPMENT DATE: Thursday, June 6, 1996 TIME: 8:00 a.m. - 430 p.m. PLACE: Room 40B, City Hall/County Courthouse (Basement Conference Center) 15 West Kellogg II. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONASSESSMENT DATE: Friday, June 7, 1996 TTME: 8:00 a.m. - 430 p.m. PLACE: Room 41, City Hall f Counry Courthouse (Basement Conference Center) 15 West Kellogg Parking in downtown Saint Paul is avaIlable in many outside lots ($3.50-$5.00 per day) or at various inside garages ($5.00-7.00 per day). Please call me for locations of lots close to the workshop sites. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Very truly yours, . ���n�� Nancy Stovall� Selection and Validation Specialist =��w..� aG AGREEMENT Su.N� S ��w.�a.? qC-5S5 THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this 14th day of May, 1996, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUI., a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, R.,v • hereinafter called "CI't'Y," and DARANY AND ASSOC7ATES, hereinafter called ` � 5 �9 4 "CONSL3LTA13T." WITNESSETH: In consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, promises, covenants, and payments hereinafter set forth, CTTY and CONSULTANT agree as follows: SECITON 1. Scope of Services. The CTTY dces hereby retain the CONSULTANT to conduct two full-day employment testing training sessions as follows: "Test Development Workshop;' on Thursday, June 6, 1996; and "Written Communication Assessment: Determining Who Can Write Right," on Friday, 7une 7, 1996. SECITON 2. Time For Completion. The CONSULTANT shall complete the project described above by: June 7, 1996 SECTION 3. Changg, in S�e of Services. CITY or CONSULTANT may request changes that would increase, decrease, or otherwise modify the Scope of Services. Such changes and method of compensation must be authorized in writing in advance by the CTTY. SEGTION 4. $illines and P�, ent. That for the CONSiJLTANT'S faithful performance of this Agreement, the CITY hereby agrees to pay the CONSULTANT the amount of $2,200 for the workshops as well as travel expenses, not to exceed an additional amount of $3,OQ�. 5ECITON 5. Independent Contractor: It is agreed by the parties that at all times and for all purposes within the scope of the Agreement, the relationship of the CONSULTANT to the CITY is that of independent contractor and not that of employee and that CONSULTANT shall be entitled to none of the rights, privileges, or benefits of Saint Paul empioyees. SECITON 6. Hold Harmless. The CONSUI.TANT shall indemnify, sa�e, and hold harmless, the CIT'Y from alleged damages or injuries arising directly or indirectly from the CONSLJLTANI'S negligent acts or omissions while performing the work under this Agreement. SECTION 7. �'grmination. Either party to this Agreement may terminate it by giving no less than thirty (30) days written notice of the intent to terminate to the other party. In the event of termination, the CONSULTAIdT will be paid by the CITY for all services actually, timely, and faithfully rendered up to the receipt of the notice of termination and thereafcer until the date of termination. SECfION 8. Amendment of Agreement. This Agreement may be amended by further mutual written agreement of the parties thereto. q� - 555 IN WITNESS VVHEREOF, the parties have executed this ?,geement on the date first above written. �ved as to Form• � _ � Assistant ty Attomey� CITY OF SAINT PAUL : "� �c �u �\ �u� � �� � � - � . �u - � � �� . � ' - � Director, Department of Finance & Management Services CONSULTANT B consultant q�-��5 TEST DEVELOPMENT W�RKSHOP St Paul, Minnesota June 6, 9996 i. Introductions and Plan for the Day 11. Why Test`? III. Comparison of Test Approaches (written, oral, ratings, etc.} IV. Aspects of Test Quality: e.g., relevance, balance, efficiency, objectivity, and discrimination V. Test Quality Concerns A. Basic Statistical Concepts (video) B. Qverview of Test Reliability and Validity C. Using Item Analysis to Refine Questions and Improve Reliability D. Factors that Impact Reliability VI. Writing Good Items A. Principles for Writing Effective Written Test Questions B. Practice Writing Test Questions Vll. Questions and Other Topics q� . WRlTTEN COMMUNlCATION ASSESSMENT: Determining who can write right. St. Paul, Minnesata June 7, 1996 I. Introductions and Pian for the Day !1. The importance of Writing Assessment 111. Direci and )ndirect Assessment Approaches: What are they and how well do they work? IV. Direct Assessment Rating Approaches - Analytical - Holistic - Primary Trait V. lndirect Assessment: A wide Range of Examinee Tasks - Error recognition - Sentence correction - Paragraph construction - And more VI. Determining Which is Best for a Specific Selection Purpose - Job analysis infiormation Vll. Statistics: Determining the Effectiveness of Direct and Indirect Writing Assessments Darany anG Associates CITY OF SAINT PAUL �"' - °�� Office of Human Resources Employment Testing Division 400 City Hall AnneJC, Saint Paul, MN 55102 (612) 266-6500 May 7, 1996 To Minnesota Assessment Couneil Members: In less than one month, Ted Derany and Jennifer French will be in Saint Paul to present the Test Development workshops. You have expressed interest in one or both of the offerings, so I am sending a(friendly) reminder that I need to have your registration, either written or by telephone, so I know how many to expect. Attendees are welcome to attend either one or both of the sessions. The price for attending only one of the workshops will be $135. For attending both, the price is $175. I will be sending out invoices, on our department letterhead, appro�mately two weeks prior to the workshops. Please let me know if you need additional documentation for processing. Again, the workshops to be offered are: I. TEST DEVELOPMENT DATE: Thursday, 7une 6, 1996 TIME: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. PLACE: Room 40B, Ciry Hall jCounty Courthouse (Basement Conference Center) 15 West Kellogg II. WRITI'EN COMMUNICATIONASSESSMENT DATE: Friday, June 7, 1996 TIME: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. PLACE: Room 41, City Hall/County Courthouse (Basement Conference Center) 15 West Kellogg Parking in downtown Saint Paul is available in mzny outside lots ($3.50-$5.00 per day) or at various inside garages ($5.00-7.00 per day). Please call me for locations of lots close to the workshop sites. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Very truly yours, r �� ��� Nancy Stovall Selection and Validation Specialist